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#917615 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by alexander on 17 August 2016 - 12:59 PM

And that's... what? Never really being thing in manga, really. But mirror save of Rukia by Ichigo and Misaki by Ishin was especially made like that.


I don't see how your argument is any better. Parallels in this manga aren't exactly meaningful either way.

#917142 Politics discussion

Posted by alexander on 08 August 2016 - 02:23 PM

 Don't defend one demon, and witchunt another. In fact I think that for every thing Clinton has done, Trump has done twice as much. I just googled the words Donald Trump and corruption and the results were endless, I'll even be so nice and link to the top article which explained it better than I could.


That's ridiculous. Hillary along with the rest of the Obama administration are responsible for the destabilization of the middle east by supporting rebel groups that ultimatelly led to the formation of ISIS, wich in turn triggered the worst refugee crisis of recent time. Hillary is directly responsible for crimes of war, if being crooked was not enough. If you can take your eyes out of the leftist controlled brainwashed media, you can see that Trump, for all his douchyness, will never be worse then Hillary. Or do you actually think bringing chaos to entire nations is a lesser crime then being prejudiced?


Not to mention Hillary will continue Obama's policies of antagonizing Russia, wich doesn't take well to threats, while Trump himself openly stated he wishes America to build more friendly relations with the russians. Again, I suppose the leftists would rather see nuclear winter rather then a more peaceful world. All to place a liberal in power, right?

#916971 Politics discussion

Posted by alexander on 05 August 2016 - 08:37 PM

That's why I think most of her crowd are paid idiots. It should be the wealthier members that pay higher Taxes not the middle class since they spend the money that make the rich richer.


I've seen videos of Hillary's public supporters. Most of those people... have some issues. It's like a hive mind or something. Just blind agreement with everything she states and strawman arguments.

#916821 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by alexander on 04 August 2016 - 07:53 PM

What do you mean? It's not like he would have loved another girl and then moved on the 2nd best girl because the mangaka decided to have that girl he loved be with another guy. Oh wait... that's the exact same. :sick:


But yeah, reasons like that are why I'll never understand how NaruSaku fans are IchiHime fans.


Right, because the manga goes out of it's way to show how much in love Ichigo and Rukia are for each other. Oh wait... it doesn't.


Even if Ichihigo ends with Orihime, it will be nothing like Naruhina. Hinata was a stalker that never bothered to help or support Naruto in anyway while Naruto himself was clearly interested in another girl. But in this scenario, we never get any hint that Ichigo is romantically interested in Rukia, while Orihime has been supporting and helping Ichigo from early on to the best of her abilities.

#916539 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by alexander on 03 August 2016 - 01:04 PM

Yes. It's that the point was fans will give you thumbs down if you say anything "negative." Look at BvS.


oh I know what you mean. Anyone that dares to think the justice league trailer wasn't good get's smack by all the DC fanboys. It's really annoying

#915875 Justice League

Posted by alexander on 23 July 2016 - 09:31 PM

hahaha, oh god this is glorious, in a terrible way. They are totally trying to copycat marvel's humor, and failing so badly... I mean, look at the scene with flash. That humor felt so forced. Cyborg CGI armor looks... pretty lame too. I just can't take DC seriously anymore. They are already at the avengers stage after 2 movies!

#915013 Dallas Police Massacre

Posted by alexander on 10 July 2016 - 04:54 PM

First off I'm not sure if you can call a killing of 5 people a massacre. uhm. :confused: Not sure, I think you want a dramatic title, but whatever suits you I guess.


Using MLK to put down todays black activism is the cheapest thing ever. I'm so tired of it, I don't think he'd agree with you at all, and the only quotes that gets praised are his white-friendly ones. You never hear people repeat that a riot is the language of the unheard, or that one cannot condemn black riots without at the same time condemning the system that caused them.


Does this shooting reflect BLM tactics or philosophy at all? I don't see demonstrations firsthand as I live far away, but I know they're no murderers. Everything I've read about this says the shooter was not even a protestor. Black guy wanting to kill white cops is not necessarily affiliated with the movement.. even officials say it was a lone wolf, and I've even heard, though only through one source, that the police were there to protect the protestors. It's just unfair how white people are allowed to be lone wolves all the time, but no black or muslim person. This is an tragic incident, but not a recurring pattern of "what is happening in this country".


I'm not sure you mean this to be a thread to simply mourn the dead, but you have already made it political, thus I am justified in butting in like this. You are purposely dirtying a very important movement. BLM is an organization with 3 official founders, a logo, a website, so it's not just black people who don't like whites/are upset with police brutality.


Yeahhhh, because MLK, a man that wished peaceful integration, would totally not be upset by a separatist group that incites and celebrates violence against the police and treats whites with the regressive "if you're not with us, you're against us" mentality.




I don't fall for your claims for a single second. You're being a hypocrite. "oohhh, a black man shot cops, he is a lone wolf" but when cops shoot black people, it's clearly an attack against their race, it's the racist police. Despite the overwhelming cause of deaths between black people is caused by none other then their fellow blacks: 




Were is BLM to protest against crime and street violence? Why is it that black lives only seem to matter when a white kills a black, while all the others fall in obscurity?


