Oh by that way. Apparently, there was an interview with Kishimoto and Ikemoto for a French magazine. It apparently confirmed what I already thought. The story and art are all Ikemoto and Kishimoto "supervises." Which I suspect is gives advice if Ikemoto ask but beyond that leave him to his own devices.
Bail o' Lies
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In Topic: Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1
06 January 2025 - 02:18 AM
In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread
04 January 2025 - 05:23 PM
Got some hearsay about that Naruto 4 episodes mini series. Apparently, the CEO of TVTokyo said in a financial report that it will come out in this fiscal years. So, it has to come out by March 31 of 2025 for that to be true.
In Topic: Drama Queen
31 December 2024 - 10:45 PM
So are aliens the bad guys
More or less, yes. They are "the targets." If you want to think this is good vs evil it isn't. Its grey. The Boy, Kitami, is out for revenge while the girl, Nomamoto, just wants to eat aliens because she thinks they are tasty.
In chapter 5, when an alien who they were planning on killing found out that they can dispose of aliens without a trace. Instead of going "that horrible." It went, "wow that useful, hey I want to hire you to kill others of my kind I want to get rid of, what do you say?"
In Topic: Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)
27 December 2024 - 07:28 AM
I thought Berserk updates were the worse, especially, the current cliffhanger of that manga. What makes this doujin or fan content so forgettable is how long this Hinata Byakugan Princess arc has been dragged out like for eternity *sigh*. I don't like the feeling that this doujin is on the chopping board ready to be axed.
Berserk issues is the fact the original creator you know died and a friend is trying to finish it to the best of their ability in honor of the original mangaka. If they don't then their reputation will be torn apart.
The problem with this fan project is it trying to turn a project that was about glorifying Hinata and justifying her becoming the love interest...no that she is the true main character and the most perfect woman to ever been created and deserves the man she is entitled to; into a NS story with without changing that much. So there is a lot of the plot is about Hinata in this story, which this artist might not be that interested in or maybe they are getting tried of the idea of this rewrite. Like I said years ago they should have just made their own ending if they were this passionate instead of trying to change The Last.
In Topic: Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Chapter (8)1
19 December 2024 - 11:55 PM
Ah another on the 19th instead of the 20th. Well Merry Christmas everyone. Jump Festa should be happening within the next week...oh wait it was the 20-22.
Summary Time: Chapter 17. Wild Beast Cubs...sounds like a pop band.
Cover Page is the two Neo-Sand Siblings besides the one that got eaten by a tree. Both of them have hoodies and black pants...for ninja that live in a desert and the problem of style over function for Ikemoto's designs shows once again. One is a blonde girl (Yodo, oh what a name) that looks like she about to release a rap album so Blondie for now (Wait! I got it! Blond-D, it still generic while keeping the wannabe gangster rapper vibe,) oh she is wearing uggs, as well as having a g string, remember she is underage, and a boy (Araya) with a goatee, a sword, and a blindfold so Blindfold...Mix Master Fold.
It begins with Salad remembering Clone's whining from last chapter. Cups notices her head is not in the game. Tree-Moegi and Tree-Shiki talk they are looking for Bolt, the trees informed them that Bolt had placed his toad where they stood, and the world tree's roots have spread everywhere even in the desert...sorry, just that I can see nearly ever curve on Tree-Moegi's body through her leather suit and it gave her bangs on her head. Blondie has good ears and over hears everything they are saying...she also knows Tree-Moegi's name, I just going to assume she introduce herself when she fought Gaara. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Sorry. Konohamaru ask everyone if they are ready which Salad is not... and we get to see a front portrait of her which I haven't seen in a while God her design is just bad especially that hair.
...How do they know Tree-Shiki's name? Did Clone Jiraiya tell them that? Blond-D ask if they defeat them can they revive her brother. Oh we get informed of their names...I think they are silly. Mix Master Fold is concerned about Blond-D so she gets pissy.
I get a forward profile of Konohamaru...his design is also bad. Instead of attacking from stealth they decided to be a group of unassuming travelers that have just stumbled upon strangers while looking for Bolt...right these are Kishimoto characters so they have to act stupid. Tree-Moegi reacts to seeing her target...I doubt they informed Konohamaru of that. Huh? I was wrong. She is horny seeing him and is too embarrassed to talk to him...this is Ikemoto's type again young girls with long legs that dresses like some hipster pop deva (kindest way to describe them, less kind HOES) while shyer than Hinata at the nudist convention when talking to the boy they like.
Flashback of Shikamaru giving Konohamaru an info dump. Oh he did tell him, he is a target. He says they are like newborn animals innocent that don't know right from wrong. So they should befriend them, then betray them to get their bulbs...so many ways this can go wrong.
Neo-Team 7 talk while the Sand Siblings hide. So they act like they are just looking for Bolt and ask to team up...and Cups like a moron finds a piece of metal Bolt uses for his teleports and says this out loud informing the Tree people of info of Bolt's capabilities they did not know. Even if this is to sell the disguise this is beyond stupid. They decide to use their act to split up the two tree people Tree-Shiki goes along with it due to the info, while Tree-Moegi is too shy to do anything but just stare at Konohamaru.
More flashback Shikamaru informs Konohamaru that he is Tree-Moegi's target because she has romantic feelings for him and to use this to gain an edge over her. He decides to sit down on some rocks and talk to her...remember her goal is to eat him. Once she gets over this swell of emotions that what she should do and the best way to have her get over this is to stab her in the back.
Clone Jiraiya has a toad with both Shikamaru and Hime. He ask for Hime to look at the current events while she is worried about Tree-Bug seeing her. He says not to worry as he should be at their base. He informs Bolt and informs him he is not allowed to get involved in this fight because if he does Tree-Jenga will sense him get involved and kill them. The only chance of this plan working is if he stays here...so obviously he won't. Or, is this going to be the way they are going to make him sit out of fights so there is any suspense to fights he is not involved in? "Oh no! Clone Jiraiya says that he can't get involved in this fight due to it affecting their planned future too much. Its up to Salad to win this fight on her own! You know what have been better than this? NOT kittening WITH THE POWERSCALING SO MUCH YOU CANNOT HAVE YOUR MAIN CHARACTER FIGHT ALONG SIDE ANYONE ELSE BECAUSE THE POWER GAP IS TOO BIG!!!!!
We see Tree-Jenga at the bookshop getting more books...he even pays see he gets that from Jenga of the nice manners. Who I hope you will all remember was nice enough to smack Sasuke in the face with his growing big black rod.
Chapter ends with Nail threating Madoc to get his upgrade.
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