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Member Since 17 May 2015
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Hello people!

17 May 2015 - 04:09 PM

Coucou to my fellow NS fans!


I'm Max, long-time NaruaSku fan whose love for the pairing has unfortunately dimmed with the Naruto ending. Actually it's not only my love for the pairing but actually me not caring and not wanting to associate myself with anything Naruto related that did it. The ending hit me hard. But I love this community and I've been a long time luker of this forum. I've recently decided to finally make an account here since I feel like being in a place where I can have fun and bond with other NS fans on many things.


I'm a pretty open person but I can get very intense when I'm debating something I like. So don't be afraid to let me know when I'm becoming too much. Forgive me for any gramar mistakes I make, I'm French.


I hope that my being here might rekindle my love for the NaruSaku pairing to what it was before the whole Kishimoto fiasco. And hopefully, I can meet new friends around here!