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Member Since 07 May 2015
Offline Last Active Feb 14 2016 02:33 AM

#833647 Why Did Naruto Let SasuSaku Happen?

Posted by Nohvarr on 30 May 2015 - 04:32 PM

I know people want to say 'He gave up on her!' and get angry at him but really when she's confessed multiple times to another man, in his presence, even after everything he's done for her it's time to move on. Otherwise he'd look like an obssessed stalker and would be showing he's not mature enough to accept the decisions of other people. The Sakura/Sasuke relationship could've wored in theory if the Author had done more to flesh it out. However, from what I gather, he wasn't sure if Sasuke would end up as Naruto's friend or enemy until near the manga's end and thus the various romantic possibilities suffered from a sever bout of fence sitting since he couldn't lay the ground work for the final relationships until he knew whether or not Sasuke would turn out to be a hero or a villain.

#819064 Masashi kishimoto will be going to comic con in new york city

Posted by Nohvarr on 08 May 2015 - 01:02 AM

I would go so I could super kick him right in the jaw. Then I would ask beat him up until he agrees to change that piece of kitten ending.

I'm glad your not going, I'd have to stop you. As much as the ending of Naruto bothers me, getting Kishi to change it by beating him up would feel like a hollow victory at best, and would more and like just make NS fans look like a bunch of bully's that had to resort to physical violence to get their way.