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Member Since 15 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 28 2015 06:48 AM

#729741 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Helloemy on 11 January 2015 - 05:00 PM

It may not be the case bc the amount of money they have spend on production & marketing this kitten unlike RTN  . Releasing tons of Hinata merchandise that DON"T sell and collecting dust  , the tickets earnings  etc  this movie should have earned allot more then it did till now to cover its expenses and earn their estimated profit so we wait and see .

Yeah, i think that they had invested more money and time with THE LAST than they had with RTN. You can cleary tell which movie they had put more money on the animation, marketning, products and some famous guest voice actors. They may have earned more money than RTN, but don't forgot that they has invested a lot more money in this money and still the movie didn't made it so good in the audiance. So i think that they will lose and make it up for theirs invest.
So who knows maybe in the end RTN may be the most successiv movie (possiblity?) because they didn't invest so much in the budget. Still want to see THE LAST and RTN movie budget so that i can be sure.

#725916 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Helloemy on 06 January 2015 - 11:11 PM

conquering regions would be too easy if he had charizard with him. but of course he has to leave them behind because no one wants to see a fan favorite. ugh!

The Sinnoh leauge was without any doubt his best performed leauge. The worst is defently the Unova leauge, were he suffer amnesia and all his experiences gets replaced with a mind of a stupid newbie tranier

#721612 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Helloemy on 02 January 2015 - 07:04 AM

The Kaguya/Madara fight and the War Arc did give me a lot of Sakura moments, so I can't say I entirely hated it. I was actually ok with it for the most part, until the piece of kitten ending came out and pretty much revealed why the fight was made in the first place :twitch:

Naah..... I don't feel that the war arc really made Sakura shine. We haven't seen her in a boss fight since the first arc in part 2. When the war arc was comming, i thought that we would finally get a Sakura fight. But nope. Like why Kishi? Why?! She is supposed to be the heronie, but we haven't seen her fighting since decades. Heck give the girl some action, and i'm not talking about one punch and it's over from her part. I'm talking about a boss fight like Sasori, i would also prefer without any support, because we've never seen Sakura fight against someone (except against Ino) alone while using her brain and her own power. Kishi had a great opportunity to put a fight for Sakura in the war arc, i always cringe when i think what a pontential the war arc had for Sakura. Heck even Ino got more action than Sakura.

Anyway whenever Sakura got against anyone, she would in the other second get saved by someone.
Sakura gets a powerup, she demolishes a handfull Jyuubi clone, but gets later saved by Naruto and Saskue from two Jyuubi clones. Like why? Was that really necessarily? She could just jumped away, brcause wasn't she special trained as a medic to react and avoid attacks fast? Ok, some can say that she didn't see them before it was to late, but why did Kishi have to but a situtation like this? Wouldn't be better if he just made Sakura defeats a handfull clones by her terrifying strenght and Naruto and Saskue joins her without needing to save or protect her?!

Sakura unleashes creation rebirth, a s-class technique, charges against Madara, not going to stand behind her teamsmates, later get saved by Naruto. This really bugs me as a Sakura fan. Like why did she do that? Kakashi did just say to you that you must use teamwork if you want to success. But instead to come up with a strategy, you chose to charge against Madara without any good idea what you are doing, and because you don't want to stand behind their backs or get in ythe way you choose this? Of course you will get in the way.

Then later on just as during the Obito fight, Sakura gets sidelined during the Kagurs fight. Sure she brings Saskue back from the other dimension and gets a punch at Kaguya. And that's all. Not more. Not a freaking serious battle for Sakura in the war arc, while her teamsmate gots a bunch of them. Thought it's the same for the others females in the war arc. Ino got some fight but it was mostly a supportive role, the same for Tsunade (well almost). I really got pissed of how Kishi handled the females in the war arc.

#712594 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Helloemy on 21 December 2014 - 07:40 PM

so, I heard Nh fans are bashing Junko....

