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Member Since 20 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 16 2016 06:43 PM

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In Topic: Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

07 August 2016 - 09:12 AM

I'm actually liking Gajeel x Levy it so fracking cute.


That's definitely my new OTP, I adore them. When I first got into Fairy Tail, I started shipping NaLu and although I still love that ship, Gajevy has the better development by far.

In Topic: Fairy Tail

20 June 2016 - 07:20 PM

Wow, I'm impressed with this chapter. If there's one thing I always hoped more out of the series, it's that it could use some more world-building and this chapter delivers (I hope). So Zera's greeting Gajeel in wherever they are right now. We know that she's very much dead, but became a "fairy", so to speak. If I'd hazard a guess, the place Gajeel is in now is the realm between the world of the living and the afterlife. I also think that it's something of a neighboring place to the CS realm, given that she's a "fairy".

What I think will happen from here on is Gajeel being guided by Zera back to the world of the living, but it's obviously not gonna be a walk in the park. We all knew that Gajeel's going to be revived somehow, but if it has to happen, I'd rather see Gajeel clawing his way back to the living world. It'd make the revival that much more meaningful to me as opposed to magically reviving DB-style.


I don't know, but I think Gajeel is really alive now. If he's in some kind of underworld/hell/purgatory, why are only he and Mavis there? Why does the landscape look just like any part of Fiore? Why is Gajeel still wounded? Why is Zera an adult when she was just a small child when she died? If she changed in the underworld, why didn't Gajeel? It could be that they were just particles and Eileen's magic simply 'compressed' them. Like i said, I don't know, but I sure am happy that Gajeel is back. Even if he isn't alive now, he'll get resurrected soon enough, because I don't see him dying again.

In Topic: Fairy Tail

07 June 2016 - 09:20 AM

So you guys really think Gajeel will come back eventually? Thanks, you made me feel so much better!

In Topic: Fairy Tail

06 June 2016 - 04:10 PM

As for the new chapter: nope nope nope nooooope!!! What have I done to deserve so much pain? I don't know what hurts more, NaruSaku not being canon even with all the development or Gajevy becoming canon in such a romantic way and then freaking dying! I seriously wasn't expecting Mashima to do this to Gajeel. No one important dies in FT and now he wants to off one of the main cast? I don't know, I still have hope left inside of me that he will return somehow, but I don't know if it's as futile as waiting for the last chapter of Naruto to come out, hoping that the spoilers were just one massive troll. 

In Topic: Fairy Tail

30 May 2016 - 06:03 PM

Yess Gajeel x Levy confirmed !!! Ah ... my heart is on heaven ... there is no other joy than seeing a ship set sail and become a cannon :wub: :wub:


I'm so high right now I can't even think straight.... Oh maaaan! Just please tell me one of them won't die in the next chapter.