And you don't know **** about riots. I live in Brazil. A couple of years ago people protested and rioted on the streets because of all the troubles that plague our country. And all those thugs managed to achieve was to caused a lot of property damage to innocent store owners while the establishment completely ignored them and no real change came to be. BLM is no different, it's a fraud and a hate group masquerading as activism.

#914970 Dallas Police Massacre

Posted by alexander on 09 July 2016 - 10:19 PM

In the times were activism actually meant something, a wise man said these words:



Not today, were activism is just a tool for people to spew hate and disparity, while feeling justified about it, because in their twisted mentality they think they are supporting the downtrodden.

#914242 Let Villains be Villains

Posted by alexander on 30 June 2016 - 04:03 AM

it's all very subjective. I for one think Loghain from dragon age Origins is one of my favourite villains of all time, and in my game I even turned him to the hero's side (lol, my warden used talk-no-jutsu). There is just something brilliant about antagonists that have very real causes to do what they do, and are so impactiful when despite being opposed to you, you can clearly see why they take the actions they do, or hell, even sympathize with their own struggles.

#914099 Fairy Tail

Posted by alexander on 27 June 2016 - 12:26 PM

Wake me up when Mashima runs his random character pop up anti-virus *yawns*

#913286 Attack in Orlando

Posted by alexander on 13 June 2016 - 09:51 PM

And there are many ways to act without resorting to killing others, or exiling a huge population, without mercy to those among the populous that follow our laws and practice their religion peacefully. I'll remind you that the greatest sports figure, and one of the greatest people in general in American history was a Muslim that was devout in his belief of peace.
It's not any less harmless than any other religion, each of which has blood on their hands. Also, liberals aren't afraid of admitting that things need to change, change is very much prevalent in their agenda. Just because they disagree with you in how they would aquire change does not mean that they are cowardly.


And said muslim that died wouldn't last two days in muslim controlled countries. Especially considering the things he believed in. If anything else, he was a hypocrite that wouldn't admit the poison of his own newfound religion.


This is a strawman argument. Other religions having blood in their hands don't excuse what is happening right now. The spanish inquisition happened in medieval times. This insanity still happens today all over the world in plain 21th century. What's your explanation for that?


And for last they are absolutely cowardly. They can't even say this attack was made by a muslim extremist. All people shout around is "gun control". As if that had any relevance in France, that had a massacre despite it's tight control on guns circulating the country.

#913236 Attack in Orlando

Posted by alexander on 13 June 2016 - 12:51 PM

1.) "world peace" is not attainable.
2.) every religion has extremists. How many people have been slaughtered in the name of Christianity? Jewish actions towards Palestinians (and Islamic action towards Jews) have been less than noble.

Your view is part of the problem, it makes you no better than the people were trying to stop.


You are wrong as well. You follow the "batman mentality". That if I kill my enemy I am no better then him, and thus, your unwillingness to act causes the suffering of countless innocents. It is true, most religions are extremist, but it doesn't change that islam, by far, is the worst. It polutes the minds of millions with primitive ideals that are now being forced into western civiliation because the the liberal marxists couldn't be any more ignorant.


I'm baffled people even attempt to call this a "phobia". Islam is a religion, a ideology. People are not born with it, they choose it, or are made to choose it. It's entirely my right to be against an ideology that I consider vile.

#912115 Captain America Super Villain Steve Rogers

Posted by alexander on 30 May 2016 - 02:23 PM

Not gonna claim that I know much about American comics, but Captain America was not born out of military propaganda against Allied enemies. He was created by Jews, for Jews, as a symbol of strength and hope for oppressed Jews.

Honestly, while dumb, i can understand why they wanted to change things up. It's a creative spin on things, and hell, the amount of controversy over this is exactly what they wanted, it brings them attention, which was the point of the whole thing to begin with. SJW's may be adamant against the new storyline online, but I highly doubt many are going to drop the series over it.


I don't mind if the writers try to add creative new ideas for the comic characters. But in this case it's not just whiny butthurt leftists complaining about a hero turned villain. From a general writing perspective, it makes no sense. Why hydra cover agent would foil their plans time and again?


It's like if the americans had this spy to infiltrate a insurgent group and gain intel, and then when they are finally ready to strike, said spy gets in the way of the mission and screw everything over. Are we to truly believe said spy is still loyal after all he did? Captain america being a hydra agent after foiling their plans so many times makes as much sense as Spider man being the kingpin right hand man.

#911955 Captain America Super Villain Steve Rogers

Posted by alexander on 27 May 2016 - 01:02 PM

They could rebooted it, thus retconed it like usual.


oh trust me. Once they realize people are not going to budge, they will completely take back the stance this is legit and come up with a convenient excuse, like "this is a impostor" or "Captain america was working undercover", or something like that. 

#911902 Captain America Super Villain Steve Rogers

Posted by alexander on 26 May 2016 - 10:23 PM

haha, and here I thought that Doctor oc possessing Peter body was insulting. Just because you're out of good ideas doesn't mean you get the right to do such OOC BS. I could expect that from shadier characters like Black widow or Iron man. But this feels like outright character assassination.