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Member Since 08 Aug 2014
Offline Last Active Oct 14 2016 09:06 PM

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In Topic: Can Naruto still be considered the hero we knew?

16 November 2014 - 03:36 PM

As for Naruto still being the hero we know? It's a tough question, and given the ending of the manga, an even tougher answer. The fact that there is any question or doubt in whether or not he is/was is troubling to me, and therefore I'd have to go with no, he wasn't. He accomplished what he stated were his goals but he didn't surpass his predecessors in any respect, in my opinion. The hero never got THE girl, and to me that's a big deal. Especially when it was emphasized with his teacher's last words (it is implied that Naruto was/is supposed to surpass Jiraiya) about not getting the love of his life. 


I don't know if the Tale of the Gutsy Ninja is the same as it was in the manga but if it is, Naruto's actions goes directly against what he said to Nagato when he said "That's who Naruto is." Which is disheartening. 

Yeah I agree. To question whether the character is the hero of whom the series is named after is truly saddening. And to quote the same dialogue "If you change the hero, the story becomes something else entirely" (I don't remember the exact line but you get the idea). To me, this line echoes the truth of 699+700+Movie because our "supposed hero" has indicatively changed for the worse and the story ought to follow. 

In Topic: Chapters 699 And 700 The End

14 November 2014 - 07:31 AM

So what were the red flags for you guys on the series going "wrong"?

693. And not for reasons that pertain to the romance subplot but for the fact that Naruto's character seemed lifeless thereon and kishi continued to write Sasuke as the superior figure right to the very end. 

In Topic: Kishi speaks After Naruto’s Finale (Interview)

11 November 2014 - 02:08 PM

First off, Congratulations Kishi!


Okay, passive answers for passive people, not ideal for an active situation such as this but I guess it depends which side your on. I mean, eventually it will happen, but I hope it happens sooner than expected that he admits the direction in which this manga was originally intended to go was influenced. Something at least. An explanation. That is all I'm clinging on to right now.


But its hopeless since the manga barely ended, there's an upcoming movie and part 3 is confirmed. Hence, I suppose he's going to be more reluctant in being open with these interviews and such, and he'll undoubtedly keep from exposing any feelings that might cause detriment to the buildup of this current situation. So these incoming interviews and what he has to say might be of no interest to me at all.


And lol @ "I am not good at writing romances because I feel embarrassed when trying to do so." I don't know how serious I should take the word of a man who threatens his own claims with a movie about that very thing. I fear that's about how far kishi will go in terms of shedding light on the situation. Furthermore, it's a testament to how much integrity these interviews are ready to give.

In Topic: Don't Blame Kishi

08 November 2014 - 04:32 PM

I don't think anything can actually relieve the author any responsibility of the intention that his work follows under any circumstances. One thing's for sure, we don't really know what goes on behind closed doors but trying to reason with kishimoto's distortedly written ending in assuming so is - at this point - meaningless. He is the head office. It makes no sense to point fingers at anyone other than kishi. 


I do see the crux of this argument nonetheless. Fact is, he, for the most part, predetermined NS and maybe SK as endgame. So he most likely is remorseful at going against what he originally intended -- and yes, if he is sorry, I will gladly accept his apology. Tbh, I would like that or something along the lines of explaining what just transpired. That might be enough to put me at ease. However, what happened, happened. He is still liable.

In Topic: Chapters 699 And 700 The End

06 November 2014 - 11:18 PM


It sounds like he's trying to distance himself from his own work. Now why would that be? He should be proud. It is his brainchild, his staple for the past 15 years. You reap what you sow, Kishi. 


Side-note: I wish he would come out and admit to being coerced into revising the ending. Then he makes amends by redrawing the conclusion so that it flows correctly and is consistent with the duration of the manga. 

Yeah, it's a long shot but he owes us some sort of explanation, whatever form it may take.