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Naruto The Demon Within

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#121 LoveHinaGuy


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Posted 11 February 2005 - 02:59 AM

thanks for the heads up biggrin.gif this chap kicks ass! biggrin.gif get the next out soon! biggrin.gif


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#122 Smiter


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Posted 11 February 2005 - 05:21 PM

Hmm, interesting. smile.gif

It seems Oro is getting a lot closer now, eh?

#123 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 20 February 2005 - 09:05 PM

Sorry about that, guys! I've got 3 other fics going besides Demon Within, soooooo, I'm busyt a bit, as well as work! But here is the next chapter! XD I'll try to put out a longer one next time.

-Chapter 44-

Walking along a dirt road back towards Konohagakure Village, Naruto, Sukai, Miroku, Erika, and Ryoga all had great anticipation to get back home to the village, given the fact Naruto and Sukai had been gone for 3 weeks, nearly a month. Soon enough, Naruto gazed in awe as he saw it... Konoha! Just over the horizon of some trees! It felt like a hop, a skip, and a jump til he was home! Sukai chuckled and said "Who'd have known we'd be so close to home? It feels like ages since we last set eyes upon her!"

Miroku smiled, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, look at it! It's still as lovely as before! It hasn't changed a bit!"

"Except that the Hokage Monument now has a new face on it." Erika replied, pointing. "Is that Tsunade-sama of the Legendary 3?"

"It would seem to be, Erika. Amazing that one of the Legendary 3 is now a Hokage. But I guess counting Orochimaru wouldn't work since he had betrayed the village." Ryoga replied, sighing.

"Let's just get home so that we can worry about that stuff later!!" Naruto replied. He began to run forward, until suddenly, he was hit by something and slammed down onto the ground as Sukai said "Naruto!"

Erika, Ryoga, and Miroku's eyes were all widened when they saw who Naruto's assailant was... it was...
"Orochimaru!" Erika, Ryoga, Miroku, and Sukai all said, Orochimaru smirking as he said "Hello, Naruto... it's been a while... time for you to pay for what you did to me..."

Naruto got up, wiping his lip of the blood as he said "Feh. Whatever I did, it's nothin' compared to what you did, Orochimaru! You killed the 3rd! You tried to make Tsunade come to your side!! And you also tried to take Sasuke's body and use his desire for revenge to bring him over to you so you could do whatever it was you wanted to do to get his body!!"

"What you did, brat, is hold me back 4 years. It took me so long to find a suitable host out of Sasuke, given his power and his elegance... and all he cared for was power, revenge, and that is all. But you changed all of that because of your ties to him. Someone like you who doesn't have the skills to be a True Ninja..."

"Says you!"

Sukai then stepped forward, a glare in his eyes as he said "Orochimaru... so you killed Daigo!"

"Whom is this...? Ah. Sukai Hatake, the 'Blue Tiger' as it were. What good will you do? You're retired as a ninja...
and even if it seems like I am by myself, it is never that simple." He snapped his fingers, and stepping out were Tenma, Gorubo, Kanna, Baku, Shin, and Kabuto as Naruto said "So, you brought the welcome mat out, huh!? I guess you'd been planning this for a while."

"For years, Naruto. Killing you has been one of my deepest desires... I may not have seen the power you possessed in the face of the Sharingan, but, instead, I want you to perish most of all since you halted my plans... I had to wait some time before I had a chance to transfer to a new body so that I could restore my strength... and having my army steal those scrolls when Mizuki and Ishiharu started the riot to regain my arms took months to plan. Now... my vengeance is almost complete!"

Sukai gritted his fists, remembering all of what Orochimaru had done as he charged. "You want an opponent, you got one!"

Naruto looked and said "Sukai!" He rushed right behind, Erika, Miroku, and Ryoga taking point behind him as they charged. Sukai then kicked at Orochimaru, who blocked and then he said "Tenma, take the girl. Kanna, the one with the bo staff. Gorubo, take the rougher one. And Baku, Shin, Kabuto, since I am going to be indisposed with Sukai... Naruto is yours. But bring him back to me alive so that I may kill him."

