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Denim the 88th's Drabble Corner

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#141 catsi563



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  • Interests:Naruto, Sakura, NaruSaku, pizza, dragons, tigers, wolves, cats, Slaying Ebil dragon windmill thingies, the moon, the ocean.

Posted 29 July 2009 - 07:44 PM

AHAH!!! I challenge you denim!!

A Scarlet Snake Eyes

the theme is love, and relief at the return of someone thought dead

Inspired by a picture i saw on DA of Snake eyes holding a sleeping Scarlet bridal style while sitting agaisnt a wall.

the premise is based on the story where Snake Eyes "dies" to save scarlet and the others on Destros sub while it sinks. The Red Ninja steal his body and ressurect him as an evil warrior but storm shadow and scarlet are able to breka him out of the mind control by StormShadow threatning Scarlet and Snake Eyes stabs Storm shadow non fatally thus brekaing the conditioning.

while searching for Snake Eyes for three days, Scarlet does not sleep for the entirety of those three days.

If your not comfortable with Scarlet Snake eyes a Naruto Sakura along the lines of the same theme and roughly similar premise would also be acceptable
My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

#142 Denim88


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  • Interests:Hm, interests...well, I was one of those crazy nuts that knew all the pokemon back when that was the big thing...still do know them all (cough). I happen to be a very strong supporter of NarutoxSakura pairing. I really enjoy wildlife and the outdoors. I'm a gamer I guess...yeah, okay, I am. Let's see, what else could I put down...um, I love reading, writing, and biking too. Comedy movies are the best...um yeah. Kind of a weak interests section, but whatever.<br /><br />Ah, yes, I guess I should mention that my stories are also able to be viewed on fanfiction.net. You can find me under the name Denim88 on there too.

Posted 15 August 2009 - 06:31 AM

Well, I decided to bump Vyse's NarutoxMizukage drabble to next, so here it is. True's Bakemonogatari drabble will be the next one, and I'll continue from there.

@ catsi: Eh...I was never a big G.I. Joe fan, but I'll see what I can do. I mean...I'm pretty sure Snake Eyes never talked...since I believe he was deaf and blind, right? Hm...well, anywho, if I can't get that to come out right...I'll just NaruSaku it up biggrin.gif

Anyway, here's the drabble!

Diplomacy at it's Finest --Click here to view--
Naruto sighed as he leaned against the wall of the small lobby, “Hey, Sai, how long has it been now?”

“One hour and seven minutes.” Sai replied while adjusting his bird mask, “You really should be more patient, seeing as you are the ANBU captain of our group.”

“Whatever. I swear, ever since she started requesting these meetings with Kakashi-sensei and Gaara every to be held every six months, she's been dragging on them on longer than usual.”

There was the sound of chairs being pushed across the floor, causing Naruto and Sai to visibly stiffen, along with the rest of the Konoha ANBU and elite Jounin of Kiri and Suna that were stationed around the Mizukage's building.

“I think they're done now.” Sai spoke quietly.

No more than a minute passed before Kakashi and Gaara walked out of the Mizukage's office along with the leader of the Hidden Mist village herself. She was laughing at a joke that Kakashi had apparently made while Gaara had a small smile on his face while shaking his head. The trio looked at the few visible shinobi in the lobby, and their stares all fell on Naruto.

“Sai, are they-?”


Naruto tilted his masked head to the side, “What's the matter, Hokage-sama?”

Kakashi waved a hand, his masked smile still visible on his face, “Oh, nothing important. I was just telling Mizukage-dono and Kazekage-dono here about the recent excursion your team had to the swamps outside of Kirigakure.”

Naruto was silent, and Sai had to credit his captain for managing to keep his cool. Sai had been on that little trip himself. It wasn't funny to think back on.

“I fail to see the humor in setting off over twenty explosive notes that were supposedly all outdated and no longer functional. Our team was unaware of the methane gas deposits in the soil nearby, and we sincerely apologize for any extensive damage we caused to the wildlife of the area because of that.” Naruto spoke, using his 'captain' tone. He gave the young Kage a bow before turning to his own leader again.

The Mizukage gave an appreciative nod, “It's not a problem, ANBU-taichou. I had my explosive teams out there the very next day to clear the area. We still have remnants of the civil war to get rid of around here it would seem.”

Gaara gave a small nod, “It would appear so, wouldn't it? I'm just worried that we may have the same problem with our proximity bomb tags out in the gorge north of our village. Iwa has been quietly lately, so we're not sure whether we need to remove the paper bombs or not.”

The red-haired woman clapped her hands once, “Well, I don't know about you, but I'm more than willing to leave this building for tonight. Don't you agree? I swear, I'm going to get claustrophobia from being cramped in here all day at this rate!”

In a matter of several minutes the lobby began clearing out. Kakashi, along with several of his ANBU, headed back to the hotel they would be staying at. Gaara, along with his own entourage, did the same. Naruto was about to do the same, maybe try and talk with Gaara for awhile before he called it a night, but he felt a hand on his shoulder stop him.

Naruto spun around, kunai in hand, and noticed the alerted face of the Mizukage. He studied her exp​ression for only a second before pocketing his weapon, “My apologies, Mizukage-sama. It's an old habit from months on the field.” Naruto rubbed his neck a bit, fox mask still on his face, “Is there something you wished to speak to me about?”

The Mizukage gave a rather teasing smile as she spoke, her voice soft and comforting to Naruto's ears, “I just wished to have a word with Konoha's 'Kiiroi Kaze'. It's not everyday that one meets a Fourth War Legend like you.”

Naruto visibly flinched as he heard his nickname that he had inherited from the many battles he fought in the Fourth Shinobi War, “Ah, Mizukage-sama, with all due respect, I'd appreciate it if you don't call me that again. It's...”


“...er...yes.” Naruto replied, “It sometimes makes me wish I hadn't figured out how to use my father's Hiraishin no Jutsu with how often I heard that name when I started fighting in the front lines.”

The Kirigakure leader giggled a little, “I think it's a very unique nickname, and knowing who your father was, I would be proud if I were you. You've gained the 'flee on sight' command when spotted by Iwa forces, and Kusagakure doesn't step foot onto Konoha's borders because of you at the battle of Kagennotsuki Lake.”

Naruto laughed, “You're flattering me, Mizukage-sama. I didn't do much in that battle, for the record. I just found out that the forces were flanking from the west because one of my shadow clones just happened to notice a few Kusa-nin before it was dispelled.”

“Not to mention you took out half the enemy shinobi.”