Not suprised

#693952 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Helloemy on 07 December 2014 - 09:43 PM

Lol. The scores is now down at 3.05

#693849 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Helloemy on 07 December 2014 - 08:41 PM

Look at the top ten most popular reviews. ALL OF THEM are complaints.


Though my japanese is rosty i can understand the mostly and i thank god the majority have brains. What i can pic up is that many hated that Naruto being so OOC during the mission and onward, and there was someone that complained that it had to little/no action? many also mentioned Sailor Moon scene whish they found it funny and stupid, there was also many that took up that they couldn't cancell their tickets and fell betrayed. Whish i can't blame them when Saskue only appered 2 min with only one phrase. HA! Is the same with Kakashi.

But i also like that many mentioned Naruto and Sakura's relationship. Many hated the scene when the infamous line comes up that Naruto only loved Sakura for his rivality for Saskue. There was a guy who described it like "And what about Naruto's words to Toneri when he defeated him, when Naruto himself held feelings for Sakura which was only a easy-free rivality?".
Many found it hilarious that they had to put away/down Naruto's comprades in team 7 just to make Naruto only see Hinata.

EDIT. LOL, also sees there scores is down at 3.12

#685779 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Helloemy on 04 December 2014 - 07:48 PM

Let's turn 'Kishi' into slang.  :zaru:
Kishi (also Kishmoto), slang, n, the act of suddenly and without warning changing the course of a story at the last minute. 
Example: "Dude, that guy totally pulled a Kishi! I'm never reading his work again."

Marvelous idea!

Kishi (also Kishmoto), slang, n, the act of suddenly and without warning changing the course of a story at the last minute. 
+ you can also use this slang when someone destroys like a great story just in order for money and marketing.

Another example: how to end a story in the worst way? Do a Kishi.
What happened? This new Star Wars movie doesn't make sense. I got a feeling that we will experience a Kishi.
i can't trust mangans's again i don't want to hit on a Kishi again.....
Mass effect 3? Kishi happened.
Indiana Jones 4. Kishi strikes again!

#681104 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Helloemy on 01 December 2014 - 10:46 PM

The movie is not gonna flop no doubt it since a lot of people already bought tickets but i think it will not be liked by other fans except the nh/Hinata ones

I mean by the spoilers, the last is just another "rescue the Hime" type of movie just like the the first naruto movie, the difference is that in this one the princess is hinata

Agree. All the tickets is already solded out due to the hyping of Naruto, Saskue and Kakashi posters and the tickets was sold before the plot was realised. It's also THE LAST movie in Naruto, so many fans who has followed the manga under a long time will feel obligated to watch the movie. The animation looks glorious and is wellanimated. Hinata's voice actors is super popular, which they really had taken advatgen of. Also Toberi's voice actor who is also a popular singer in Japan. Also the director Kobayashi is also pretty famous. As you see this movie contains alot of famous people, it will make that people who usually don't or haven't watched Naruto will likley watch the movie due to many famous people are in the movie and also they had marketed the movie alot in comicials and products in Japan. So yeah, i'm afraid that this will be the highest grossing movie in Naruto and maybe also beat some others wellknowed movies in Japan.

#680892 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Helloemy on 01 December 2014 - 08:07 PM

Yeah sorry just found out they were fake. My bad!
Kind of. She gets Hamura powers which are about equivalent to naruto and sasuke's sage powers. 

Wow....... Just wow. Why am i not suprised? Naruto and Saskue gets gods power, but their teamsmate Sakura doesn't get a god power like but Hinata gets it. Just wait to the end when they will tell the story about the new legendary sannins, Naruto Uzmuaki, Saskue Uchiha and Hinata Hyuuga...... HA! LolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololoLolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol, lol, LOL, LOL!............ lol

#637302 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Helloemy on 05 November 2014 - 02:31 PM