Baku, Shin, and Kabuto all rushed forward towards Naruto as Naruto thoughtm 'Oh, boy!' and he quickly leapt backwards to get some distance between the trio out to kill him AND himself! Running along the trees, the blonde Chuunin had faced Kabuto before, and knew he made the mistake of underestimating him. But Baku and Shin were another story. Suddenly, their speed allowed them to catch up to Naruto and knock him hard to the ground as they landed down, as a synchronized duo, striking stances and smiling.

"You are famed, eh? I'm interested in seeing what you got..." Baku replied, smiling.
"Same here! Two against one will be most interesting indeed, especially with your skills!" Shin added on.
Naruto then said "Enough talk! Fight now!" He ran forward, using Art of the Shadow Doppleganger to make a second Naruto, to deal with Baku and Shin's working together. Naruto and his Shadow Doppleganger rushed at the twins, but they simply dodged the advance, and both twins charged, kicking Naruto's Shadow Doppleganger, Shin from the back, Baku from the front, blowing it up as Naruto said "Whoa."

"Whoa?" Baku smiled. "You ain't seen nothing yet! Trust me on that! Shin! Let's do it!"
Shin nodded as he and Baku rested their backs against one another, then Baku charged, elbowing Naruto. "Beginning!"
"The Aegis Cross!!!" Shin replied as Shin rushed then kneed the stunned Naruto up into the air as both took up after him, Baku punching Naruto in the face a few times, before Shin kicked him hard in the right arm, then kicked him down to the ground as the brothers then grabbed each other's wrists, and spiraled down at Naruto, impacting rather hard into his gut, sending him speeding to the ground, a big cloud of rock and debris coming up.

Kabuto soon arrived and glared at the twins. "You brats! I want to kill him! Leave him alone!"
"Cram it up your ass, Kabuto, we've got it under control." Baku replied as he and Shin landed down. Shin soon zoomed in front of Kabuto's face and smirked. "Yeah! 'Sides, you lost to him before, so what would you have to prove except that someone who's as strong as a Jounin got bested by a kid like Naruto?"

"You shut your insolent mouth! You realize I am Lord Orochimaru's second-in-command! That means he has my obedience, and why nobodies like yourselves..."
"Nobody!?" The twins both said at the same time, starting to argue with Kabuto, who argued back. Naruto slowly got up and wiped his lip as he thought 'Whoa. And I thought the Dirty Dozen was bad at first... this is just crazy! But at least they're distracted so I can get some cover and think of a new plan! I hope the others are OK...'

At that moment, Sukai was facing Orochimaru, who smiled, his arms at his sides. Sukai glared at Orochimaru, finally speaking. "I've waited for this moment for a long time, Orochimaru."
"Oh? You have, have you? Why is that, Sukai? Is it because I hurt your friend, Oda? He was worth it to gain the secrets I've learned over the last few years. It's been quite a long time... my, how... deliciously pathetic you look. You're a cripple, an injured ninja, spiritually and mentally. Killing you will..." Orochimaru was then cut off when Sukai had charged him and clocked him with a hard right, the sound of the gauntlets in his gloves connecting with the bone of Orochimaru's cheek as he gritted his teeth.

"You know what I got sick and tired of before you betrayed Konoha? You shooting crap outta your mouth! Shutting you up is a great, GREAT pleasure!" Sukai replied as Orochimaru bounced off the ground and groaned, blood dripping down his lip. The Sennin-class ninja, the leader of Otogakure stood up, wiping his blood as he said "Good... your bloodlust is high... excellent!"