The blond shrugged, “You have me there, Mizukage-sama.” Naruto turned to leave again, “It's been nice talking, but I must be going. The Hokage needs me to keep watch over-”

“It's alright; he already told me he'll be fine with one less of his bodyguards watching him tonight.”

Now, Naruto was rather good at picking up signals that told him something was off. Especially when it came to women who were throwing signals at you like kunai into a target post. He turned to the red-headed woman, and raised a concealed eyebrow, “Mizukage-sama?”

She winked, “I'd like to get to know you better, if that's alright, Uzumaki-san.”

“What's the reason?”

“You honestly want to know?”

A nod.

“I think you have a gorgeous body, and I'm pretty sure I'd jump you right now if it wasn't for the fact that we'd be seen.”

Naruto rolled his eyes; he'd been in this situation numerous times with rookie ANBU kunoichi and some of the more seasoned kunoichi as well.

“Mizukage-sama, I'm afraid that I'm not interested in bedding with you tonight, if that's what you're asking.”

“...not interested in having a wedding?” the Mizukage said, not hearing what Naruto said, “...a wedding?? Oh, no no no! I didn't mean anything like-”

Naruto slapped his masked forehead, “I didn't...never mind, what I'm saying is that I'm not interested in spending a night with you if what you're talking about is what I think it is. I'm on a mission, and I'm afraid I cannot abandon it.”

The Mizukage gave Naruto a big grin while nodding in a proud manner, “Damn, you really are a tough guy.” She shook her head, “I understand...though I was hoping you could at least be a gentleman and give me some company. It gets kind of lonely on these cool, misty nights here. After all...I'd hate to tell Kakashi-sensei about how you cleared out the ramen stand down the street while you were supposed to be at your post.”

“You're blackmailing me?” Naruto asked.


The blond ANBU captain shook his head, “Very well. I'll provide you with this so called 'company' you desire.”

- - - - -

Naruto fiddled with the small straw that stuck out of his drink that the Mizukage claimed was a 'smoothie' of sorts. He detected the faint scent of mango and strawberries in it, but most of it smelled of raspberry and banana.


The blond was shaken from his assessment of the fruit drink, turning his attention back to the woman across from him at the small table in her personal home, “Hm?”

She turned around to face him fully, “Is it true...that you're the Kyuubi's container?”

Naruto raised an eyebrow, “Yeah. I am.”

She nodded, “It must have been hard to live with it...”

“You can say that again.” Naruto replied, “I don't let it get to me though. I've gained friends that don't care about me being a Jinchuuriki, and that's enough for me. When I become the Hokage, I won't let the fox be the reason I'm held back from gaining the village's respect.”

“That sounds very noble. Definitely something I could expect from you.”

He smiled, “Really?”


Naruto snorted in quiet laughter, “You hardly know me.”

“Not so true. Your leader has spoken only good about you during his free time around me. The Kazekage seems to admire your character too, if I remember correctly. I can get a general idea of what you're like from what the others have said.” She gave him a half-lidded smile, “Not only that, but I believe that one of your teammates claims you're quite a charmer once you get out of your shell?”

“Was she blond?”

“Yeah, had blue eyes too.”

“Dang it, Ino...” Naruto sighed. He'd get her back later. She had been trying to get him hooked up with a woman for quite some time now. Most relationships he had were either too awkward for him, or they just ended with 'staying friends'.

The furthest he ever got in a relationship was with, not much to his surprise, Sakura. In truth, he probably never would let his love for her be let go completely. He was pretty sure that she felt the same. However, they tried, and honestly did, try to have a relationship with each other. In the end, it ended with Naruto admitting his childhood crush on her not being the same as he felt for her now, and her admitting she loved Naruto, but not in the way lovers do. It was more of a 'I would lay my life down for you, always be willing to hear you out, and be the one who you can trust when you're unsure about things' love, she said. Naruto laughed, saying he felt the same.

“She said that you wouldn't be happy about knowing this.” the Mizukage sighed, playing with her own straw, “I apologize if you don't share the same interest, Uzumaki. I can-”

“No, it's fine.” Naruto cut her off, waving his hand, “It's just...Ino is like a sister to me...an annoying sister that is worried about my personal life. Ever since we were put on the same ANBU team at age seventeen, she's been nagging me to get a girlfriend.”

“She's a nice woman, Naruto. She sounds like she genuinely cares about you.”

“Yeah...” Naruto replied while shaking his head, “She does. I probably wouldn't be alive if I never was put on the same team as her, bless her soul. She's saved my hide more times than I can remember...though I probably also wouldn't have nearly as many women trying to get a date with me...”

“You sound like that's a bad thing.” the Mizukage laughed.

“You have no clue.” Naruto replied with a groan, “Anyway, Mizukage-sama, I should probably get back to-” Naruto was cut off as he felt a tender hand hold onto his own. His eyes darted to her face, only to see her smiling gently, “Mizukage-sama?”

The red-haired woman held Naruto's hand ever so gently, “Uzumaki-san...I was wondering...”


“...if...this will probably sound ridiculous, but, would you be willing to spend tomorrow night with me as well?”

Naruto let a small grin cross his features, “Milady, are you asking me out on a date?”

She blushed at the noble title he used, “I suppose you could say that. I may be older than you, but not by too-”

“I'm sold.”

The leader of Kirigakure blinked before laughing, “I see. Very well. I wanted to show you a small little grill near the river. It's a beautiful place at night time when the fireflies are out.”

Naruto smirked, “I think I've already seen one of the more beautiful attractions in Kiri if you ask me.”

She noted his eyes were on her, and she rolled her eyes while blushing a bit, “Please, that's such an old pick up line.”

“You love it though.”


That night, Naruto escorted the Mizukage back to her home, all the while feeling the ever-so-faint presence of other shinobi following them, likely her own elite guard. He gave them credit though; they were doing a pretty good job at keeping their cool tracking a man who held the reputation for 'Ninja in One-thousand Places at Once'.


Naruto turned around to ask the Mizukage what she wanted, but was instead greeted by a pair of lips connecting with his own.

For a minute, he wasn't sure if he should pull away and apologize, but after she wrapped her arms around his neck, he decided to forget about all protocol of ninja-to-ninja leader formality and grabbed her by the waist while deepening the kiss. He wasn't sure, but he swore he felt her moan a bit while running her foot up his leg a bit.

A minute was soon over as the two parted, the shorter woman a bit out of breath while Naruto himself was sporting a healthy blush and grinning like the idiot he was known to be.

“Uh...well...” Naruto begun, “That was awesome!”

The Mizukage grinned as well, “I'll say. If this keeps up, I may just have to ask the Hokage to keep you around a bit longer.”

