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Member Since 05 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 12 2016 11:00 PM

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12 August 2014 - 11:21 PM

Hello everyone! I'm not new in this forum. I have this account for a quiet time, but until today I've never write anything. It's because English is not my native language. But I'm always reading. I'm 19 and I'm in Naruto and Narusaku fandom for a very long time. Actually, I also have a Naruto-Narusaku blog in tumblr for 2 years (more or less I'm not sure about the time) -> narusakunojutsu.tumblr.com
I also read almost everything in Narusaku tag on tumblr. (I even read all inferno180's posts until the end :D ) Today I decided to introduce myself to you guys. Even tough I'm active in tumblr, ( I mean I'm reposting things, not writing or drawing) I don't know if I will be active in this forum (about writing) because of my native language.

Narusaku is my favorite OTP, and Naruto is my favorite anime. That's why I'm trying to follow almost everything about Naruto. Following this forum and tumblr are become a daily habit for me.

I become a NS shipper when I see Sakura's reaction to Naruto's 5 tailed beast form. If you ask why I become a NS fan, I can say so many things. But I don't know how I can express myself clearly in English and in this post. But I can tell you that one of the biggest reasons why I become a NS fan is because they are so real, and so natural. I mean I can see the real love in this ship. And they have a huge improvement.

Well this is all I'm saying for now. I just thought I'm in this fandom for a long time, and I should introduce myself after all this time. I mean I know almost every active NS shippers in tumblr and in this forum, but you don't know me at all. So, thank you for reading my post :)