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what do you guys think about storm 4 ?

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#101 James S Cassidy

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Posted 06 March 2016 - 07:42 AM

I don't think One Piece Nation understands that most of us feel that Naruto is no longer Naruto. He doesn't feel like the same character any longer and that's not just because he didn't end up with Sakura. Also, I've always felt the ending came about because of a business decision. That decision was made for the sole purpose of making more money by extending the franchise. They ruined a story for the prospect of making more money. And thanks to the backlash they received they're now just catering to the fans they have left. That's why I will not buy the game or anything else Naruto related simply because I won't support people who are so willing to destroy something creative for outright greed.   

Naruto fandom at the ending in a nutshell

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#102 NeonRanger


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Posted 06 March 2016 - 10:48 AM

Remember that not many people read Naruto for the story or care enough to try and not contribute to the franchise. My brother hated the ending, but paid for Boruto and bought the game because the fights were cool. And some anti-ending blogs I follow on Tumblr bought NNS4. I scratch my head at a pro-Sakura/NS/anti-SS/NH shipper who bought the game, because that game is anti-Sakura/ pro-Hinata (every important scene of Sakura was removed while Hinata had filler scenes), but in the end I shrugged it off. I can't really stop them from buying it.

Hello, Hello, Hello!  :argh:

#103 VanitasDS76491


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Posted 09 March 2016 - 12:23 AM

Naruto fandom at the ending in a nutshell

That was my reaction at the ending and after watching the last.

#104 VanitasDS76491


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Posted 09 March 2016 - 12:29 AM

I don't plan on playing the game, but I`m enjoying watching playthroughs and hearing people`s commentaries.


My favorite so far being TeamFourStar`s playthrough

The Final fight is such a ripoff of Snake vs Liquid Ocelot form Metal Gear Solid 4 only less awesome and satisfying and giving closer to the two characters after everything they went through, and had a weak ass setup, build up and payoff.

There's was good I like their playthroughs they make the games they play funny especially the Dragon Ball Games, like Raging Blast 2 were Kirran was losing his mind fight Nail and Krillin. 

#105 VanitasDS76491


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Posted 09 March 2016 - 12:30 AM

You have missed the entire point of why people think the show is crap and it is NOT because NH or SS is canon. No, that was just the icing on this kitten cake. We have been saying it for months now and no one seems to listen. So let me scroll down some of the biggest issues that people have with the series.

1, Asspulls galore. This is ranging from gifting powers through reincarnation to excuses on why things occurred the way they did. It is a TIDAL WAVE of Damage control on lackluster plot elements, kitten powers, mediocre logic, and Talk no jutsu's up the ass. Naruto is also one character who is so full of kitten because he tells people what to do how how they should act, but then commits the same atrocities like emotional manipulation, forced point of view, disregarding bonds, and even going against his once own nindo of "never giving up."

2. Naruto is a scumbag. Really, he used Sakura as a rivalry bait, ignored HInata for years and only with her today out of guilt, manipulated people to see things his way instead of truly understanding the situation, and then kittenes when it doesn't go his way. This is the same guy who told Neji that "destiny was kitten and people make their own path," but Naruto's whole life was prophesied. I also love how in the manga he wouldn't give up on Sasuke, but if Hinata says she doesn't want him, he was willing to get the earth be destroyed. He treats his own family like kitten, he hates his own son, and he cares very little about anyone else. The entire concept of Naruto is one HUGE lie and everything he did in the past manga chapters is kitten. He is no hero. He was destined to do all the kitten he was supposed to do. He didn't do it because it was right or wrong.

Not just Naruto made a huge heel turn, but so did a lot of other people. Sakura took ten steps back and returned to her "horny 12 year old self" and stayed there. Sasuke went back to his part 1 self of caring about no one except Naruto. Hinata has made no hedge way at all. In fact, she is so pathetic she has become anti-dimensional to the point of imploding on herself and she is still far more pathetic than any character in the series.

