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Member Since 14 Oct 2008
Offline Last Active Nov 25 2008 12:54 AM

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And then there was one more member...

14 October 2008 - 05:53 AM

Well, first off I'm Izanagi_Ranma but for your fingers' sake you can call me Ranma if you guys want. I've actually been visiting this board for a couple years now but wasn't sure about joining. Now I think I'll give it a try.

I guess I'll talk a little about myself. The first manga I've ever read was Ranma 1/2 when I was 16. I've been into anime since then (over 5 years). I used to be a trumpet player but I now sing in my fraternity. I have a love for music on par with anime, narusaku and video games. I am also involved with karate and i've been a gamer since I was 4. I'm very kind-natured and open-minded. I'm pretty smart but can be dense at times and i'm lazy too. Kinda like Shikamaru except he's waaaaay more intelligent than I and not dense.

I guess that wraps that up.
