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Member Since 02 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 18 2015 07:05 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

16 May 2015 - 09:51 PM

Also, I have a RL movie OPT;
Captain AmericaxBlack Widow. Though, sadly it seems these two won't happen. :(

I'm pretty sure that in one of the many, many alternate universes of Marvel they have a son, few months ago he was in at least a couple of issues of New Avengers (or some other of the many Avengers books).

In Topic: New Chunin Exam Arc Filler

10 December 2014 - 07:36 AM

Thanks a lot for the info Nar123.
WoW there will be something about Mei & even Karin? Well that made this filler of interest to me (mainly because of Karin).

In Topic: The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

09 December 2014 - 11:06 PM

The movie seems to go way over the top with NH. Even though I am not happy about NH they still could have done with less cheesy NH scenes and shown more action with characters like Sasuke and I am sure many fans would have been more happy with this film. Sakura does not even do that bad in the movie. She was along with Shikamaru the only rookies to be promoted to jonin. She breaks them all out of the genjutsu they were in, heals Naruto when he is done, fights the puppets well, and helps rescue Hanabi. I don't even mind her helping hook Naruto and Hinata up if that is what she feels they both deserve. I just wish she would have not trivialized the bond she and Naruto had and simply said while they were both close and will always care deeply for each other it just didn't work and it would have been more satisfying. Now Sasusaku is a joke I have no idea how that happened. I mean really in the movie Naruto and Hinata are already married and Sasuke has not come back and seen Sakura since many years before. How the heck did they get together fast enough to have a kid the same age as Naruto and Hinata. (In story answer none. Out of story answer he just wanted Naruto's and Sasuke's kid to be the same age so they could be on the same team in the new series.)


At this point I'm pretty much convinced that Sarada is Karin daughter & is not only my inner NS fan speaking, I think that could be a strong plot point in any future project, after all the sharingan of the Uchihas depends of the emotional turmoil right?

In Topic: The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

07 December 2014 - 06:30 AM


Hey Disney own Marvel now they could make it happen.


Well Mutants corner of Marvel Universe right now is with the FOX no Disney so...

In Topic: The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

07 December 2014 - 02:27 AM

O sea, cuál fue el punto de colgar esto aquí entonces?


Yo lo puse nadamás en el tema de la pelicula ya que de hecho muestro, si bien poco, trozos de la pelicula, especialmente el final y el anuncio de la pelicula de 2015.


Gracias por la info. Oye eres solo  NS o neutral pero te gusta NS?


De hecho antes del final me consideraba NS, hasta tenia cuenta en un sitio NS en español, pero ahora soy más nuetral, andube de lurker en el tema de la teoria desde hace un rato he incluso me hizo creer que algo podia suceder pero creo que ya todo se fue al diablo, igual vere lo que sigue cuando algun fansub lo saque por que yo aun no me creo que Sarada sea hija de Sakura.

Igual aun me hubiera gustado que terminara con Sakura.