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Member Since 28 Mar 2013
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Kishimoto & NaruSaku

07 May 2013 - 08:32 PM

HUGE theory about the Byakugan, Hyuga, Six paths Hermit etc.

01 May 2013 - 09:28 PM

Some things in this may contradict each other, but I've simply written down everything I've thought of....

The Hyuga's Hype & Role --Click here to view--
When the Hyuga Clan first appeared in the manga, they were hyped up a lot, back then when he introduced them. Of course, this all came to a halt after the Neji VS Kidomaru battle, and we didn't get anything until the Kage Summit, where it was shown how valuable the Byakugan was to both Danzo & the Mist

And also when it was stated by Yamato to Ay about their ''sacrifice that prevented a war", that being Hiazashi.

And the fact that Hizashi was revived by Edo Tensei proves that he was a strong shinobi.

Of course, we got much more Hype & action, and probably the most since Nej Vs Kidomaru, when they showed up on the battlefiled where Naruto & Obito were.

Another thing to note is that Obito makes mention of the Hyuga here. Sure it seems kinda meaningless, but to me, it seems like Kishi keeps mentioning the Hyuga during these chapters, cause he wants to do something with them, but before he could actually do that, he'd nee to give them some proper panel time.

The Kage Summit Arc was when we started to dive deeper into the SO6P's story. Obito talks about the Sage's past twice in this arc. Once to Naruto, Kakashi and Yamato, and the ounce to the Kages.

Interestingly, between these two revelations, we see Byakugan in action when Ao uses his stolen Byakugan to find out that Danzo is using Shisui's Mangekyo Sharingan Genjutsu on Mifune so to make himself the leader of the Shinobi ALlliance.

The Six path Hermit's Original Eyes --Click here to view--
I have reasons to believe that the Byakugan is the origin of all Dojutsu including the most superior Dojutsu of the main three. I don't think this is a troll, but here is my theory:

When the Sage began his journey into the ninja world, he gained a technique that allowed him to gain knowledge of chakra. A technique called Byakugan. As it was stated by Kishi, the Byakugan has the greatest insight than all other Dojutsu. It not only sees chakra as the Rinnegan and the Sharingan does, but it also sees their tenketsu, have a 360 degree range of vision, and teloscopic vision. This allowed the SO6P to gain knowledge about chakra and began to use it for himself.

As we all know and what has been stated by Kishi is that whoever possesses the Rinnegan will have the power to control all of the elements, and control the Yin and the Yang. The Hyuga clan, has the power of the 8 Trigrams. In Japanese, the 8 Trigrams represent all the elements.

Another thing to note is that Kakashi says something about the Rinnegan being a mutation, which could hold some truth. It could be possible that the Sage's Byakugan was affected by the Juubi after it was sealed in him, which caused the Sage's eyes to become a mixture of his Byakugan & the Juubi's super-sharingan.

Also, going on to Wuj , it was said to be the beggining and all elements, including Yin & Yang, came from it.

Wuji is known as the beggining of all things. In this void of nothingness, something begins to stir. This event causes the creation of Yin & Yang, both in an eternal battle to over come the other, yet it is impossible, since yin can't exist without yang, and vice versa. This is why yang has a portion of yin in it and why yin has a portion of yang in it.

All those weird names are the elements.....

Neji & the Six paths Hermit --Click here to view--
I've also noticed some Similarities between Neji and The SO6P

1. If the Sage's direct desendants were the Uzumaki & Hyuga, as I believe, then his Hyuga side members were Taijutsu users and the Uzumaki side members used Sealing Techs.

One of Neji's team members is a Taijutsu user (Rock Lee) and his other Team member (Tenten) uses Sealing Techs. And not to forget Tenten got to handle one of the Treasured Tools Of Sage.

2. Neji's hobby was meditation according to the Databooks, And Meditation is one of the most important things for a Sage, which is what the Sage was, obviously.

3. Neji is standing in a similar pose to The Sage on the cover of Volume 64 with: his back turned, facing The Jubbi, and his arms raised wide.

Now, in the image below, take a look at the symbol painted on to the wall behind Sasuke...... It bares a strong resemblance to the symbol on Hinata's jacket in Part 1.

Now we know that The Sage made the Uchiha Tablet. So it's very interesting to find a symbol at the Naka Shrine which is identical to a symbol found on the clothes of The Hyuga Clan Heiress, where the Sage's Legacy is kept, .

Also, note that Sasuke's amaterasu orb also resembles these two previously mentioned symbols.

Kushina & Hinata --Click here to view--
The cloud kidnapped both Kushina & Hinata back when they were young. But why exactly were they kidnapped?

Well, for Hinata, it was her Kekkai Genkkai Dojutsu, the Byakugan. And in Kushina's case, it was due to her special Uzumaki chakra. But as we know, both of these incidents ended in epic failure thanks to Minto & Hiashi.

See the connection between these two? Both of them were kidnapped by the Lightning country because of their special powers. Where do these special powers originate from? The Sage of Six paths!

Now, if we continue on, we also know that the Lightning country had previously tried to capture the Nine-tails during the time of the Second Hokage, Tobirama. Of course they failed again. However, it was shown that they already had two tailed beasts in their position, the 8 tailed Octopus-Ox & the 2 tailed Cat. They also were shown to have been searching for the Treasured tools of the Sage of Six paths, and it was shown that they'd gathered all 5 of them.