"It's time you paid for the lives ytou've taken, Orochimaru! Oda's, Daigo's, everyone's! I'm the one who's gonna be putting you down!" Sukai replied as he charged at Orochimaru. 'He can't use his arms if what Tsunade-sama said about your sacrifice is true, Daigo! That means I've got the advantage! His Jutsus are sealed, which means he can't counter attack except with his feet. And unless he's used his feet to do Jutsus, I've got this in the bag!'

Sukai threw a right handed punch, but Orochimaru smirked, catching it. Sukai's eyes widened as he said "How the-!? No way!! Your arms shouldn't be working! Daigo took them from you when he sacrificed his life to stop you when you rampaged Konoha!"
"Well, that fool KEPT my arms and Jutsus from me... but as you can see... I've regained them, and in perfect working order." Orochimaru then kicked Sukai backwards and said "You are just much like your uncle Sakumo was, Sukai... a disgrace of a ninja."

"You still don't get it that a ninja's true talent ain't in Jutsus, but in the allies he protects and determination!" Sukai soon did a few hand seals and slapped his hands together as he said "Spirit of the Tiger!" For the first time in years, Sukai snarled, his eyes being cat-like and his appearance slightly cat-like. This Jutsu he had learned years ago while training with one of the teammates in his 3-Man Cell, or Team. He smiled and thought 'Ken... who'd have thought I'd be using this move again?'

Orochimaru smiled and clenched his hands as he thrusted them forward along with his arms. "Die! Striking Snake!" Suddenly, from under Orochimaru's sleeves., 8 snakes, 4 from each sleeve, shot at Sukai, who dodged them with the grace of a cat, and charged at Orochimaru, flicking his claws free as he smiled, then said "Cat's Claw!!" He slashed along Orochimaru's side, cutting the Otogakure leader open some. He stopped past him and said "You're going down, like I said before!"

Orochimaru smiled. "I know. But you forgot something. I know thousands of Jutsus. And I've just used one."

Sukai blinked then thought "Oh, kitten!" And with that thought, Orochimaru exploded, revealing himself to be an explosive Shadow Doppleganger! Sukai cried out from taking the brunt of the explosion and slammed into the ground as Orochimaru smiled, stepping forward. "I thought you were better than this, Sukai.... but at least you aren't scared like Kakashi was when I revealed myself to him. One glance from me and he saw my true power, but you... you're not even shaking."

"Because I want to see you pay for all you've done! I know why Daigo never chose you to succeed him! He felt Kanoi was more honorable, more understanding of the true meaning of being a ninja, and because unlike you, he wanted to protect Konoha, rather than have its' power to turn it into a military state! Knowing you, Konoha would have gone to Hell in a handbasket had you been named Hokage!"

"I'll be glad to rip your tongue out for your words. And that I guarantee I will do." Orochimaru charged and shot his head forward, having elongated his neck, his fangs bared as Sukai dodged, then kicked the elongated neck, stunning Orochimaru, who coughed up some blood and saliva from the impact, his head back near his shoulders.

Seeing an opening, Sukai charged in, ready to do another attack as he pushed back and said "Tiger's Roar!!!" He then shot forward, his chakra swirling around him as he drilled Orochimaru in the gut, causing the more experienced ninja to cry out from the impact! Sukai himself had the clear advantage for now... but.. the battle was just getting started. And it wouldn't be over by a long shot!

-[To Be Continued...]-



#124 Naru/Saku926



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Posted 20 February 2005 - 10:51 PM

0o0o0o0o0o0o0o nice chapter!!!




#125 liukang004


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Posted 20 February 2005 - 11:51 PM

nice nice chapter!!! the fights are really intense now!!!!! i cant wait how the battle turn out! also if sukai can beat oro!!!

#126 Faucon


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 12:37 AM

Nice chapter as always, the fights are getting better and better!!! Dont forget to update!
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#127 Blayze



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Posted 21 February 2005 - 11:37 AM

Nice chapter, Bryon!

