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Naruto Storm Revolution

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#81 MangaReader


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Posted 02 July 2014 - 01:23 PM

Wow...they're going all out for what is basically Naruto Ninja Storm Generations 2 in terms of canon to the Video Game series


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#82 Inferno180


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Posted 03 July 2014 - 03:35 AM

2 things to say today:


1st in regards to the story of this game, yes its a non-canon sequel to UNS3, because UNS3 is canon until the fight of the 5 kage vs Madara. only UNS1 (on PS3 only) and UNS2 (goes to the pain arc) are based on the canon material in full.


Like the other games though, because this is an alternate the alliance wins the war, madaras plans are foiled and obito gets away but is still around, its purely its own thing.


Today a trailer was released showing some stuff.


-The game will in fact have a full fledged adventure mode like 2 and 3, so this gives it more than just a series of fights, it has all the other stuff too like the sidequests and item shops and extras that made the first games fun to another degree.


- I got to play the demo today and well while the battle system was nice, I was kinda pissed at the roster:


We get over 100 playable characters, but only 4 to use in the demo with preset teams but they all have the choice of using ultimate jutsu, awakening, and support type fighting styles.


The 4 playable characters are:


Naruto in tailed beast mode with Minato and Kushina as support


Kakashi (war outfit) with Guy as support


Sasuke with EMS and Edo itachi as support


Mecha-Naruto with Naruto and blech Hinata as support.


Aside from Minato, Guy, Edo Itachi, Naruto, and Hinata as support, Kushinas standard jutsu move is well, she runs in to smack a foe with a pan, not strong but has a ton of knockback.


Now for the battle system, the game gives you the choice of ultimate jutsu, awakening, and support, so what does this do?


All characters instead of like past games having access to their strongest technique being the chakra load chakraload button followed by an attack, like previous games, can only access their ultimate jutsu if they take it as a type. same deal with awakenings, which in the past, there were 2, instant and adverserial, but these are both only accessible to the awakening type, finally there is support which basically forgos the first two in effort to make more use out of the team support users, this type cannot be used in single fights.


How do these work then? I'll break it down:


Aside from the support type which makes the use out of team setups, each character has access to a unique ultimate and awakening type of attack.


Those that take ultimate jutsu as their type of move form, they will gain access to the chakra load, chakra load, attack button combo that was always availbe in past games. All characters have access to their default special no matter the setup.


For example regular naruto, he had rasengan as his normal attack and massive rasengan as ultimate techinque, in the past games like on the xbox for instance, the chakra load button was y and melee was b, pressing this combo would trigger the rasengan, this is how the combo worked for all characters. To do the massive rasengan, you had to do Y, Y, B, provided you had the energy. In the new game, this combo for example, chakra load, chakra load, melee, is the option open to the ultimate types, awakening and support will only have access to the base one which was just chakra load and attack.


So whats the difference with ultimate and team combo jutsu? It really just depends if your team setup allows or causes a jutsu, really its the same power if you had a non-unique setup but its just a cinamatic difference.


One of the characters in the game, tailed beast mode naruto, his ultimate on his own or with a team that didnt impact him in a special way, his ultimate would be plantary tailed beast rasengan, but in the demo, since his team is with minato and kushina as support, this changes it from the planetary rasengan to the unifined rasengan where minato and kushina help him energize and preform the technique. The same deal would occur if Sakura and Sasuke were on his team, the special would be the new summoning, 3 way deadlock attack. But all 3 of these, regardless of if its a special team or if naruto is on his own, the power is all the same, planetary tailed beast rasengan, unified rasengan and 3 way summoning all end in the same power.


There is one last deal, team ultimates, this was when your support gage was at max in past games and when at enough power, you did chakra load, chakra load, chakra load and then melee to get a team ultimate finisher, basically its the same power with addedd support attacks, basically both or your only support attack the opponent and you then unleash your ultimate jutsu. There is nothing addtional expect that this is basically the strongest attack possible. In this case again for tailed beast mode naruto, if his supports are up enough. The only difference with this is, you need one of your teammates to connect with the foe to trigger this. Other than the additional hits nothing special or extra occurs. If you did this with a non-special combo team (like naruto, kakashi, and kakuzu lets say), he would still use the planetary rasengan but it would be a team ultimate jutsu, again same deal if he had minato and kushina as support or sakura and sasuke, it just changes the cinamatic.


