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How will you react *IF* Naruhina becomes the final pair?

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#81 rocci


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Posted 10 October 2014 - 09:22 AM

I will honest to you jenskot, I don't know there is search button in this site until you tell it.

And why you upset when marvel seperate peter and mj?
I think it's a necessary move to make fresh start after massive reboot.

PS: I'm not a comic book fan just know it from wiki.

#82 Jenskott


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Posted 10 October 2014 - 10:11 AM


I will honest to you jenskot, I don't know there is search button in this site until you tell it. 

And why you upset when marvel seperate peter and mj?
I think it's a necessary move to make fresh start after massive reboot. 

PS: I'm not a comic book fan just know it from wiki. 


In case it is not clear, I did not write that article nor I am the owner of that site.


I AM a Peter/MJ fan, but it was not implied in my earlier post.


I am upset because I like the couple, I liked their interactions and moments and they are not together anymore. I do not think that it is hard to understand.


It is only an advice, but you should not trust wikis. It was NOT necessary and it was not done to make a fresh start (nothing about Brand New Day was fresh. More on that later).


It was done because Marvel EIC Joe Quesada prefered a single Spider-Man and hated when Peter got married twenty years ago. And he was so determined to get what he wanted and fix what was not broken, regarless what the FANS wanted, that he completely gutted the continuity and wiped twenty years of story out to fit his personal preference.


Look, if he likes a single Spider-Man it is his bussiness. But his reasons never made sense. He pretended that his personal preference was an objective fact and real Spider-Man fans would udnerstand what HE WAS RIGHT. And he spent the whole time arrogantly lecturing all fans about it and utterly and summarily dismissing any arguments that did not fit with his views. And he pretended that he was doing this for the sake and the future of the franchise when in reality he was doing it only for his own sake, to get what he wanted (sales actually got worse after One More Day and they never recovered, but the decission never was reverted. So no, he was not doing it for the good of Spider-Man).


And on top of it he had the gal of telling Peter/MJ fans "It is done. Get over it". He never got over a story written twenty years ago, and he has the gal of telling us that we should move on? If HE would have done TWENTY YEARS AGO what he tells everyone else doing, then we would not be having this conversation.


And not even get me started on his frequent insults and snobby attitude to fans. He despises and mocks whoever does not think like him, and he has proven it countless times.


So no, it was not made to provide a "fresh start". And it was not "fresh":


Let’s Turn the Wayback Machine to…
Now, I’m sure that most good Spidey fans have been following the debate during the last few months over Spidey’s status, and if you haven’t been – well then you’re probably one of the smart ones who’s paying attention to the more important things in life, that’s for sure. But for those of us who live our lives vicariously through superheroes – let me toss a few quotes at you from the powers that be:

  • ”Meanwhile, Peter’s life will be going through some changes as well. There will be a re-exploration of some of the old Daily Bugle supporting cast and an introduction of some of the new supporting cast members.”


  • ”The Spider-Man books need an influx of new blood in terms of villains that Spidey goes up against, and we’ve got a storyline cooking that will give us just that.”


  • ”I want readers to put down the first couple of issues and say “This is fun again.” That’s pretty much it. I want it to be fun. I want to put back in the sense of wonder.”


  • ”So we’re trying to get back to the essence of who the character is. We’ve had a lot of distractions over the past bunch of years. It’s not really a reboot or a revamp, but a refocus. Refocusing on what made Spider-Man Spider-Man.”


  • ”Re-reading the earliest issues of Spider-Man, the thing that always made Spider-Man unique was that so much of it was about Peter Parker. Three quarters of the book was just Peter Parker soap opera stuff with high school or Aunt May, and then Spider-Man had to get into the costume, pop off and do the superhero thing.”


  • ”I think marriage aged Peter and MJ instantly. They’re suddenly being portrayed as a married couple, as opposed to a young couple. It took away the chances for any sort of romantic tension. That’s part of what defines Peter Parker.”


Who said this?

(a) Joe Quesada in 2007

(b) Steve Wacker in 2007

© Dan Slott in 2008

(d) Tom Breevort in his “manifesto” in the Swing Shift Director’s Cut, or

(e) Howard Mackie in 1998.

The winner is…..

