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#990702 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by Qia on 24 October 2023 - 09:17 PM

Or you know...he has a life outside of Naruto and just got busy lol. No need to be suspicious I think since it's just a fictional story/remake. 

#990182 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Qia on 16 July 2023 - 11:45 PM



Oh yea I almost forgot this: https://i.postimg.cc/sxfb4gVH/SN.png



This one might be more of a stretch but I couldn't help but think of it xD 

#990172 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Qia on 16 July 2023 - 08:19 PM

Also to: https://i.postimg.cc...61836-Brave.jpg

#978950 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Qia on 31 May 2020 - 02:37 AM


I don't know why those fans think about boobs when we have Tsunade and later Samui for that.

Because they're not meek as she is. She gives that young babyish "aww" vibe that they don't have. 

#978034 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Qia on 22 March 2020 - 08:28 AM

It would have been a great final arc to pit Sasuke's prodigy abilities, bloodline powers, and pretty advanced life experiences against Naruto's massive power, sheer dumb luck, very limited life experiences. Because if Sasuke came back and wanted to be Kage, he'd have a pretty good shot at it. He's more like Minato than Naruto is. I can't imagine them sidelining Sasuke for the Kage position like they did to Naruto. Sasuke doesn't need a few more years to mature (or whatever the reason was for moving Kakashi in before Naruto). 


And an arc that tested their life decisions — one who left and pursued his goal relentlessly vs. one who stayed and did what he could within the confines of other missions — would be really really good. Which one wins out? The one who chose revenge and grew by insane amounts? Or the one who stayed behind and really only got a power-up in whining about his lost teammate? lol

And this is why I wouldn't have minded if Sasuke became an antagonist after the whole Itachi ordeal, even if it was temporary.  So much wasted potential. But no, we get him being beaten into submission, essentially, just because he doesn't share the same view as Naruto. 

#976998 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Qia on 22 January 2020 - 12:07 AM

Well that's because if he went through with it and it wasn't drop then he would have become a villain that Naruto needed to defeat. Which is why Kishimoto back off on that, and instead brought back Itachi so Sasuke can go on a journey to find himself.

Naruto still technically had to stop him in the end though, since he wanted to be hokage and all. I just wish his goal hadn't changed because it was the one decision I felt he made for himself without anyone's influence. It came about mainly because he found out the truth of a situation that has influenced him up until then. He was told to seek revenge from itachi, and while he could have decided not to in the end the decision he made then just isn't as proactive as this one is.

Have him become the villain. Have him be stopped in the end, arm missing and everything. Have his supposed best friend listen to him and come to a decision about the uchiha clan and have him give some kind of solution to Sasuke's issue along with other issues such as the whole caged bird seal stuff. Etc etc.

I dont know I just like the sound of that more than what we got because in the end two of the three main characters push the story forward together.

#976985 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Qia on 21 January 2020 - 12:58 PM

Yeah... The thing with Sasuke is that no matter how much focus is put on him, he's in the end a REACTIVE character who acts based on things that happen to him. Itachi was the one who was the prototype and the genesis of everything "good" (or at least dramatic in a story) about being an Uchiha.

Honestly, I find him to be more proactive than Naruto in the end of it all, which is kinda sad...and I think an easy solution to him becoming a less reactive character after itachi's death would have been for him to have stuck to the whole destroy konoha idea. That way he's proactively trying to accomplish something and continuing to push the plot forward, except this way being the character that Naruto is forced to decide how to deal with.

#976654 Happy New Year 2020

Posted by Qia on 01 January 2020 - 01:44 AM

Happy New Years ! :D

#976565 Merry Christmas.

Posted by Qia on 25 December 2019 - 04:28 AM

Merry Christmas <3 

#976438 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by Qia on 20 December 2019 - 04:35 AM

Honestly, the biggest thing that really bothers me about Boruto is that...everything just seems too perfect to be true xD. I know Naruto was supposed to bring peace to the ninja world but in this series every single kind of problem seems to be getting solved, from marriage issues to family issues. Ehh idk. I guess what I'm trying to say is that there's no relevant plot to the whole thing. 