So in short, everyone has access to their base jutsu all the time, ultimate jutsu are determined by if you are alone/with a team that doesnt make any difference (like naruto with orochimaru and itachi, no special change would occur there) and you get team ultimates with certain combinations that just add a cinamatic difference aside from a team stat based setup (so while naruto with his parents or sakura and sasuke give different team names and stats for deals on offensive, defensive, and recovery speed power, the unified rasengan and 3 way summoning have the same power.


As for awakening, in past games this was a form of combat to awaken either simply buffed abilities or entirely new forms of combat. Some ranged simply from more power and stamina or more resilience, sakura for instance in the last game simply became stronger and less flinching while others like kiba improved in speed. Others gained entirely new forms for combat like sasuke in his sussano or deidara riding his C4 Garuda. In UNS3 there were 2 types of awakenings that differed between characters, instant and adversarial.


Instant was available anytime, it let you shift into a different form for combat but it caused your own chakra meter to decline and once it did, you could not enter the state until your meter recovered to its original size, it basically shrunk your meter so any specials you would want to use could not be accessed until it grew back enough. Adverseial awakenings were stronger though, they could not be accessed all the time and were generally on characters who were better at base. These were accessed by once the character was down to about 70 to 40% life, they could use their awakening and had about usually 20 to 30 seconds to mess with their foe. It had no penalities on the users chakra meter but after it was burnt out, you could not access it again for about a half minute. Generally these would occur only once to twice in a battle. The characters who used this ranged in what was effective, sakura for instance was able to get hers at 60% life, others like jinchurki like roshi, could become son goku at 40% life.


The balance was usually weaker at base characters could go into instant awakening while those with adversarial awakenings had better stats and moves at base but had a comeback weapon with their health lost to equalize the field when instants tried to run around them.


So how does it work in this game? there are 2 stage awakenings, everyone has access to these 1st stage is instant, but it has the same effect with reducing your chakra meter. The other is for adversarial, its not dependent on health loss, its dependent on filling your storm gauge, the thing all 3 fighting styles depend on. Both types of awakenings can provide either a new form or simply a buff to base stats such as more speed and power or better defense and less knockback.


tailed beast mode naruto for example, in instant he simply gains a power buff. In his second though, his adversarial, he goes into kurama's chakra avatar mode, so you control the big avatar of kurama he used against obito. For his awakenings, one is a simple buff, the other is a new form.


Sasuke with EMS for example is another story, in instant he materializes only the ribcage and one arm of his sussano, having a bit more range for his attacks and better defense, in adversial though, at stage 2 awakening, he materializes the whole sussano.


Same with kakashi, he just gets a simple buff with his instant but he opens his myangeko sharigan in his 2nd awakening.


As for support, this is the same for every character. Its give you the option of switching your support between attack and defense, having one guy attack and help combo while another can defend you while you charge energy gives you better reliance on support. Your team support recovers about 15% faster so you can crank them out more. With only access to a basic jutsu with your character, to make up for not having a killer attack or super form, you get the team attack, the sealing barrier technique, this technique basically makes it so your opponent cannot use ultimate, awakening, their own sealing, or support for a while, basically its the best setup for general weaker forms of combat and while it doesnt pack the large punch of the others, it allows you to prevent your oppoent from going all super on you.


From playing the demo, this system is a good balance but sadly I wish there were more characters to choose from and not preset teams. Otherwise I can say why Sakura is not in this, well she has the strength of 100 seal in this game so, they wouldn't want to spoil anything for her awakeing now would they?

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#83 AzureWaters



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Posted 04 July 2014 - 03:51 PM

Confirmed Team names




"Mecha in love" sounds curious.

#84 Gravenimage


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 04:26 PM

Honestly I could care less about team names because Kishimoto has nothing to do with so its not canon. The game developers want to please all fandoms, its all about sales and $$$ heck they probably could care less about shipping and the pairing wars. Love triangle??? hmm...I bet a 100$ that its Sasuke+Karin+Sakura and Mecha in love Mecha Naruto+Hinata lol. Its pitiful for the fandom to use the team names as evidence to prove their pairing, it only shows how desperat they are.