Ok. Let me tell you a story about me. I have shipped many couples before NS, and yes not all have become cannon, i get a little upset but i can always think like "well... At least it makes a little sense". But i can't think so if NH happens.
Kishi has been involved in this movie for 2 years. Yes that's right, he had 2 kittening years to show NH moments and NOT only from Hinatas persective, without also some thoughs from Naruto. But nope! He didn't and worst of all why did he have to bring the girlfriend comment from Minato, to prove that Naruto is still into Sakura. That was so uneccessary, it was war and people died and then Minato just radomly ask a girl he doesn't even know if she may not even know Naruto and was just healing him as a medic nin. But Kishi really had put that in there and follow up with the CPR scene and make Hinata to fall and being unable to save and be with Naruto side. And shows every dreams in IT which was to shows their impossible's dreams. Like why Kishi?! Why would you do that if you intendent to make NH cannon. You missed your chance before the war arc to create a devenploment of NH but you didn't, and you gained a second chance in the war arc but you also screwed it up.
He had so much time to create a romantic ground for NH, but he didn't. God it would be like Lucy from Fairytail ends up with Jellal.

For all my years as shipper in the manga/anime world this is exception. If NH become cannon i won't we be sad because NS didn't become cannon, i would be sad that a shipping who had almost no involment with the maincharacter may become cannon. If Kishi had make more NH moments then i would swallow my pride and accept it. But now i can't because this shipping is so unlogical, thanks Kishi! You just destroyed my favorite manga! ありがと!

If NH happens in this movie i will only see this as either some crazy NH fans kidnappad Kishi's cat or sended death treaths to his family, or that SP complained and tried to make him change opinion so much so that Kishi gave up.

YEAH THAT'S RIGHT I CALLING THIS BS! I will not and will never accept it.

But i'm so glad that i changed ship from SS to NS the best choice in my life and i on't regret it.
I met many nice people who doesn't bash character's and talk about the silver/don't deserve opinions. Which is very common for me as a Sakura fan that many people often bash and hates her, and i can talk about NS here without getted bashed of NH/SS here and hear why people love Naruto and Sakura's wonderful and most developed relationship.

I have not gived up on NS because hope is always what people's belives before the death. But i would post this even if the kids picture didn't showed up because tommorow is when the (real) Naruto ends and i just want to thank you my dear comprades for this years, i only wish that i could came here earlier.

#632907 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Helloemy on 04 November 2014 - 11:33 PM

I'm gonna party every damn where. They better flee the Internet when NS happens and I way they would call it an ass pull move. Lmao fools.

Can i join you? The fulledge Narusaku army.

#626473 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Helloemy on 02 November 2014 - 04:29 PM

For me. I'm like 96 % that Naruto won't confess in chapter 699. Why?

Naruto said to Minato that even he's 17, he still doesn't know so much about boots and WOMENS. And i think that gives me the messange that he isn't ready to start a serious realtionship with someone, because he is still young.

And for me the in chapter 693 when Sakura said i love you to Saskue it just gave me a weird feeling, i always thought that it just didn't feel right. I decided to ignore it, but it has came back again this strange feeling that Kishi had a mind about Sakura's confession. Naruto knows that Sakura is in love with Saskue and he did just get remained of it in chapter 693. So why would Naruto confess to Sakura when he knows that she is still in love with Saskue? It just feels stupid that Naruto would confess to Sakura directly now the POAL is fullfilled when he really knows that she is still in love with Saskue.
Seriously would you really confess to someone who you already knew is in love with someone and it's been proven for not Along ago. Geez, what is the point to confess to someone if you already you will be turned down. I don't think that Naruto just wants to confess his feelings so he will get done with it. He wants also Sakura to accept his confession and start a relationship. It doesn't make Naruto a pussy or coward that he will wait until the movie or chapter 700 to confess. The best way for Naruto to succed is give her time, because come on;
A fight with a god, almost died, the boy she loves wants to kill her master and Naruto and start a revolution, she confessed and was turned down with the worst rejaction ever! (killed coldbloody in a illusion, hello?), wakes up and hear that the 2 most important boys in her life that she wants to protect is fighting in a life and death battle, and she will probably found them halfdeath and with missing a arm and she will probably blame herself for she wasn't able to reach Saskue and the POAL from Naruto.
And you guys also wants Naruto to confess to her, the guy who is now so bably injured and is missing a arm. It will littary destroys her. It will be like the ION arc when Sai told her that she is part of responsible of Narutos pain, but like 100x worse.
And i also want to add the fact that two confession on one day is to much to handle, it will confuse her feelings as hell. Plus the things i mentioned before.

