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Member Since 14 Dec 2015
Offline Last Active Sep 06 2018 01:10 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Do you think the naruto franchise might redeem itself in the future?

23 August 2016 - 06:16 PM

No reboots, no redemption. They have clearly showed a lack of respect to readers and i look at the ending and the sequel as just scorched earth

In Topic: My Final Realization Of What bothered Me About The Naruto Manga

02 March 2016 - 08:20 PM

The "Rivalry" BS was what turned Naruto into a complete scumbag and negated the vision of him being an altruistic "Good guy"

If you pretend to like a girl to piss off a guy and convince her and everyone else around her and you that you're in love and suffering because of her, and she confesses and you shoot her down infront of all your friends and act like she was in the wrong you're not a good guy you are a manipulative sociopath :zaru:


Well put, it goes back to what I said before, all sides of the pairing wars deserved respect on how things went down canon wise. For them to reduce Naruto's feelings for sakura to a rivalry trophy is disgusting.

Bottom line is, if Naruto and sasuke felt anything for Hinata/sakura respectively, then those dynamics should have been developed over the series. Sakura being with sasuke after he summarily rejected her right before the final battle with Naruto is the worst thing I've ever seen in fiction

In Topic: My Final Realization Of What bothered Me About The Naruto Manga

17 January 2016 - 07:07 AM

Especially if those excuses involve essentially blaming a big chunk of the fandom with claims that we were "misreading".

How can you misread it when the so called canon coupling barely exists in the manga

In Topic: My Final Realization Of What bothered Me About The Naruto Manga

16 January 2016 - 07:27 AM

Either way it went, all sides and all fans deserved respect. Instead kishi told everybody they read it wrong

In Topic: An outcast in the Naruto fandom

14 January 2016 - 10:58 PM

Kishi did a horrible thing not because of the ending and not by the pairings, but because he didn't respect the investment of his fans. No matter what happened,all sides, all characters and all the development needed to be respected.

You sit up and have naruto and sakura be the main protagonists for all of shippuden, show them learning, growing and bonding together only for Sakura to be the same fangirl she was at the beginning is a crime.

Naruto and sakura deserved way more than to be a rivalry trophy, it cheapens everything and that sickens me.

Naruto deserved more, Sakura deserved more, and even Hinata deserved more. Sasuke deserved death imo, he was the most unrepentant character ever, i find it impossible to figure out how he's Naruto's best friend and Sakura's husband.

That's the biggest thing, lack of respect! It's a kick in the gut when your otp doesn't get the Canon, but reducing it to nothing like that kitten last movie did was nothing but skullduggery. Kishi saying we read it wrong is just insult to injury. If we read it wrong, why did they need to WRITE A MOVIE AND SERIES OF NOVELS to explain what 15 years of manga didn't?

Kishi betrayed an entire fanbase not because of creative misrepresentation, not because laziness, not even because of greed, but a general lack of integrity and respect for the loyalty his readers showed him for over a decade.