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#85 Inferno180


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 04:51 PM

Honestly I could care less about team names because Kishimoto has nothing to do with so its not canon. The game developers want to please all fandoms, its all about sales and $$$ heck they probably could care less about shipping and the pairing wars. Love triangle??? hmm...I bet a 100$ that its Sasuke+Karin+Sakura and Mecha in love Mecha Naruto+Hinata lol. Its pitiful for the fandom to use the team names as evidence to prove their pairing, it only shows how desperat they are.


Dont even get me started graven, I mean NH fans claimed this spinoff game series with 'secret lovers" was the proof and that the non-canon end mission involving Hinata somehow meant more even though Sakura also got a non-canon end mission with naruto and ironically, the hero path in that game, most of the hero choices were canon based (well before it came to the madara and six paths of tobi fight).


But theres a lot of them, I mean that secret lovers one is back but the one with mecha in love, dear god. But theres other teams too like risky love and similar attraction and if by chance one was with naruto and sakura, the NH fandom would make such a fuss over it even though Hinata is hardly built in the manga, its just so, frightening how people think a spinoff non-canon game means evidence when they go on with doing the same thing saying RTN cannot be used yet the filler anime and other media can? We even know RTN doesnt count but its still a good idea of the bond naruto and sakura have. And even in the manga, we already have a good amount of clues about what could be coming with NS. But this fandom already lost its sense of rational long ago, I mean again 631 put NH fans into a huge pit of insanity they still have not recovered from, hell 663 may have hurt them more with hinata going away and sakura showing she supports narutos dream and  wants him to accomplish it. Just like currently how the SS fandom is in overdrive because SS may be on its last legs and falling.


In fact if there is some team name with just naruto and sakura and it has some name like risky love or similar attraction people will say, "its not as good as it once was" or "this proves NS isnt likely to happen."


Thats the type of kitten that makes me say, "You realize how dense you are to use a game not even associated with the creator as proof?" If Kishi is intent on NH, he is still doing a very terrible job at it, yes NH will come but the way he handled it with all these delays, missed gaps of development, opprotunities forgone where HInata could have been used, stating a foreshadow for an end pairing and putting it on sakura, even giving more NS moments while leaving Hinata out twice in a row, putting much more focus on a pairing like NS and not doing anything much with NH, the confession and 615 were only 2 deals, its not enough to say NH is canon because all kishi has done in the romanctic subplot is made a mess mostly but still gives so much focus to NS, then if he is intent on NH, he is doing a terrible job to make it go canon and just making it that much worse while he still focuses on NS.


Otherwise I hope if there is a team name with just Naruto and Sakura, its a good game.


Otherwise I would like to see a team name with sakura and kushina and/or tsunade. That would be funny.

Edited by Inferno180, 04 July 2014 - 05:01 PM.

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#86 AzureWaters



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Posted 04 July 2014 - 05:02 PM

Why would the Naruto robot be in love with Hinata? Plus Kishi specifically designed him for the game so I'd think any attributes would be approved, if not created, by him.

#87 Inferno180


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 05:08 PM

Not sure but I just thought of something:


The two team names, risky attraction and similar attraction, what if the risky is a team up of Sakura and Sasuke while similar is naruto and sakura?


Again not using it as proof of anti-SS or pro-NS but it would definitely be something to shut up these fans thinking a team name in a non-canon game means some kind of proof. I mean if the name, similar attraction fell on naruto and sakura, well just imagine the flak of the NH fans chanting, 'its just attraction, its not secret lovers between naruto and hinata." then we could simply say," If its a similar attraction then this means sakura has similar feelings to naruto as naruto does to her, so what shall we do, say both are meaningful names or how about none of them, considering its a non-canon game!"


If this was true, it would shut this whole deal up for good.


Though the name the bond could possibly be naruto and sakura too unless its part 1 naruto and sasuke considering most part 2 naruto and sasukes make "best friends"

Edited by Inferno180, 04 July 2014 - 05:09 PM.

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#88 TouKen4Life3g


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 05:12 PM

This game seems like an all out game that the next game will be completely overhaul. After all, we are going next-gen, so everything might start over with a new gameplay and everything. CC2 has done this many times when changing to a new gen. This game seems to be all out frenzy, much like when KOF gets a game that it's like an all star game, then continues with a new arc.