And I don't think Sukai will beat Orochimaru. That's Naruto's job wink.gif

#128 Smiter


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 03:28 PM

Nice update. happy.gif

Well, it's clear that Naruto has got a lot to deal with. Plenty of fighting, I'm sure that'll be a challenge to write, eh Bryon?

#129 Bryon_Konoha_Ninja


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Posted 24 February 2005 - 03:40 AM

You're damn right, Smiter! It is hard to cut back and forth between everyone, so I think that this will be a nice challenge to do. happy.gif Anyhow, enough talk, here is Chapter 45, fresh off the "griddles" of my mind! smile.gif Enjoy.

-Chapter 45-

Sukai gritted his teeth, and then kicked off Orochimaru, who skidded back, panting as Sukai glared at him and said "You say you know thousands of Jutsus? Big whoop. So do I."

"Heh... so? You think you can beat me?" Orochimaru smirked, exhaling some.

Sukai shrugged. "I won't know til I try."

"I know..." Orochimaru charged, but Sukai couldn't even follow when Orochimaru kicked him, then used his Striking Snake, the fangs of his snakes grasping his opponent's arms, yanking close to him, then kicked him rapidly in the chest, before swinging him right into a tree, slamming Sukai's back HARD into it!

Sukai cried out for a moment, but then smiled as he stuck his tongue out. "Heh. I'm used to more pain than this! When you've been hit head-first by Kyuubi's claws and lose a leg in the process, pain ain't a thing no more!"

"You sure are stubborn. Death will soon have its' sweet release with you." Orochimaru tightened his snakes' fangs into his arms, but Sukai flicked his wrists, ripping his gloves in the process as he smiled and said "Now your snakes don't have anything to bite onto! So I can do this!! Art of the Thousand Blows!!" Sukai quickly did some hand seals and then was gone. But Orochimaru cried out when he felt something punch him! And then multiple blows struck him, from all sides, all directions, as if by a blur!

This Jutsu was one of Sukai's signature moves, developed from his training with Ken Inuzuka from his Cell years ago, as well as Sakumo's training too. It made him disappear in a flash, nailing his opponent for 1000 times. It had its' strain though... and the most now that he could do it in was 3 times per day, given the chakra and physical strain on his body. Sukai was starting to feel the strain of it already, having landed only 457 times, just needing 500+ more!! He kept landing blow after blow, bruises welling up on Orochimaru's body to show the blows were taking their toll. Soon, the marker was near... 997... 998... 999... and finally, one last kick to knock him back made 1000 Blows! Sukai began to pant, as Orochimaru landed on the ground, bruised badly due to the blows' forceful impact due to Sukai's move... but now, Sukai's thoughts turned to how the others were doing.

Erika in another part of the woods clashed sword to sword with Tenma, who just said "For a woman... you are decent."
"Decent!? I'm one of the best, buster, and don't you forget it! 39 others fell to my sword already... and you'll be 40 if I have anything to say about it!"

Tenma scoffed. "We'll see..." Tenma then leapt back, as did Erika, as Tenma sheathed his sword, pulling out several knives, then threw them at Erika. Quickly, the young beauty pulled out her two katanas, blocking the knives as she then charged, but Tenma pulled out another sword, blocking Erika's swords, as Erika gritted her teeth, soon putting the swords against her opponent's, twisted, and flicked his sword up as she then did Art of the Shadow Doppleganger, moving her swords slowly, as she said "Leaf-Style Attack... Leaf's Blades!!" She then charged forth, her and her Shadow Dopplegangers slashing all over Tenma as Tenma cried out, some blood hitting the ground as Erika sheathed her swords, eyes closed as her Shadow Doppleganger disappeared, as Tenma grabbed his sword and spiralled it, glaring at Erika.

"I'll kill you for that, b*tch!!!" Tenma then slashed his sword against Erika's back, splitting a big wound along it as Erika's eyes widened as she cried out, blood hitting the ground as she began to pant, looking at her opponent and said "Have you... no honor? Don't you believe in the swordsman's code and how wounds to our backs are our shame!?"