Drum roll please…..


Yes, that’s right boys and girls. The first three quotes were from the November 1998 issue of Marvel Magazine, and the latter three were from the Wizard Spider-Man Special issued around that same time, 10 years ago!.

Oh, and let’s try this on for kittens and giggles:

  • ”The biggest problem with Spider-Man is that he’s been broken for so long there’s a whole generation that doesn’t know he’s been broken. That’s been the real challenge of doing this – fixing a character that current readers don’t realize isn’t what he was intended to be.”

That, my friends was from John Byrne, in the same aforementioned Wizard special.

But I’m not done dredging up the past yet. Lest you think that I’m itching for a Spider-Man version of Bartlett’s Quotations, let’s look at the actual events that occurred in the Reboot of 1999, and contrast those to the Reboot of 2008. I think your sense of déjà vu will be as great as mine.


  • Spidey has Been out of Action for Months - Early in issue #546, a news announcer references that with the exception of one brief sighting (which occurred in Swing Shift), Spider-Man hasn’t been seen or heard from in months. When we rewind back to 1999 in volume 2, issue #1 (January 1999), the Human Torch, trying to reach Spider-Man, says “It’s been months and this disappearing act isn’t like you.” In the Reboot of 1999 Spidey had retired because Aunt May was back from the dead (long story) and he wanted to spend time with her and Mary Jane. In the Reboot of 2008, the reasons for his laying low are less explicit, although it’s implied that his failure to comply with the Superhero Registration Act has something to do with it. Unfortunately, in both cases his “return” is unconvincing and the reasons are pedestrian, particularly considering all of the other opportunities he likely had to return to costume in the intervening months and chose not to. You would think that if Peter Parker took the huge step of retiring as Spider-Man, it would take something REALLY BIG to bring him back – but in each case we got “That’s it? That’s all it took?” In 1999 it was because poor little Mattie Franklin, who was going around playing Spider-Man, got clocked, and in 2008 (issue #547) it was – get this – to sell a picture to the Bugle to stave off its collapse. We should want to stand up and cheer when Spider-Man returns after a long absence but in each case the drama was sorely lacking.



  • The Daily Bugle Reborn
    Just before the Reboot of 1999, the Green Goblin and Spider-Man met in a calamitous (off –panel, another of the sorry aspects of the storyline) battle royal in “The Final Chapter,” (Peter Parker #98 (November 1998), and one of the casualties was the Daily Bugle building, which was thoroughly trashed and was rebuilt with an all new look. In “Brand New Day,” after Jonah suffers a massive heart attack, his wife sells the paper to rival Dexter Bennett, who rechristens the paper “The DB,” complete with new signage.



  • An instant helping of brand new supporting characters
    Anyone remember Walter Thorson, Javier Caldrone, Stan Hardy, Terry Kwan, Chantel Stone, and Dr. Ted Twaki? This bunch was Pete’s co-workers from Tri-Corp, the job that he had for all of six seconds in the Reboot of 1999, but they still were introduced with great fanfare in the first issue. Who knows whether Lily Hollister, Vin Gonzales, Carlie Cooper, Dexter Bennett, Alan O’Neil and Bill Hollister will meet the same fate, but their advantage is that at least they are coming from different aspects of the stories, rather than collectively being dumped together in the same place in that mini-United Nations that was Tri-Corp. But, it’s already clear that Vin is a kitten, Carlie is a smart, shy girl clueless to the fact that she’s totally hot, O’Neil is the wise old cop, etc. so we’ll see if they can rise above stereotypes and become characters.



  • A Gwen by any Other Name
    It seems that every restart requires the injection of OBVIOUS ROMANTIC TENSION. The Reboot of 1999 prominently featured Jill Stacy, the cousin of Gwen, who was just so sweet and needy, in contrast to independent and glamorous Mary Jane. And inAmazing Spider-Man #545, when Peter awakes from his Mephisto induced hangover, we meet the stunningly glam and sexy Lilly Hollister, and the sweet, shy little thinker, Carlie Cooper. It’s well known that Joe Quesada originally wanted to bring Gwen back, and even Tom Breevort’s manifesto (which we’ll discuss later) talks about “Harry and possibly Gwen Stacy alive again,” but was talked out of it by other Marvel staffers. Thank goodness. Still, Carlie is clearly the character that a revived Gwen Stacy would have been. She is a police forensic scientist, something which Gwen could easily have been (Gwen as a forensic scientist is something that I postulated in my own ruminations on the character). Carlie’s father is also a former cop, and she bears more than a passing resemblance to the Gwen Stacy in the new animated Spectacular Spider-Man. The latter is likely coincidence, however.



