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Naruto 573

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#141 Super Boom

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Posted 09 February 2012 - 06:11 PM

QUOTE (narunarunaru @ Feb 9 2012, 02:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow, it's been like a loooooong time since I came back to this board.

This chapter had nothing new. I was really glad that Sasuke appeared because, I'm really looking forward to the Naruto vs. Sasuke fight. But then again, Kishi has been showing Sasuke "ready to fight" once in every 10 chapters or so. So I suspect this is just one of Kishi's fan service to keep the fans excited. Geez...I hate it when Kishi does that.

And I agree with people saying, Hinata is moving on.
"I will be holding your hand walking next to you so wait for me" doesn't make sense when taken romantically.

1. If she's going to hold his hand and walk next to him romantically, it contradicts the previous statement of "Naruto-kun I have always been chasing after you even now... But once this war ends Im going to stop once and for all."
But if you take it as a comrade, it makes perfect sense. She won't be in the sidelines, and she will stand on equal grounds as him as a comrade who fought the war with him. And she can stand on equal grounds with him because she completed her character development of "being acknowledged by Naruto" when Naruto said, "I can see it in your eyes that you are strong."
On another note, Kishi didn't make Sakura say that because her character development is not completed. Therefore her statement is focused on her determination on "completing the goal" unlike Hinata's(a confident statement because she "completed her goal").

2. Why does Naruto have to "Wait for her" romantically so a girl he's not romantically interested in will hold his hand and walk next to him? If it has a romantic meaning it should be Hinata who should be doing the waiting(waiting for him to get over Sakura). It makes sense if we take it as, "Wait for me to be your equal(to help you)."

Well, if anyone has the raw I would like to see it.

Welcome back! I enjoy reading your opinions. happy.gif

I posted a few requests on the translation thread, but you can ignore them now, since a lot of the image links are broken (I reorganized my Photobucket recently). I can't find the raw chapter yet, since Narutoverse doesn't seem to post raws till the weekend, but I do have the raw text. Here it is.

Naruto 537 輝きへと続く道

仮面 難しい…名前だと?それがなんだと言うのだ?
ナルト ハア~ン… おまえはしらねーんだな!?
仮面 !?
八尾 ヘッッ!
ナルト 教えてやんなーい よっ!!
ガイ ナルトがこれほど成長したのを目の当たりにすると…自分がずいぶんと老いぼれに感じるな
カカシ …どうしたの いつものお前らしくないじゃない…!オレが言うのも何だけど…オレ達の青春もまだ終わっちゃいないってことでいかないか? …オレ達はここへ来てまだ…

ガイ それ以上言うな!余計むなしくなる
カカシ それでこそガイだ
仮面 …(あの顔…)
仮面 (汗…? イヤ…雨だ…! …オレが あんな奴ら相手に汗を流すことなどあるハズがない!!ナルトはただのサスケへの当て馬…オレにとっては余興でしかないガキだったハズだ!!
イヤ…そんなことはどうでもいい ナルトが何者かなんてのはどうでもいいことだ…)…
この戦争より後過去も未来もない…存在すらも… すべてが無意味になる

通信A す…すごいな… おまえら今のを感じたか!?
通信B …信じられませんよ… 間違いない…アレが九尾の力ですよ!
青 ああ…(…だがそれとは少し違う何かを感じる…)
シカク その後の状況は?
青 うずまきナルトがとんでもない力で面のマダラを抑えている ありえないチャクラだ!イヤむしろ押してる…ビー殿カカシ殿ガイ殿を含めたった四人で…!!
シカク … いのいち!ありったけの力でこのナルト側の状況を増援部隊全員の頭に直接語りかけてくれ!!15秒でいい!!ここで一気に士気を上げたい!!あいつら四人が全力で踏ん張ってるならここはここで出来ることを全力でするぞ!!
通信C 全員って…!?そんなことをしたらチャクラの経絡系に負担がかかりすぎて…ヘタすると…!!
イノイチ 無茶を言う10秒だ!
通信C イノイチさん!!
シカク すまない…だが今大切なことだ!短い分うまくまとめてくれよ
イノイチ 口はうまいほうじゃないが任せとけ!  (本部より伝達…!造園ポイントにて状況優勢!つまりーうずまきナルトが頑張ってくれてる!!オレ達連合が守るべきナルトがビー殿が!前線で強い想いを持って戦ってくれてる!!カカシもガイも同じだ!!

