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Member Since 02 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 19 2007 05:17 AM

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what would you do if naruhina happens

11 June 2007 - 10:28 PM

:shamefulcry0js: :shamefulcry0js: :shamefulcry0js: :shamefulcry0js: :shamefulcry0js: :shamefulcry0js:
Sadly this is a possibility but im still 250% narusaku ALL THE WAY!!! But im getting worried cuz allot of people on deviantart have been saying that its going to happen soon in the manga *spoiler * because hinata gets paired off in naruto's team for the hunt for Sasuke!* so what would happen to you personally if naruhina were to actually happen

*crawls under bed and sobs. While eating a tub of ice cream* WHY KISHIMOT WHY DO U TORTURE US SOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! sweatdrop.gif