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Member Since 03 Mar 2006
Offline Last Active Jun 27 2006 01:09 AM

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In Topic: The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

26 June 2006 - 10:07 PM


Didn't see this posted in this thread (unless I skipped a post - sorry if I did)

This was posted in the LiveJournal Chuunin community: it's pro-NaruHina and anti-NaruSaku.


Partly a rhetorical question, and partly because I honestly don't remember: when was the last time Hinata did something of relevance in the manga again? tongue.gif

In Topic: Why DO we like Narusaku?

03 March 2006 - 05:40 PM

QUOTE (Smiter @ Feb 5 2006, 03:11 PM)
It's definitely certain that, without Naruto, Sakura would not have become a medic-nin.  She wouldn't have started to realise her potential.  Hell, she was ready to just give up until Naruto told her he wouldn't drop his promise.

This is one of the main reasons why I support NarutoxSakura - because of the influence they have on each other to constantly grow as humans and as shinobi (primarily for Sakura). One of the primary themes in this series involves changing established perceptions, and Naruto is the catalyst of development for so many of the characters, including Sakura. She began the series as a character who had a seemingly irrational and completely random crush on Sasuke, to the point where it was holding her back. She also disliked Naruto, and thought he enjoyed "tormenting her", despite his obvious affection for her. Over time, she comes to respect and appreciate Naruto, as her crush on Sasuke also deepened. I think her "love" for Sasuke is pretty unhealthy, and it continues to hold her back(she's willing to betray Konoha and everyone she loves for him!). If SasuSaku was ever realized, it would be a nightmare.

On the other hand, her relationship with Naruto has progressed and has made her a better a better ninja for it.

QUOTE (shadow_Uzamaki @ Feb 5 2006, 09:17 PM)
Just 1 question, when Sakura ran to sasuke after she sees him filled with Haku's needles and Sakura rans past Naruto, why did Naruto placed his hand on his chest?

He clutches his chest because as much as he was hurt by Sasuke dying, seeing Sakura hurt pained him equally as much...if not even more so. Because of the depth of feeling he has for Sakura, he never wants to see her hurt, and I think this is also why he is so intent on pursuing and retrieving Sasuke. He wants to, not only because Sasuke is his "nakama" who might die if Orochimaru gets his way, but because he made an oath to Sakura. He made that "promise of a lifetime" because he recognized how important Sasuke is to Sakura, and is intent on bringing him back, because not doing so would hurt Sakura immensely (god I'm long-winded).

Naruto's own affection for Sakura is so constant and deep, he would do anything for her, including, it seems to me, "give her up", knowing how much she truly loves Sasuke (chapter 183). The lengths he'd go for her are so immense, he's even willing to allow the Kyuubi to develop to the point of personal, physical harm. Of course, there are other factors in the Kyuubi transformation, but I'm convinced it wouldn't happen if Naruto wasn't allowing it to, and his oath to Sakura plays a large role in that.

Naruto is such a force of change, I think it would be beautiful if ultimately someone he influenced so much - Sakura - helped make him realize he's loved and help change him in return.

In Topic: Chapter 297 Discussion (RAW + Script)

03 March 2006 - 02:54 AM

QUOTE (Gaara @ Mar 2 2006, 05:55 PM)
What if Sakura indeed finally loves Naruto, but Naruto hast lost his feelings for her over the years? I mean, did we ever see a sign of love interest in Sakura from Naruto in part 2? (I really can't remember)

I don't think he's lost his feelings. As what others have said, but also when he he first sees her again after the time-skip, he tells her he doesn't think she's changed at all. He says that because he's a blockhead who doesn't know how women interpret flattery, but IMHO I think this also indicates his feelings for her haven't changed either. That is, he doesn't see her as looking "more like a woman now", because he's always had the utmost respect/admiration/affection towards her (and her appearance... wink.gif). Hope that makes sense and sounds relevant.

First post, btw...got off my lurking butt and registered today. I hoped Kishimoto was developing Naruto/Sakura since before the time-skip, especially after chapter 183, and after reading 297 I believe without a doubt he has. biggrin.gif