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Member Since 25 Sep 2015
Offline Last Active Oct 18 2015 11:37 PM

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In Topic: Least Favorite things About Part 2

04 October 2015 - 07:46 PM

1. sasuke's wishy washy personality, kishi's lack of understanding/planning for this character till this very day -.-


2. not focusing on the ninja aspect of this narutoverse

- ranks like jounin become a joke when konohamaru saved his pervy special jounin teacher

- not exploring more of the naruverse, like other villages

- konoha ninjas not having elements, it's like they never trained at all, other than sasuke and naruto 


3. uchihas like madara, itachi, sasuke, obito getting all the op powers. ordinary people like lee can do virtually nothing, as proven by guy in the war arc.


4. lack of planning in the war arc where the pacing is horrible. i could barely stand the beginning.. nobody cares about those metal samurai for instance. huge time waster.

I agree with you for with your second one entirely. I felt that we found out about all the rival villages, their history and their ninjas too late in Part II. I'd at least expect them to go into it a bit in Part 1 and they did with Suna/Kiri a bit but it wasn't enough imo. The lack of training was something that was literally irritating to me as well but not as much as the decrease in the ninja aspect. 

In Topic: Least Favorite things About Part 2

04 October 2015 - 03:21 AM

The unnecessary death of Neji, the concept of reincarnation and destiny being affirmed, and the extreme focus on Sasuke Uchiha are the top three things that I dislike the most about it. 

In Topic: Who was the main character?

04 October 2015 - 03:09 AM









I thought that Sasuke's plan was to become the 'supervillain' that the entire world would fear and have to rally together in order to beat, thus uniting the world and bringing about peace. One could say that Sasuke and Danzo were quite similar because they both wanted to become the lead power in the world; Sasuke wanted only himself/Uchiha Clan to be that power, Danzo wanted Konoha be to the top power.

I am not sure I agree with this. At least with Danzo, I got the impression that he did love his village and wanted his village to be the most powerful, Sasuke just seem to want the power for his own twisted vision of curing the world. I am pretty sure this was not his intentions at all. 

In Topic: What is considered canon in Naruto?

04 October 2015 - 03:00 AM

 it looks like there are MANY versions of the same series! first about ninjas' did anyone notice the plot shifting several times from small little OOC outbursts' like "i hate people who lie to themselves" to HUGE things like plots' pulled out of NOWHERE like the reincarnation thing, kaguya, ect then you have the last, and gaiden, and boruto which are a timeline of their own! plus other mini novels', rock lees series,various OVAs' and MORE


and THAT everyone is how you make scrambled eggs studio pierrot style! this isn't a series at all! just a bunch of ideas' crammed into one big giant mess! with no imagination, no creativity, too much carelessness about the characters', and the main original series, it seems like several different people besides kishi wrote naruto cause he can't do ANYTHING on his own!.


so, what's canon? fanon is canon! because even though they're kishimoto's characters' the series is EVERYONE ELSE'S' series! so...NOTHING IS CANON! it's every fans nightmare...or dream. i have read predictions for the chapters',doujinshi, fanfiction, seen fan art of naruto WAAAY better than what we really got!

I agree. I'd say that for me, canon ends at the end of the Pein Arc. I wasn't too thrilled with the whole forth shinobi war arc at all but I was completely done with it when the multiple power-boost transformation happened. I've truly read many fanfictions, doujinshi and fan art that are well developed, cohesive and make sense. I'd put all of those over the canon but I digress. I'd say that all of it would be canon technically because of how there isn't really canon system established in Naruto. I think the only things that are even considered to be non-canon are the movies (except for The Last and The Boruto film) but I have friends who consider it all canon. 

In Topic: Behold The Man Who Didn't Understand Love.

03 October 2015 - 06:40 PM


Honestly, IMO the only somewhat romantic moment between Sakura and Sasuke came when Sasuke was leaving the village in Part One, when Sasuke says 'Thank you' before knocking Sakura out. I do think that Sasuke was thanking Sakura for caring about him, even though he didn't really deserve it (and I think Sasuke knew this as well). At that moment, Sasuke was still somewhat redeemable because he did feel something for his comrades.

As messed up as the moment was, I would probably count the whole forest of death incident as a somewhat romantic moment because cause of how he genuinely seem to care about her getting beat up by the sound ninjas enough to try to rip that sound ninja's arms off. I can't really think of another moment were they had any real connection other then these two moments.