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Member Since 05 Jun 2013
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#705027 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Pyretech on 14 December 2014 - 05:19 AM

i can't believe those jerks left out their honeymoon scene.

To be fair, a honeymoon scene would be pretty short. It would just be Naruto mentioning something that sounds perverted out-of-context, and Hinata passing out. I honestly don't know how they procreated unless Naruto didn't care whether or not she was conscious.

#686530 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Pyretech on 05 December 2014 - 06:09 AM

Be fair to Groot... he's actually highly intelligent if you read more about his character

I'm sure Hinata is smart in some circumstances... It's just that all the time she's fainted from merely being in Naruto's presence has caused serious brain damage. It's why she has degraded from her Part 1 self.

#678100 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Pyretech on 29 November 2014 - 02:24 AM

I have to say that every time something new comes out that supports those spoilers from takl, I laugh. Not because I don't believe them or anything, but because this plot (for lack of a better word) is becoming more and more hilarious. My new favorite is how Naruto is like:

"I love you Hinata!!"
Hinata: "Bye nerd."
Naruto: "No!! She rejected me!!"
Shikamaru: "You two have a fight?"
Naruto: "Shut up T_T"
Sai: "AHA I found your weakness!!"
Naruto: "I give up T_T"
Shikamaru: "Do it nerd."
Naruto: "You wot m8? I swear on me mum"

#673913 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Pyretech on 25 November 2014 - 05:51 PM

:hm:  Sasusaku was clearly the most developed pairing! thats why they get 0 scenes in this movie. Its because the entirety of Naruto was their wuv story, NH might be an ass pull, but Sasuke's one line in the movie is clearly him protecting Konoha for Sakura :zaru:


To be fair, it is the second-most developed pairing in the series. The manga clearly shows multiple times why the SHOULDN'T be together. Development doesn't have to always be positive.

#672444 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Pyretech on 24 November 2014 - 04:38 PM


strange, I was sure he was Oliver Quinn at the end... Silly me

My name is Teuchi Ramenguy. For fifteen years I was stranded at a ramen shop with only one goal - make ramen. Now I will fulfill my father's dying wish - to make my best customer fall in love with a stalker. To do this, I must become someone else. I must become something else.

#659473 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Pyretech on 13 November 2014 - 06:07 AM

As I recall when people watched the ending to "Mass Effect" they were very disappointed but Bioware immediately sent out a messages to the fans and discussing their thoughts and reasons for. And in response the fans were awarded with an extended cut of the ending to provide more clarity. Obviously the context isn't the exact same for Naruto but in a different franchise, they changed the ending to "Evangelion" didn't they?

Honestly, BioWare was not really ever keen on fixing the ending. First thing they did was have Casey Hudson go on about how they weren't going to change anything because that would run their "artistic integrity" for the terrible deus ex machina. Afterwards EA stepped in and pretty much told them to get their act together or they'd take the reins. Finally when they did work on the Extended Cut it fixed the in-universe issues the original endings created but left the thematical and ideological issues which were the male complaints of the fanbase. I've not wanted to say it, but the Infinite Tsukoyomi theory going around here is eerily similar to the Indoctrination Theory of Mass Effect 3. Both involve it being "a dream", require the ending to be riddled with plot holes to the point that a "dream theory" makes sense and is better storytelling, and I wish both were true but know deep in my mind it was just bad storytelling.

Sorry about the long post about Mass Effect, it was at one time my favorite game series but the ending and the developer's handling of it made me hate BioWare with a passion. :(

#640158 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Pyretech on 05 November 2014 - 10:00 PM

You know, now that I finally got past my first post, I need to get this off of my chest. I'm not as mad as all of you guys because I expected crap. It was way worse than even my low expectations. Whatever. It's not like this manga was special to me like you guys.


This section is all backstory into how I got into Naruto.


I started watching Naruto as an 11 year old boy when it started airing on Toonami. I then learned that there was a manga release and instantly picked up all the volumes up until I think volume 12. I loved the Zabuza arc and think to this day that the Chuunin Exams Arc is the best in the series. That had the best battles as everything was tactical and all of these interesting characters like Rock Lee and Temari appeared. Everyone was badass! The Kabuto betrayal was a great twist too. Hinata was one of my favorite characters because she was shy and had major confidence issues like I did at the time. I also thought she was cute (and I also accidentally stumbled onto a very... interesting... drawing of her wearing only her coat and told all of my friends  :smug:). Naruto's speech to her was actually one of my favorite moments in any manga.