#89 AzureWaters



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Posted 04 July 2014 - 05:19 PM

Not sure but I just thought of something:


The two team names, risky attraction and similar attraction, what if the risky is a team up of Sakura and Sasuke while similar is naruto and sakura?


Again not using it as proof of anti-SS or pro-NS but it would definitely be something to shut up these fans thinking a team name in a non-canon game means some kind of proof. I mean if the name, similar attraction fell on naruto and sakura, well just imagine the flak of the NH fans chanting, 'its just attraction, its not secret lovers between naruto and hinata." then we could simply say," If its a similar attraction then this means sakura has similar feelings to naruto as naruto does to her, so what shall we do, say both are meaningful names or how about none of them, considering its a non-canon game!"


If this was true, it would shut this whole deal up for good.


Though the name the bond could possibly be naruto and sakura too unless its part 1 naruto and sasuke considering most part 2 naruto and sasukes make "best friends"


Similar attraction may be Shika/Tema though. Not sure about Riskey love or Love relayed.

#90 Inferno180


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 05:47 PM

Love relayed is Gaara and his father


Theres a lot of stuff it can go, but the 2 things to remember:


1. If theres a team name between naruto and sakura, I just hope its one that dampens the fandom thinking the secret lovers teamname means something between them, even though the name otherwise just meant that both had a secret crush on another, naruto to sakura and hinata to naruto, on another person, not each other.


2. Its a purely non-canon game, like the last three games, it makes no difference because when taken in this context, the manga has said otherwise so much, NH has not been given much of anything beyond 615 and NS has been given more hints than ever, if anything NS has gotten much more prone for canon in the manga in the past year and a half and its just that, the manga is the only deal that matters, the thing that is telling the actual story and with NS getting development, many hints, and a lot more to come while NH sits out and is just delayed more and more especially considering the events this year with the recovery event and the infinite tysuikomki, this just makes her gone longer and longer which in turn just keeps hurting NH, this is a benefit to NS because of that constant lack of development and use. If NS goes canon while NH doesn't, its purely because NH didnt exist enough to make a case of itself to render itself notable via enough development, and this is exactly where and how it is currently, and where its ultimately going to grow at this rate and end. NS has the development and screentime and dynamics from the story, its the most likely too occur. No amount of boasting about team names in a non canon game like this will change whats actually in the manga.


Because this game is all based off the canon manga, not the other way around and yes, when you get deals like this, this game is filler and in filler, fanservice and other noncanon stuff will be done, this is exactly the deal from the end missions in UNS3 with sakura and hinata, it was fanservice, nothing more and nothing less. no team names made a difference then, they wont now, and even then it was all just fanservice, filler, never happened. Like SP, they can go kitten insane with hinata here and there, but it will not make a difference to the manga. The manga has done more NS stuff and it still does. So even if theres a team name with naruto and sakura that sounds dumb, it still doesnt mean anything in the end because of this game, this game is a spinoff, its own universe, it doesnt stick to the critera or convections of the main universe. No amount of showcasing hinata with naruto will change anything based in the manga where she is a near irrelevant character who really has not done much.


And this is why Hinata is nothing more than a poster character, they just throw her all around and use her character for showboating since kishi himself has not used her as much in the actual story. This is why she is, dare I say, whored out as a character in any other media, people go insane for her, she is just a character who was intended to be minor, not this mess of a character people go insane and drool over and try to put above every other female when she doesn't even get any real events done in the manga. Blame kishi for his lack of using her, but when kishi doesnt use her, SP and everyone else seems to just put her on a pedistal and create so much non-canon stuff on her, she is just an illusionary character, all this stuff about her does not exist save in the manga. So with all this kitten of hinat again, getting attention in this game, if she is, it makes no difference.


Its a non-canon game and people need to get over this deal of Hinata, this vision of HInata being something so much more does not exist, she is a simple side character in the manga and yet every fan of hers tries to promote her as something big, she isnt big, she isnt special, she just was not used as much as she should have. Seriously I can bet you my life kishi never intended hinata to become as big as she was, but because people go kitten insane over her due to the anime, this is why her character can be whored out on just about any filler media or naruto merchandise and I can bet you her fans would buy it even if it was overpriced by 500% thats the kind of stupidity going on here with her character because of her fans.


