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Member Since 08 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 18 2010 08:12 PM

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In Topic: Little Pink Reveler

17 July 2010 - 05:10 AM

Well the idea of number two was that naruto and sakura for what ever reason died some time ago before they ever really met the grandchild. I wanted to create the build up of a subtle mystery as to what was going on but clearly failed in the finishing blow of them not actually being alive. I must have spent thirty minutes trying to use the right line to indicate that they are not a part of this world but it just wasn't working. I'm struggling between using the styles of number 2 (bit more somber but soothing) and slip them into number 1 or just go hell bent on number two till it is clear as day as to what I was aiming for. Regardless, my hope was to multilayer where I use the themes of the contest and weave a story of both the 6th hokage and his grandchild and how they tell a larger story of the love the kages have for their village.

In Topic: Little Pink Reveler

16 July 2010 - 02:33 PM

Its getting tough to decide since you all seemed to give number two the vote till you miss what I was getting at (more so I failed in my writing then you all "don't get it - takes of smoking jacket"). I was afraid I couldn't lay it out well but the idea is that the "6th hokage" will always look after the people of his village just like he did many years ago...even in death. The second story was meant to hint at the fact that Naruto and Sakura are no longer actually alive but I'm either so awsome that I fooled you all, or I'm being to vague.

I might go with cat's idea and just combined what I can of the two. Basicly take story one but move pieces of the second story into it for extra detail and what not.