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What did NaruSaku mean to You?

Narusaku Naruto what did NaruSaku mean to you

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#1 Cherry-Bloss93


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Posted 06 November 2014 - 03:26 AM

I've been realizing lately that it's not good to deny things. I've realized that the best thing is to state what you truly feel, to get these feelings off your chest, so you can move on from that. That's why I opened this post. What did NaruSaku mean to you? What made it stand out from other pairings? What made them so special? Even if Naruto and Sakura are not paired in the end, it's important for us to come to terms with how we felt/feel - so that we might come to experience a peace in our own hearts. This may sound ridiculous to some people - that you can become so invested in a fictional pairing - but it's amazing how incredibly difficult it is to see two people who are so right for each other not be together, even in fiction.

We all put time into this story, and it's time we can't get back - that's probably the most difficult part. But I pray for all of you that you would be able to move on and live your lives - that even though some time has been lost, there is still time in the future for you to experience.

Anyhow - What did NaruSaku represent to me?

Naruto and Sakura represented real people, loving each other in the simplest of ways, in sickness and in health, weather out on missions or in the village, no matter where they were. To me, their relationship was epitome of romances - they had everything: the right amount of give-and-take, the mutual concern for one another's well being, the humor, the understanding, the strong bond of friendship everything I would want in a relationship. Whenever I would think about romance, I would think about Naruto and Sakura. From chapter 3, when Naruto looked at Sakura with hearts in his eyes, I thought, "I want him to gain her acknowledgement - I want him to change her, for her to realize how much she loves him in the end." The story between them grabbed my heart right away. And not something that I can't change.

Edited by Cherry-Bloss93, 06 November 2014 - 03:28 AM.


#2 Fenris


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Posted 06 November 2014 - 03:36 AM

NaruSaku is still going to be canon... :zaru:

jus drein jus daun.



#3 A_Soggy_Cactus


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Posted 06 November 2014 - 04:02 AM

*Looks around*


Okay, I guess I'll start. I'll just preface by saying I've posted more today than I have in my entire stay here. Yeah, I'm one of those members that only posts whenever something big happens. But trust me, I shipped(still do) NaruSaku hard.


Relationships are suppose to make more sense in stories than in real life. In fact, everything is suppose to make more sense. In real life, there's no such thing as foreshadowing or symbolism or anything like that. Life has unexpected turns that don't make sense and they can either be good or bad.


In Naruto, NaruSaku made sense. Kishi had all the right tools to make it happen, but he didn't. But that's not what my post is about because I've already talked about my frustrations concerning that. NaruSaku reminded me of people who marry their best friend. I'm at that age where I'm just now seeing that happen with my friends and it is the coolest thing to witness and be a part of. Because you know these people. You've known them for a really long time and you've seen their relationship start as really close friends and then you see them get closer the more you see them around each other and the more you hang out with them. And then before you know it, they're planning to get married. That's just one of the coolest things to me: to marry your best friend. 


That's how I pictured NaruSaku. Two really close friends getting closer through hardships and just going through life side by side and then maybe becoming something more than that. Their relationship just made sense and I really believe it should have happened, but it didn't and that's sad.


Slightly off topic, but still relating. I'm a musician. I play in a band. I write my own music. We're not super big, but we tour every once and awhile and it's really cool. Sorry, very off topic there. Anyway, Naruto and Sakura's relationship inspired me to write short stories. And I incorporate those short stories into songs. A lot of them are about love, naturally, but they're also about going through hardships and just about anything. Because NaruSaku is not just romance, there is a very defined and deep friendship between the two. And they experience life together. The good and the bad. And they do it well. And so I write about that very thing. Taking inspiration from my own life, and from NaruSaku.

#4 narusakuforlife1667


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Posted 06 November 2014 - 05:53 AM

It meant and still does mean everything to me (mostly because I'm going to be forever alone and watching fictional characters have a better love life then I will ever have makes me feel better about myself)



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#5 KyomaSakura1158


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Posted 06 November 2014 - 06:50 AM

I started shipping NaruSaku almost as soon as I joined the fandom. There were some things I thought were a bit cute about other ships, but the more I watched the show, the more I started to love NaruSaku. Then after reading the manga, I loved it even more.


To me, NaruSaku is love. Just that. Everything that these characters have with each other, everything these characters do for each other, is love. Naruto's Promise of a Lifetime was an example of true love. It was beautiful. To make that promise to her, even though he loves her, it just breaks me every time. Sakura's love to Naruto is an example of real love. Where his dream became her dream. She wanted Naruto to become hokage just as much as he did, if not more. 


Their love for each other outshines any of the other ships (besides MinaKushi). Their love for each other is real.

And to me, that is beautiful.

#6 Pix



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Posted 06 November 2014 - 02:55 PM

It meant that even if you weren't a perfect human being in the past, or ever, that you could grow into becoming a beautiful, mature adult. 


Yes I'm talking about Sakura. 


She doesn't need Naruto to become a great human being, but to see her grow out her childish crush to her romantic love would have been well worth the ride.

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#7 danittebane


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Posted 06 November 2014 - 03:07 PM

I joined the fandom in 2007 and it the anime was at its Shippuden part. After watching the first episode and seeing Sakura blush at Naruto, that when I decided to ship NaruSaku right away. 