  • New Bad Guys
    I’ll be one of the first to admit that Spidey needs some new bad guys, and even more new bad girls. We were going to get new villains with the Reboot of 1999 as well, and we got Sentator Ward, Shadrac, the Ranger, Power Man, and Evil Spider-Woman. So far in the 2008 Reboot we’ve seen Overdrive (wonder if he’s any relation to Override, a character which appeared pre- 1999 Reboot), Mr. Negative, Menace, Freak, and the Bookie, with Screwball and Paper Doll waiting in the wings.



  • The Mystery Hero
    Of course, the “Mystery Superhero” was also a gimmick used during the Reboot of 1999. If you recall, someone else was fighting crime dressed as Spider-Man in the first few issues, and although Howard Mackie boasted that no one were figure out who it was, the message boards had already deduced that it was that obnoxious Mattie Franklin character who thankfully exited the spider titles never to return after Mackie left. This time, it’s Jackpot the “is she or isn’t she Mary Jane” heroine who has flowing red hair, is a model, and calls Spider-Man “Tiger.” My initial thought was that the character, particularly the name and the costume (with the “777” winning slot number belt) was pretty silly. But then I realized that for the last 35 years I’ve been reading about a character who wears the equivalent of red and blue pajamas and crawls walls, so silliness is in the eye of the beholder. I am curious why all of her fingers aren’t gloved so that she doesn’t leave any fingerprints (one of the first rules in Maintaining Your Secret Identity 101) – but I guess I’m not leaving any room for artistic license.


The primary difference between the Reboot of 1999 and the OMD/BND Reboot of 2008 is that for 2008 Mary Jane was dispatched immediately, while it took 13 issues to do so in 1999.

So folks, this is not a bold and exciting “new” direction for Spider-Man, regardless of what Marvel says. This is just a rehash of all of the gimmicks THAT DIDN’T WORK in 1999. That’s why Marvel doesn’t really want long time older readers because we remember things like this. They want the audience to cycle out every so often so that they can recycle stories and concepts with the new group that comes in, and no one is the wiser. “Brand New” day my ass.


Spidey Kicks Butt - Bland New Day


I hope having answered your question.


Edit: I would not that I am upset, thought. I no longer care for Marvel or DC comics.

Edited by Jenskott, 10 October 2014 - 10:30 AM.


Do you want to take over the world, huh? Well, you'll have to go through us first!


#83 Guest_bontaid_*

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Posted 11 October 2014 - 07:22 PM

I wouldn't really care but it wouldn't be fair because 90 percent of the Naruhina fandom are true meanies in internet and real life. For their manner they do not deserve something like that.

#84 Kikuyu



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Posted 18 October 2014 - 01:49 PM

Well I'd still ship NS with the rest of the NS shippers because it's the most beautiful character-relationship development I have ever seen in mangas and if NH happened, I think I'd just take into consideration that Kishi is trying to whip up something on Naruto and Hinata and how this chemistry would likely leave more open-ended things but safe enough to presume this and that. 


"   "The moment of one’s confession, is the moment of another’s dumping" 
-Harima Kenji

#85 Pix



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Posted 23 October 2014 - 03:34 PM

I wouldn't really care but it wouldn't be fair because 90 percent of the Naruhina fandom are true meanies in internet and real life. For their manner they do not deserve something like that.

This is very true. Whenever I'm leeching around Tumblr/Narutoforums/Other forums I've realized that NH/SS fans tend to be very disgraceful to other fandoms like NS and SN. And then whenever they act like that, the other fandom that's being attacked tends to be the blamed for that behavior, even if they are the victim. But, literally every fandom has it's bad apples, because dear GAWD I've seen horrible NS fans.... 