So i belive that Naruto won't confess to Sakura in ch 699. He will give her time to recover herself, and it will maybe take some years. For now in the current state they are now, none of them are ready for a romantice relationship. Sakura has just been turned down and Naruto has admiteted that he doesn't know so much about womens and he's probably not looking for serious relationship yet.

EDIT: hey i also got remained of what if Kishi putted the confession in 693, just to not make Naruto confess until the movie or ch 700, just to keep the tension up. It always a possiblity.

#625320 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Helloemy on 01 November 2014 - 08:44 PM

Are you sure Naruto is a NH fan? :hm:


NH fans are just like Naruto in part 1. Stubborn, rash and loud

#623631 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Helloemy on 31 October 2014 - 11:52 PM


The heronie: Hinata

Naruto Uzmuaki

Lazy to change his looks: Shikamaru

The new Saskue: Sai

Kakashi The Hokage


A homeless pirat from arabia: Saskue

Smoth hot looking guy: villan

With damsel in distress: Hanabi

And Characters who will probably only appear 5 minutes during the whole movie and we won't get a kitten about them: Tenten, Kiba, Shino, Temari, Ino, Choji, Lee

Have we forgot someone? Nah, it was probably all 😏

#619298 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Helloemy on 30 October 2014 - 01:05 AM

Well RtN let naruto see his parents, but as for the deal of NH and SS fans not caring for the story, thats my final conclusion with them, after all the NS stuff for it being called a dead pairing since 469, its just a sad case for even a "dead pairing" like ours to get more attention than theirs and even more insane to think kishi would just have sasuke spontaneously love sakura or naruto just forget his promise now and/or just go to hinata despite the whole ordeal from 615 to 631 which enraged the NH fanbase. Because if our pairing is dead, well we devoured the remains of Nh and SS because to get more development and focus as nothing intended, its just a sheer embarrassment for NH and SS at this point.
But hey, looking how Nh fans ranted over 631 and 663, at how SS fans said Sasuke always loved Sakura, when it was blatantly obvious he didn't, even for those to think he wasn't being serious in 693 or tried to make pitful excuses about the genjutsu despite him showing sakura himself killing her, then trampling on her views, thats just the limit of absurd and stupidity from a fandom, its just pure fandumb at this point.
My conclusion of the Nh and ss fandom is that they didn't care for the story, they only wanted some blatant absurdity to occur regardless of the complications and unacceptability. Because they still believe sasuke will love sakura (completely contradicting their view that he loved her already) and that naruto had somehow gotten over sakura and/or went to hinata (despite us never seeing it and the fact naruto still loves Sakura) or that the kushina foreshadow means nothing because of 691 (yet what we saw we saw, sakura was like kushina and neither way does this help hinata, this makes the whole naruto meeting his mother and father deal kinda pointless on this one aspect doesn't it? Minato didn't even meet Hinata for that point!) God I am done with the stupidity of this pairing war, only going to enjoy NS no matter what, just want to see the promise tackled and fulfilled. Its like these fans loved to work offscreen and ignore what was mostly onscreen unless it was in favor of them, everything onscreen is non-canon unless they say so, everything NS is fake and a lie, everything fanfiction based on NH and SS is true. God glad this should all end. I just hope we get a good NS event between naruto and sakura for the promise fulfilled.

Well i said it before, but i used to be a hardcore SasuSaku shipper before and i was really serious about SS in part 1. But over the years i grew up with Naruto and he's a very inspiring character and one of my favorite character in the manga/anime world, i really want that he will get the girl who he loved since the berginning of the manga. And of course they have devenploment and they're entertaining and funny together, and it's not just about one person like saskueSAKURA and narutoHINATA.