Sounds like a nice idea, Tricks! 
I keep wondering to myself, does anyone else think the whole idea of Bee taking pride in being a Jinchuriki is only partially true? I bring this up because when you think about it, he was shown to be willing to abandon the Hidden Cloud when he tricked Taka into getting one of Gyuki's tentacles instead of the real deal. If he did take pride in being a Jinchuriki as much as it was said, he wouldn't have bailed like he did. It makes me think Bee only puts on a facade because of his respect for Ay, but he hated being a Jinchuriki years later when Ay began to see him as just as a tool, because of Ay losing faith when his dad, Ay the Third, sacrificed his life to protect others like a Kage would do.
Plus the way Bee and Gyuki's relationship was written it makes a guy wonder if Bee even knew Gyuki's name or even CARED to learn it. We saw Roshi knew Son's name, but he was just too obstinate to want to be polite enough to call him by his name. That's what I wonder, considering that Naruto seems different with his ending up continuously calling Kurama by his name when he learns it, and how he treats him better during the way, as well as his real determination to help Son get free from Obito. Not to mention Naruto's chakra cloak with Kurama being different from Ay and the others. It makes me wonder if Naruto and Gaara are more unique given how they had different chakra cloaks from the other Jinchuriki, even one in "control" like Bee is with Gyuki.
My friend Gil theorized perhaps even as close as Bee and Gyuki are, it's still give and take, which is why they don't have a cloak similar to Naruto and Kurama do. And the fact Bee, as experienced as he is, tends to be the muscle of the duo while Gyuki's obviously the brains (sometimes I wonder if Bee is dumber at times than even Naruto can be), and that's why even as close as they are, they still don't got that kind of level of trust Naruto and Kurama, fast as it was, had developed, even when Kurama was trying to break Naruto's spirits because of his own hate toward humans for how they mistreated him and stole his freedom.