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Member Since 31 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active Dec 08 2014 12:45 PM

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Naruto and the failure of the hero's journey

06 November 2014 - 04:30 PM

Well, the final chapter of Naruto came out today.  Long story short, it sucked.  HARD.  And you're probably asking "What, are you just a butthurt Naruto x Sakura fanboy or something?"  Hell no, that ain't it.  It sucked because it made no sense.


A story that was from Chapter 1 about an underdog struggling to achieve the respect of those around him is thrown out in favor of the villain getting everything he wants handed to him on a silver platter, and the hero not getting anything he struggled for.


The story just kind of crashed in the last few chapters.  Keep in mind the main villain at this point, Sasuke, killed several people and threatened to take over the world, leading to the final battle.  What punishment does he recieve?  




He is literally given everything after merely saying the words "I'm sorry."  Sakura, whose growth from fangirl to indepdenent woman was a major focus of the last several hundred chapters, has all her development undone so she can fangirl over Sasuke.  The same man who has verbally abused and physically attacked her less than 7 chapters ago.  The hero's lingering feelings for her, never acknowledged!


So yeah, the hero's struggle was deemed pointless.  The moral being - Effort is worthless, as long as you win the gene lottery, you'll get everything you'll ever want.  If not, sucks to be you!


And then we get the most ridiculous fan pandering crap ever.  Chapter 700.  Orochimaru and Kabuto?  Never explained.  Why Kakashi was appointed Hokage and then stepped down?  Never elaborated on.  Instead we get lots of random pairing fodder (with no explanation as to where the couples began or how they got together) ending with Naruto scolding his son, who's implied to be neglected by his father.


Gonna go over that again.


The son of the orphan is being neglected by his father.


The hero has gone from the theme of beating the odds of the previous generation to repeating their mistakes.  The dozens of lingering plot threads were never wrapped up in any satisfactory way.  And the main villain gets the hero's love interest, turned into a battered housewife, in literally every sense of the word.


The manga had 700 chapters to do two things if this was the ending they wanted to come up with.  Make Sasuke have some redeemable qualities, and make Hinata important.  The story did neither.  It pushed Hinata to the side, making light of her unrequited crush, and make Sasuke more and more conventionally evil, finally ending with his plans to take over the world.  But at no point is he ever acknowledged as being in the wrong.


The moral of this underdog story is - Be a jerk, be abusive, be unrepentant, but as long as you say you're sorry, everything will fall into your lap.  Hard work is for chodes.