She is a simple character, she is not complex, kishi should have done more to her than he planned but didn't, so her fans and SP and others go insane with her and this is why Hinata is overrated.


The only good thing is that this is a game, a non-canon game and no matter what happens in the game, it doesnt change anything because all that matters is again, the manga and luckly the manga has been on NS side for a long time. Because it has the most development and SS is dying while NH has not changed much at all. Kishi could have done more with SS and NH, but at this rate, with the hints of NS, its no suprise at this point if NS goes canon. Its got everything it needs at this point, its got the majority of the manga, the development, the pacing, the change in dynamics, and more. NS has the most likelihood of going canon and nothing is going to change that unless the manga says otherwise, on the other case, the game itself, even if it did make a pairing in it, it still wouldnt matter, it would be the same end result, no real difference. Because the manga is all that matters. NS luckly has the manga in the majority and this is why the core stuff, the manga has NS mostly and so why NS will most likely happen and thats all it really simply is, manga matters, nothing else and lucky for us, NS just happens to have the manga.

Edited by Inferno180, 04 July 2014 - 05:59 PM.

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#91 AzureWaters



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Posted 04 July 2014 - 05:54 PM

We all know it's no consequence to the manga, but it would still be nice to get a nod from the game nevertheless. Its similar to getting fanservice from a movie or episode. Just something that pleases the fandom.

#92 Gravenimage


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 05:56 PM

In the end it doesn't matter whose team name is. All we know the fandom is going to be have a field trip with this game. Seriously using a team name from a video game to justify your fav pairing its the same as reading a hentai doujin. "OMFG Naruto and Hinata did it that means the pairing is going to be canon in the manga".


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#93 TouKen4Life3g


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 06:17 PM

We all know it's no consequence to the manga, but it would still be nice to get a nod from the game nevertheless. Its similar to getting fanservice from a movie or episode. Just something that pleases the fandom.

I understand, though we have gotten that a lot in their past games. My problem is that sometimes it feels like they're benefiting themselves by doing something that hasn't happened or said to be done in the original work. It's like if the manga concluded with no open ending, all of that would change everyone to do it differently where you once thought it would be it isn't it. So yeah, that seems to be the case. Eh, since it's not in the lineup of numbers aka canon, they are free to do to please themselves. Yes, it's annoying but whatever. I'm still annoyed that I got to put up kitten before Halo Collection.

#94 Inferno180


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 06:41 PM

Its just fanservice if anything, like the fillers and naruto SD, they can get away with it long as its non-canon.


Kishi and his team have a story to tell, they need to stick to the story they see fit, though there is some fanservice here and there, its not like what the fillers and SP do. Otherwise the Rock lee spinoff and all its fanservice would be among the same deal.


Its not going to matter in the end, all that matters is the manga and NS has the majority of the manga and thats all where it counts.


Hey if Naruto and Hinata have a team ultimate together and it involves showing the 615 stuff again and again, it makes no difference, not when the manga is hinting otherwise currently. They can show 615 in as many covers, openings, endings, and other media as much as they want, it is not going to make a difference how much they drag it out if the manga says otherwise and still to this point, almost 70 chapters later, naruto still doesn't and hast shown any thoughts about her and the hand holding, only nejis death and still we get 631 and 663 showing NS stuff that just adds more to say NS is coming. Not our fault kishi is written this but if there are reasons hinting NS later, its more or less going to come. NS is most likely for canon and no amount of relying on fillers or other media promoting their pairing will be able to change this. NS still has the manga and thats just tough for NH and SS fans.

Edited by Inferno180, 04 July 2014 - 06:41 PM.

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#95 FoolishYoungling


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 06:55 PM

I'm okay with Secret Lovers because they both secretly love somebody. But for Mecha in love. That's saying Naruto loves Hinata. We all know that name would make 0% sense. Unless there is a Mecha Naruto side mission in the game where it falls in love with Hinata for... obvious reasons (Hinata is really good looking). Most likely there won't be, so I think the name just implies Mecha Naruto x Sakura. :P

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#96 TouKen4Life3g


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 07:21 PM

Well, I can't blame Kishi for thinking "What did I do?" It's like I make one character just slip and knock the protagonist by accident and bam, best character to millions. I wouldn't even understand what I just did to make that character. Though he wouldn't be the first guy to witness the questionable remarks from the fans. Oh well, welcome to the world.