イノイチ (この戦争への勝利への預言だ!!)鼻血がでてくるイノイチ
シカク …
イノイチ ハッ!!ゼエ ハア… やっぱ…クチベタだな…オレは結局…20秒もかかっちまった…
通信C 隊長…
シカク …ああ…(それが…お前の想いの強さだ)
イノイチ すまねエ   泣いてる。

ヒナタ (ナルトくん… 私はアナタをずっと…ずっと…ずっと追いかけてきた… …でもこの戦争が終わったら もうアナタを追いかけるのはやめにします)… 
キバ (ナルト…お前ちゃ昔からしっかりマーキング付けといたんだ… オレが駆け付けるまでマダラの相手はたのんだぜ!!)
シノ (オレ達の忍術でナルトを完璧にサポートする… なぜなら…は必要ない!)
シカマル うまくやってるよーだな…ナルトの奴… …アイツのことだ…無茶やってる以外想像つかねーが ああ見えて…実わ頭がキレる方だからな
チョウジ ナルトはバカでボクはデブってのがお決まりだったけど… 意外とそうじゃなかったりすんだよね!!(待っててね ちょいバカナルト!すらっとチョージが今行くよ!!)
シカマル 冷静に策を練るタイプじゃないけどな (だからこそオレがいる…待ってろナルトもうすぐ行く!)
イノ (父さんありがとう…!ナルトの強い想いってのを父さんが皆に伝えてくれた… その予言必ず実現させなきゃ!)
テンテン (ガイ先生大丈夫かな!?ちゃんとナルトを守ってあげてるかな!?カカシ先生もいることだし大丈夫だと思うけど…)
サイ …雨が降ってなければ…超獣戯画で飛んで行けたのに…
リー 文句よりスピードアップですよサイさん!!ガイ先生の勇姿ナルトくんの勇姿に応え 己を貫き通す時です!
サイ うん…(これが…仲間って感覚…今のボクにはもうはっきりと分るよ!…ナルト)
サクラ …(ナルト…アンタは木の葉を救った…そして今度は忍の世界を救おうとしてる…いつもいつもこんな大変なことばっかりをまかされることになっちゃってる …でも今度はアンタが何を言おうが…一緒に


違えた道は未だ交わらず… 修羅、戦場に立つ!!!

Sorry, I would post only the parts relevant to the shipping discussion, but I don't know a lick of Japanese. This has probably been posted in the spoilers thread, too, but I figured it couldn't hurt to post it here. I'll post the raw chapter pages on the Translations Thread later, if you would prefer that.

Thanks in advance, and don't feel the need to rush. It's nice enough that you're willing to translate in the first place. happy.gif


#142 redragon88


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Posted 09 February 2012 - 06:47 PM

I already posted this on the debate thread but since it has to do with this chapter I'll put it here as well, feedback would be appreciated thanks.gif :

I will just say that if Kishimoto decided to have Naruto love Hinata then why make him love Sakura so much?, why the many parallels and tender moments between them?, why so much build up if it wasn't necessary? He could have developed them with a more friendly tone, so why not? He could have slowly made Naruto's attention shift from Sakura to Hinata but he chose not to. Now all of a sudden Naruto will start to think of Hinata romantically? Wouldn't it feel kind of awkward. I believe that the NaruSaku development was done so that when Sakura finally falls for Naruto that one doesn't look weird.

Naruto not loving Sakura anymore would truly look out of place, loving Sakura is part of what makes Naruto who he is. He wouldn't feel like Naruto if he had eyes for someone other than his Sakura-chan. (I want to note that the only person who addresses Sakura with -chan is Naruto). In all honesty I like NaruHina, it could make a great pairing if it was properly developed, but in the story I have read so far I just can't imagine it happening, I just can't view Naruto seeing her as the girl he loves no matter how hard I try.

Now when it comes to Sakura loving Sasuke, I will go with what Naruto said in a certain filler episode. What he likes about Sakura the most is how hard she tries when it comes to Sasuke, which is a reflection on his own personality of never giving up. In the bench scene chapter when he's transformed into Sasuke and Sakura tries to kiss him he thinks "I think I understand now why I like Sakura so much", the reason being what I just said. So I believe that Naruto will only go full force to win Sakura's heart when Team 7 can be together again (In what way that can happen only Kishi knows).

Naruto wants Sakura to have no excuse (being absent, being a criminal, etc.) to choose him over Sasuke, he wants her to choose him because she wants to and not because she has to.

#143 tricksie


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Posted 09 February 2012 - 07:03 PM

QUOTE (Nate River @ Feb 9 2012, 10:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
condensed post --Click here to view--
I wasn't sure if this was directed at me because you didn't quote me, but I was primarily the one talking about it as a goal. Since I want to respond either way, I'll assume it was and apologize in advance if it wasn't.

Anyway, I didn't specify whether it was an admirable thing or not, but when I read the chapter I don't get left with the impression that I am supposed to hate her for that or think poorly of her for it. I do both of those things, but I don't get the sense that Kishimoto is trying to convey that type of feeling and that his intention for the love is something else entirely.

My long term hope would be that she frees herself entirely from it. Naruto is her crutch. He was in part 1 and he still is. I hated the last interaction more than this because of the wilting in front of him and the backwards movement it represented.

I would find it odd though, that in an entire section of a chapter that is inspirational in tone that he would deliberately single her out and intentionally send the message that through her speech that we as audience should look down on her for it. If anything, I'd be more inclined to chaulk it up to mediocre writing or an unfortunate consequence of tweaking the fanbase on pairings because when looking at it from inside the manga, no one is calling her on it and it's not be treated from the other characters perspective as something overtly negative.
So, I'm left to conclude that he has something else entirely in mind and in that scene she finally figures out that she's just been latching onto coatails and not standing on her own and a vow to do change that. You are right in that the ways she words it she seeks to be strong enough to stand with him so that she is there for him and not to be strong in her own right. Yeah, still a crutch.