Kinkaku & Ginkaku have also been hinted at being Uzumakis, due to the fact that they have a strong resemblance to the Sage & Bijuu Naruto, and they were able to host the Kyuubi, something only Uzumakis have done. They were also hinted at being descendants of the sage by Ay.

So, to recap:

The Cloud has tried to Steal the Byakugan.
They've tried to obtain Uzumaki Chakra.
They've tried to capture the Nine-tailed Fox.
They've had two Uzumaki members in their country.
They had/have two tailed beasts in their position.
They have gathered all five Treasured Tools of the Sage.

See the connection? Everything they have or have tried to take are in some way or another related to the Sage.....except the Byakugan, as, even if it's 99.99999% obvious already, it still hasn't been confirmed to be related to the sage. But this little observation has obviously increased those odds to 99.99999999%.

SIDE NOTE:The cloud GREATLY desired the Byakugan for their own keeping going as far as to even kidnap a little Hinata. So, why not go after the Sharingan? Actually, now that I think about it, it seems like more non-Konohaians know about the Sharingan than they know about the Byakugan, as seen by Zabuza. It’s seems clear to me that the main house has been hiding secrets of the Byakugan from everyone for a long time, why else would they take the extra precaution to give their Candet branch family members the “Caged Bird” Cursed seals? It's always said "Secrets of the Byakugan," WHAT secrets?

Chinese Guardian Lions, Wuji & Yin-Yang --Click here to view--
The user forms two large lion-shaped shrouds of chakra around their hands, then attacks the opponent with them.

Meant to ward off evil spirits, komainu statues are almost identical, but one has the mouth open, the other closed. This is a very common characteristic in religious statue pairs at both temples and shrines. This pattern has a symbolic meaning. The open mouth is pronouncing the first letter of the Sanskrit alphabet, which is pronounced "a", while the closed one is uttering the last letter, which is pronounced "um", to represent the beginning and the end of all things.

The beginning of ALL THINGS. That is an interesting note, no? Here's something else I'd like to point out, from Taosim belifs, whom, as must of you probably know, have greatly inspired the Hyuga clan, particularly the Gentle fist style, which is based of of several variations of Taoism Martial arts that focus on soft yet deadly blows to certain parts of the body.....anyways, I'm getting off track here.

Wuji is known as the beggining of all things. In this void of nothingness, something begins to stir. This event causes the creation of Yin & Yang, both in an eternal battle to over come the other, yet it is impossible, since yin can't exist without yang, and vice versa. This is why yang has a portion of yin in it and why yin has a portion of yang in it.

Here's something more interesting. Do you know what this "void of nothingness" is represented by? A plain white circle.

This white I eventually ends up as a Yin yang sign (those two circles between them simply demonstrate the change of the void to Yin-Yang). This leads me to believe (more like HOPE) that the Byakugan will get a V2 that'll make her eyes look like the YinYang sign, possibly with the 8 trigrams' signs circling the eyeball on her skin. Though there are OTHER reasons that make me think that Hinata may gain the Elder Son's eyes, you know, those spirally eyes, but I'll get to that on another theory of mine.

Alright, so, back to the Guardian lions.

Komainu strongly resemble Chinese Guardian Lions and originate from Tang dynasty China. The Chinese guardian lions are believed to have been influenced by lion pelts and lion depictions introduced through trade from either the Middle East or India, countries where the lion existed and was a symbol of strength. During the Nara period the pair always consisted, as in the rest of Asia, of two lions.

These Guardian Lions are also part of Taoism.

The most frequent variation of these guardian lions are the fox, guardian of shrines dedicated to the god, Inari. There are about 30 thousand of these shrines in Japan, and the entrance of each is guarded by a pair of fox statues.

Variation of the lion guardians are foxes……..and Hinata has kyuubi chakra now. Does that mean we’ll see Gentle Step: Twin fox fists?

Fox Statue

Lion Statues

Lions and Foxes, Hinata and Naruto, make sense?

See the size of that thing? There's no doubt in my mind that that is one hell of a technique....
Another thing I'd like to mention is that this jutsu was only shown OUNCE and then completely ignored, even through out the war. Hinata's only been shown air-palming things rather than using this. Kishimoto seems to do this A LOT (foreshadowing) throughout the series, such as when he first shows Itachi's sharingan or alludes to the Shinigami mask all the way back in the three-way Sannin Battle. I think it would be nice if Hinata got a full-body Guardian Lion, no? Something like this...

I know it seems far-fetched (some what) but it would make sense, it being a sort of opposite to the Sasuno'O.

White Amaterasu --Click here to view--
Another opposite to the Uchiha could possibly be a white Flame. Yes, I know that too seems bizarre, but hear me out.

Firstly, this image:

It shows the Sage holding black flames (yin) in one hand and White flames (yang) in the other. Sure, these flames are depicted as being blue & red in the anime, but the anime always screws things up. Further evidence for these flames being black & white is the fact that this image shows up when Obito is talking about how the Sage used Yin-Yang chakra to create things from nothing. Soooo, it's kinda clear the flames were meant to be black & white.

We already have seen a black flame, via Itachi & Sasuke, so why not a white flame?

Elder Son's eyes --Click here to view--
If noticed, the Elder Son’s eyes resemble a mixture of the Byakugan and Renningan, which might imply the Byakugan came before the Sharingan, which may explain where the rumor Kakashi mentioned during the Chunnin Exams came from.