Anyways, I followed it hardcore until around the time Tsunade was introduced. Then I stopped reading because I was focused on other matters like my mother who was diagnosed with cancer. I met new friends both online and in real life, both of which liked anime and manga. I talked with my friends in real life about Naruto but they were all the group of people I considered the "creepy part" of anime lovers. One would talk about how she was drawing people she knew having sex with Rock Lee and generally weird topics like that. I pretty much stopped talking to them too. My online friends and the three friends I had that weren't into anime were pretty much all I had left. My friends online were into Naruto but after all of the other people I met I was bored with it. Finally around the time Naruto Shippuden episode 16 was released, I caught up. I didn't talk with anyone about it because my online friends were still way ahead of me and my real life friends were not into that at all. Again I stopped paying attention due to other matters.


I got into football and video games heavily and tried to change my image from the awkward kid. I stopped talking with most of my friends online save for a few (the others were a bit mean). They were into anime and manga but they never talked about it either it seemed. A long time passed and I got back into anime like Eureka Seven, S-Cry-Ed, and Samurai Champloo. I dealt with a lot of drama in my personal life like my mother passing away and closed back into my awkward shell. Finally after hearing my friends talking about the war arc, I caught up on the Naruto dub and read every chapter of the manga in 3 weeks' time.


This section is pretty much why I came to this site and what I believed how the manga would end.


Since it was years later, I essentially reset everything I knew about Naruto. I found love for Gaara, Lee, Sakura, and Ino. I've never considered myself a shipper, but I found myself thinking about what pairings would make the most sense thematically. The themes I thought Naruto presented to the audience was surpassing the previous generation, the will to never give up even in the face of adversity, and Naruto being the catalyst for personal growth of the characters. I knew Sasuke would be redeemed as that was the biggest goal of our protagonist. I figured that Naruto would either be Hokage or well on the road during the ending. I also figured that these following pairings would be either be canon or these characters wouldn't be paired at all:


Shikamaru and Temari


This made sense to me because Shikamaru has screentime with 3 characters pretty much. Temari who was his rival in the Chuunin Exams and saved him, Ino who was his teammate and longtime friend, and Shiho who was a girl that had a crush on Shikamaru. I figured that since Shiho was not important (although I liked her) and Ino was a teammate and part of the InoShikaCho formation, he'd end up with Temari. Plus there's that scene where Naruto thinks they're a couple (might be filler).


Chouji and Ino


I really didn't think of this as a serious pairing, but it would show that Ino got over the shallow part of her that was only interested in the cool Sasuke and "hot" Sai. This breaks the InoShikaCho argument but it wasn't a pairing I was concerned about.


Sasuke and Karin


Now this one is a hotbed here. I like Karin's motivations for liking Sasuke even if I dislike Sasuke myself. Sasuke did stab her which is horrible, but he learned to control Amaterasu from her and apologized for said stabbing. If figured if anyone would even be remotely close to Sasuke besides Naruto, it would be Karin.


Naruto and Sakura


Now everyone here knows why I like this pairing. It's obvious in my opinion. Sakura in part 1 was this selfish person who only seemed to care about Sasuke at first. She slowly grew from hating Naruto to being willing to sacrifice everything to save his dreams. Sakura also needed to get past her insecurities and obviously Sasuke doesn't help there. I never believed that the bench scene would come up and make Sakura realize that she loves Naruto would happen. I figured it'd either be open-ended with hint or during an event like the end of Chapter 698. Plus the comparisons to old, failed relationships made me feel like the surpassing the next generation theme would come up.


Now I don't dislike NaruHina, I like Hinata even though she hasn't been developed since Part 1. I dislike SasuSaku because it cancels Sakura's developments unless next chapter she clocks Sasuke in the jaw. Sasuke also hasn't cared about Sakura at all since the end of Part 1. SasuHina didn't make sense to me either.


In closing, I'd like to say that good job NaruHina and SasuSaku fans. While I don't agree at all about any of these "developments", you won assuming this is real (no reason to believe otherwise at the moment). It was fun reading Naruto, but the entire war arc is horrible in every way. I've been at work all day and haven't been focusing on all of this so I probably left a lot out I meant to say. If so, I'll talk about it later.