My point is not that she hasn't done what you said, what I wonder is if it's intentional on the part of Kishimoto or if he does not see that by writing the last two interactions he is doing her a disservice because I have hard time believing in a chapter like that and her making a revelation like that he is deliberately trying to send such a negative message.

sweatdrop.gif No, it wasn't directed at you at all! Although I could very easily have reiterated your language in writing my response, I promise, it wasn't directed at you. (I try to quote others when I can when writing responses. Doesn't always happen, but I try!)

But I like your thoughts! laugh.gif

First off, I think when I wrote that Hinata's growth was not an admirable goal, I think I meant in the grand scheme of things. Plot-wise. She's not moved her focus away from herself and onto an outer goal. This is a mark of maturity. And when you think of someone you want to pair your hero with, you want it to be someone else who's strived for change like him. Someone that you admire and that he will admire. And keeping the focus of growth inwardly focused is not admirable — for any character. You have Hinata on the one hand with this passive love thing, then you have Sasuke who has not developed either and he is tumbling headlong into the dark side. Neither of those qualities/situations is admirable.

I don't think anyone is supposed to think poorly of her.... I don't think it was intended that way. I think it was written to showcase some of Hinata's determination. And I would just as ill-at-ease if it were Sakura still pining over Sasuke, so I'm not singling out Hinata. Rather, I think for Hinata fans this paints her in an angelic light. It glorifies her dedication....

However, she's still not acknowledging the real Naruto. She's seeing herself with him, and him with her. But she's not seeing him.

Her statement is strange because they're at war. Yet she's talking about things that are personal and a little needy. Naruto is in harm's way. Yet she's talking about holding his hand, being beside him.... "Wait for me!"

It's so ridiculously out of place. Is she going to hold his hand on the battle field? Does she want him to wait for her to fight together? Truly, what is she thinking of? And the argument could be made that Hinata is envisioning their life together after the war, to which I would say again: She's not seeing the Naruto that's right in front of her at this moment. The one who is in perilous danger. She's seeing the one she wants to see.

To get back to the point about acknowledging Naruto, Sakura's comment is completely focused on Naruto. And the only scrap about herself "We'll be together" is immediately rolled into her desire for everyone to be with him and supporting him. It's the same as after the Pein attack when she says she is just another villager now who admires him. It's a very selfless support.

But above all things, she is acknowledging him. And if you go back to the very first NS interaction, Naruto says he sees himself in her because he longs to be acknowledged too. Sakura has acknowledged him over and over in the manga, and it has steadily grown to this point. She is wrapping her love up with the support of everyone on the battlefield. It is the culmination of her acknowledgement. She supports him and believes everyone else should too.

Anway, getting back around to my response to you, I agree that the whole scene with Hinata is a headscratcher. Where does she go from here? I'm not sure if it's pandering to the fans or if it's a buildup to something else.... Or both.

It's a fairly overt scene, and Kishimoto is so sparing with the love stuff, I have a hard time thinking it's poor writing. So, my feeling is this might be set up to fan the flames of a pairing war when the inevitable Sasu/Saku moment comes back around.

My opinion is that Kishimoto is raising the stakes before the climax. He's ramping up the shipping tension with these monologues and interactions. And I would expect more tension to come, and possibly from sides we've not even imagined. Lover nin? SasuSaku? LeeSaku? KakaSaku? *ew...anyway, you get the picture....*

#144 alexander


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Posted 09 February 2012 - 07:25 PM

Personally, I think it's nice to see Hinata with an strong resolve, too bad that most of the moments in her life were she grew a backbone was because of something Naruto related, almost feels that she have no personal ambition, as if Naruto is all that matter and the rest can be blown to oblivion. Besides, what piss me off the most is that it seems that her character little changed. She seems to still be overly shy, weak willed, and letting the others stomp on her. You know, it would be hilarious if an scene like this unfolded in the next couple of chapters:

Naruto need to play the right cards if he wants to achieve the harem ending pictureem0.gif


#145 Nate River

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Posted 09 February 2012 - 08:06 PM

QUOTE (tricksie @ Feb 9 2012, 01:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
sweatdrop.gif No, it wasn't directed at you at all! Although I could very easily have reiterated your language in writing my response, I promise, it wasn't directed at you. (I try to quote others when I can when writing responses. Doesn't always happen, but I try!)

But I like your thoughts! laugh.gif

Okay, sorry about that.

I don't think anyone is supposed to think poorly of her.... I don't think it was intended that way. I think it was written to showcase some of Hinata's determination. And I would just as ill-at-ease if it were Sakura still pining over Sasuke, so I'm not singling out Hinata. Rather, I think for Hinata fans this paints her in an angelic light. It glorifies her dedication....