All three eye techniques also have similar abilities with each other. Byakugan and Sharingan share the ability of seeing chakra & better reflexes, while the Byakugan and Renningan share the ability of extended vision and being capable of seeing through Barriers, and the Sharingan and Renningan share the ability of tailed beast manipulation as well as controlling demonic powers.

Pure Eyes & Impure Eyes --Click here to view--
Another theory I have is that the Byakugan does indeed have a second state that can be achieved, but in order to achieve it, you must be pure, to be someone like Hinata, while the Uchiha have to be Impure, since the Uchihas' method of gaining more eye power involves stealing & killing, as well as deep despair. This might explain why there are not any known Hyuuga's with an enhanced Byakugan, as it is harder to be pure than impure. I believe this 2nd state or level to be the spiral eyes of the Sage's Elder Son, which would also represent her affinity with Naruto, who is of the Uzumaki, who have a spiral as their symbol.

But then, why is the Byakugan "pure" while the Sharingan is "impure"? Well, my answer to that goes something like this. When the Elder son inherited his father's eyes, he also got some of the Juubi's chakra inside him some how, but it remained dormaint and didn't affect him much. But when his father died AND chose his younger brother instead of him to be his succesor, he felt hate, jealousy, sadness, envy and anger , which caused the Juubi's sleeping chakra inside him to awaken and cause his white eyes to turn red.

The Elder son then had two children of his own, one with his original white eyes, and the other with his Juubi-influenced eyes, thus eventually giving birth to the Byakugan and Hyuga & Sharingan and Uchiha.

Also, with Hinata now seemingly playing a larger role, the Byakugan might as well play a larger role too. I just can’t see her disappearing into the back ground after this. She’s clearly been elevated into a higher possession in terms of a character. I’m not just saying this as a Hinata fan, but with Neji dead, there is no other actual Hyuuga character aside from Hinata who could be used

Also, Hyuugas have white eyes, while the Uchihas have black, which are the colours of the Ying-Yang sign, further hinting at their relationship and how the Byakugan is a pure eye & the Sharingan is an impure eye. Further more, while Hyugas are ussually depicted with a blue aura, Uchihas are seen with a red one instead. This could also work for the White Amaterasu theory.

Trimurti Concept & the Three Great Dojutsu --Click here to view--
Kishimoto as always used East Asian religions and mythology. It's pretty much established that opposites can't exist without their other half, which is the principal of Yin & yang. Cold without heat, life without death, happiness without sorrow......you get the idea.

However, there IS a certain East Asian religion which does not follow this prinicipal exactly. Let's take a look at it, shall we?

This different view on "balance" is mentioned in the Vedas of Hinduism, whihch is something Kishimotto has previously borrowed plenty ideas from.

This ideology is refereed to as called Trimurti, and it states that, unlike the Yin-Yang principal, THREE forces are needed to achieve balance. In Hindusim, these would be Brahama, the creator, Vishnu, The sustainer, and Shiva, the destroyer.

Three beings needed to achieve balance.

Three Legendary Dojutsu jutsu

Genin Teams consisting of Three Ninj,

The Sannins which consists of Three Ninja

The final "normal" Sharingan is a Three Tomtoe Sharingan.

From the evidence provided, it is safe to assume that Kishimoto has been using the Trimurti concept.

The three Eye techniques of the Naruto series, which have also been refered to as "The Three Great Dojutsus". But how exactly would these relate to the Trimurti concept? The Sharingan, in its most advanced form, becomes the (eternal) Mangekyo Sharingan while The Rinnegan has no greater, more powerful form. So let's analyze the abilities of both dojutsus and how they compare to the Trimurti theory.

Mangekyou Sharingan

Tsukuyomi - Corruption of the Mind
Amaterasu - Destruction of the Material World
Susano'o - Plain Destruction
Kotamatsukami - Mind Control and Corruption of Awarness
Kamui - Subtraction of the Material World


Tendo - Gravity manipulation
Shuradō - Augmentation
Ningendō - Knowledge Retrieving
Chikushōdō - Breathing Life
Gakidō - Absorption
Jigokudō - Restoration
Gedō - Control over Life & Death

Notice how all the abilities of the Sharingan are abilities to destroy. And the abilities of the Rinnegan are all abilities to create. This means that the Rinnegan is representing Brahman, the Creator, and the Sharingan is representing Shiva, the Destroyer. This leaves one position remaining: the Sustainer.

So which Eye is left for that role? The Byakugan, to represent Vishnu the Sustainer.

This picture was seen during Obito & Konan's battle. The picture depicts Tomoes, representing the Uchiha, circles or ripples, representing the Rinnegan, and a Ying-Yang symbol in the middle, representing the Hyuuga. Not only does this hint at the Byakugan being related to the Rennigan and Sharingan, but it emphasizes my point of the Byakugan being part of the other eyes, as the Ying-Yang symbol is the pupil of the eye in the picture below.

Other things that hint at the Byakugan's relation to the other two Dojutsu are, firstly, Tobi's War-time Mask. His mask seems to represent and/or resemble the Juubi's single eye and/or the three dojutsus as one.