#976414 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Qia on 19 December 2019 - 01:32 AM

Fair enough. I can agree to that. Naruto and Sasuke do have a deep understanding of each other in their isolation and pain. An understanding that no one else can, and that is why Naruto can't let Sasuke go. But indeed, I do not think that makes them best friends, because their actions do not warrant such a statement. And you may not be arguing for it, but that is what they describe their relationship as, which doesn't make sense to me is all. Granted, how they see them selves as brothers, would also again warrant them actually bonding, which again falls to the same problem. Understanding some one doesn't necessarily make you close to that person. At least that is how I see it.

I definitely understand what you mean. I literally just got to a moment that I barely remember happening where naruto, I kitten you not, states that Sasuke accepted him more than anyone else. Like...

More than iruka? Your father figure? Unless...of course he means more than anyone in his age group. But I would beg to differ on that considering sakura found out about his jinchuriki status on her own and didn't turn her back on him. What's more, she worried for him and wanted to do whatever she could do to help him. That's much more than sasuke because she's offering him acknowledgement, acceptance, and her support. But whatever.

I accepted long ago that Sakura will always be forced to take a back seat. It was a hard pill to swallow then and it still is now.

#976383 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Qia on 17 December 2019 - 06:39 PM

Well again, my issue with it is as with "Sakura' feelings", Sasuke and Naruto never showed to have emotionally bonded over anything. Sure you can argue that they understand each other deep down and never had to say anything but that is hardly called a friendship. Again, told not shown. A better example of friends and rivals at the same time would be Madara and Hashirama before the the former went "loonie". sure theirs was more casual before they found themselves on opposite sides of the war, BUT THEY TALKED TO EACH OTHER. Hashirama actually told Madara when he was crying and was broken down that one of his brothers was killed and Madara in turn  admitted he had 4 brothers before and most of them were dead, so he had one left alive at the time. Now this may happen later on in the story so it may be invalidated in your opinion, but the fact still remains that Kishi wrote that kind of relationship for those two legendary historical figures but he couldn't write his two main characters that way? And sure there is hardly panel time with Iruka in that regard too but you can at least see that he emotionally supports Naruto and is there for him when in distress. That can't be said for Sasuke.
Again the context of the writing for that is different. Ino and Sakura's friendship is healthier than what Naruto and Sasuke call their dynamic because again the two girls may fight, they may call each other "rivals" in love and as kunoichi, but they are open to each other with their problems. Naruto and Sasuke? they act like stuck up "tsunderes" around each other and in flash backs if they see the other alone, silently moping in their loneliness and misery they just shrug their shoulders and walk away. there is no communication between them when it counts so I can't say that what they have is friendship.
Just apply that situation to yourself. If you acted like that towards someone you call "friend", are you really friends with them? You avoid each other, don't talk about anything, and are just always envious that they show you up or are better than you at something?  When the chips are down and you need some one there for you "emotionally", it's not them that is there? Not to mention all those bottled up negative attitudes towards the other sprang out and they were actually using Rasengan and Chidori (which can easily kill might I add) on each other in the hospital. That is NOT a friendly spar. Also, Naruto shows comfort and confidence in his other friends on top of having their backs in the battlefield but with Sasuke there is nothing to that except watching each other's back in a fight. That reminds me more of Yugi and Kaiba. They may respect each other, they may work together when push comes to shove, but they are not buddy-buddy. Even Naruto admitted it. They never talked to each other in childhood and hat that is one of the things he regrets the most. Ultimately the two may call themselves friends, but their behaviour and interactions does not have me convinced even back then, personally.

Hmm I think we both might be arguing about two different things. In my previous reply it was about why Naruto considers Sasuke to be like a brother that he's never had, or something close to it. And there have been times where the two bonded, such as during the tree exercise. It was enough to at least show why Sasuke is the closest thing to a brother for Naruto because..who else is there that understands something he's had to deal with his entire life and who he sees almost everyday, especially after being put on a team together. My argument though was never about them actually being like...best buddies back then. It was just that Gaaras words about Naruto really helps to explain why it is that Naruto has trouble letting Sasuke go (at least until he "kills" Oro). It would mean leaving him to be isolated. And even though sasuke had gone to Oro willingly, he'd isolated himself since childhood, hating his brother, and striving to be strong enough to kill him in the future. To let Sasuke go like that, at least in the beginning, is genuinely too hard for Naruto to do. Despite almost dying by his hands, he doesn't want to abandon his most precious idol.