Naruto, though he laughed, wondered if that would be possible. Heck, Kakashi owed him a few favors, after all.

- - - - -

“Hokage-sama...are you certain it was wise to try and 'hook up' Naruto-taichou with the Mizukage?” asked a younger ANBU officer.

Kakashi gave the younger shinobi a smile, “Yes. Believe me, if there's one person who can strengthen ties it's Naruto. Think of this as a...payment for Kiri's loyalty to us.”

“Hokage-sama! Are you saying that our platoon captain is...offering 'services' to the leader of Kiri for their loyalty?!”

“Haha, no, no. Kiri was loyal to us from the start. I just want Naruto to find a nice woman to settle down with, and Ino said I could try this.” Kakashi replied, adjusting his large Hokage hat, “Besides, the Mizukage asked me about him before I even suggested the idea.”

Needless to say, Kakashi found that Kiri's loyalty to Konoha stayed strong, and Naruto in turn found himself spending more and more time in Water Country whenever he could.

Gimme a break, 'kay?

Denim88's fanfiction page!!!

#143 catsi563



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Posted 15 August 2009 - 07:37 AM

Thatd be fine denim a narusaku following those lines would be perfect.

And jsut FYI Snake Eyes was mute LOL

Sp yeah go ahead and NaruSaku that one if you want. I cant wait to see it.
My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

#144 Vyse


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Posted 15 August 2009 - 01:07 PM

That was awesome Denim, but it's to be expected from you by now. I don't have internet at my new apartment yet, so I'm not online much yet, but I'll talk to y'all later.

Oh, and Luffy/Sadi-chan next please! ;-)

#145 Denim88


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Posted 16 August 2009 - 05:46 AM

Hmmm...yeah, I like HitagixKoyomi I guess. Bakemonogatari may not be the most romantic or action packed series, but man are the characters awesome.

Here you go, True. I'll expect all checks made out to 'Denim88' fu.png

Don't Take it so Seriously --Click here to view--

“Araragi-kun, do you think that we're being too childish playing on this playground?”

Koyomi looked down to the girl that was hanging from her arms on the jungle gym, “Is there a right or wrong answer to that question?”

“Only if you want to think there is.”

Koyomi knew better though, “Right. You'll end up scolding me if I say we are and that I'm too boring; if I say no, you'll say I'm immature.”

Hitagi gave a smirk before flipping onto the top of the jungle gym in a very acrobatic fashion, “You still haven't answered my question.”

Koyomi rolled his eyes and sighed, “No, I don't think we're being childish playing on this jungle gym.”

Hitagi was quiet for a moment before nodding, “Hm.”

“...that's it? No snappy insult?”

“Would you like me to insult you?”

“No, but it's not like you to pass up the chance to verbally attack my self-esteem.”

Hitagi smiled a little as she sat on the metal bars by Koyomi, “Does it bother you that much when I tease you?”


“You're lying.”

“Okay, so it bothers me a bit.”

“Would you prefer me to stop teasing you then?”

Koyomi laughed this time, “I'd rather not force you to change who you are, though it would help if you lay back on the insults a little...I'm not a total idiot, you know.”

Hitagi let out a small gasp, “Seriously?”

“Oh come on! You don't need to feint surprise like that!”

“You shouldn't overreact to every little remark I make either.” Hitagi chided, “After all, did I not make a heartfelt confession to you not too long ago?”

“Like I would know; you made it sound as if you were being sarcastic.”

Hitagi flicked Koyomi lightly on the forehead with her index finger, “I was telling the truth.”

“Okay...you didn't need to flick me on the forehead though.”

The two were quiet for a few minutes, both finding a strange comfort in the silence they were sharing. Once in a while, Hitagi would look to Koyomi, and look away when Koyomi looked to her.



“Suppose we never met on that stairwell. What do you think it would be like for us?”

“Well, you'd still weigh next to nothing.”

“Yes...and I suppose you'd still be a hopeless virgin who's failing all his classes aside from math in a spectacular fashion.”

“You know, you ought to set up a service for giving out insults to people who can't think of any on the fly.” Koyomi grumbled.

Hitagi leaned against Koyomi a bit before speaking, “You know, if I truly saw you in such a way, do you think I'd spend so much time with you and talk to you?”

“I...” Koyomi shook his head, “...no, you probably wouldn't.”

Hitagi looked up to him, “Good. Because I do care for you.”

Koyomi was blushing a bit, “Y-yeah, I know. You've told me before...”

Hitagi snickered a little, “Such a hopeless virgin.”

“You're one too.”

“I'm not a hopeless virgin though.” She spoke softly, intertwining her fingers with his.

“Ah...point made.” Koyomi spoke in equally soft voice.

Hitagi then whispered softly, “I love you.

Koyomi chuckled a little, “I love you too.”

“You're English needs work.”

Koyomi raised an eyebrow, “So does that mean you'll help me?”

Hitagi simply hummed in agreement, “I suppose someone has to help the hopeless Koyomi Araragi. Who better to help him than the great Hitagi Senjougahara?”

“I thought it was Hitagi Senjougahara-sama...”

Hitagi smiled a little, “Only you need to refer to me as such, Araragi-kun.”

The two shared a quiet laugh, watching the sun slowly sink into the sky. She didn't admit it often, but Koyomi knew that she did care.

As far as Koyomi was concerned, he was fine with things this way.

Gimme a break, 'kay?

Denim88's fanfiction page!!!

#146 True


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Posted 16 August 2009 - 06:06 AM

How does it make you feel to be the first fanfic author ever for this fandom Denim? Pretty freaking sweet huh? biggrin.gif

#147 Denim88


    I have my moments, believe it or not.

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  • Interests:Hm, interests...well, I was one of those crazy nuts that knew all the pokemon back when that was the big thing...still do know them all (cough). I happen to be a very strong supporter of NarutoxSakura pairing. I really enjoy wildlife and the outdoors. I'm a gamer I guess...yeah, okay, I am. Let's see, what else could I put down...um, I love reading, writing, and biking too. Comedy movies are the best...um yeah. Kind of a weak interests section, but whatever.<br /><br />Ah, yes, I guess I should mention that my stories are also able to be viewed on fanfiction.net. You can find me under the name Denim88 on there too.

Posted 16 August 2009 - 06:10 AM

QUOTE (True @ Aug 16 2009, 01:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

How does it make you feel to be the first fanfic author ever for this fandom Denim? Pretty freaking sweet huh? biggrin.gif

omg! XDDD

Seriously, though, I guess it's something to brag about. Though, it'll catch on quick, and soon everyone will say, "lol, I was writing Bakemonogatari before EVERYONE."

