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#990643 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 28 September 2023 - 06:56 AM

Thanks for repeating something weve all heard for the 1,000,000,000th time over these last 9 years.

Well you bringing up his home life with his kids has been repeated just as many times

#990637 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 27 September 2023 - 03:58 PM

The problem with kishimoto trying to base his family life on naruto is that naruto is a character that can be in a 1000 places at once so he has no exuse not to spend time with his kids and instead makes him look like a horrible father that doesn't want to spend time with his kids

#990626 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 25 September 2023 - 11:12 AM

Sakura has been voted 1st for strongest female character by Japan fans



#990573 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 09 September 2023 - 07:51 PM

That pumihh fan fic character

#990491 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 21 August 2023 - 05:00 PM

Sadly most kishimoto's old interviews are gone and most of the ones now are the current ones

#990412 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 08 August 2023 - 10:06 PM

Is there footage of her? I just see a vid where she says she's the game guide 😅

This trailer here https://youtu.be/xkGQLJwHCJc

#990254 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 22 July 2023 - 03:44 PM

Really? Thats news to me. Do you have a source?

From this article here https://www.animenew...omic-con/.94186

Mari Morimoto:
So the fans wanted Naruto to get together with Sakura?

Well, there's definitely camps of fans who felt that way, and there were also those that were very happy he ended up with Hinata. But there were quite passionate opinions on both sides!

I almost caused a rift in my own household too, because my wife was very upset also that Naruto didn't get together with Sakura. In fact, she complained quite vehemently to me!

Jo Otsuki:
Quite few of the female staff at Studio Pierrot that produces the anime, apparently were also upset.

Whoah. So how did you handle that, especially with your wife?

I tried to defuse the situation by assuring my wife that SHE was actually the model for Hinata. (laughs)

As you were saying that, I thought, I wonder if your family life was more like Hinata and Naruto's family or Sasuke and Sakura's? (everyone laughs)

Masashi Kishiimoto: Well it might not actually be like either. My wife is quite strong as well, she's a strong character.

Oh, so kind of like Sakura!

So I think my wife might secretly realize that Hinata wasn't really the model for her (laughs)

#990157 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 16 July 2023 - 03:46 PM

I still don't see him having amnesia working for part the beginning to part 2 because you will have to take an amount of time to explain all that. Given how part 1 we see him leaving with jiriaya to train then returns in part 2 after he has trained, its going to be like what the heck he has amnesia now for the audience to the audience and it will look stupid.

The only way I can see an amnesia story working of something happened at the end of a battle in one part of the story and skip a few years later and the character has a new identity and has to remember his old one over time, like Tokyo Ghoul

#990115 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 13 July 2023 - 12:23 AM

I feel more convinced then ever that nh and ss was not what kishimoto wanted after that minato one shot spoilers

#989973 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 01 July 2023 - 12:17 PM

I think the problem is that is that the narusaku and obirin parallels weren't really shown during the big obito fight, heck sakura only interacts with obito after he has reformed.

I think it would feel more impactful if obito notices the similarities between naruto and sakura to him and rin. Which could result in obito targeting sakura to try and break naruto, like what happened to him. Then when obito is reformed and interacting with sakura he can bring up the rin parallels with her and talk about how important she is to naruto.

I would probably also make obito situation more sympathic is it turns out the leaf village had abondoned her to the mist thinking it wasn't worth saving her and only kakashi di so because of his promise to him.

While also having that the leaf did know she became a time bomb when becoming the three tails jinjuriki planned on killing her. With obito learning all this information decides that the leaf village are worse than scum in his beliefs turns against them.

#989820 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 14 June 2023 - 11:13 AM

Sasuke in many ways feels like something that should of been a side plot, became the main plot