As can be seen, Tobi's mask clearly has all three attributes of the three great Dojutsu. It has the ripples of the Rennigan, the Tomoes of the Sharingan, and is coloured white as is the Byakugan. Now, think of this for a moment. Why wasn’t Tobi’s mask colored orange like all his previous masks were before this one? Why is this the only mask of which he’s worn that bares resemblance to the Dojustsus? Tobi’s mask is one of the largest hints of the three eyes being connected to one another in some way.

Ounce again, this above picture, which depicts the moon, of which it’s colour is white, has Tomoes and ripples on it, which ounce again leads me to believe that the Juubi’s eye colour is in fact, not purple or red as depicted in the Anime, but White, as is the Byakugan.

The only eye techniques that exist in the entire (Canon) series are the Byakugan (Mangekyo) Sharingan, Elder Son’s eyes, and the Rennigan. We already know that the Elder Son’s eyes came from the Rennigan, and we know that the Sharingan is capable of developing into the Rennigan, thus making these 3 eyes related to one another. But wait, what about the Byakugan?

Honestly, I find it absolutely illogical for the Byakugan to not be related to the other Dojutsus in some way, as it would seem completely bizarre for the Byakugan to just be there with no explanation what so ever as to how it came to be.

During Hinata and Neji’s battle in the Chunnin exams, after activating their Byakugans, Kakashi states that there are rumors that the Uchiha’s Sharingan is possibly an off-shoot of the Hyuga’s Byakugan. Kakashi even goes on to state that the Uchiha clan itself possibly stems from the Hyuuga clan. Of course, this is but a rumor, however all rumors have an origin.

Kakashi also states, as a fact, that the Hyuuga are the oldest clan of Konoha. But how can that be if the village itself was formed by the Senju & Uchiha? My theory is that the Hyuuga’s probably owned or lived on the land that is now Konoha, which goes to show that the Hyuuga do indeed pass the Uchiha in their birth/formation, which leads me to believe the Byakugan to be a Dojutsu that came from the Elder Son’s eyes, which may also explain the two eyes’ similar colours and appearance.

Hinata's Potential & Byakugan's Power

12 April 2013 - 07:52 PM

Before I begin, I'd like to ask you to please take you shipper goggles off.

thank you smile.gif.

I’ll start off by saying that the Hyuuga clans Symbol is the Ying-Yang symbol. Their byakugan is without a pupil, and is coloured white, which, through activation, results in a more distinct able pupil.

This next picture was seen during Obito & Konan’s battle. The picture depicts Tomoes, representing the Uchiha, circles or ripples, representing the Rinnegan, and a Ying-Yang symbol in the middle, representing the Hyuuga. Not only does this hint at the Byakugan being related to the Rennigan and Sharingan, but it emphasizes my point of the Byakugan being part of the other eyes, as the Ying-Yang symbol is the pupil of the eye in the picture below.

Other things that hint at the Byakugan’s relation to the other two Dojutsu are, firstly, Tobi’s War-time Mask. His mask seems to represent and/or resemble the Juubi’s single eye and/or the three dojutsus as one.

As can be seen, Tobi’s mask clearly has all three attributes of the three great Dojutsu. It has the ripples of the Rennigan, the Tomoes of the Sharingan, and is coloured white as is the Byakugan. Now, think of this for a moment. Why wasn’t Tobi’s mask colored orange like all his previous masks were before this one? Why is this the only mask of which he’s worn that bares resemblance to the Dojustsus? Tobi’s mask is one of the largest hints of the three eyes being connected to one another in some way.

Ounce again, this above picture, which depicts the moon, of which it’s colour is white, has Tomoes and ripples on it, which ounce again leads me to believe that the Juubi’s eye colour is in fact, not purple or red as depicted in the Anime, but White, as is the Byakugan.

The only eye techniques that exist in the entire (Canon) series are the Byakugan (Mangekyo) Sharingan, Elder Son’s eyes, Juubi's eye,and the Rennigan. We already know that the Elder Son’s eyes came from the Rennigan, and we know that the Sharingan is capable of developing into the Rennigan, and the Juubi's eye is a super-sharingan, thus making these 4 eyes related to one another. But wait, what about the Byakugan?

Honestly, I find it absolutely illogical for the Byakugan to not be related to the other Dojutsus in some way, as it would seem completely bizarre for the Byakugan to just be there with no explanation what so ever as to how it came to be.

During Hinata and Neji’s battle in the Chunnin exams, after activating their Byakugans, Kakashi states that there are rumors that the Uchiha’s Sharingan is possibly an off-shoot of the Hyuga’s Byakugan. Kakashi even goes on to state that the Uchiha clan itself possibly stems from the Hyuuga clan. Of course, this is but a rumor, however all rumors have an origin.

Kakashi also states, as a fact, that the Hyuuga are the oldest clan of Konoha. But how can that be if the village itself was formed by the Senju & Uchiha? My theory is that the Hyuuga’s probably owned or lived on the land that is now Konoha, which goes to show that the Hyuuga do indeed pass the Uchiha in their birth/formation, which leads me to believe the Byakugan to be a Dojutsu that came from the Elder Son’s eyes, which may also explain the two eyes’ similar colours and appearance.

If noticed, the Elder Son’s eyes resemble a mixture of the Byakugan and Renningan, which might imply the Byakugan came before the Sharingan, which may explain where the rumor Kakashi mentioned during the Chunnin Exams came from.