I didn't think you were personally and I wasn't attempting to identify anyone specifically. It's not just here either, but ever since this argument arose from her confession almost three years ago, it gets worded that way alot. Rather than put forth as a reason it's a bad match, why Kishimoto might not being going in that direction, or as a sign that Hinata is not as far as she should be or people think she is it is put forth as a reason why Sakura is better than her and that Hinata is bad for being that way.

I won't identify anyone, but I seen it plenty of times and it bugs me because I don't think she's a bad person.

As far as thinking poorly of her...I'll rephrase that to say it's really a combination of things. It's probably past the point of no return for me liking her as a character, but I'd have a better opinion of it if (1) I hadn't seen so many people gloss over the shyness and (2) she were actually moving foward. Her best moment as a character was Pain, at least so far. She attempted to protect him against an opponent she had no business fighting. As from the ointment in part 1, where she weakly offered to him hoping he'd take, she strongly stood to face him and, at least appeared confident. Foolish or brave...didn't really matter. She still stood to protect him, I think, expecting to die. Seeing her keep walking back from that is annoying. The more she does this the more I think Kishimoto should have let her die.

If could have been a fantastic moment, but it's peterred out because of her admitting her claims of love to being selfish (giving room for people to claim that's she is doing it keep him around for her rather than as a selfless act of heroism) and then following up with stuff like this.

As I think you have mentioned in previous posts, it makes her look like her whole universe is wrapped up in Naruto (which it is as at the moment), which is unfortunate because it's the thing that keeps holding her character back.

As far as the glorification, I agree completely. Sasuke fans used to get on my nerves because they refused to acknowledge his culpability. His past is an explanation, but it does not change the fact that what he seeks to do is wrong. In Hinata's case, it's the failure to call her shyness the flaw that it is. She is not a bad person for it, but it's held her back so much, the worst being the identifying of his pain early on and doing nothing. As somone who used to be really shy and felt held back by it, I see it as a weakness not an endearing trait.

Anway, getting back around to my response to you, I agree that the whole scene with Hinata is a headscratcher. Where does she go from here? I'm not sure if it's pandering to the fans or if it's a buildup to something else.... Or both.

It's a fairly overt scene, and Kishimoto is so sparing with the love stuff, I have a hard time thinking it's poor writing. So, my feeling is this might be set up to fan the flames of a pairing war when the inevitable Sasu/Saku moment comes back around.

My opinion is that Kishimoto is raising the stakes before the climax. He's ramping up the shipping tension with these monologues and interactions. And I would expect more tension to come, and possibly from sides we've not even imagined. Lover nin? SasuSaku? LeeSaku? KakaSaku? *ew...anyway, you get the picture....*

Perhaps, I'm too ready to reach for the crappy writing element because of my mass disappointments with all the major issues he glossed over in Part 2. I think what you say is certaintly possible, that he inteinded to stoke the flames a little without necessarily thinking through the implications. Kind of like the whole Minato's guard bit.

Personally, I think it's nice to see Hinata with an strong resolve, too bad that most of the moments in her life were she grew a backbone was because of something Naruto related, almost feels that she have no personal ambition, as if Naruto is all that matter and the rest can be blown to oblivion. Besides, what piss me off the most is that it seems that her character little changed. She seems to still be overly shy, weak willed, and letting the others stomp on her. You know, it would be hilarious if an scene like this unfolded in the next couple of chapters

I don't think she is coming as across as being weak willed or a doormat at this point (Part 1 however ....). I think it's more than whatever inner strength she has developed is borrowed from Naruto rather than independently possessed. If Naruto dies tommorow would she be able to continue because the actual objective is now gone. If she can no longer be with Naruto what is she striving for, what's the point? I really thought for a moment she had gotten passed that when she stood up to Pain, but I guess not.

#146 Fenris


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Posted 09 February 2012 - 08:25 PM

QUOTE (narunarunaru @ Feb 9 2012, 08:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow, it's been like a loooooong time since I came back to this board.

This chapter had nothing new. I was really glad that Sasuke appeared because, I'm really looking forward to the Naruto vs. Sasuke fight. But then again, Kishi has been showing Sasuke "ready to fight" once in every 10 chapters or so. So I suspect this is just one of Kishi's fan service to keep the fans excited. Geez...I hate it when Kishi does that.

There are still many things I'm curious about.
1.) The conclusion of the fight between five kages vs. Uchiha Madara.
2.) Where is Yamato?
3.) The result studies of Zetsu and his Mokuton DNA, which Shizune and Sakura was working on.

And I agree with people saying, Hinata is moving on.
"I will be holding your hand walking next to you so wait for me" doesn't make sense when taken romantically.

1. If she's going to hold his hand and walk next to him romantically, it contradicts the previous statement of "Naruto-kun I have always been chasing after you even now... But once this war ends Im going to stop once and for all."
But if you take it as a comrade, it makes perfect sense. She won't be in the sidelines, and she will stand on equal grounds as him as a comrade who fought the war with him. And she can stand on equal grounds with him because she completed her character development of "being acknowledged by Naruto" when Naruto said, "I can see it in your eyes that you are strong."
On another note, Kishi didn't make Sakura say that because her character development is not completed. Therefore her statement is focused on her determination on "completing the goal" unlike Hinata's(a confident statement because she "completed her goal").

