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Member Since 27 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 11 2016 10:01 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

11 September 2016 - 08:58 PM

Hey so I don't know really where to post this but I found a kickass NaruSaku fanfiction that hasn't gotten much recognition for how good it is.  All the characters are really in character and so far they've really done Sakura justice in this.  It also gives the spotlight to other characters.  Check it out! 


Link:  https://www.fanficti...60/1/Burning-On

In Topic: My Final Realization Of What bothered Me About The Naruto Manga

28 January 2016 - 02:18 AM

The ending to me was terrible, and not because of the pairings. I would've been totally fine with Naruto getting with Hinata if it had been developed properly and done well, like Naruto and Sakura almost was. My problem is with the lack of character consistency and the utter disappointment Naruto as a characer became.

The overall biggest problem I have is how Kishimoto decided to portray Naruto as a parent. Naruto, having suffered a tragic and lonely past, would no way in Hell ever had "been too busy" for his children. He never would've neglected them, to the point that Sasuke, SASUKE becomes the parental figure. That's just asinine and completely ridiculous, and it's just appalling at the amount of people who have accepted that. It's so out of character and it goes against everything he ever stood for.

Also, just about every relationship that was ever significant to Naruto in the series was completely sidelined for the sake of Hinata's happiness. Where were the moments with Iruka, Kakashi, Shikamaru, Sai, Yamato, Sakura, and Sasuke that should've taken place post war?? Where the heck did all the development between the main character and all those ones go? What became of those relationships?? Oh, don't worry. You won't find them in the last chapter, or in the Last movie. Instead, you'll find Hinata knitting a scarf, and all the evidence you'd need of "what was clearly the most important relationship in the series, NaruHina, even though it was never developed".

Last but not least, I have to mention the plot holes. Dear Lord, there were more plot holes than there were kids in this ending. So many threads were not connected and so many things were just...left. Team Taka just...died. All the resolution that was supposed to happen between Team 7, which is arguably the emotional heart of the series, was nowhere to be found. All the post war recovery and reconstruction was gone. The last we saw of a bunch of the characters at the end was them in freaking cocoons...agh. There's so much more I can't even list. It feels incredibly incomplete, and I am still incredibly disappointed after investing so much into this series.

I'm sorry if I sound incredibly salty with this, I just never got to express this when the final chapter came out and I guess I'm just sad because it ruined one of my favorite anime characters ever.