All three eye techniques also have similar abilities with each other. Byakugan and Sharingan share the ability of seeing chakra & better reflexes, while the Byakugan and Renningan share the ability of extended vision and being capable of seeing through Barriers, and the Sharingan and Renningan share the ability of tailed beast manipulation as well as controlling demonic powers.

This next one is REALLY good. In a recent interview with Masashi Kishimoto, he was asked what we could expect in for Naruto in 2013, and he replied that we could expect to see Hyuuga development, among several other things. And since the manga currently has Sasuke talking the founders of the Leaf, Hashirama & Tobirama, not to mention the All-Knowing Orochimaru being there to shed some light, we may find out more about the Hyuuga & Byakugan’s past and origins.

Kishimoto always seems to make parallels. Such as Naruto & Sasuke paralleling Hashirama & Tobirama/Madara, or MinaKushi paralleling NaruHina (or Narusaku), or the Legendary Sannin paralleling Team 7, which leads me to my next point. It’s clear that the Senju & Uzumaki are related, so what could be the parallel of the Uzumaki for the Uchiha? The Hyuuga’s easily fit this role of being the Uchiha’s “Uzumakis”.

Another theory I have is that the Byakugan does indeed have a second state that can be achieved, but in order to achieve it, you must be pure, to be someone like Hinata, while the Uchiha have to be Impure, since the Uchihas’ method of gaining more eye power involves stealing & killing, as well as deep despair. This might explain why there are not any known Hyuuga’s with an enhanced Byakugan, as it is harder to be pure than impure. I believe this 2nd state or level to be the spiral eyes of the Sage’s Elder Son, which would also represent her affinity with Naruto, who is of the Uzumaki, who have a spiral as their symbol.

Also, Hyuugas have white eyes, while the Uchihas have black, which are the colours of the Ying-Yang sign, further hinting at their relationship and how the Byakugan is a pure eye & the Sharingan is an impure eye. Further more, while Hyugas are ussually depicted with a blue aura, Uchihas are seen with a red one instead.

But then, why is the Byakugan “pure” while the Sharingan is “impure”? Well, my answer to that goes something like this. When the Elder son inherited his father’s eyes, he also got some of the Juubi’s chakra inside him some how, but it remained dormaint and didn’t affect him much. But when his father died ANDchose his younger brother instead of him to be his succesor, he felt hate, jealousy, sadness, envy and anger , which caused the Juubi’s sleeping chakra inside him to awaken and cause his white eyes to turn red.
The Elder son then had two children of his own, one with his original white eyes, and the other with his Juubi-influenced eyes, thus eventually giving birth to the Byakugan and Hyuga & Sharingan and Uchiha.

The cloud GREATLY desired the Byakugan for their own keeping going as far as to even kidnap a little Hinata. So, why not go after the Sharingan? Actually, now that I think about it, it seems like more non-Konohaians know about the Sharingan than they know about the Byakugan, as seen by Zabuza. It’s seems clear to me that the main house has been hiding secrets of the Byakugan from everyone for a long time, why else would they take the extra precaution to give their Candet branch family members the “Caged Bird” Cursed seals?

Also, with Hinata now seemingly playing a larger role, the Byakugan might as well play a larger role too. I just can’t see her disappearing into the back ground after this. She’s clearly been elevated into a higher possession in terms of a character. I’m not just saying this as a Hinata fan, but with Neji dead, there is no other actual Hyuuga character aside from Hinata who could be used to further explain the Byakugan‘s past and (possibly) it‘s new abilities.

Thank You for reading, let me know your non-biased thoughts please smile.gif

Why NaruHina Will Happen 100%

28 March 2013 - 08:56 PM


First off, NaruSaku.

Naruto and Sakura interact often, usually very well. They are pretty comfortable, and many scenes between them are humorous. But as soon as Naruto acts out, Sakura makes sure he's put back into place, usually using violence, which does not count as any of the following:

Tough Love

Sakura usually punches Naruto because she is embarrassed of him or because he surprises her. But those are pretty stuoid excuses, don't you think? There's no doubt in my mind that Sakura obviously cares deeply for Naruto, but punching him just for basically being dumb? That's lame. Which is why I don't find their relationship to be very appealing.

Secondly, NaruHina.

Naruto and Hinata seem to have a very good, understanding relationship whenever they get the chance to talk. Naruto feels no need to act all high and mighty for her-- as proved in chapter 98. And, like NaruSaku, NaruHina seems to be a humorous relationship. But, humorous in a different way. Naruto and Hinata's
moments are usually sweet, almost like they're in a sort of love comedy. All goes well until Hinata passes out, which is also pretty funny.

But, the thing is, everything Hinata stands for, Naruto stands for. He changed her that way. I'm not trying to purposely paint NaruSaku in a negative light-- it's the truth. There is no love behind her punches-- nor is there any romance between the two so far. But Hinata's reasons for fainting, although not have much more purpose than Sakura's reasons for punching Naruto.


Naruto’s colour scheme consists of Yellow/Orange while Hinata’s consists of Blue/Purple. These colours are opposites on the colour wheel, hence showcasing how these two are opposites.

NaruHina parallels GokuChi, a pairing from DBZ, the show that has GREATLY inspired Kishimoto.

Hinata's name means something like "Towards the Sun" And Naruto is commonly described as being like the sun, as he shines light into the darkness in people's hearts.

Even Madara, Obito, and Pain are able to see these to have more than just a platonic relationship. I guess that’s one of the other abilities of the Rennigan.