True, I wasn't aware we had a bank either, lol

Gimme a break, 'kay?

Denim88's fanfiction page!!!

#148 Zatren6



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Posted 16 August 2009 - 06:41 AM

Awesome Bakemonogatari drabble! biggrin.gif

#149 Denim88


    I have my moments, believe it or not.

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  • Interests:Hm, interests...well, I was one of those crazy nuts that knew all the pokemon back when that was the big thing...still do know them all (cough). I happen to be a very strong supporter of NarutoxSakura pairing. I really enjoy wildlife and the outdoors. I'm a gamer I guess...yeah, okay, I am. Let's see, what else could I put down...um, I love reading, writing, and biking too. Comedy movies are the best...um yeah. Kind of a weak interests section, but whatever.<br /><br />Ah, yes, I guess I should mention that my stories are also able to be viewed on fanfiction.net. You can find me under the name Denim88 on there too.

Posted 18 August 2009 - 08:20 AM

Alright, folks, here's the one I had been hoping to get to; Shadowmoon's NaruSaku tragedy.

Man, you wouldn't believe how hard it was to not get all teary eyed writing this. Hm...maybe I'm just overemotional? Bah, whatever the case, hope you enjoy the bittersweetness that is NaruSaku tragedy. More stuff on the way!

Naruto stood over the motionless body of Sasuke. The blond's body shook as he stared into the now lifeless, black irises of the fallen Uchiha. Sasuke was dead.


That didn't matter to Naruto though. Not at the moment.

Naruto turned to the girl of eighteen years sitting against a tree, a weak smile on her face, “Are...are you okay, Naruto?”

Naruto didn't say anything for a moment. He instead looked to the spot Sakura was covering with her hand and a cloth used for applying pressure to a wound that was bleeding badly.

However, Sakura should have been lying on the ground if she wanted to effectively keep the bleeding at bay. Something told him she already knew it was a fruitless effort though.

“Naruto...?” Sakura spoke, her fading emerald eyes looking to him, calling his name, and shaking him from his morbid thoughts.

“I...” he walked over to her, and knelt down so that he was eye level with her, “Sakura-chan, tell me what to do. I'll do it, damn it, even if I don't know the first thing about Medical Jutsu. Just...”

“There's...not much...that can be done, Naruto...” Sakura spoke in a soft whisper, her smile stained crimson from coughing up blood, “Sasuke was a damn good swordsman...h-he went straight to my liver...a-and I think he sent electricity from his electrified blade straight to my heart and lungs...it's hard to breath right now...it hurts...”

Naruto shook his head, “I'll send a Shadow Clone to Konoha! We're only a good five or so miles from the village! Yeah, and I'll carry you back myself while the clone gets a medic team over-”

“Naruto...this is a level five injury...”

Naruto's eyes widened before he shook his head. That was ANBU talk right there; he knew it since he was a captain, “Don't talk like that! It's a level four at best. W-we've got time, a-all we-”

Sakura put a hand to his whisker-marked cheek, trying to quell his shaking body, “Naruto...I'm dying...”

Naruto let out a sob as he gripped her hand, trying to force his will for her to live into her, hoping that by some miracle that she'd suddenly be perfectly fine. The problem was that miracles didn't happen that often in the shinobi world.

“Please don't do this to me, Sakura...if you die...”

“Shhh....” Sakura hushed quietly, her eyes showing a peaceful look that many seasoned Jounin called 'the dying calm'; a look often found in ninja who were dying and aware of it, yet not fearful of their fate. Usually because they died protecting a comrade, Sakura's case being no exception.

“I...I could have survived that Chidori...it was meant for me, Sakura-chan...” Naruto spoke softly, slowly lacing his arms around her as she leaned against him, “You shouldn't have-”

“Naruto...you and I both know that Chidori was more than enough to kill you...Sasuke would have punctured your throat and that would be the end of it...” Sakura laughed a little before coughing up more blood, “Besides...I wasn't about to have you go and die on me...you've protected me enough times...”

“Sakura...you never owed me anything for doing that for you...I did it because...because I...”

Sakura let her head fall weakly to his chest, his heart beat lulling her a bit, “I know...I love you too...”

Naruto looked at her in disbelief. Did she just say she loved him? He bowed his head, and his body shook, “I love you Sakura...”

Sakura smiled, tears forming in her eyes, “I love you, Naruto Uzumaki. I love you more than...more than I thought I ever could love someone. You...mean more to me than my own life is worth...that's why I protected you.”

Naruto could hear the ragged breathing from the girl in his arms, the death rattle as it was often called. Her body was slowly shutting down, too worn out to continue keeping her alive, “Sakura...”

Naruto did something that few had seen him do. He wept. He wept for killing Sasuke, who though was responsible for so much grief in his life, was still a brother to him. He wept for not being strong enough to protect the two most precious people in his life.

Most of all, though, he wept for the cruel fate Sakura had been dealt.

Naruto was now crying openly, and freely as Sakura just ran a hand limply through his hair, “Naruto...it's okay...it doesn't even hurt anymore...”

Naruto looked up, his eyes already puffy and red, “I can't go on, Sakura. I...I'm scared...”

“You need to be strong...Naruto...”

Naruto shook his head, “I can't be strong if I have no one to protect...and...I don't want to live on without you...”

Sakura's fading emerald eyes locked with his sapphire irises, “Naruto...you need to keep living...”

“I can't...”

“Y-yes you can...Naruto...” Sakura whispered, her voice a mixture of pain and love, “You can do anything, and I believe in you. You need...need to lead Konoha...w-when Kakashi-sensei retires...from Hokage...”

Naruto shook his head, “You won't be alive though and...”

Sakura would have laughed if she were in a different situation right now at just how much she affected this young man's life. She basically had been his pillar of strength without realizing it, “Naruto...I want...you to...promise me something...”

A few tears ran down his cheeks as he looked to her. He was quiet for a moment before sighing, “Anything, Sakura...”

Sakura smiled, “Promise me...”

Naruto nodded.

“Promise me...that you'll live...live a good life, and live like I want you to. Don't...don't let your dreams die just...just because I'm no longer alive...”

Naruto was finding it hard to swallow now from all the pain in his throat. He looked away for a moment, contemplating if he really could promise her that.

A hand ran down his face. It was cool...yet, he could feel a loving warmth to it he had never felt before. He looked to see the pink haired kunoichi looking to him, her smile still on her face, her eyes almost closed.