#989818 Politics discussion

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 14 June 2023 - 11:05 AM

"Anti-wokeness" is just normal people saying the madness needs to come to an end. Parents not wanting drag queens teaching their kids in school is not "extreme." Parents not wanting sexuality shoved down the throats of their young children is not "extreme." White people being proud that they are white is not "extreme." Americans loving their country and having pride in it is not "extreme." From what I've seen, "right-wing extremism" is anybody who doesn't agree with the left, and it's uniting a lot of people against the left regardless of cultural or religious differences. 
You keep brining up the midterms. Alright. Let's look at Florida, what is possibly the most anti-woke state in the country thanks to Ron Desantis. Ron won in a landslide where his competitor didn't even come close to winning. Why? I have a pretty strong bet it has to do with mail in ballots. Florida banned those, as did many other states. Otherwise, I'm sure Ron wouldn't have won his election. Let's remove mail in ballots and we'll see how true a lot of these races were. Because most places Republicans won were places that banned mail in ballots, whereas Democrats just magically got victories out of their asses. And if woke policies really worked, people wouldn't be fleeing leftist cities to Republican towns in Republican states.
As for international instances, Italy is a prime example of wokeness becoming a very unwelcome topic.
You say feminism hasn't gone to the extreme? Then you clearly don't spend much time on YouTube or TikTok where that's most of what my feed is. Women demanding these ridiculous standards that show just how out of touch with reality they actually are. Women that show they were probably never told the word "no" a day in their lives. Women that will happily body shame a man, then kitten and scream the second a man does the same to them. All you have to do is watch people like these to see I'm not far from the truth. Not to mention Andrew Tate and Jordon Peterson who speak out on this stuff quite a lot.
The Dadvocate - YouTube
Better Bachelor - YouTube
emilywking - YouTube
Man Talk - YouTube
Strong Successful Male - YouTube
As for your rant about Conservative men, you couldn't be further from the truth. Conservatives don't care if their wife works or not. Some women prefer the stay-at-home mom life while others don't. It's whatever floats your boat in most cases. If the woman wants to work, then fine. But her income won't be something that's towards the front of his mind, IF it's ever there to begin with. You'll occasionally get the kitten who treats women bad, but that goes for both parties, and it's more often than not what women go for most of the time. 
Feminism will die out because of abortions. So, please. Go ahead. Keep killing your younger generations while Conservatives continue to reproduce because they don't view abortions favorably unless under very dire circumstances. Conservatives already have the advantage when it comes to this because they're reproducing at a far higher rate than liberals and their fertility rate is higher. Turns out when your party supports gays, trans, and abortions, your population somehow tends to decline. Who would've thought?

Oh please a lot of what you discribe as being anti woke I have seen conservatives take to such extremes, they ban anything even remotely to topics of lgbt+ or race. Going all authoritarian about it the way they acuse on the left, only to throw a hissey fit when their own rules are used against them when the bible gets banned from a school.


Oh yes Ron Desantis the so called canidate who was supposed to beat trump for the nomination is now losing badly against him. Who has little substance and only stands for anything anti woke, that he gets into a pointless war with Disney and goes so extreme with anti wokeness that even some republicans think he goes to far when it damages florida and drives too many migrants and dlfarm workers away from the state. Heck I have seen trump recently mock him for going on about woke woke woke.

So he and other republicans did voter suppression in order to win. There is nothing wrong with having your vote sent by mail, every democratic country does it. Heck I am a postal voter in the UK, which conservatives tend to do well because alot of they elderly voters post by mail. There is no conspiracy behind postal voting rigging elections, just Democrats being so good at campaigning to get their voters to cast their ballots by mail incase they can't in person. If Republicans actually told their voters to do the same, they might do better.

Italy political is one of the most unstable countries in Europe and the world having about 68 different governments since after WW2, with most barely lasting over a year. I wouldn't be surprised if that will happen to this current and collapses in a year or 2.

I'm on YouTube all the time and have seen plenty of videos recommended being all anti woke or against feminism. I even see comments all the time on this or conservatives commenting on news videos that goes against their beliefs or narratives. 

Andrew Tate is literally the worst example you could use right now given his ongoing investigation of human trafficking.

Could of folded me with your conservative men looking for traditional women quote. Plus conservatives like Andrew Tate that you respect have stated women "belong in the home", "can't drive", and are a "man's property". If women want to be stay-at-home mothers that's there choice I hold nothing against it, but frankly I have seen certain ultra right wing conservative get upset when they don't choice that, along not having kids or having abortions.

Abortions aren't killing feminism or being the main cause for decline in populations, developed countries all over the world are having populations decline due to things like rapid develoment since the industrial revolution with morden day tech, the ecomic climate makes it too expensive to have children and causes they have made themselves like China's one child policy and Russia invasion of ukraine.

I have seen many of the consertives politicians take extreme measures against abortions that some want to ban it entirely regardless of the circumstances or reasons, it one of the main reasons Democrats won so many seats than execpted and prevented a red wavevin the mid terms.

Also I doubt liberal demographics are getting smaller, given how every presidential election execpt 2004 the Democrats have won the popular vote every time in the 21st century. Plus more young people in the country tend to learn more to the Democrats or at least anti Republican.

Just more proof "Commifornia" needs to be cut off from the rest of the country. This makes my blood boil! 
Governor Newsom proposing a 28th Amendment to the Constitution to end the gun violence crisis - YouTube

Yeah I doubt california will ever leave or be removed from the usa same with other states. I don't see anything wrong with what he is proposing, though I doubt it's going to pass.

#989806 Black Clover

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 13 June 2023 - 04:27 PM

I pretty sure the focus on Asia's return will be on yuno and noelle, as those are the 2 characters that have mostly be affected by asta in a positive way. Maybe yami since he is the mentor though I execpt more comedic reaction from him

#989765 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 11 June 2023 - 04:18 PM

I don't see how this thread is suited to have on the genreal topic of woke to be honest and should probably be on the political thread or on a thread generally abouts films if it's in relation. Unless you want to discuss the topic on any possibilty about naruto being woke, which I doubt since naruto ended before topics about that became so heated on the Internet.

Especially naruto's female cast, which is generally considered to be portrayed badly and in some cases sextet. Heck you can see this on naruto series Wikipedia page and sakura's by critic Yukari Fujimoto

Sakura's page:
Critic Yukari Fujimoto says that Sakura is an example of Naruto showing a conservative view of women. Ino, Sakura and Hinata place priority on love, treating it as more important than excelling as a ninja. Fujimoto states that during the ninja examinations, Sakura's climactic fight with Ino, her love rival, is conducted on a purely physical level, contrasting this level of skill with the supernatural abilities displayed by her male classmates at this point. When the medical ninja Tsunade is introduced, Sakura takes on a daughter-like role, learning to heal others from Tsunade's teaching, which Fujimoto regards as reinforcing a conservative idea of women — that women do not belong on the battlefield as warriors, only as nurses.[75]

Naruto series page theme section:
Fujimoto argues that the story has overly traditional gender roles, noting "[...] its representations suggest that men are men and women are women and that they differ naturally regarding aptitude and vocation". For example, the girls initially outperform the boys in the Ninja Academy, but "once the boys get serious, the girls cannot keep pace". Fujimoto points out that this does not upset Sakura, who is now surpassed by Naruto. Character development based on female roles, when it does occur, again uses stereotypical roles: Tsunade, for example, a middle-aged woman with large breasts, is a clear mother figure, and when she teaches Sakura to be a medical ninja, which requires special skills possessed only by women, the story reinforces the idea that women only belong on the battlefield as healers. Tsunade herself, who is a figure of authority in Naruto, is portrayed as ridiculous in a way that men in the same position are not. Fujimoto suggests this presentation of women may explain why the female characters are often the most disliked characters among readers of the manga.[234]

Frankly I find the word woke has lost all meaning and cringe whenever it's used. I remember when the trailers of Mario came out the anti woke crowd was saying the movie was a super woke feminist movies because of how princess peach was portrayed in the trailers, only to heal turn when the movie did well and tried to say it was anti woke when it was probably nether.

I doubt superhero movies are dead and are more just nor as popular as they use to be, mostly because for many the mcu has gotten stake and doesn't feel is has a sense of direction with this multiversial saga. Plus you still have good films coming out like Gaurdians of the Galaxy volume 3 and across the spiderverse.

I haven't seen the life action little mermaid so I can't comment on its quality, though I say it's a bit too soon to it's a financial failure as its still out in cinemas currently on 370 million when I last checked on the box office. Given how it's budget is 250 million it probably needs to make less than 500 million to actually be considered flop.

As for elementals no idea if it will flop or not, currently it's expected to get 40 million on its opening weekend, if it gets less than that maybe it will. For indiana Jones possibly since is its one of the most expensive films ever made with a budget of 300 million and it got mixed reviews from critics. Though we will have to see when it comes out.

For investment in Japan media, I say its mostly the game side of things rather than anime that are currently bring invested, heck I hear illumination have gotten the rights to do a zelda film. https://twitter.com/...MoAHt1q4uQ&s=19

Anime just not yet, though maybe something like the live action one piece film will change things if its good.

#989723 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 06 June 2023 - 12:09 PM

Though ideally not have them defend sasusaku