Take a look at how Madara refers to Hinata here.

Missus is an informal way to refer to someones wife. Now obviously Naruto and Hinata aren’t married (yet), but this was right after the hand-holding scene, so you get my drift.

Look at Obito’s expression to Hinata and Naruto’s interaction.

And don’t forget what pain said after he “killed” Hinata.

There's no reason for Naruto and Sakura to be lovers as they're perfectly fine as friends. Sakura already has a good portion of the spotlight, especially in a shonen manga. However, everytime Hinata gets the spotlight it has something to do with Naruto. NaruHina not happening would be severely neglecting Hinata and her theme.
If Kishimoto wanted NaruSaku he would have made Hinata's feelings fade, but he didn't.
If Kishimoto wanted NaruSaku, he would have probably made it canon by now, they're all alone without Sasuke, so why hasn't it happened?
The NARUTO manga is all about friendship. Kishimoto is not going to throw that away to pave way for a romantic relationship between Team7 and/or Sai. He's going to want to either leave them single or pair them up outside of the team.
Sakura knows about Hinata's feelings for Naruto, it wouldn't be very nice on her part to still chase after him.

Counter Arguments

Kushina told Naruto to get a girl like her and not a weird girl!

I will admit that Sakura is like a Kushina Zetsu, but do you really think Kushina was refering to her bad traits? Moreover, Naruto is no where near like is father in terms of personality.
For the record, Naruto doesn’t think Hinata is weird. Second of all, the sole reason Kushina says find someone like your mother was because she assumed he’d turn out like his father, but he turned out like her, loud, hot headed and impatient. While Minato is humble, calm, level-headed, and quite. So who does this sound like to you? Hyuuga Hinata.

NaruSaku doesn’t parralel MinaKushi for this one reason:



Therefore, if anything MinaKushi = NaruHina & SasuKarin/Saku

Now let’s compare NaruHina childhood to MinaKushi childhood.

Naruto/Kushina are hated by most of the students for being themselves, and they also boldly state to become Hokage. Naruto/Kushina, while they didn’t hate Hinata/Minato, they viewed them in a bad way, with Naruto thinking Hinata’s dark and Kushina thinking Minato’s a wimp. Naruto/Kushina didn’t pay much attention to Hinata/Minato, but they did watch them from afar. But Naruto/Kushina noticed them when they stepped in to protect them from harm.

MinaKushi also shows that you don’t need to spend every waking second with someone in order to love them, as shown in how Minato loved Kushina without knowing her well, and she returned his feelings. Same applies for NaruHina.

Naruto never gives up, its his nindo!

Naruto has never told Sakura he loved her, and it was never his goal to get together with Sakura. Naruto's goal is to be*acknowledged, to*become Hokage*and to bring*Sasuke back. Besides, why would he need to work to be acknowledged by Sakura when he is already acknowledged by Hinata? Let's look at Hinata's theme: "Believe in yourself." How would that theme fit if Naruto ends up never acknowledging Hinata and rejects her for Sakura, someone who rejected him throughout most of Part1? That's not fair.
Oh, and not to forget, Naruto's nindo is "never take back my words", not giving up. He has never mentioned he would get Sakura to love him in Part1, so I don't see what the problem is.

Naruto would get Sakura to acknowledge him by loving him!

Not necessarily. Sakura already acknowledges Naruto, she already knows about Kyuubi, she knows him probably better than most people. If the above is the case, then why hasn't NaruSaku happened yet? They already know each other well, you'd think they'd be canon by now but they're not. Makes you think, doesn't it?

Hinata was never there for naruto!

A)Neither was Sakura
B)She had a strict father who broke her self-esteem, what did you expect?
C)Your argument is invalid because Naruto disagrees with you, and that’s all that matters.

Sai’s flashback AFTER the Pain arc shows Naruto still loves Sakura.

As you just said yourself, this was Sai thinking this and not Naruto, therefore it doesn’t matter. This flashback wasn’t placed here to show that Naruto still has feelings for Sakura, it was shown to show that Sai is starting to become more human and care about his team mates.

What about the date?

That date held no romatic context what so ever, Kishi said so himself.*

The NaruHina in the anime were only fillers!

True. But why did the animators necessarily put NaruHina in the fillers? Why'd they do that if they knew it could end some other way ending up with loads of dissapointed fans on their asses? Its absolutely normal for manga authors to tell animators how they're going to end the manga or at least what they have planned. I don't think the animators are stupid enough to put NaruHina in if they knew NaruSaku would or could happen.

Hinata can become strong without Naruto! Wouldn't that show her character development? Wouldn't that make her a better charcater?

If anyone were to ask me this, I'd applaud them for being a good debater, but it won't work on me. Hinata's source for inspiration? Naruto, Hinata's reason to grow? Naruto. Unlike Sakura's crush for Sasuke keeping her immature, Hinata's crush for Naruto did the opposite, made her mature, made her stronger. Yes, Hinata can become acknowledged by her clan and become strong, but it wouldn't resolve her feelings for Naruto. I already proved how Naruto's feelings for Sakura had resolved, but Hinata's - maybe being a minor character - feelings have yet to be resolved.

NejiHina and KibaHina are better options for her.
Guess what?
Neji supports NaruHina:

Kiba supports NaruHina, he knows Hinata's feelings for Naruto:

That's not all,*Sakura* also has a clue on what is going on;

Hinata shouldn't be a mere love interest!