2. Why does Naruto have to "Wait for her" romantically so a girl he's not romantically interested in will hold his hand and walk next to him? If it has a romantic meaning it should be Hinata who should be doing the waiting(waiting for him to get over Sakura). It makes sense if we take it as, "Wait for me to be your equal(to help you)."

Well, if anyone has the raw I would like to see it.

Thanks for explaining that Narunaru, I feel a lot better when it's looked at from that point of view. biggrin.gif
jus drein jus daun.



#147 Cursed Wind

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Posted 09 February 2012 - 09:01 PM

Really nice chapter, really liked all the rookies saying there little bit of information.

#148 Phantom_999


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Posted 10 February 2012 - 12:20 AM

QUOTE (Nate River @ Feb 9 2012, 12:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Okay, sorry about that.

I didn't think you were personally and I wasn't attempting to identify anyone specifically. It's not just here either, but ever since this argument arose from her confession almost three years ago, it gets worded that way alot. Rather than put forth as a reason it's a bad match, why Kishimoto might not being going in that direction, or as a sign that Hinata is not as far as she should be or people think she is it is put forth as a reason why Sakura is better than her and that Hinata is bad for being that way.

I won't identify anyone, but I seen it plenty of times and it bugs me because I don't think she's a bad person.

As far as thinking poorly of her...I'll rephrase that to say it's really a combination of things. It's probably past the point of no return for me liking her as a character, but I'd have a better opinion of it if (1) I hadn't seen so many people gloss over the shyness and (2) she were actually moving foward. Her best moment as a character was Pain, at least so far. She attempted to protect him against an opponent she had no business fighting. As from the ointment in part 1, where she weakly offered to him hoping he'd take, she strongly stood to face him and, at least appeared confident. Foolish or brave...didn't really matter. She still stood to protect him, I think, expecting to die. Seeing her keep walking back from that is annoying. The more she does this the more I think Kishimoto should have let her die.

If could have been a fantastic moment, but it's peterred out because of her admitting her claims of love to being selfish (giving room for people to claim that's she is doing it keep him around for her rather than as a selfless act of heroism) and then following up with stuff like this.

As I think you have mentioned in previous posts, it makes her look like her whole universe is wrapped up in Naruto (which it is as at the moment), which is unfortunate because it's the thing that keeps holding her character back.

As far as the glorification, I agree completely. Sasuke fans used to get on my nerves because they refused to acknowledge his culpability. His past is an explanation, but it does not change the fact that what he seeks to do is wrong. In Hinata's case, it's the failure to call her shyness the flaw that it is. She is not a bad person for it, but it's held her back so much, the worst being the identifying of his pain early on and doing nothing. As somone who used to be really shy and felt held back by it, I see it as a weakness not an endearing trait.

Perhaps, I'm too ready to reach for the crappy writing element because of my mass disappointments with all the major issues he glossed over in Part 2. I think what you say is certaintly possible, that he inteinded to stoke the flames a little without necessarily thinking through the implications. Kind of like the whole Minato's guard bit.

I don't think she is coming as across as being weak willed or a doormat at this point (Part 1 however ....). I think it's more than whatever inner strength she has developed is borrowed from Naruto rather than independently possessed. If Naruto dies tommorow would she be able to continue because the actual objective is now gone. If she can no longer be with Naruto what is she striving for, what's the point? I really thought for a moment she had gotten passed that when she stood up to Pain, but I guess not.

If I was ever annoyed with Hinata's character Kage Nate, it's because I'm sick of some of the fans not Hinata directly. I do like her character just thst some fans take her moe to annoyingly levels and it causes migraines listening to their bantering rolleyes.gif

Edited by Phantom_999, 10 February 2012 - 12:21 AM.


#149 merryGOflava


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Posted 10 February 2012 - 02:40 AM

sooooooo.....anyone wondering why sakura switched from a skirt to pants??

i thought she was just wearing the skirt in the medic tents but i guess she stuck with them?


#150 al0eaz


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Posted 10 February 2012 - 03:09 AM

QUOTE (merryGOflava @ Feb 9 2012, 07:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
sooooooo.....anyone wondering why sakura switched from a skirt to pants??

i thought she was just wearing the skirt in the medic tents but i guess she stuck with them?

I never noticed that she had changed from a skirt to pants, infant I dont remember the clothing she had previously worn. >.>

Just my two cents:

1. Super epic battle should be coming up, however I think its about to switch back the Kages. The last time a super epic fight was about to go down, it switched to Naruto. So hopefully it will switch back and finish the fight between the Kages and Madara.
2. Just WHO is the masked tool? He's pretty cocky so far. Hopefully we will actually find out who this is. Perhaps Kabuto will tell us. From him using the real Madara he's bound to know who the tool in the mask is.
3. The shipping. I'm sure Kishi probably loves toying with us shippers, but I hope this gets resolved soon. I'm immensely tired of waiting. I do find myself wondering what it will be like when Naruto and Sakura ACTUALLY talk, like for real. This battle hasnt left them any time to converse, and I dont even remember the last time they actually talked.