"No. Why have such a thing?" Tenma then kicked Erika, sending her backwards as the young woman coughed, laying back there as Tenma stepped back, smirking. "Now... you know how I felt when I had you attack me..." Tenma quickly twisted, kicking Erika in her ribs, sending her flying off to the side.

Erika groaned in pain, panting heavily, her back still hurting due to Tenma's strike against it. She tried to sheath her swords, but cried out, as she quickly then did so... still hurting badly. She felt this could be the end. Tenma looked around, having not seen that Erika had landed in the woods. "Come out! We all must die sometime!"
Closing her eyes, Erika panted, trying to crawl away carefully.. wondering about the others.

Miroku himself was just in a straight out fisticuff fight against Gorubo, who was hardly budging due to his large, great weight. Miroku even twisted and kicked him in the gut but blinked as he said "Goddammit! What the hell are you made of, big dude!?"
"Plenty of fat, mixed with the right amount of muscle, little man. Let's see how you like this." Gorubo then grabbed Miroku's leg, began to spin while gripping it and slammed him, back first, into a tree as Miroku coughed up some blood, then Gorubo tossed him to the ground, leaping up as he said "Diving Mountain!!"
He then smashed his elbow hard into Miroku's back as he cried out even more so, panting after Gorubo got up, getting some distance. Miroku laid there, motionless, his wounds pretty severe, but no more blood save for slamming into the tree.

Gorubo stepped back, smirking as he said "Jeez. You are not impressive..."
Miroku soon exploded, as he was a Shadow Doppleganger, then Miroku kneed Gorubo hard in the nose, then landed onto his right hand, twisting forward, slamming his leg hard into Gorubo's face as he then leapt up and kicked his opponent hard, and finally, he grabbed the sides of Gorubo's head, and drove his own head harshly and fiercely into his opponent's with a brutal headbutt.

Gorubo wobbled backwards, blood dripping from his nose as he then charged at Miroku, his fist pulled back as he said "BOULDER STRIKE!!!" His fist shot out fast, nailing Miroku hard as he then grasped Miroku by the neck and chuckled viciously. He then slammed Miroku hard into the ground, then continued to slam him rapidly, as Miroku gritted his teeth, having had a high pain tolerance due to his physical training in Taijutsu.

Ryoga himself was mostly in close range combat at the moment with Kanna, who had a kunai against his bo staff as he looked at her, and then he flicked it back, snapping it away as he leapt back, as did Kanna as Kanna smiled and said "You... you use Genjutsu, yes...?"
Ryoga nodded. "I do. Why do you ask."
"Because you will need to face my mental prowess." She closed her eyes, smiling as she then pulled out a kind of glass, many shards, and smiled, doing some hand seals as she said "Art of the Mirage. House of Mirrors."
Suddenly, the shards shot up into the air, forming around Ryoga, whom looked around at the glass that surrounded him as he said "So? This is just a funhouse set of mirrors."

"Not ordinary ones." Soon, a kunai shot at Ryoga, grazing his cheek as he thought 'Wait. That was real! Is this... a kind of diversionary tactic? I myself am known for these, but she's managed to keep me in here so she can box me in and move in for the kill. I got to think this out wisely.'

Soon, spinning his staff, Ryoga sheathed it, arms crossed, eyes closed, despite the blood dripping down his cheek. Kanna looked at him from the outside and said "Well... you must be desperate to show yourself like this... and to keep yourself open for attack. Several points to attack... let me see what I can do..."

Kanna soon slid through her mirrors rapidly, pulling out kunais and shooting them forward. Hearing the shift in the air, Ryoga quickly pulled his bo staff, spinning it all around as he said "Whirling Gust."
Spinning his staff, gusts of wind came from his spirals, knocking the kunais away, until Kanna did another series of hand seals and smiled as she raised her hands forward. "Shards of Broken Glasses."