Naruto had never seen so much blood in his life...


Naruto nodded, his eyes squeezing shut before he opened them with fresh tears. He gave her a smile; a real smile. A smile that said I love you, and I always will, “I promise, Sakura. It's a promise. A promise of a lifetime.”

Sakura let out a weary breath, “Thank you.”

“No...thank you, Sakura. You...you were such a wonderful part of my life...I don't think I'll ever love someone the way I did with you...”

Sakura's eyes were barely open. She could hardly breath, and moving her arms was next to impossible. Her fading memories of medical knowledge told her by the amount of blood and chakra she lost from the wounds, she should be dead right now. Still...her willpower and stubborn nature refused to let her die yet. Not without a final farewell...


The blond looked to her, “Sakura?”

“I...I don't think I ever told you this...but I still haven't been kissed by a boy...”

Naruto actually laughed, “You've got to be kidding, with your looks, and still not kissed?”

Sakura grinned, her eyes closing for a few moments, “Baka...” She opened them again, her smile a little softer now, “Will...will you give my first kiss?”

Naruto froze for a few seconds. He wanted to curse the heavens right now for the horrible irony he was experiencing; he finally got to kiss the girl he loved, yet it would be her first and last kiss with him.

He nodded before slowing pressing his forehead to hers. She felt his warm breath tickle her face before his lips touched her own. With all the strength she could manage to muster, she returned the kiss, trying her hardest to convey all her feelings to him.

'I love you, Naruto. Please grow strong for me. Please continue to be the light that so many look to. Keep Tsunade-sama and Kakashi-sensei happy; heavens know they'll need it after the funeral. I will always be with you, and as long as you carry the Will of Fire...you will carry me with you...'

Sakura let out a final breath, which entered Naruto's mouth and lungs. He could taste her blood, along with the faint taste of cherries from her lip gloss. He didn't want to open his eyes, lest he see the sight that would forever haunt his memories.


He had to be strong. Sakura gave her life for him. He couldn't dishonor her like this.

Opening his eyes, he looked, and forced back a choking sob. Sakura's eyes were closed, giving her a serene, eternally peaceful look. Her head lay in his arms, no longer supported by her own strength. Her chest did not rise.

Her heart had stopped beating with that final breath; a breath she had breathed into Naruto, a breath of final life. Her way of making sure Naruto lived on.

- - - - -

When the rest of Konoha Eleven finally arrived a half hour later to the scene of the battle between Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto, they had froze in place. For a moment, no one said anything, just staring at the form of Naruto who held the limp body of Sakura in his arms. He didn't look up to them, but he wasn't crying either. He just held her, looking into her serene face.

The first to approach was Shikamaru, followed by Ino, who was on the verge of crying, “Naruto...”

Naruto blinked before looking up to Shikamaru. He said nothing, instead rising to his feet while holding Sakura's body in his arms.

“Did...Sasuke...?” Kiba asked. Naruto simply nodded, and Kiba looked down.

“She died to protect me. It was an attack that would have killed me as well...” Naruto spoke, his voice surprisingly calm, “She told me she loved me.”

“Sakura-san...” Hinata spoke, her tears not allowing her to say anything more. She cried quietly while Kiba put an arm around her in an attempt to comfort her and himself.

Ino let some tears fall before she cried into Chouji's shoulder. The Akimichi himself was shedding tears. Everyone was; even Neji.


“It's alright, Shikamaru. I'll live on. I promised her that...and...I'm glad I did.” Naruto let a small smile that showed more pain than joy form on his lips, “She didn't really leave us...she's...just a part of us in a different way now.”

Shikamaru was the first to nod, fully understanding the Will of Fire. The others nodded, understanding more or less what Naruto meant.

The ten shinobi waited for the response team of ANBU before they even left the area. They didn't take Sasuke's body, leaving it to the ANBU to bring back. Naruto, however, carried Sakura all the way back to Konoha himself.

- - - - -

After about three days of mourning, the Konoha Eleven finally said goodbye to their dear friend. Tsunade had not had a single drop of sake in those three days, stating that Sakura always said she should drink a bit less.

Kakashi, even with all of his duties as the village leader, took time off throughout the mourning period to say his goodbyes and be there for Naruto. It was always a horrible fear of a true Jounin instructor to outlive your students. Kakashi knew that he would have to be there for Naruto, and not let him sink into the deep depression that he had when he lost his comrades, such as Obito, Rin, and Naruto's father, Minato.

The day after Sakura's funeral found Naruto and Kakashi both standing by the Memorial Stone. Naruto had just come back from Ino's, seeing as she was one of Sakura's best friends. It had been an emotional experience, namely because Ino actually told Naruto that Sakura had been planning on asking Naruto on a date (since Naruto was too much of a gentleman to bug Sakura about dates anymore, even though she would have said yes in a heartbeat). Naruto then told Ino that if she ever needed to talk that he'd be there for her, and she did likewise.

Naruto looked at the newly carved name in the stone, “I kissed her before she died.”

Kakashi looked at his student from under his Hokage hat, “You did?”

Naruto chuckled quietly, “Yeah. She said she had never been kissed, and asked me to.”

Kakashi nodded, “Sounds like something she would do.”

“She also told me she loved me.”

Kakashi actually smiled this time, “That's good.”

“It may have hurt less if she didn't say that to me though.”

“I disagree,” Kakashi started, “To know that someone loved you, even if they were dying, is a wonderful thing, Naruto. Sakura expressed that love in an ultimate fashion; she gave her life for you.”

“You...you really think so?”

The Rokudaime gave a small nod, “Yes. I may not be a romantic person, but I do understand human emotions enough. After all, you and her were the children I never had in a way. If I had been her, I would have done the same for either of you.”

“Thanks...” Naruto said, looking to his sensei and good friend, “I'm...I'm not sure how long it'll take before I can move on from this, but-”

“Naruto, I understand. Some people never completely heal from these things...” Kakashi replied, “Just don't forget what Sakura told you. Don't give up on your dreams. Live a good life...right?'


Kakashi patted him lightly on the shoulder, “I'm not over this either. Just know that you have friends who are always willing to talk and help you, myself included.”

Naruto smiled, “I know. I just wish she was still here.”

“She is.” Kakashi spoke. Naruto looked to him before letting a smile form on his lips again. Kakashi pointed to his heart, “She's in all of us, remember? That's the bond she formed with us, right in our hearts. Her smile, her laughter, her punches, her lecturing, her concern and care for others, her love for you...all of that has been carried on to us. As long as we remember her, and never forget her, she'll never leave us. That's the Will of Fire.”

