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Member Since 03 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 03 2024 11:52 PM

#939827 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 12 May 2017 - 08:49 PM

can't wait for the sanami moment in the next chapter.

#928791 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 19 December 2016 - 05:28 PM

the throne is only meant for them.





#928134 Spider-Man: Homecoming

Posted by luffyq1 on 09 December 2016 - 05:06 PM

excited for the direction that marvel will take now that they share the rights. as for the trailer itself? well it was pretty underwhelming, and i'm so tired of iron-man.

#927286 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 29 November 2016 - 12:54 AM

Oda showing support for Luna while throwing shade at Sanami lol

#926993 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 24 November 2016 - 02:57 PM


#924643 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 27 October 2016 - 03:44 PM

 this was a very emotional chapter.


now i don't give a crap if he was acting, he crossed the line the moment he said luffy isn't good enough to be pk. 


the little fight sanji had going on was kinda embarrassing, considering luffy was eating his most powerful attack that we've been shown. the only thing he did was knock out luffy's tooth. just goes to show how durable luffy is, even after facing a commander for ten+ hours.


i love that luffy declared he was going on a hunger strike. and to top it off, he said he won't eat anything unless it comes from sanji's hands.


deep stuff.

#924106 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 21 October 2016 - 09:27 PM

depleted of energy after facing a yonko commander and he'll still torch sanji for being disrespectful, and also making his navigator cry.


dead chief walking...

#922623 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 05 October 2016 - 05:48 PM

I wonder how Luffy will lose all those mass. Either God help that toilet or God help that river.

use awakening to make the toilet rubbery, so it can handle luffy's deposit  :lulz:

#922588 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 05 October 2016 - 12:59 PM

hahahahah this chapter was amazing. nami's face as she orders her underlings around was hilarious, and luffy's new gear 4 mode, which a lot of people theorized he had, looked pretty sick. he should have another form.


and yes folks, the luna is real!



#920820 Avatar the last airbender controversial story/pairing disscussion

Posted by luffyq1 on 14 September 2016 - 04:29 PM


True but there opinions changed and now are regretting kataang. From what im hearing majority of the staff writers back then hated kataang except a few writers and storyboard artist. Those writers are the one who put kataang moments but the head writer who hated kataang downplayed the moments because it wasen't just the writers below bryke that put a bit of kataang, but mike and bryan themselves but they overdid it and the head writer had to tone it down. 

you're really misconstruing their words. they never said anything close to regretting aang and katara being together. from what you're "hearing" is nothing more than what you want to be true.


ember island players, southern raiders, and many more episodes throughout season 1-3 shows us why zutara wouldn't work. i don't respect the writers, but they can't go back on what they've already long establish and intended since the beginning.


and yeah, tone down kataang on the last season with them:


1) having a hot dance, which resulted in them sweating afterwards.


2) imaginary hot and steamy kataang kiss


3) an actual kiss


wow! it seems like they really did tone it down.


sorry, but i don't believe anything that you've said without backing it up with actual evidence. 


This is a nice argument made about the way how kataang got treated at the last few episodes in the original series and the sequal/comics. katara really is nothing more than the heros house wife in the end.  I can't respect bryke anymore.  -_-



perspective from a zutara fan. wasted ten mins reading that stuff -____-

#920710 Avatar the last airbender controversial story/pairing disscussion

Posted by luffyq1 on 13 September 2016 - 03:23 AM

nick was known for their trailers playing tricks on the zutara fandom.


and here we have one of the many times bryan and mike ridicule them:


#919811 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 03 September 2016 - 10:34 PM

luffy isn't beating kaido or big mom solo. it's not happening, and so far oda hasn't given me a reason to believe otherwise. quite the opposite in fact. 

#919227 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 27 August 2016 - 02:29 AM

just perfect

#918812 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 22 August 2016 - 11:12 PM



If you find the ending bad, why do you find it bad? Elaborate as much as you can.

it was bad because i didn't get a ichihime kiss.

#918672 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by luffyq1 on 21 August 2016 - 11:54 PM


This is so beautiful.  :love:  :love:  :cry:  :cry:

i got it from here:

