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#1 ichaichamaster



  • Genin
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  • Gender:Male
  • Location:The solitude fortress aka the craper

Posted 18 May 2012 - 09:41 PM

here is a sratch from the story of a fanfic im doing. note it's a stkech the grammar is horrible, it's just me writing down notes for the actual fanfic which will be writen in a much better way.here it's, it's spoiler free for the last 5 chapters.

start with angsty narusaku at the a tent at war.
then shifts to good sasuke and karin fighting tobi. karin dies. sasuke goes after tobi. meanwhile naruto is also on his way to tobi too. he runs into sasuke. they throw kunais at eachother and then naruto looks in to sasuke, feelings his fists and asks why is he atacking him. sasuke says itachi told him to be good and don't kill anyone, but he can't help but try to kill tobi for killing karin and mind raping him. naruto tells sasuke killing is never the answer, but tobi is the incarnation of evil. he also says tobi killed his parents. this makes sasuke even madder and demands naruto to kill the bastard. naruto tells sasuke he will help him, but not for revenge reason. sasuke is like wtvs. they have a small talk about karin and naruto convinces sasuke to go to the camp sasuke agrees. they get there at sunset. shikamaru suspects of sasuke but then agrees and so do the others. bee and sasuke have a tiny talk. then sakura appears and she and sasuke have a talk in the tents. meanwhile shikamaru, bee, kakashi and chouji reassure a sad naruto. then they all eat fish around a fire camp for dinner and go to bed.

chapter 2
naruto wakes up, put his shirt on and gets out of the tent. then he meets up with the guys on the showering tent for the dudes, powered by one the rookies suiton. they all talk a chit chat, and then, naruto after shower eats a ramen he brought on his bagcpak and uses a small fire tecnique he leant from iruka a few days ago just to do that. turns out he can actually use all of the basic elementary tecniques, because of the namikaze kekei genkai, avanal. he then goes to the tactics tent. sasuke, sakura, iruka,kakashi,bee and tsunade are all there. they discuss tactics and they decide naruto and sasuke should go after tobi. so both get out, go their tents, get ready and be back at the camps exit. sakura is there and she aproches naruto and tells him to be careful and look out for sasuke. naruto says to her, don't worry i won't die until i'm hokage. sakura smiles a little smile at his antics and sasuke can't help but chuckle at them. they go out fight tobi, sasuke dies, naruto drags his body, and shikamaru runs into him and helps him out. naruto then sadly reaches sakura's medical tent and drops him by. he yells at sakura to save him, and sakura crying tries everything but fails. tsunade enters the scene and she herself couldn't do anything. naruto then goes to his tent and grieves at his friends death. at night, sakura goes to naruto, reassures him and makes him dinner. while they grill the fish, sakura hugs naruto and cries in his chest. now naruto reassures her. after dinner, naruto and sakura have a reassuring hug and go to sleep.
chap 3
naruto wakes up and doesn't even shower or take breakfast, he goes directly for the tactical room, trying to think of a strategy. iruka then enters and asks him wut up. naruto says he let one of his friends die and wasn't about to let yamato die too. iruka reasures him saying tobi wont kill yamato since he needs his chakra. and it wasnt naruto's fault that sasuke died. kakashi and shika enter the scene and shika eared everything an he has a plan. kakashi explains intel and sai found out a base near the river bank where yamato supposebly was. shikamaru then says his plan is to rescue yamato and thus, making the zetsu army sharply weaker. he then sais the hokage went to kumo with the raikage to discuss the new events of war. he then said she wanted a strike team formed by gaara, sai, kakashi, bee, shikamaru, iruka, naruto, ino and choji. he tells them they will depart after lunch. it's still morning, so naruto goes to the cave below the forested mountain where the base is. he train with kakashi and iruka, and he learns how to use lightning attacks with avanal. naruto takes a while but then kakashi demonstrates him, and naruto uses clones to sucessfuly learn a new justsu called raiton elemental release. and four dragons like kirin go straight to the enemy. kaka and iruka smile at how their student has grown. then naruto still grieving goes to lunch. he sees sakura and sge says she belives in him to end the war. then naruto tells why would she, and she calls him a baka and says he always can do inimaginable things. naruto thanks her, and she smiles a bit at him. after lunch, they go to the river. there is a army of white zetsus. naruto sai and kakashi avance trought the base while the other fight them of. the base is basicly jus a cave an it doesn't take much time until they find yamato that messed up thing and the real zetsu guarding. he sumons a ton of zetsus and kakshi and sai fight them off while naruto powns zetsu with elemental dragons and a odama rasengan that smashes zetsu trought that thing, releasing yamato. naruto carries him while he is unconsious. sai an kakashi finish those bastards up. when they get out, the others are still fighting those lousy bastards, now weakened. there is still 30 of them and