I might or might not add more later on, this is all I can think of off the top of my head.


#151 James S Cassidy

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Posted 10 February 2012 - 06:21 AM

You know, what exactly is the other groups going to do? Sakura will probably heal Naruto no doubt, but what will the rest do? Tobi probably won't fight. He might either force a retreat or he will let all out. Also why do I have a funny feeling Sasuke is going to injure Tobi just because he wants him out of the way forcing Tobi to retreat as well. I guess it depends on how close Sasuke is to the rest of the group. Then again, he is probably taking his sweat ass time. One of those "This is inevitable, no need to rush." Any number of possibilities could happen.

I wonder what Kabuto is going to do. I think the worst thing is we have three enemies who could easily backstab each other in an instant if anything threatens their goals.

How long can Naruto keep fighting as he is? He has to be tiring and get some sort of break.

It will be interesting if Sasuke fights Tobi and wins, leaving Tobi dying or so we think. In reality, Tobi is still alive and is about to do his final plan during the Sasuke/Naruto fight.

So many ideas are rattling in my brain, I am so excited to see what next week brings.
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#152 Fickly


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Posted 10 February 2012 - 06:43 AM

Hinata's extra bit of confidence is the result of Naruto telling her that she's strong in 559 (what Naruto said then meant a lot to her as her "thank you" expressed) and whatever message transpired through the two of them looking at each other's eyes. I'm not of the opinion that Hinata's "confidence" in this chapter is due to the two of them talking about the confession. I consider it a result of chapter 559. I was 90% sure would be canon after chapter 98 but after this one it became 100%. Whatever you guys say smile.gif.

''Goes back to celebrate''

Edited by Fickly, 10 February 2012 - 06:59 AM.

#153 merryGOflava


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Posted 10 February 2012 - 07:14 AM

QUOTE (Fickly @ Feb 10 2012, 07:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hinata's extra bit of confidence is the result of Naruto telling her that she's strong in 559 (what Naruto said then meant a lot to her as her "thank you" expressed) and whatever message transpired through the two of them looking at each other's eyes. I'm not of the opinion that Hinata's "confidence" in this chapter is due to the two of them talking about the confession. I consider it a result of chapter 559. I was 90% sure would be canon after chapter 98 but after this one it became 100%. Whatever you guys say smile.gif.

''Goes back to celebrate''

okay biggrin.gif
wave.gif bye i will save my celebration for narusaku becoming canon, but go have your fun smile.gif

Edited by merryGOflava, 10 February 2012 - 07:15 AM.


#154 James S Cassidy

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Posted 10 February 2012 - 07:35 AM

QUOTE (Fickly @ Feb 9 2012, 10:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hinata's extra bit of confidence is the result of Naruto telling her that she's strong in 559 (what Naruto said then meant a lot to her as her "thank you" expressed) and whatever message transpired through the two of them looking at each other's eyes. I'm not of the opinion that Hinata's "confidence" in this chapter is due to the two of them talking about the confession. I consider it a result of chapter 559. I was 90% sure would be canon after chapter 98 but after this one it became 100%. Whatever you guys say smile.gif.

Look,. I respect your opinion and everything, but nothing is canon yet. Let's not forget that Naruto has shown no interest in Hinata and any scene is anything, but romantic in nature. It's always one-sided. I challenge anyone to show me one NaruHina scene, and everyone here can show you 5 more scene showing NaruSaku using the same logic.

I also notice you retracted your statement from before and said it wasn't about the confession, but was about the fact that Naruto showed her she was stronger than she really was. Now, you flipped your whole statement around. So which is it?

I am 100% sure that NaruHina is NOT canon. I am 1000% sure.

Also, Naruto didn't really look into Hinata's eyes in 559, nor mentioned anything about the confessions. In fact, I remember him having his back towards her, while Naruto looked into Sakura's eyes straight forward. So what does that mean? You think for someone who just got told someone loved him he would have a response after....what 100 chapters? Hell, if he can tell Hinata she is strong in the middle of a battlezone and Hinata can confess her love for him in the middle of the Pein fight. I am pretty sure, Naruto would have given her an answer by now. So what do we take that as?

I am starting to not take the "they're in the middle of war" excuse about Naruto not telling Hinata his "feelings for her" because if Hinata can do it, He would have too. Which leads me to believe that in 559, he basically told her that she doesn't need to look to him for strength as she is already strong on her own. (He specially mentions the part about her helping him with Pein, but no mention of feelings or love for her. I am inclined to believe that THAT was Naruto's way of saying he only likes her as a friend.)

Again, something he basically said to everyone at one point or another. So obviously, he has noticed her, but he shows no romantic feelings for her. Just his usual talk-no-jutsu that he does with any character.

