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Member Since 27 Feb 2007
Offline Last Active Mar 05 2019 03:02 AM

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In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

02 March 2019 - 01:31 AM

Although I was visualizing Boruto and Sarada (Caesar Salad!!!)


I was thinking of doing a dumb amuses-only-me gag where I just call characters by a new wrong name every post I bring them up, but I do like Ceaser Salad, so I might just have to refer to her as that only.



That's the age where, "If our parents don't want us to watch it, then it must be awesome", is our thinking, lol.


Yeah, definitely. I lucked out though. My mother never cared what I watched as long as I knew right from wrong, so I'd seen things like the Alien movies, Terminator and Robocop long before you'd usually want a kid to see that stuff. I'd always watched Beavis and Butthead, too, which I guess is the one I liked more compared to things like South Park.

In Topic: The Random Thread

28 February 2019 - 07:55 PM



And then, at that moment, he realized... he f***ed up.

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

28 February 2019 - 06:50 AM

SERIOUSLY?!! Like I'm sure that's gonna work for them  :roll: .  That just screams incompetence if anything else, this is also one of the major problems I have with today's storytelling they're basically treating the fans as idiots like we have no reading comprehension at all I mean how stupid do they think we are really? Fool me once and its over its why I haven't touch upon anything Nardo related since its ending nor do I care what's going on, they can reap what they sow with their new audience I'm sure its going "great" for them :roll: .   


It's not working out for them, no, but that's the downside of them slipping into a hole of their own making. There's really nothing they can do at this point save continuing on the path they are or canceling it and moving on to something else. They're obviously reluctant to do the latter, since Naruto was once the biggest manga in the world and an international hit. Anything else is off the table, because short of completely rewriting the last two to three hundred chapters of Naruto into something cohesive and logical you can't fix that story. They made Bibibab and Ceasersalad and Himawiggiwoo and whoever else. Now they have to deal with them.


In this case, they're obviously hoping if they go back to the dynamic of the early days with a new coat of paint, they can try to recreate whatever magic was there that hooked people, but they're not only being too literal about it, they're ignoring the fact that it's easy to see it's shaping into the same story. It's the Walking Dead problem, where your stories hinge on a basic, easy to spot cycle readers/viewers eventually get wise to and question. They'd be served well by trying to break from the mold and do something interesting in another direction, but it seems they've hobbled themselves with a flash forward and while I'm a fan of starting with a shocking scene in the future and then building to how we got there, it's probably not a great choice for a years-long action-adventure saga you're going to deliver in monthly chunks that barely advance the story.


Such a weird choice of how to do things.


They already all but outright called a majority of fans idiots when called out on how BS the whole ending was. Not just pairings, but the ending as a whole with the plot-holes, @$$pulls, hypocrisy and contradictions, and the whole weak and pathetic "red herring" excuse afterwards when pointing out the non-existent NH development against the development of NS and the generational parallels made numerous times.

Literally saying we "didn't read the manga right".


There was never going to be any other reaction from them. They made their choice and they had to stick by it, even if it was clear it was the wrong one. They were, after all, hyping up the new next generation sequel they wanted to sell. They're not going to admit they blew it with the original because their choice is the entire foundation for their continuation. They're completely full of s***, but I find it easier to simply accept that you can't expect better from something like this.

In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

28 February 2019 - 06:20 AM

It surprised me. The joke was getting old anyway because they kept reviving him every, single episode.


I was ten when that show came out, so just the right age to be totally into the kind of humor South Park had in its first season, and I just did not like it, partly because I thought the jokes were just dumb, especially the Kenny dies bit. I've never understood how that gag lasted as long as it did. Pretty much everyone else in my class watched it though (yeah, we were a little young to be watching South Park, but hell, that's never stopped kids even before the internet and cell phones). Hell of a cultural touchstone to not be into when all your peers are.


Thankfully I was watching WWF at the time, just as Austin was coming up, so I at least had that.

In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

22 February 2019 - 09:03 PM

Don't worry, most Gundam fans I know love G Gundam. It's only the diehard, "grrr. Gundam is a serious sci-fi military drama" blokes that crap on it. And those guys tend to be in the minority, often being shouted down for missing so much. Or completely butthurt after IBO's ending didn't give them what they wanted.


Wing is still garbage though.


I have fond memories of G, but it's one I've made a point to leave to memories. I watched some scenes on Youtube and they came across as silly. Plus, the animations pretty bleh. Which shoudln't bother me as much, because I like the original Mobile Suit Gundam, but there's something about it. The designs, maybe? I don't know. It sucks, because I still love the silly ass premise and it has the right amount of crazy nonsense I usually love.


Wing has aged so horribly, though, and was probably NEVER good if we're being honest. Style over substance. Operation Meteor is the rock stupidest plan I think I've ever seen in fiction. Wu-Fei is a top tier moron. I did love the Gundam designs, though - especially the Endless Waltz variants - and some of the other characters worked. The original show is pretty bad but I feel like you could probably make something really compelling out of it if you did a full remake of the series and cut out some of the unnecessary crap (Wing is about the same size as most long form Gundam anime, yet it feels like it has twice the chaff it could cut out of any other).


Anyway, I love the core Universal Century to bits, but I've also been a little leery of it these days; the series has been trying a little too hard to pull a "see it from the other side" in some of the UC entries and that makes me uncomfortable, honestly.