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Blue Jeans

Member Since 12 Jun 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 21 2021 08:48 PM

#125175 Fanfiction Hates

Posted by Blue Jeans on 28 July 2007 - 09:47 AM

And comes in WAY late in the discussion... as in it's over with but ah well.

1. Gender change. Why do people persist to make Naruto or Sasuke a girl? or even Kyuubi a girl? Why? They are male! Naruto likes his kitten in particular, shown when Sai insulted him multiple times about not having one! And... eventually Sai saw it in the baths and acknowledged that Naruto had one. Please, let Naruto keep it. His manhood is important to him as I'm sure Sasuke shares this same belief. (Stupid homophobes.) Seriously, getting the gender right is not that difficult! (And his name is NOT Naruko!)

2. MPreg. Not physically or logically possible. An Arnold Schwarzenegger will definitely be the last thing to convince me that it's not the most disturbingly overused idea ever created.

3. Naruto gay. God. He's straight. If he's not straight then I fear for all the rest of the "straight" characters. Sasuke, on the other hand, is still pretty ambiguous so I'm not going to point any fingers.

4. Character bashing in general. If you can't characterize the players in your story, just don't write. Save fans the pain of it.

5. Paste-its - what I dub Mary-Sues and Gary Stus (whatever they're named) while wearing the face of a beloved character. Nothing makes me hate fandom characters more than this and I really hate stories like this too. More than gender-bender/yaoi-fests that makes no sense, Paste-its is even worse than OOCs because it's a Mary Sue pretending to be my favorite character! The horror!

6. Melodrama. It cheapens everything. And I mean everything.

7. Change of gender preference. I don't care what fandom it is, if you know a character's straight or gay, don't make them something they're not. It's insulting and OOC and BAD. The end.

Okay, I admit, I DESPISE NaruHina. I'm actually starting to like manga Hinata on the second time I'm reading the manga, but I simply DESPISE fanon Hinata. She's a Paste-its not only waiting to happen, but has happened and been happening for so long I just refuse to pretty much read any fandom concerning her unless it just happened by accident. I don't like NaruSasu, great eye-candy that it is, because Naruto is straight and no one can convince me otherwise. It's insulting to gay and straight people to change someone's gender preference... in a relationship or not, unless they're obviously bi or ambiguous, you just don't mess with that!

Just a quickie to explain the suffix attached to names because people seem to have a general confusion on how to use it CORRECTLY:

-chan 1) Term of endearment between girlfriends (used by girls towards other girls) or towards children; 2) Term of endearment (boys to girls; girls to boys - FAR less common); 3) An insult if not close to the person (ex. if Sasuke ever called Naruto "Naru-chan", canon-wise he's not showing respect and would be using it as an INSULT or to MOCK Naruto as someone younger or not-manly.)

-kun 1) Term of friendship used between boys (boys using it on other boys); 2) A semi-close anquaintanceship between coworkers, usually used with LAST NAMES; 3) coworker or fellow students, usually used to show familiarity; 4) When used on women it can be both a compliment and an insult, it's like -chan, it's all about context

-san 1) Mr/Ms/Mrs equivalent. Typically used on strangers or people you respect and usually with the family name (ex. even fellow high school students would typically address each other by [family name]-san), this is to show respect and not using it usually shows DISRESPECT when it comes to strangers; 2) Can also be an insult if you are already very familiar with someone and you use it out of the blue, this I don't think I need to explain; but also when used to passive-aggressively show that one don't really respect the other... context

-sama 1) EXTREMELY formal and only used for actual LORDS/LADIES of high standing in society. So Hokage-sama is okay; Kakashi-sama is not; 2) unless you want someone to insult Kakashi (or show that they worship the ground he walks on).

-sensei 1) Teachers; 2) Doctors

-senpai/-sempai 1) Younger student addressing older student; 2) New/lower coworker addressing high-ups (ex. Tenzo: "Kakashi-sempai")

No suffix 1) Intimate relationship - friendship or otherwise; applies to first and last names but FAR more true for first names. Please remember that using first names immediately shows familiarity in some form, even if used with -san. 2) VERY insulting if the person doesn't know you and is not very close to you, it shows a total lack of respect if done by someone who the person does not consider close (ex. Any member of Akatsuki calling Naruto by his given name is insulting him, especially if done without a suffix because said person is acting like they are close to him when they are, in fact, not; Naruto world seemed less strict about this particular bit of first and last names because Ninja tend to take up code-names and sometimes give up their given names, if they had any, all together... may or may not be true for Civilians as it may mimick Japan a bit more closely) The thing to note here is that if Sakura ever called Naruto "Naruto-kun", she's taking a step back, not forward, in showing intimacy and that is why it makes no sense. If Sakura, however, started calling Sasuke without the "-kun", it shows she's more familiar with him. Got it?

There's more but I think I've covered the most likely errors to pop up here.