There is facts and there is speculations, there is theories and then there is fabrications. This is a fabrication. You say you care about Hinata and her feelings, but what about Naruto's feelings? What if he doesn't love her or sees her as a platonic love? I see it as being Platonic. "It's official, NaruHina is strictly platonic. Hinata totally sees Naruto as a brother and she wants to protect him like he was protecting her. 100% sure it will work" See I can make statements too. Doesn't mean they are right.

Meanwhile, Sakura and Naruto have moments of every kind: Romantic, anger, confession, admiration, depression, jealousy, and especially supportive. Hinata really knows nothing of Naruto, but Sakura knows everything. She knows how he thinks, breathes, and how he feels. She knows just what he needs and she knows she can be the one to give it to him. Whether it be support or something more. She wants to do the best for him and take his pain away. I don't hear Hinata jumping on that one. Hinata just doesn't see the Naruto Sakura does and this is what faults her. Being a teammate was a big help on Sakura's part.

This is the biggest factor is any romance story: Interaction. NaruSaku has tons of it. Most of the manga has them two together experiencing everything together and they know more about each other than anyone knows about them. Though I think Naruto is a bit stupid when it comes to girls, but he is a guy. All us guys are like that. That is the one big thing NaruSaku has. It is not one or two moments of love. It's a whole manga of experience that keeps on going. It doesn't need to be romantic, it can be as simple as them getting along while walking down a road or Naruto telling a joke every now and then. It doesn't all have to be romantic to be a "moment."

That's what I love most about NaruSaku. Simply seeing them interact makes me think "They are so good together. They have so much chemistry." I just don't see that with NaruHina. I'm sorry, it's just not there. It feels almost awkward. And it's nothing about Hinata that is really bad, just they don't know how to interact as smoothly. Every time when she has a chance to talk to him Hinata always wants to talk about love or her feelings. What about casual moments? What about moments that don't involve love or holding hands? Sometimes the most romantic scenes are ones in which there is no romance and that is how you make it believable.

That's all I really have to say about it.

Edited by James S Cassidy, 10 February 2012 - 07:43 AM.

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#155 ramenanmitsu


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Posted 10 February 2012 - 07:37 AM

QUOTE (Boom...Winning @ Feb 10 2012, 04:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Welcome back! I enjoy reading your opinions. happy.gif

I posted a few requests on the translation thread, but you can ignore them now, since a lot of the image links are broken (I reorganized my Photobucket recently). I can't find the raw chapter yet, since Narutoverse doesn't seem to post raws till the weekend, but I do have the raw text. Here it is.

Naruto 537 輝きへと続く道

仮面 難しい…名前だと?それがなんだと言うのだ?
ナルト ハア~ン… おまえはしらねーんだな!?
仮面 !?
八尾 ヘッッ!
ナルト 教えてやんなーい よっ!!
ガイ ナルトがこれほど成長したのを目の当たりにすると…自分がずいぶんと老いぼれに感じるな
カカシ …どうしたの いつものお前らしくないじゃない…!オレが言うのも何だけど…オレ達の青春もまだ終わっちゃいないってことでいかないか? …オレ達はここへ来てまだ…

ガイ それ以上言うな!余計むなしくなる
カカシ それでこそガイだ
仮面 …(あの顔…)
仮面 (汗…? イヤ…雨だ…! …オレが あんな奴ら相手に汗を流すことなどあるハズがない!!ナルトはただのサスケへの当て馬…オレにとっては余興でしかないガキだったハズだ!!
イヤ…そんなことはどうでもいい ナルトが何者かなんてのはどうでもいいことだ…)…
この戦争より後過去も未来もない…存在すらも… すべてが無意味になる

通信A す…すごいな… おまえら今のを感じたか!?
通信B …信じられませんよ… 間違いない…アレが九尾の力ですよ!
青 ああ…(…だがそれとは少し違う何かを感じる…)
シカク その後の状況は?
青 うずまきナルトがとんでもない力で面のマダラを抑えている ありえないチャクラだ!イヤむしろ押してる…ビー殿カカシ殿ガイ殿を含めたった四人で…!!
シカク … いのいち!ありったけの力でこのナルト側の状況を増援部隊全員の頭に直接語りかけてくれ!!15秒でいい!!ここで一気に士気を上げたい!!あいつら四人が全力で踏ん張ってるならここはここで出来ることを全力でするぞ!!
通信C 全員って…!?そんなことをしたらチャクラの経絡系に負担がかかりすぎて…ヘタすると…!!
イノイチ 無茶を言う10秒だ!
通信C イノイチさん!!
シカク すまない…だが今大切なことだ!短い分うまくまとめてくれよ
イノイチ 口はうまいほうじゃないが任せとけ!  (本部より伝達…!造園ポイントにて状況優勢!つまりーうずまきナルトが頑張ってくれてる!!オレ達連合が守るべきナルトがビー殿が!前線で強い想いを持って戦ってくれてる!!カカシもガイも同じだ!!

