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Member Since 08 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 14 2014 08:48 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Naruto Shippuden 311

13 May 2013 - 03:37 PM

This episode definitely had some of the most beautiful animations (Sakura and Naruto looked amazing!!). It kinda made me disappointed in the actual RTN movie. If only the animations could be as similar to this episode.

Overall I loved it. It was very cute, yet bittersweet. happy.gif

In Topic: Naruto 624

21 March 2013 - 04:26 AM

I love Naruto, but I'm starting to get bored... Between the breaks and the ridiculous side stories, and now flashbacks within flashbacks... I mean I'm sure it'll pick up eventually but I'm almost left shaking my head. I hope all of this stuff is relevant (which I'm sure it is)... I'm just impatient. dry.gif

I just want to see Naruto again.. and find out where Sakura went! shamefulcry0js.gif

In Topic: WINTER CONTEST - Winners Announced!

22 February 2013 - 04:52 AM

Thank you so much for the votes!

I feel really honored.

I have another fanart on the way to celebrate that I hope everyone will like!

In Topic: Naruto 619

05 February 2013 - 10:15 AM

I have to say, I really enjoyed this chapter. I admit, I thought it was going to be another boring segment of "how many panels can we make Sasuke glare and say nothing" - which DID happen, but it actually really made me feel sorry for him.

This poor kid, because of his background, was doomed the moment he was born (at least, that's what I took from it). I'm sure this is the tactic Kishi's going for. It makes him human again (along with the other "bad guys"). Well played Kishimoto - although at first, my immediate thought was "oh great, a SasuSaku setup", until I read further lol. After reading this chapter, I just don't see a huge, good vs evil, epic final battle between Naruto and Sasuke. Maybe, just maybe, if it does happen, it'll be for the title of Hokage. But I'm just speculating. Who knows what curve ball Kishi will throw next.

Anyway, the hokages were hilarious, and I'm excited to see what they have to say in the upcoming chapters about the Leaf.

It would also be nice to see Sakura again (she's still in this shonen right?) bahahaaa!

In Topic: WINTER CONTEST - Winners Announced!

20 December 2012 - 03:08 AM

YESSSSS!!!! Will be entering a few pics then smile.gif

Been waiting for another fanart doohickey lol

Alrighty, I've submitted another fanart!

I did have a question though. I had an idea for a super short, four-paneled doujinshi regarding the mistletoe - would this be acceptable?