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Member Since 04 Jul 2006
Offline Last Active Dec 30 2006 08:59 AM

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In Topic: SasuSaku dying?

29 December 2006 - 08:53 AM

QUOTE (Pite @ Dec 29 2006, 08:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The Might as well end pairing less to satisfy all readers... Thought leaving them with dirty Doujins and Fanfiction about "What could have happened."

Thought so... pairingless ending would solve everything, wouldn't it? sweatdrop.gif (poligamy solves everything too! *drops dead)

In Topic: a shocking secret!

29 December 2006 - 08:46 AM

They're nearly a year apart I think. WHats wrong with an older woman dating a younger man?! (unless it was like... some old granny with a teenage boy er something... EW lol)

In Topic: SasuSaku dying?

29 December 2006 - 08:39 AM

What makes SasuSaku dead?
-Sasuke left Konoha.
-Naruto and Sakura are getting closer.

is that all? Uhh... Naruto and Sakura are still trying to get Sasuke back, even after witnessing his bastard-like personality. I mean, if Naruto and Sakura gave up on retrieving Sasuke, than SasuSaku's status as dead would most likely be acceptable, yeah? ^^ Its still out there buddies.

Well, as a timid character with a passive personality and an unimportant role, she's not a character that leaves an impact on the series in general. She's too weak a character.

there isn't anything in that conversation that specifically screams that it was important that Hinata was with him at that very moment. I could honestly see Sakura, replacing her there. I say this only, because Hinata doesn't leave a very strong impact on the Naruto series.

And how does this decrease the possibility of the NaruHina? This just shows that she is a side character. Romantic relaitonships that relate to Naruto don't necessarly have great impact on the story nor are they considered to be important when compared to other issues in the series. mellow.gif (Naruto's feelings for Sakura doesn't really impact the storyline, unless I missed something) ... sorry, just keeping up an open mind ^^

Anyway as far as I know, evidance can prove less to nothing because the story can go any direction (FMA anybody?) eck, but Kishimoto would probably go with a clean& cliche storyline.

In Topic: Sasuke's other goal

09 December 2006 - 12:03 AM

woo, thats going a bit specific there. thats like asking "do criminals deserve the death penalty?". lets not go there, yeahh?

My point is that its not the same and I don't think you can make that analogy. I agree with the broader point that when considering the rightness of an action, the conext in which it occured is important. But the simple fact that an action has a context similar to the of Sasuke's does not mean its automatically justified. His past may have been bad, but that doesn't mean he doesn't or shouldn't know any better. In Sasuke's case I don't believe he past excuses his current behavior.

Anything can be compared to a certain level. But~
You're considering the little bits and peices of the two situations. The overall point of the analogy WAS to compare that both the theif and Sasuke have a strong motivation to do something inappropriate. The importance of the decision is the excuse. Sasuke's past (plus a few interactions/events/triggers here and there) drove him to abandon his friends, the dying daughter drove the theif to steal. The only different between the two is that one is doing "wrong" for his own selfish needs.

Ahh This isn't getting us anywhere though tongue.gif B'cause if you think of it, the subject really is opinion-based or rather, depends on the person viewing it. we have our differences ^^

In Topic: Sasuke's other goal

07 December 2006 - 06:07 AM

In the beginning of the series, Kishimoto emphasizes those who abandon their friends are worse than trash and that ninja who desert their village are normally hunted down and killed. Sasuke has done both of those. In this sense what Sasuke did was vile. The fact that he has suffered certainly explains WHY he did what he did, but I disagree that it excuses it because saying that makes it sound if what he did was okay and I don't think it does. It would have been wrong with or without the tragic past. The fact that his family was murder by Itachi doesn't make adandoning his friends and home a right. To me, the action was still inappropriate. Perhpas it makes Naruto more willing to forgive the bad act, but it doesn't change the fact that it was still the wrong this to do. Part of it is, it's not as if hasn't received plenty of guidance on the subject. He has obviously forgotten or ignored Kakashi most basic lesson.

people have different moral backgrounds- people kill for their religion, it seems wrong to us, but to them it's not. the author gave Sasuke certain qualities and lack of qualtiies: which creates his personality and actions. Acknowleding the circumstances that led to these actions can really change one's view. take a theif for example- this theif stole medicine. he is doing a bad thing. but lets say that he was stealing medicine to save his dying daugter. is he still considered bad? people have their motivation to do things. BUT... I guess you just don't look at things that way. tongue.gif

Second, I suppose it's tad difficult for me to feel sorry for him when he complains about the loss of family while he simultaneously pushes himself away from a family just obtained.

Well... its like asking for an apple but instead you get an orange. The orange might taste better than the apple, but its not the same LOL

Anyway, I think the ending is a bit predictable now (but you can't be so sure).