I think some manga artists draw from real experience.. Or that it sort of affects the way they write about this subject. If their manga becomes super popular then they tend to be really busy for years on end. If they marry and have kids then they don’t have time to spend with their kids and can end up being hated.
I don’t know or anything but.. i wouldn’t be surprised if Kishimoto has a difficult relationship with his son.
It makes me think about the last volume of Rurouni Kenshin, where Kenshin's cute little son Kenji seems to resent his father, and is described in the end notes as growing up to be twisted.
He has two daughters.
Makes you think for the two of the facts about SS that Kishimoto didn't have much of a say about the pairings, and the other fact that he and his wife would for sure not accept of a husband for their daughter like Sasuke going with what he did to Sakura by wanting to kill, treat unpleasantly and cruel when talking.