they defeat the army with ease. then they walk slowly to the camp and talk about the war and then say some jokes to light up the mood. when they reach the camp, it's night and sakura and tsunade are there waiting for them, tsunade congratulates them and sakura says to naruto see you could do it afterall. naruto is suprised and asks how she knows about. she calls him a baka and says she knows everything. tsunade says they both need a day out tommorow. naruto smiles a little bit. after that he goes to his tent, heats up his ramen and his boxers too and then goes to sleep thinking about sakura
chapter 4
naruto wakes up at 9.30 and just gets dressed. he eats two rice cakes and he id good to go. he goes around the mountain and finds an old temple with cherry trees all around it. he thinks it looks really nice. he goes inside and there is only and inscription saying the thunder and the abanero son will bring peace fourth to the world. naruto is like meh and ignores it. he gets out, looks all around to enjoy the view and wonders if he could bring sakura there. he returns to the camp just in miday, maybe a bit later. naruto was near his tent when sakura sees him and says naruto where the hell where you? i was worried about you. naruto tries to explain sakura but she interrupts him saying. save it naruto. come with me to that old white bench over there so we can have lunch. naruto says he doesn't have any lunch ready and sakura shows him a small lunching box. naruto smiles a little and says what would i do whitout you, to which she smiles back. so she drags him to the bench and naruto digs in. she just chucles at him. naruto says it's delicious and she says he doesn't have to like her horrible cookings and he replies it is really good and chucles again. then he asks why did she made lunch for him. she replies he has been trought a bad time and needind a good relaxation. he replies she has also suffred to which she thinks he is always looking out for me. naruto then says he would love to take her to a place he found. sakura says she can't right now because of the paintents, but would be delighted to go with later. so it's setlled, they part their ways, she to the medical tent and he fishing in the river. naruto when is fishing and is thinking about sasuke dying. he gets depressed and wanting revenge, but has a flashback of what nagato told him about revenge never being the answer. then his thoughts shift to jiraya. he wonders if he is watching him right now. he then has a flashback of jiraya telling him about women. then it shifts to sakura treating some patitents. she has already cured 3 shinobis. she has a little moment for herself. she wonders where naruto is taking her. she then is interruped by shizune who says that sakura needs to heal 4 more patients before leaving. she sighs. back to naruto still fishing, a man aproches him and it's bee. nzruto relaxes and gets back at what he's doing. bee notices that it isn't naruto's turn to get the fishes for dinner. naruto says it's ok. bee then notices naruto's frown he asks what's going on and naruro replies he really hates tobi and wants to kill him. bee then says he's sure sasuke woul6 want naruto to kill tobi. and then naruto szys he thinks hes too weak to kill tobi. bee says he belives naruto is up for the task. naruto smiles a bit and thanks bee. then he remembers he has to pick up sakura. he runs and sreams sakura is gonna kill me. bee laughs out loud and says good luck with the lady. back at the tent naruto reaches sakura only to get punched in the head. baka!! why did you take so long. nsruto says sorry and that he was fishing. sakyra says, anyways, where are you taking me. naruto grabs her hand and says. just wait and see. he leads her by the hand all the way untill the old temple. when they finally arrive, she punches him in the shoulder for scaring her. naruto just tells her to look around. she was mareveled with the cherry blossoms and the afternoon sky. she tells naruto it's beautiful. she tells him to sit in the grass with her right in front of the temple. so he does. after a while enjoying the sunset he says. sakura chan im sorry for letting sasuke die. she says what the hell, it wasn't your fault. he says he failed his promise to her, he couldn't bring him back. she says he actually brought him back. he says how sakura chan, he died. she says but you made him see the light didn't you? he nods. she says that's good enough for her. naruto then says she cared for sasuke too much. she replied. i don't care about as much as you think, i mean don't get me wrong i'm still greaving for his death, but i'm not as depressed as you think. you see after he departed, i starded to see how ilusionated i was with him. he was a nice guy but certainly not the one of my dreams. naruto says sakura chan
but. she says no buts naruto you were there for me when he left the village now let me be here for you. she hugs in a tight embrace. naruto says sakura chan... thank you. she says no need. they stay in eachoter's recomfoting embrance for a little while until the sky is dark. naruto says they sould go back to the base. so there they go walking side by side. they meet up with shikamaru who gives them a sermon for leving without warning. later they eat the fish and they go to their tents. when naru goes to bed, in his sleep he enters an other dimension where no tome passes by while passes there, an his parents are there??

what do you think sorry for the wall of text
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