#97 Inferno180


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 10:38 PM

I'm okay with Secret Lovers because they both secretly love somebody. But for Mecha in love. That's saying Naruto loves Hinata. We all know that name would make 0% sense. Unless there is a Mecha Naruto side mission in the game where it falls in love with Hinata for... obvious reasons (Hinata is really good looking). Most likely there won't be, so I think the name just implies Mecha Naruto x Sakura. :P


Oh dont worry, whats even funnier is that the secret lovers team up with them in 2 and 3 was not very good, team 7 and others were better.


Naruto as support is only moderately good because he just used his rasengan to run right in, or diagonally down if used in air. and hinatas support move was a defensive palm network that just had knockback and trapped some people, but even then this team up was not really powerful, narutos rasengan was easy to avoid and hinata just was not that good. I never lost a match when I saw an opponent using this, hinata just was not that good a character.


Now with byaukgo sakura coming in, well I just hope they gave her a good moveset. Otherwise even just naruto, sakura, and kakashi was a better teamup. Kakashi at least used running lightning beast giving you a ranged attack for support.

Edited by Inferno180, 04 July 2014 - 10:38 PM.

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#98 FoolishYoungling


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 11:10 PM

Hinata part 1 was my most used character in storm 3. Sakura was my most used in Generations. Naruto in storm 2. I wonder who will be my new favorite in Revolutions.


Also, I just played the online demo a little more for Revolution and I met my first spammer for the game. I lost barely but I couldn't help but laugh. I'm very competitive but because it is only demo; I really don't care about winning or losing. Just learning how to deal with the new ways Revolution will force us to win with. (I found that jumping is like 500x more popular now) After losing I laughed harder than I should have because I couldn't believe someone would spam on a demo. It's bad enough when they do it on the official game, but this was the demo! I went on to play my next guy but then recieved a voice msg from the guy where he called me words I won't say up here and said "how does it feel to lose?" I really hope not to see more people like this. There is a difference between trolling and being stupid. When people troll me I can laugh with them, but when someone does something like this it makes me laugh at them. I'm sure the guy isn't the luckiest guy in the world when he gets off the game and looks at the real world. Which is why he is doing what he is doing on the game. But I just find it sad that a lot of people spam or choose to fight people on this game. Most the time I beat those people, so I guess I over look it better than others, but I just can't help but laugh at those people. What do they think they're doing?



Edited by FoolishYoungling , 05 July 2014 - 06:46 AM.

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#99 Inferno180


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Posted 05 July 2014 - 01:07 PM

Thats just mecha naruto though, it doesn't impact the main story on who the real naruto likes now does it?


Thats just the fanservice NH fans want.


Besides wasn't the team between naruto, mecha naruto and hinata supposed to be naruto in hand?


If mecha in love is mecha naruto and hinata, well where did this happen?


Besides, again its just otherwise a joke I mean mecha naruto technically does not exist since he is not even in the manga like many other video game only characters, unlike sakuras parents who do exist outside for lore reasons.


I mean again, the manga still has NS as the most likely due to the development and more.

Edited by Inferno180, 05 July 2014 - 01:12 PM.

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#100 TouKen4Life3g


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Posted 05 July 2014 - 01:45 PM

Thats just mecha naruto though, it doesn't impact the main story on who the real naruto likes now does it?


Thats just the fanservice NH fans want.


Besides wasn't the team between naruto, mecha naruto and hinata supposed to be naruto in hand?


If mecha in love is mecha naruto and hinata, well where did this happen?


Besides, again its just otherwise a joke I mean mecha naruto technically does not exist since he is not even in the manga like many other video game only characters, unlike sakuras parents who do exist outside for lore reasons.


I mean again, the manga still has NS as the most likely due to the development and more.

True though I got to say, once NS happens, how stupid they will look. I mean I don't know how big the exposure will be for NH, but they better be careful. They will lead people thinking the wrong way.

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