Although, I must say...the most random thing ever was Naruto being Sasukes most precious person. THAT was definitely out of no where for me. But I suppose when you have isolated yourself for so long and find someone who sort of understands such a huge aspect of yourself, who else would you connect with the most. *shrugs*

#976381 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Qia on 17 December 2019 - 03:22 PM

Oh for sure, all of that is true. My problem with those themes though is that it was all tell dont show, and the behaviour of both Naruto and Sakura do not make convincing evidence despite what they say. If Naruto is saying he cant have his best friend be killed then that is perfectly acceptable but I find it hard to believe that their interactions until that point made them friends at all. You dont SEE the brother like bond between them except for hearsay. All you get from the story so far is that they are rivals that are driven by envy for eachother and so drive themselves to improve.

Sakuras love for Sasuke faces the same problem in thst there is no true emotional bond between them. Whenever Sakura shows genuine concern for Sasuke or fear for his life, he tells her to mind her own business, so that love is nothing but a deluded infatuation, so that whole she loves Sasuke is not really convincing anybody for except being a convienient plot point. If it it was meant to be more that, it is Kishis job to develop that relationship even if just a little bit but you barely see anything and Sasuke gors back to square one (be an aloof a-hole) after being nice to Sakura for five minutes.

Ultimately what Im trying to say is that the themes were there and the emotions were there but the writing was not actually convincing the audience if those themes and emotions were believable which is again supposed to be the writers job.

Ehh I slightly disagree with the part about not seeing the brotherly bond, because technically Sasuke himself accused Naruto of the same. But it is as Naruto says: he's never had a family before but Sasuke is the closest thing to a brother he probably has. Reasons as to why he's the closest thing were also shown:they both knew what it was like to be alone, are rivals but supported each other when neccessary nonetheless, like against Haku and Gaara respectively.

It's the same way Iruka is the closer thing Naruto has to a father. Sure it's not exactly like a father that's there for him whenever he comes home, but Naruto still acknowledges and appreciates that relationship and imagines that this is somewhat like a father to son relationship.

And with Sakura I actually agree with you: that the relationship was not as close as she said during her desperate confession. The most important part that sakura brings up, about the first time they were alone on the bench and the first time she didn't feel like she was bugging sasuke, it wasnt even Sasuke. And the fact that she barely knows him and could never fully understand his pain like Naruto can, coupled with her words about feeling alone without him there, show how much she idolizes Sasuke...not that she's genuinely in love with him. But I'll be able to explain more once I have a computer later :).

Also none of this is a defense for what happens later in shippuden as I'm still at the start.

#976370 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Qia on 16 December 2019 - 11:44 AM

So I'm pretty much in the prologue of shippuden right now, but what really caught my eye before that is something that gaara says about Naruto before his final fight with Sasuke. Essentially, he says that Kimmimaru (however you spell it)reminds him of Naruto, in that Kim idolizes Oro highly and feels like any slight against Oro is one against him personally. He knows that Oro is evil, the same way Naruto knows Sas is evil, but it changes nothing because they both cant overcome their solitude without that person. Naruto even says to Jiraiya later that he'd rather be a fool for his entire life than give up on Sasuke. Interesting. I do think this is a personal flaw of Naruto though that needed to be overcome. Probably will come back to this later as I read.

Ironically, it almost mirrors sakuras confession to Sas, about still feeling alone without him despite having friends and family. It says a lot about the kind of love she holds for him.

#976330 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Qia on 15 December 2019 - 03:42 AM

You know Kishi's just either a bad writer or a fat liar who sold out in order to give the demanded sequel when you get to the POAL scene where Naruto promises to spend his life going after Sasuke for her and that, and I quote, he"doesn't go back on his word".Yet...later on states that him going after Sasuke has nothing to do with his promise to her. Like...what...I was kinda hoping that I'd missed something (hence one of the reasons why I'm rereading this whole thing, other than for nostalgia). Yet, it's nothing but a lie, it turns out. This is all so frustrating >.<. I haven't even gotten to Shippuden yet.