Just because Hinata may be the main character's love interest doesn't mean that's all there is to her character. You're the one assuming it so. The Byakugan's origins are yet to be revealed, and with the Byakugan being a Dojutsu, it's not gonna be left out. That's when Hinata comes in, Kishi himse;f has said 2013 will have Hyuga Clan Development.

*insert nonsense here about Naruto making Hinata weak and how its like SasuIno/SasuSaku that way here*

As someone who hates SasuSaku and loves NaruHina I'm profoundly*insulted. You’re insulting Naruto as the main character;*Naruto's role as a main character is to influence people and make them strong.Hinata is no exception. Saying Naruto makes someone weak, especially when it comes to Hinata, is the most outrageous and laughable thing I have ever heard in the fandom. Fact is, Naruto makes Hinata strong just like he influences every other character in the manga from Zabuza to Gaara to Tsunade,*its his role as a main character.*I know I'm repeating myself, but if you're so moronic to think that Naruto makes someone weak then dear, you need to be spoon-fed.

Hinata's actually one of the very few characters that returns that and makes Naruto stronger.Previously, that was only seen in Iruka.

Naruto makes Hinata stronger, that was predictable. Hinata making Naruto stronger, however, was unexpected.

Hinata could never understand Naruto!

That is true and not true

Hinata's past is gravely underestimated; She had no loved ones until probably Team Eight, her mother is more likely than not dead, Neji as a branch member used her as an arguement for him to take over the Main Branch and constantly used her as the symbol of how unfair the situation was as she had the advantage even if she was weaker and the Main Branch knew this and therefore hated her for that, her father technically abandoning her. Hinata's past deserves to be up there with Naruto's, Sasuke's and Gaara's and as someone who can relate to the jinchuuriki I can assure you of that with first hand experience myself.

However, if you want to specifically pull out the jinchuuriki card you may as well say Naruto will not end up with anybody unless you're arguing GaaNaru.

This is a shonen manga! The guys are supposed to get what they want and girls really don't matter!

Interesting that you mention this; its an oxymoron.
1.) Yes, Naruto is supposed to get what he wants, but its not specifically Sakura: Naruto wants love and to be loved, to be acknowledged. It doesn't matter on who's account. Really, it'd be better off for Naruto not to get something that he wanted*at the beginning of the manga*because, hey, the main character needs some character development too. And guess what? A lot of that was because of Hinata.

2.) Yes, this is a shonen manga, but this manga a specific target is achieving GOALS
Hinata's goal is to confess to Naruto and get acknowledgment from him.
First part is sort of done.
Second part isn't, as she wasn't there at the end of the Neji/Naruto battle.
Really, achieving goals triumphs over sexism here.

Naruto will surpass Jiriaya and get the girl he wants! NaruSaku = JirTsunade

Ever stop to think what it exactly is that they’re meant to surpass? Naruto is meant to surpass Jiriaya in bringing peace to the world, not getting laid. And another thing I notice is that NaruSaku always leave Dan out of this equation. Yes, Naruto is Jiriaya and yes Sakura is Tsundae, but then who’s Sasuke? Dan, that’s who.

Dan disappeared from the life of Tsunade (just like Sasuke and Sakura) and she didn’t just go and replace him with option #2, Jiriaya (Naruto). Now Jiriaya, after Dan’s death, continued to flirt with Tsunade from time to time, but he fully accepted the fact that he wouldn’t, shouldn’t and can’t replace Dan as Tsunade’s lover. Why? Because Tsunade truly loved him. Same goes for Naruto, who flirted but wasn’t serious about anything since he new Sasuke was who she loved, and who she would ever love.

Hinata does not have feelings for Naruto, it is only admiration!

Naruto still loves/likes Sakura!

No, he doesn't. I won't argue on Sakura loving Naruto, but if that's the case, then its not requited. Naruto knew and accepted that Sakura did not like him back in Part1 right before the the Sasuke Retrieval arc

Remember when Sasuke was hospitalized and when he woke up Sakura jumped to embrace him leaving Naruto pensive? I'm pretty sure that it was more or less that moment when Naruto gave up his feelings on Sakura before the time jump which is what? 2 or 3 years? That's a long time. I'm pretty sure he'd give up his feelings by then.

Naruto loves Sakura, not Hinata! Sakura is what's best for him!

Hinata is better at keeping it cool when Naruto does something dumb. And, she's also better at understanding him. Sakura is not what is best for him at the moment, because Naruto endured one of the deepest pains-- rejection. Naruto was constantly being rejected by the villagers (and numerous times by Sakura) and Hinata was rejected by her father, her own flesh and blood. Perhaps once Sakura can understand and accept the fact that Naruto will never change in that aspect, then she could become a very likely competitor in the blonde's love life. But until that day, right now it seems that Hinata understands him better.*

Hinata wouldn't be able to handle a relationship with Naruto! She's too shy!

Not so. The only reason Hinata is like that around Naruto is because she loves him. Now that she has confessed, most of that tension should be gone. And, if she were to develop a relationship with Naruto, I'm sure all of her nervousness would be gone-- a big leap for her character development.*

People fail to see Hinata's character here; yes, Hinata is shy. However, she's not*that shy. Whenever she did get close to Naruto, she's the one that has striked up the conversation. Part of NaruHina is Hinata overcoming that shyness and that "fate" (Neji was to represent this in the chuunin exam) of never achieving goals and that was represented by Neji's "caged bird" comparison.