Even Kishimoto says they all might get a divorce from how miserable they are and the worst part is Kishimoto admitted he has no answer for any of this. it is all so contrived that Naruto only ended up with HInata because he pitied her and Sasuke only with Sakura, if they even are married because I have yet to see any evidence of this fact, because he just wanted to shut her up. There is no love. Just "accepting whatever is given to them"

Everyone grew up, abandoned their dreams, and lived miserably for the rest of their lives. Good kittening job, Naruto.

3. All of the Hinata pandering. EVERYTHING, EVERYBODY, AND EVERY PLOT POINT stopped because Hinata had to get her way. Hinata ignored her own family, her own friends, and her own teammates all because she wanted a  "Naruto-kun, notice me, senpai" kitten. This is a girl who let her cousin die, let her sister be kidnapped and her eyes gouged out, and didn't give a kitten about anybody else, EXCEPT for a dumb scarf. Hell, even when the love of her life was in danger of dying, she sat around and did NOTHING. And I am supposed to praise her like she was the best character in the world? WHERE WAS SHE FOR 9/10THS OF THE MANGA? No where. She didn't even end the Hyuga civil war, nor probably didn't give a kitten about her. She manipulated everyone, including Naruto himself, to get what she wanted. She is a spoiled, selfish, brat as well whose only "gift" is her massive boobs that seems to have absorbed her brains. Tripped on a rock, kitten, are you kidding me? She also stole everything from Sasuke and Sakura....Naruto's TRUE first bonds including Iruka and Jiraiya. She also didn't even care about Naruto's dreams. When did she ever support Naruto's dream of being Hokage? Never. She never did. She just wanted attention and was a complete and selfish person. She even admits this herself.

4. Nothing was ever solved or whatever was solved was solved Anti-climatically. Remember the Uchiha Massacre? Remember the Hyuga Civil War? Remember a lot of other plots that occurred throughout the series that people brought up that never got a answer? Yeah, they all just seem to "disappear" from existence and was never told what happened. Did the Uchiha Massacre truth get released? Did Itachi cleared of all charges? Do people understand anything now? No, no, and no.They all got swept under the rug and the people responsible never got punished. That is BS.

5. The fact that Naruto the Last wasn't about Naruto himself or his wants or needs, but rather HINATA'S wants and needs. It should have been named Hinata: Scarf the Movie because that is all it was about. Let's not forget the whole "Naruto only loved Sakura due to a rivalry game" which was BS, the fact that Sasuke has NO appearance in the movie whatsoever even though he is one of the most powerful ninja of all and this was the world coming to an end, Naruto not understand love and confusing it for food, SPACE NINJAS with no explanation (that jumping way past sharks), and this entire plot point of everyone from Sakura to Shikamaru GUILT TRIPPING Naruto into loving Hinata. GUILT TRIPPING. It was not real love.

6. Naruto Gaiden shows how kittened up the people really are. Naruto is miserable, Sakura is miserable, Sasuke doesn't care, and everyone else is not important enough to remember. Chouji's daughter is a walking enigma of asshattery, and the fact that none of this was made SEVERAL MONTHS after the fact of the supposed "ending" proves that this is nothing more damage control or at least an attempt to.

which brings to the biggest issue of them all..

7. Why wasn't any of this in the original manga run? Why did all this supposed "explanation" come AFTER the series was supposedly over? Because all they cared about was making NH canon. That was it. This is why there is no explanation. And not just weeks, but MONTHS after the fact. You also have to read outside anything Kishimoto made to supposedly get the whole story and even then it all just match up. Have you even read all the supposed canon Hiden novels?

Naruto turned pathetic and he is miserable for it. Coupled with the fact that he cares about Salad over his own children.
I mean, look at this

You really think THAT FACE is the face of a man who loves his life? No, that is the face of regret wishing his life was better. And in Gaiden, Naruto never thinks of Hinata. Not once. Not even in passing. Not ever. This dude couldn't even go to his own daughter's birthday cause he hates his life so much.

Watch this for movie info about the rest


YES Thank you James that is right on the money, I couldn't have said it better myself good work. Ya I agree with King of Lightning  on those two videos.

#106 Frankie


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Posted 20 March 2016 - 02:25 AM

The game is aight. Still mad we can't do 3 v. 1 fights but that's whatever.

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