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Member Since 23 May 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 17 2015 02:46 AM

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What did NaruSaku mean to You?

06 November 2014 - 03:26 AM

I've been realizing lately that it's not good to deny things. I've realized that the best thing is to state what you truly feel, to get these feelings off your chest, so you can move on from that. That's why I opened this post. What did NaruSaku mean to you? What made it stand out from other pairings? What made them so special? Even if Naruto and Sakura are not paired in the end, it's important for us to come to terms with how we felt/feel - so that we might come to experience a peace in our own hearts. This may sound ridiculous to some people - that you can become so invested in a fictional pairing - but it's amazing how incredibly difficult it is to see two people who are so right for each other not be together, even in fiction.

We all put time into this story, and it's time we can't get back - that's probably the most difficult part. But I pray for all of you that you would be able to move on and live your lives - that even though some time has been lost, there is still time in the future for you to experience.

Anyhow - What did NaruSaku represent to me?

Naruto and Sakura represented real people, loving each other in the simplest of ways, in sickness and in health, weather out on missions or in the village, no matter where they were. To me, their relationship was epitome of romances - they had everything: the right amount of give-and-take, the mutual concern for one another's well being, the humor, the understanding, the strong bond of friendship everything I would want in a relationship. Whenever I would think about romance, I would think about Naruto and Sakura. From chapter 3, when Naruto looked at Sakura with hearts in his eyes, I thought, "I want him to gain her acknowledgement - I want him to change her, for her to realize how much she loves him in the end." The story between them grabbed my heart right away. And not something that I can't change.