Nodding, Naruto got up with Kakashi, “Then I'll make sure to let others know her story. I'll tell them about the power of bonds...and how important it is to have them. I'll make sure to carry on her wishes and lead this village when I become Hokage, too.”

“Good. I look forward to that day, Naruto.”

The two headed down the road towards the village. Naruto spared a look back to the Memorial Stone.

He nearly tripped as he did so.

For a moment, maybe it had been his imagination, but he saw the figure of Sakura standing before the Memorial Stone. She gave him a loving smile and waved. He closed his eyes and rubbed them, opened them, and she was gone.

“Don't worry, Naruto. I saw her too.”

Naruto looked to see his sensei giving him a calm grin behind his mask, “You did?”

“Of course. She's our Sakura-chan, after all. She's watching over us now.”

“Heheh, yeah...she is, isn't she?”

Naruto would carry his love for Sakura with him for years and years to come. In a way, it was a tragedy, since he never did find another woman that he loved like her. However, he became a beloved Hokage and just like Sakura had wanted, he lived a good life, leading Konoha to a golden age, and bringing peace to the world of shinobi.

If one asked him how he did all of this, he would simply laugh, and say three words.

“I promised Sakura-chan.”

Gimme a break, 'kay?

Denim88's fanfiction page!!!

#150 Chesh



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Posted 18 August 2009 - 10:27 AM


Absolutely Fantastic...

I wish there were more great writers like yourself out there...

I almost teared up whilest reading the goodbyess...

NxS forever

P.S I havent read a good Narusaku story or Drabble in a while where Naruto Runs Away and Sakura goes to look for him only to be ambushed and Narutos saves her.

Edited by Chesh, 18 August 2009 - 01:07 PM.

I'm making perfect sense your just not keeping up

#151 Gnosismaster


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Posted 18 August 2009 - 03:55 PM

You bastard. How dare you put down our mood because of that. headdesk.gif

I demand a happy one-shot to counter that tragedy one-shot. I would like you to write a happy NaruSaku oneshot. I would like the theme to be unrestrained lust if possible and the trouble it always gets them into.

#152 Shadow-kun


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Posted 18 August 2009 - 11:09 PM

Wow! What a tearjerker! shamefulcry0js.gif

Visit my cute Dragons!

Spreading the Horoism!

#153 Shadowmoon~


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Posted 20 August 2009 - 09:56 AM

QUOTE (Denim88 @ Aug 18 2009, 04:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Alright, folks, here's the one I had been hoping to get to; Shadowmoon's NaruSaku tragedy.

Man, you wouldn't believe how hard it was to not get all teary eyed writing this. Hm...maybe I'm just overemotional? Bah, whatever the case, hope you enjoy the bittersweetness that is NaruSaku tragedy. More stuff on the way!

Naruto stood over the motionless body of Sasuke. The blond's body shook as he stared into the now lifeless, black irises of the fallen Uchiha. Sasuke was dead.


That didn't matter to Naruto though. Not at the moment.

Naruto turned to the girl of eighteen years sitting against a tree, a weak smile on her face, “Are...are you okay, Naruto?”

Naruto didn't say anything for a moment. He instead looked to the spot Sakura was covering with her hand and a cloth used for applying pressure to a wound that was bleeding badly.

However, Sakura should have been lying on the ground if she wanted to effectively keep the bleeding at bay. Something told him she already knew it was a fruitless effort though.

“Naruto...?” Sakura spoke, her fading emerald eyes looking to him, calling his name, and shaking him from his morbid thoughts.

“I...” he walked over to her, and knelt down so that he was eye level with her, “Sakura-chan, tell me what to do. I'll do it, damn it, even if I don't know the first thing about Medical Jutsu. Just...”

“There's...not much...that can be done, Naruto...” Sakura spoke in a soft whisper, her smile stained crimson from coughing up blood, “Sasuke was a damn good swordsman...h-he went straight to my liver...a-and I think he sent electricity from his electrified blade straight to my heart and lungs...it's hard to breath right now...it hurts...”

Naruto shook his head, “I'll send a Shadow Clone to Konoha! We're only a good five or so miles from the village! Yeah, and I'll carry you back myself while the clone gets a medic team over-”

“Naruto...this is a level five injury...”

Naruto's eyes widened before he shook his head. That was ANBU talk right there; he knew it since he was a captain, “Don't talk like that! It's a level four at best. W-we've got time, a-all we-”

Sakura put a hand to his whisker-marked cheek, trying to quell his shaking body, “Naruto...I'm dying...”

Naruto let out a sob as he gripped her hand, trying to force his will for her to live into her, hoping that by some miracle that she'd suddenly be perfectly fine. The problem was that miracles didn't happen that often in the shinobi world.

“Please don't do this to me, Sakura...if you die...”

“Shhh....” Sakura hushed quietly, her eyes showing a peaceful look that many seasoned Jounin called 'the dying calm'; a look often found in ninja who were dying and aware of it, yet not fearful of their fate. Usually because they died protecting a comrade, Sakura's case being no exception.

“I...I could have survived that Chidori...it was meant for me, Sakura-chan...” Naruto spoke softly, slowly lacing his arms around her as she leaned against him, “You shouldn't have-”

“Naruto...you and I both know that Chidori was more than enough to kill you...Sasuke would have punctured your throat and that would be the end of it...” Sakura laughed a little before coughing up more blood, “Besides...I wasn't about to have you go and die on me...you've protected me enough times...”

“Sakura...you never owed me anything for doing that for you...I did it because...because I...”

Sakura let her head fall weakly to his chest, his heart beat lulling her a bit, “I know...I love you too...”

Naruto looked at her in disbelief. Did she just say she loved him? He bowed his head, and his body shook, “I love you Sakura...”

Sakura smiled, tears forming in her eyes, “I love you, Naruto Uzumaki. I love you more than...more than I thought I ever could love someone. You...mean more to me than my own life is worth...that's why I protected you.”

Naruto could hear the ragged breathing from the girl in his arms, the death rattle as it was often called. Her body was slowly shutting down, too worn out to continue keeping her alive, “Sakura...”

Naruto did something that few had seen him do. He wept. He wept for killing Sasuke, who though was responsible for so much grief in his life, was still a brother to him. He wept for not being strong enough to protect the two most precious people in his life.

Most of all, though, he wept for the cruel fate Sakura had been dealt.

Naruto was now crying openly, and freely as Sakura just ran a hand limply through his hair, “Naruto...it's okay...it doesn't even hurt anymore...”

Naruto looked up, his eyes already puffy and red, “I can't go on, Sakura. I...I'm scared...”