Anyways, as of late Hinata is no longer the shy little girl she used to be, and is acting more and more like her sensei Kurenia.

What about Yamato's speech in 249?

You must be tired of hearing this, so why keep bringing it up?

First of all, Yamato only knew them for what, two weeks? He doesn't know about Sasuke or Hinata. At first glance, they seemed pretty obvious. But then these two came into the picture. Sasuke and Hinata are there for a reason-- they can't be treated like pieces of meat. Secondly, he never finished. There was NO cut off 'L', NO logic behind his speech because of his absence during Part I, and no one knows what he was about to say. Only Kishimoto. And, you know what? If Kishimoto really wanted it to happen, he would have made him finish.*

It's more than obvious that Kishimoto likes and ships NaruSaku! He put them on the same team, and now Sakura's starting to like Naruto back!

There is no proof that she has A. Dropped her feelings for Sasuke, or B. Fallen for Naruto. No solid evidence, no hints, nothing. Naruto has a crush on Sakura. Sakura is in love with Sasuke. Hinata is in love with Naruto. Nothing really changed much over the years. Also... if NaruSaku was canon, don't you think he would have left Hinata out? Her character is almost entirely based on her feelings for Naruto. Her feelings for Naruto have carried on to Part II. Why? If Kishimoto kept them, they must have some sort of significance.*

Kishimoto also stated that he found it hard to add romance. Developing a romantic relationship between the two main characters would be easy. Creating romance between two people who hardly see each other is hard.

We told you so! Sakura recently confessed her feelings for Naruto!

Yes. And Naruto told her off. He could tell she was lying, and so could everyone else. Even the almighty Yamato, who so obviously supports NaruSaku. Kiba, Yamato, Kakashi, Lee... they all knew. So did I. And I have to admit, I lost a bit of respect for Sakura after that. But... at least she was doing it out of concern for Naruto. And notice it's not out of love. She wanted him to forget about the promise he made to her, but he said that the Promise was irrelevant to why he was chasing Sasuke. And the way she 'confessed'... it was simply so insincere, that I found it funny. How believable is, "I'm confessing now, so listen up!"? Sakura might as well have told Naruto that he was her second choice, which proves that we were right-- she was using him as a replacement for Sasuke. She also said, "I'm sorry, Naruto." She was crying, because she knew how much that must've hurt him. She knew he deserved better than that, and realized the mistake she had made in lying. That was the least romantic confession in the history of manga.*

And speaking of the confession, all you NaruHina fans are going crazy! All she did was confess-- it doesn't mean he will automatically love her!

Guess what? It doesn't. You are half right, half wrong.

While it doesn't mean he will automatically love her, it does mean that he knows someone truly accepts him for everything he is-- The dumbass Jinchuuriki host to Kyuubi no Yoko whom everyone hates-- and is really in love with him. Someone who sees no flaws whatsoever in him. That is very important. Sakura's punches show that she feels Naruto needs to change, or grow up in some way. But Hinata could care less-- in fact, if she could have it her way, he could stay like that forever. So, no, it doesn't mean he's in love with her. But it raises the possibility of him*learning*to love her back a great deal.

Naruto saves both Hinata and Sakura in chapter 558/9!

I beg to differ.

Hinata’s scene is different in that Naruto blocked an attack from harming her, and that panel was made for a reason. *hint, hint*

Anyways, Sakura isn’t the only one Naruto saves, he also saves Shizune and some Akimichi dude.

Also, whle we don’t see anymore of the medics, we get a whole scene of Naruto and Hinata.

Their both able to read each others eyes, eh? Seems like these two are closer than you NS fans thought.

Naruto only holds Hinata’s hand to give her chakra!
Ok, where do I begin? Oh I know, how about the fact that Naruto isn't a jerk? Naruto understands how weak emotions are and how much it hurts when those emotions are played around with.

Proof? No problem.

and take a look at this

"Naruto is enraged by Sakura's confession"
Sakura herself realizes her mistake of lying to him and knows how much that must have hurt him.

there's your proof.

This goes to show Naruto isn't one to play around with others' feelings, so what makes you think he would slowly grab Hinata's hand, hold it and thank her for always being by his side, if he didn't have some sort of romantic*interest*in her? He's not one to give Hinata false hope.

LoL, I guess NarutoXAlliance is now canon

This argument is SO stupid, all I’m going to say is: Look at previous argument.

He never does actually hold anyone’s hand anyways.

Shonen Jump released an interview with Kishimoto, where they asked him an attention-grabbing question:

by telling me that "at least one case will be requited" and how Kishimoto hopes its naruhina, I'm getting the hint its the only pairing that will happen. Its great, as its the only pairing out of those I support.

NaruHina is just a Red Herring! NaruSaku will happen in the end.

Don't make me laugh XD. The story is at it's final hours, and everything has been pointing towards NaruHina for the past 150+ chapters. And if you think NS will happen through hinata's death, yeaaaaaaah......Neji's death would be pointless at that point,so no.

Finally, I’d like to say that Kishi originally intended Hinata to be Ramen guy’s daughter and work at Ichiraku Ramen and be Naruto’s love interest, but was turned into a ninja, however, her role didn’t change as Naruto’s lover.

Thank You For Reading J