People laughed at me for shipping them; but I stood by because NaruSaku was the love that made sense. It makes sense because both people grew together and were selfless about each other, and that alone just makes it so beautiful. Sure, it had its comic relief, but that's a part of it. They can be who they are with each other, they are comfortable, and they trust each other. 


NaruSaku to me is true love, how love in this modern world should be. Selfless, comfortable and trusting. 

#8 bthug


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Posted 07 November 2014 - 04:50 AM

I agree with each and every single one of you. Especially Narusakuforlife1667, its like you took the words out of my mouth. I will be alone, but watching these fictional characters gives me some solace. 


Also danittebane, I bought the first season for Naruto on dvd for $40.00 bucks just for that moment, that and the tench bridge got me really into NS. And those are not stretches, those are blatant Narusaku moments.


Anyway what Narusaku meant for me was everything. I had such high hopes for them, especially Naruto. It kept someone like me going…"wow Naruto can do it" or " if this was Naruto he would just push through it and make it happen" 


Especially when u consider this ideology with girls. I wanted Naruto to get the girl, get the girl he had been crushing on since he was little, it gave me hope, that their is a chance. But even in fiction I was let down. 


I know its dramatic, but the more I think about it, the more unbearable it is. 

#9 Win-chan


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    Favorite anime/manga: Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Death Note

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    Favorite ships: NARUSAKU!, MinaKushi, ShikaTema, IchiRuki, MustangxHawkeye, SayaxHaji

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Posted 07 November 2014 - 07:37 AM

NaruSaku, to me, meant that love came from a deep-rooted, loyal, and devoted friendship. It was about putting someone before yourself, no matter what the cost. But more than anything...


To me, NaruSaku meant that love was about being happy, and having fun, and making each other smile. It is a fact that no one made Sakura smile more throughout the series than Naruto, and I swear that every time Naruto was with Sakura, he smiled. NaruSaku proved to me that love was more than just physicality. It was about happiness.


NaruSaku, you will always live on to me.







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#10 bthug


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Posted 08 November 2014 - 12:25 AM

You know what else Narusaku meant to me…it was supposed to be redemption.


I never get my wish with these things and I have no clue why….Taiora, Harry X Herimonie, now this I just can't win. And if you look at those ships those are all controversial, because thats how it shut have been. 


I was hoping with NS I would be able to fill the whole in my heart, I really don't get invested in ships, but when I do its all out. Which is why it hurts so much. :(

#11 Rabbit



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Posted 08 November 2014 - 02:27 PM

NaruSaku means sharing each others pain and happiness. It means supporting each other no matter what. And understanding that everyone has differences that makes the relationship stronger. 



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#12 rukiasakura12



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Posted 08 November 2014 - 05:35 PM

Damn.. I started crying when I read this thread than reading the last two chapters of naruto. Now I really felt not alone. I know I'm just new here for a few months or so but when I started to enter this community even by reading the forums I started to believe that I'm not the only one thinking NaruSaku is a great couple.

Anyway, for me NaruSaku was one of the best things that happened to me because I got to meet people with the same beliefs as me. Really great people in this site that fights for their ship even though we are outnumbered by NH and SS or always bashed. For me NaruSaku led me to this wonderful site. Even though I'm just usually a reader here rather than a poster.

NaruSaku inspired me since start of Shippuuden days. At first I never liked Naruto or Sakura at first but I just like the uniqueness of the story. In fact, I hated Sakura's fan girl side to Sasuke and how she treats Naruto but I had seen her grow as a great character starting from Sasori's battle. I have been an avid fan of Naruto since my highschool days. The NaruSaku pairing gave me chance to like the series even more. I admired how both of them grew and how their chemistry blended well. They felt NATURAL as the other member said. They don't need to make a fake image in front of the other. I want to call them TRUE. NaruSaku was and ever will be THE MOST TRUTHFUL pairing for me beside Minato and Kushina. Their one of the greatest pairings of all time that's why I wished for them to come true but you will not get all things that you want which is the depressing part. I really had hoped for Naruto to get a fighting chance to convey his feelings for Sakura with a confession and everything but the ending crushed me. If it wasn't for this site I wouldn't have the guts to read the last chapters but it would gave me more heartache to watch the new movie.

Nevertheless, Sakura and Naruto will always be the pairing that gave me inspiration to continue my life. They saved me many times when I got depressed with my illness, family problem and a lot of my troubles in life. They always cheered me to strive and live on. If I die, they are one of the greatest things that happened to me. Teaching me to never give up and love will take us to many distances. So even though they weren't together I still witnessed a great story with a really inspirational pairing. :D <3

Edited by rukiasakura12, 08 November 2014 - 05:38 PM.

One Goal.. One Soul.. NaruSaku


#13 thelordofspace72


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Posted 17 August 2017 - 01:37 PM

Of course. narusaku will remain our 1st couple for ever. Because it means a lot to us. It represents how the boy-girl relationship is in real life.This relationship shows the idealistic boy and girl look at each other in adolescence. We do not forget that there are feelings of interest between them (which is love and mutual respect) because Sakura cares about Naruto. You remember at the beginning of the shippuden when Naruto fell from the Kiyobi stage when Orochimaru's fighting ended after accidentally hitting Sakura. How she ran towards him with her tears because she loved him and did not want him to suffer any more. What her teacher Yamato said to her is not important what you do for Naruto. But what is important is your feelings towards Naruto (Yamato meant her mutual love towards him).

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