Suddenly, glass shot at Ryoga, cutting him worse than when Kanna threw her kunais at him, his clothes getting ripped, as well as scratches appearing on his cheeks as he gritted his teeth. 'Damn! She's good! Can't even tell where she is coming from due to all the glass...!' Ryoga cried out from the shards of glass ripping into his flesh as Kanna smiled.

Sukai panted heavily, sweat down his face as he thought 'Damn... I wasted 1 of my 3 Art of the 1000 Blows today. I can't wait any others, since he's gotta be done!'
Slowly, Orochimaru smiled, pushing himself off, panting heavily, gritting his teeth. "You bastard.."
"No. Way."
Orochimaru wiped his lip clean and glared. "You sure hit me a lot... that's impressive... but... I've grown a lot and gained a great deal of power. Now... you get to be the first to witness it." Soon, the pale-skinned ninja moved his hands into a fast set of hand seals, smirking as he then impaled his hands into his body. Sukai's eyes shrunk as he said "What the hell are you doing!?"

"Art of Sacrifice! Farewell to the Flesh!" Orochimaru soon ripped his hands out, his blood swirling around him as he cackled. Sukai was shocked by this, but then made his move, charging to attack as he began to punch and kick at the bloody barrier, unable to break through it, despite the fact that he was still weakened from using Art of the 1000 Blows. Orochimaru soon moved his hand, blowing away Sukai, causing the Hatake to skid backwards, as he looked on in shock, as Orochimaru stood there, scales now in place of his skin, his body green as he appeared to be more snake-like now, a small tail protruding from along his lower half, as he smirked, then said "Let us now continue."

Orochimaru was now much faster as he kicked Sukai hard in the side, then twisted around, his arms shifting into snakes as he slammed Sukai hard, then grabbed him and held him by his throat, tossing him up into the air, his snakes returning to hands as he quickly did hand seals, shooting a stream of fire right at Sukai, having done the Blaze of Glory. But Sukai himself had himself had done the same hand seals, shooting his own Blaze of Glory. Sukai's hit Orochimaru's, but then a large explosion occured, with Sukai taking the brunt of the attack as he crashed into the trees below, groaning.

Orochimaru smiled then appeared near Sukai. "So... do you like my new demonic power?"
Sukai's eyes shrunk back as Orochimaru smiled. "That's it! That's what I wanted to see! The look of fear!"
Shaking in fear, Sukai was paralyzed as Orochimaru smiled and licked his lips with his much longer snake tongue. "Time to dine."

Naruto soon twitched after feeling Orochimaru's chakra, shocked by the power... it also was the same kind he had felt before after meeting Miroku! But right now, he had to make a move, while Baku, Shin, and Kabuto continued arguing as he nodded. He soon did the necessary hand seals to do Art of the Shadow Doppleganger, creating 2 other Shadow Dopplegangers. He then leapt out, the real Naruto charged, kicking Kabuto, as his two Dopplegangers both hit Baku and Shin with carefully timed and precise punches, knocking the trio back as Naruto said "You guys done with your bickering, and gonna fight me or what!?"

Naruto stood still, his eyes serious, knowing he had no time to waste, and that he had to get to Sukai to help him, despite how futile it seemed. But right now, he had 3 opponents to deal with, and this might prove to be his toughest challenge yet.

-[To Be Continued...]-


#130 liukang004


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Posted 24 February 2005 - 04:40 AM

sweet another chapter!!! very good chapter and interesting jutsus! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
Keep up with the good work and i look forward to the next chapter....
I wonder why naruto and others going to beat oro and his group. Go Naruto!!!! :naruto:

#131 Blayze



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Posted 24 February 2005 - 12:35 PM

Go! Fight! Fight! Go! This is shaping up to be one mad battle biggrin.gif

#132 Shinyu


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Posted 24 February 2005 - 02:56 PM

Nice one Bryon happy.gif

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