“You need to be strong...Naruto...”

Naruto shook his head, “I can't be strong if I have no one to protect...and...I don't want to live on without you...”

Sakura's fading emerald eyes locked with his sapphire irises, “Naruto...you need to keep living...”

“I can't...”

“Y-yes you can...Naruto...” Sakura whispered, her voice a mixture of pain and love, “You can do anything, and I believe in you. You need...need to lead Konoha...w-when Kakashi-sensei retires...from Hokage...”

Naruto shook his head, “You won't be alive though and...”

Sakura would have laughed if she were in a different situation right now at just how much she affected this young man's life. She basically had been his pillar of strength without realizing it, “Naruto...I want...you to...promise me something...”

A few tears ran down his cheeks as he looked to her. He was quiet for a moment before sighing, “Anything, Sakura...”

Sakura smiled, “Promise me...”

Naruto nodded.

“Promise me...that you'll live...live a good life, and live like I want you to. Don't...don't let your dreams die just...just because I'm no longer alive...”

Naruto was finding it hard to swallow now from all the pain in his throat. He looked away for a moment, contemplating if he really could promise her that.

A hand ran down his face. It was cool...yet, he could feel a loving warmth to it he had never felt before. He looked to see the pink haired kunoichi looking to him, her smile still on her face, her eyes almost closed.

Naruto had never seen so much blood in his life...


Naruto nodded, his eyes squeezing shut before he opened them with fresh tears. He gave her a smile; a real smile. A smile that said I love you, and I always will, “I promise, Sakura. It's a promise. A promise of a lifetime.”

Sakura let out a weary breath, “Thank you.”

“No...thank you, Sakura. You...you were such a wonderful part of my life...I don't think I'll ever love someone the way I did with you...”

Sakura's eyes were barely open. She could hardly breath, and moving her arms was next to impossible. Her fading memories of medical knowledge told her by the amount of blood and chakra she lost from the wounds, she should be dead right now. Still...her willpower and stubborn nature refused to let her die yet. Not without a final farewell...


The blond looked to her, “Sakura?”

“I...I don't think I ever told you this...but I still haven't been kissed by a boy...”

Naruto actually laughed, “You've got to be kidding, with your looks, and still not kissed?”

Sakura grinned, her eyes closing for a few moments, “Baka...” She opened them again, her smile a little softer now, “Will...will you give my first kiss?”

Naruto froze for a few seconds. He wanted to curse the heavens right now for the horrible irony he was experiencing; he finally got to kiss the girl he loved, yet it would be her first and last kiss with him.

He nodded before slowing pressing his forehead to hers. She felt his warm breath tickle her face before his lips touched her own. With all the strength she could manage to muster, she returned the kiss, trying her hardest to convey all her feelings to him.

'I love you, Naruto. Please grow strong for me. Please continue to be the light that so many look to. Keep Tsunade-sama and Kakashi-sensei happy; heavens know they'll need it after the funeral. I will always be with you, and as long as you carry the Will of Fire...you will carry me with you...'

Sakura let out a final breath, which entered Naruto's mouth and lungs. He could taste her blood, along with the faint taste of cherries from her lip gloss. He didn't want to open his eyes, lest he see the sight that would forever haunt his memories.


He had to be strong. Sakura gave her life for him. He couldn't dishonor her like this.

Opening his eyes, he looked, and forced back a choking sob. Sakura's eyes were closed, giving her a serene, eternally peaceful look. Her head lay in his arms, no longer supported by her own strength. Her chest did not rise.

Her heart had stopped beating with that final breath; a breath she had breathed into Naruto, a breath of final life. Her way of making sure Naruto lived on.

- - - - -

When the rest of Konoha Eleven finally arrived a half hour later to the scene of the battle between Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto, they had froze in place. For a moment, no one said anything, just staring at the form of Naruto who held the limp body of Sakura in his arms. He didn't look up to them, but he wasn't crying either. He just held her, looking into her serene face.

The first to approach was Shikamaru, followed by Ino, who was on the verge of crying, “Naruto...”

Naruto blinked before looking up to Shikamaru. He said nothing, instead rising to his feet while holding Sakura's body in his arms.

“Did...Sasuke...?” Kiba asked. Naruto simply nodded, and Kiba looked down.

“She died to protect me. It was an attack that would have killed me as well...” Naruto spoke, his voice surprisingly calm, “She told me she loved me.”

“Sakura-san...” Hinata spoke, her tears not allowing her to say anything more. She cried quietly while Kiba put an arm around her in an attempt to comfort her and himself.

Ino let some tears fall before she cried into Chouji's shoulder. The Akimichi himself was shedding tears. Everyone was; even Neji.


“It's alright, Shikamaru. I'll live on. I promised her that...and...I'm glad I did.” Naruto let a small smile that showed more pain than joy form on his lips, “She didn't really leave us...she's...just a part of us in a different way now.”

Shikamaru was the first to nod, fully understanding the Will of Fire. The others nodded, understanding more or less what Naruto meant.

The ten shinobi waited for the response team of ANBU before they even left the area. They didn't take Sasuke's body, leaving it to the ANBU to bring back. Naruto, however, carried Sakura all the way back to Konoha himself.

- - - - -

After about three days of mourning, the Konoha Eleven finally said goodbye to their dear friend. Tsunade had not had a single drop of sake in those three days, stating that Sakura always said she should drink a bit less.

Kakashi, even with all of his duties as the village leader, took time off throughout the mourning period to say his goodbyes and be there for Naruto. It was always a horrible fear of a true Jounin instructor to outlive your students. Kakashi knew that he would have to be there for Naruto, and not let him sink into the deep depression that he had when he lost his comrades, such as Obito, Rin, and Naruto's father, Minato.

The day after Sakura's funeral found Naruto and Kakashi both standing by the Memorial Stone. Naruto had just come back from Ino's, seeing as she was one of Sakura's best friends. It had been an emotional experience, namely because Ino actually told Naruto that Sakura had been planning on asking Naruto on a date (since Naruto was too much of a gentleman to bug Sakura about dates anymore, even though she would have said yes in a heartbeat). Naruto then told Ino that if she ever needed to talk that he'd be there for her, and she did likewise.

Naruto looked at the newly carved name in the stone, “I kissed her before she died.”

Kakashi looked at his student from under his Hokage hat, “You did?”

Naruto chuckled quietly, “Yeah. She said she had never been kissed, and asked me to.”

Kakashi nodded, “Sounds like something she would do.”

“She also told me she loved me.”

Kakashi actually smiled this time, “That's good.”