イノイチ (この戦争への勝利への預言だ!!)鼻血がでてくるイノイチ
シカク …
イノイチ ハッ!!ゼエ ハア… やっぱ…クチベタだな…オレは結局…20秒もかかっちまった…
通信C 隊長…
シカク …ああ…(それが…お前の想いの強さだ)
イノイチ すまねエ   泣いてる。

ヒナタ (ナルトくん… 私はアナタをずっと…ずっと…ずっと追いかけてきた… …でもこの戦争が終わったら もうアナタを追いかけるのはやめにします)… 
キバ (ナルト…お前ちゃ昔からしっかりマーキング付けといたんだ… オレが駆け付けるまでマダラの相手はたのんだぜ!!)
シノ (オレ達の忍術でナルトを完璧にサポートする… なぜなら…は必要ない!)
シカマル うまくやってるよーだな…ナルトの奴… …アイツのことだ…無茶やってる以外想像つかねーが ああ見えて…実わ頭がキレる方だからな
チョウジ ナルトはバカでボクはデブってのがお決まりだったけど… 意外とそうじゃなかったりすんだよね!!(待っててね ちょいバカナルト!すらっとチョージが今行くよ!!)
シカマル 冷静に策を練るタイプじゃないけどな (だからこそオレがいる…待ってろナルトもうすぐ行く!)
イノ (父さんありがとう…!ナルトの強い想いってのを父さんが皆に伝えてくれた… その予言必ず実現させなきゃ!)
テンテン (ガイ先生大丈夫かな!?ちゃんとナルトを守ってあげてるかな!?カカシ先生もいることだし大丈夫だと思うけど…)
サイ …雨が降ってなければ…超獣戯画で飛んで行けたのに…
リー 文句よりスピードアップですよサイさん!!ガイ先生の勇姿ナルトくんの勇姿に応え 己を貫き通す時です!
サイ うん…(これが…仲間って感覚…今のボクにはもうはっきりと分るよ!…ナルト)
サクラ …(ナルト…アンタは木の葉を救った…そして今度は忍の世界を救おうとしてる…いつもいつもこんな大変なことばっかりをまかされることになっちゃってる …でも今度はアンタが何を言おうが…一緒に


違えた道は未だ交わらず… 修羅、戦場に立つ!!!

Sorry, I would post only the parts relevant to the shipping discussion, but I don't know a lick of Japanese. This has probably been posted in the spoilers thread, too, but I figured it couldn't hurt to post it here. I'll post the raw chapter pages on the Translations Thread later, if you would prefer that.

Thanks in advance, and don't feel the need to rush. It's nice enough that you're willing to translate in the first place. happy.gif

Thank you a lot for the raw!

Now that I see the raw I have to change my opinion of saying that what Hinata says wasn't meant to be romantic.
It is romantic.

She wants to hold hands intimately.
She's not going to chase him, because she wants to walk with the same pace as him.
She's pleading for him to wait for her.

So we're back to square one, nothing new as always laugh.gif

Edited by narunarunaru, 10 February 2012 - 07:54 AM.


#156 merryGOflava


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Posted 10 February 2012 - 08:06 AM

QUOTE (narunarunaru @ Feb 10 2012, 07:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you a lot for the raw!

Now that I see the raw I have to change my opinion of saying that what Hinata says wasn't meant to be romantic.
It is romantic.

She wants to hold hands intimately.
She's not going to chase him, because she wants to walk with the same pace as him.
She's pleading for him to wait for her.

So we're back to square one, nothing new as always laugh.gif

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay square one!!!!!

.................okay kishi im tired of this........lets get this pairing thing over with shall we? i want to focus on sasuke and naruto fighting and i cant with all this shipping stuff over my head.



#157 Guest_Kim_*

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Posted 10 February 2012 - 09:15 AM

Very well said, James. I like your post!

#158 dragonflyx11


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Posted 10 February 2012 - 10:05 AM

QUOTE (merryGOflava @ Feb 9 2012, 03:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
mhm....thats what i heard :O

though sakura and sasuke is more popular than both

narusaku isnt that behind :O
well considering narusasu is even more popular then sasusaku, i really dont think kishi will go with popularity.manga writers go against there fans all the time, i mean look at DBZ

Edited by dragonflyx11, 10 February 2012 - 10:06 AM.

#159 Darth Krypt

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Posted 10 February 2012 - 10:08 AM

Come to think of it, NH will always have more "moments" in the war because everytime Hinata is in the panel, its about her love for Naruto. Like I've said, that's her only role in the manga. There's no emphasis on her being the future clan leader at all. For Sakura she has medical duties and she's busy thinking about Sasuke so she has more stuff waiting to be resolved.



#160 HenryFlitzroy



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Posted 10 February 2012 - 10:34 AM

Liked the chapter, unlike last week. http://www.youtube.c...feature=related <- couldn't agree more with this guy this week.

And yes, i think Kishi WILL keep this ''+1 Hinata +1 Sakura'' thing up until things are actually settled.
Also a little thing i noticed about this chapter is that Sai had his speech BEFORE Sakura, wich seems kind of weird since he says ''so this is what it means to have friends'', this might be nothing, but it might also be Kishi playing with subtleties again ( since it kind of puts Sakura outside of the ''Friend'' tag )

Very exited for the coming weeks.
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