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Rina SakuraBlossomable

Member Since 13 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 17 2015 06:39 PM

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In Topic: The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

13 December 2014 - 07:58 PM

The moment I saw Naruto kiss Hinata I was like yuck! So Eeeewww... That's not so Naruto who fell inlove with Hinata just like that. It's so horrible. No wonder Japanese fans rate that movie 1 star only and a lot of them giving bad reactions for ruining and turning it to shoujo. It's completely not complimenting the manga. Hinata gained something while Naruto not? So BS! Call us bitter or salty but you cannot deny that this rating is so low and most of the Japanese fans were pissed.

Oh yeah! I forgot that every December in the Philippines, they will only show the local movies not international movies. Well it's still good for me. I can enjoy my stay in my country without seeing that stupid naruto the last movie poster until My departure on January! And to add more I went to comic alley recently and I don't see Hinata merchandise here even 1. And guess what? I went to SM mall here for Toycon fair and what surprised me, I saw a keychain, earrings says couple and it is Naruto and Sakura. There's no Naruto and Hinata. I showed it to my husband and laughed at him. Naruto movie will be showing here in the Philippines soon and I only see narusaku stuff anywhere and I'm already happy about that small thing.

In Topic: The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

12 December 2014 - 05:06 PM

So the movie of Naruto the last will be delayed/postponed in the Philippines? Then that's good. I went to SM malls and I haven't seen any cinema poster of Naruto at SM cinema yet. I also went to other anime stores here in Manila where Naruto stuff there, I don't see Hjnata stuff either. It's better be like that. Someone already suggested me to watch Tokyo Ghoul and Parasite to help me move on with the Naruto Ending Naruhina Movie. Because that movie is for Hinata fans only. It's a waste to watch. Just as Japanese fans, I will also give 1 star too.

In Topic: The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

07 December 2014 - 06:44 PM

I read from tumblr that some Japanese fans of Naruto hates the Last Naruto Movie. They even called Naruto the most terrible person and scumbag! If the mislead is true then Naruto's love for Sakura is fake on which he said He hates people who lie to themselves. And that Last movie, they said It's Hinata's love story not about Naruto. All the characters were put aside even Sasuke and kakashi just for Hinata. They don't care about Hinata but now they hate her! Hahaha! Screw Hinata! She just totally ruined all Naruto's character and the manga. The movie cannot compliment the canon.

I'm pretty sure junko and Nakamura were not happy about this. They know Naruto has gained nothing, while Hinata did, talking about the one sided love in the manga. Kishi chose to reciprocate Hinata's love for Naruto rather than Naruto's love for Sakura.

In Topic: The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

06 December 2014 - 06:13 PM

I saw the pic that people were holding an orange and pink ballons at the movie. It only reminded me of narusaku colors. It should've been orange and purple balloons. But this movie Hinata's dress are more in pink so I guess she really indeed replace Sakura or Kikittenmoto & SP change the color outfit of Hinata.

Still I don't understand kishi's intention to end this pairing. Too much trollings, lies and misleading. This movie doesn't validate the entire manga. Anyone who were non shipper of Naruto are surely disappointed on this. You invested 15 years of dedication to Naruto to end up only as shoujo movie. You were about to expect the last movie about team 7 badass move and teamwork as adult to only end up with cheesy moments. This movie is so purely fanservice.

In Topic: The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

05 December 2014 - 08:51 AM

Hinata here and there everywhere! So many spoilers coming out! I don't know why they have to make Hinata one of the main characters in this kitten movie. Hinata is just a side character who loves the main hero just like Lee to Sakura and Ino to Sasuke. She didn't give any importance to the manga. The entire manga is all about team 7 and it revolves to Naruto wanting to Save Sasuke and selflessly loving Sakura. These Fangirls from SP are so BS that they have to control Kishimoto's work. It really pisses me off seeing Hinata's character like that. Is this the SP and Kishimoto wants us to understand about Love? If it is about Love, kishi should make Sakura moving on. After Sasuke degrading and putting her down makes the girl disrespected. You don't have to love a guy who treated you like that for so many years. You should learn to LOVE yourself (if they want to show the meaning of Love in the manga). It was always Naruto lifting and cheering her up. He loves her in the kittening entire manga! Sasuke already said he has no reason to love Sakura so why they have a child now? Is he using her to rebuild his clan? What kind of message this to the readers especially for kids? Hinata who always like that to make us pity her or Naruto in a way. Just because this girl is shy, kind, big boobs or whatsoever so perfect person, Naruto should get her. The Manga or the Movie should deliver a message to something like YOU COME TO LOVE NOT BY FINDING THE PERFECT PERSON, BUT BY LEARNING TO SEE AN IMPERFECT PERSON PERFECTLY. NaruSaku has this THIS! This kind of Love! We know Sakura is not perfect but for Naruto he loves this imperfect girl perfectly! And for Sakura from the beginning of Shippuuden, she start seeing Naruto on which Yamato and Sai noticed it. This is what I understand and learned in the manga! Not this pathetic Naruhina Love story! Full of poop!