“It may have hurt less if she didn't say that to me though.”

“I disagree,” Kakashi started, “To know that someone loved you, even if they were dying, is a wonderful thing, Naruto. Sakura expressed that love in an ultimate fashion; she gave her life for you.”

“You...you really think so?”

The Rokudaime gave a small nod, “Yes. I may not be a romantic person, but I do understand human emotions enough. After all, you and her were the children I never had in a way. If I had been her, I would have done the same for either of you.”

“Thanks...” Naruto said, looking to his sensei and good friend, “I'm...I'm not sure how long it'll take before I can move on from this, but-”

“Naruto, I understand. Some people never completely heal from these things...” Kakashi replied, “Just don't forget what Sakura told you. Don't give up on your dreams. Live a good life...right?'


Kakashi patted him lightly on the shoulder, “I'm not over this either. Just know that you have friends who are always willing to talk and help you, myself included.”

Naruto smiled, “I know. I just wish she was still here.”

“She is.” Kakashi spoke. Naruto looked to him before letting a smile form on his lips again. Kakashi pointed to his heart, “She's in all of us, remember? That's the bond she formed with us, right in our hearts. Her smile, her laughter, her punches, her lecturing, her concern and care for others, her love for you...all of that has been carried on to us. As long as we remember her, and never forget her, she'll never leave us. That's the Will of Fire.”

Nodding, Naruto got up with Kakashi, “Then I'll make sure to let others know her story. I'll tell them about the power of bonds...and how important it is to have them. I'll make sure to carry on her wishes and lead this village when I become Hokage, too.”

“Good. I look forward to that day, Naruto.”

The two headed down the road towards the village. Naruto spared a look back to the Memorial Stone.

He nearly tripped as he did so.

For a moment, maybe it had been his imagination, but he saw the figure of Sakura standing before the Memorial Stone. She gave him a loving smile and waved. He closed his eyes and rubbed them, opened them, and she was gone.

“Don't worry, Naruto. I saw her too.”

Naruto looked to see his sensei giving him a calm grin behind his mask, “You did?”

“Of course. She's our Sakura-chan, after all. She's watching over us now.”

“Heheh, yeah...she is, isn't she?”

Naruto would carry his love for Sakura with him for years and years to come. In a way, it was a tragedy, since he never did find another woman that he loved like her. However, he became a beloved Hokage and just like Sakura had wanted, he lived a good life, leading Konoha to a golden age, and bringing peace to the world of shinobi.

If one asked him how he did all of this, he would simply laugh, and say three words.

“I promised Sakura-chan.”






Deni-chan! Deni-kun! That was so BEAUTIFUL! You actually managed to make me.....cry! I'm so proud of you. wow.png

When I take over the world, you can pick a continent that you will name after yourself, and I'll give you a fruit basket. Ok? K. :teehee:

I'm still SERIOUSLY tearing up. How can you let Sakura die? Anyway, you're such a great writer!

Thanks for taking up my request and crafting it into something more WONDERFUL than...than...than...free chocolate. ^^


Gah. I have to wipe my keyboard now. It's wet with my TEARS.

Thanks again~love.gif


Can't wait to read more from you, and please, don't stop writing! Keep up the good work! a_thumbs.gif

Still magnificently sad,

---Moony a_hug.gif

Edited by Shadowmoon~, 21 August 2009 - 02:20 AM.

#154 Xabsol


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Posted 20 August 2009 - 01:47 PM

Oh my god.

I've never cried reading a FanFiction before.
shamefulcry0js.gif shamefulcry0js.gif

#155 Gnosismaster


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Posted 20 August 2009 - 03:42 PM

I did.

It was Garden of Sanctuary by Nes Mikel for me.

#156 RyrineaHaruno


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Posted 20 August 2009 - 05:20 PM

Gnosismaster that one I cried too I hardly ever cry, but Denim88 you rock at making me cry heeee. You bastard. butt all in all it was good fic imo.

#157 Sakura~Kitsune


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Posted 20 August 2009 - 06:02 PM

That was lovely, Denim! happy.gif

It's been some time since Kitsu's actually gotten teary-eyed when reading a fanfiction, but I'm glaaaaad that this drabble is what started up the cycle of mines again! XD

Couldn't help but wonder what you were going to convert Moonie-chan's request into - happy to see I kept wondering~ it was totally worth it. After reading / writing fluff nothing-more-and-nothing-less, needed a tragedy like this to even out the balance! Being overemotional is good every now and then especially when it's able to turn into a fantastic drabble overtime wow.png

Can't wait to read more from you~

And make sure to keep on writing, there are alot of people who can learn something from writers like yourself (and no. I'm not just saying that XD)

Though I have to ask for a request of my own whenever you have the time~ wink.gif

Naruto/Ayame, anyone? A simple theme of Aya-chan trying to teach him how to cook :3

No matter how dark it is, you’re not alone you know?

The moonlight is shining on us


#158 Denim88


    I have my moments, believe it or not.

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Posted 21 August 2009 - 07:12 PM

Heheh, well, thanks for all the compliments. I didn't honestly think it would give that much of an effect to all of you. Guess I have a tragic side after all, heh.

Anywho, I'm going to list requests for everyone, namely for myself:

ShadowcatxNightcrawler- requested by krisk (theme of angst minus death part)
NaruSaku- (I'm combining the requests of Ryrinea Haruno and Gnosis, since they're both similar themes)
SnakexScarlet- catsi (let's hope I can pull something off with that pairing XD)
LuffyxSadi-chan- Vyse (Hm...it would've helped had I read more One Piece, but I'll...do what I can! a_thumbs.gif )
NarutoxAyame- cooking theme by Sakura-Kitsune

@_@ okay, so...five drabbles. Hm, I've had worse backups on requests than this, but...I'm asking for a temporary hold on requests until I get to Vyse's, okay? Remember, cool people are patient! biggrin.gif

Gimme a break, 'kay?

Denim88's fanfiction page!!!

#159 RyrineaHaruno


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Posted 21 August 2009 - 08:14 PM

NaruSaku- (I'm combining the requests of Ryrinea Haruno and Gnosis, since they're both similar themes)

Yayz I can't wait xD

#160 catsi563



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  • Interests:Naruto, Sakura, NaruSaku, pizza, dragons, tigers, wolves, cats, Slaying Ebil dragon windmill thingies, the moon, the ocean.

Posted 22 August 2009 - 12:58 AM

Denim let me change that to a NaruSaku ok. Id rather you do one your comfy with same theme and all jsut naruto and Sakura instead of Scarlet and Snakes.
My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

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