Anyway, on topic. I'd get drunk and then find a reason to eat whatever I want. Then stay forever mad. Then get over it. Then watch romantic movies to cheer me up. Then intensely ship another pairing in another manga and pray it will become canon. If it doesn't, start the whole cycle all over again!

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#86 Silent Storm

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Posted 23 October 2014 - 04:26 PM

I'd be pretty kittening disappointed (to the point where the series would be ruined for me) because of how the entire romantic subplot was handled haphazardly.


For all the parallels with Obito, Jiraiya and MinaKushi, all mutual development and bonds drawn from day to day interactions to on the battle, in the end, Kishimoto decided to throw all of that away and mislead readers by making another pairing canon.


Like Obito and Jiraiya, Naruto fails to change the heart of the girl he likes but insteads finds someone else, which would be fine if it didn't go against his character and themes Kishimoto himself established. Right now Naruto has had the most development with Sakura, if Sakura was replaced with Hinata in the majority of those scenes then I wouldn't have an issue with NaruHina because the development was there for them to get closer. Instead, Hinata's entire character revolves around Naruto and her relevance to him and the overall plot has been minimal. So yes, NaruHina would look like an asspull because Kishimoto wasted ink, time and development to mislead and pull a bait and switch with NaruSaku fans.


Honestly I think I am done with the series now cause the constant teasing and Hinata being shoved in our faces 24/7 is getting annoying. On the off chance this does confirm NaruHina (who knows), then this series didn't really live up to what I was expecting and was pretty disappointing. Doesn't help that we got chapters like 693 which did nothing but hurt the perception of Sakura's character and NaruSaku.

#87 Menma


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Posted 23 October 2014 - 04:45 PM

I'd be pretty kittening disappointed (to the point where the series would be ruined for me) because of how the entire romantic subplot was handled haphazardly.


For all the parallels with Obito, Jiraiya and MinaKushi, all mutual development and bonds drawn from day to day interactions to on the battle, in the end, Kishimoto decided to throw all of that away and mislead readers by making another pairing canon.


Like Obito and Jiraiya, Naruto fails to change the heart of the girl he likes but insteads finds someone else, which would be fine if it didn't go against his character and themes Kishimoto himself established. Right now Naruto has had the most development with Sakura, if Sakura was replaced with Hinata in the majority of those scenes then I wouldn't have an issue with NaruHina because the development was there for them to get closer. Instead, Hinata's entire character revolves around Naruto and her relevance to him and the overall plot has been minimal. So yes, NaruHina would look like an asspull because Kishimoto wasted ink, time and development to mislead and pull a bait and switch with NaruSaku fans.


Honestly I think I am done with the series now cause the constant teasing and Hinata being shoved in our faces 24/7 is getting annoying. On the off chance this does confirm NaruHina (who knows), then this series didn't really live up to what I was expecting and was pretty disappointing. Doesn't help that we got chapters like 693 which did nothing but hurt the perception of Sakura's character and NaruSaku.


Same here.


After all the parallels and times Naruto and Sakura went through, only to find out that she still prefers the guy that 1) doesn't give a kitten about her 2) has tried to kill her (multiple times) 3) has tried to kill Naruto and Kakashi (multiple times). I get the feeling that even after Sakura wakes up, she's still the same as before. That's disgusting.


And then, there's Naruhina itself. The MC ends up with a side character with barely ANY development, shoe horned in at the last moment. Hinata's only redeeming quality to fans is the "waifu" trait. Otherwise she's hardly even a character.


To know that after 700 chapters, Naruto is still getting his ass kicked by this emo punk, saving the world, and the girl he likes would rather be with some psychopath than him, and giving him a side character love interest.


We've all been robbed of something more precious than our money, our time. Only to get this kitten of an ending if Naruhina happens.


At least it will be over soon.

#88 ThroughWithLove


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Posted 23 October 2014 - 05:30 PM


In case it is not clear, I did not write that article nor I am the owner of that site.


I AM a Peter/MJ fan, but it was not implied in my earlier post.


I am upset because I like the couple, I liked their interactions and moments and they are not together anymore. I do not think that it is hard to understand.


It is only an advice, but you should not trust wikis. It was NOT necessary and it was not done to make a fresh start (nothing about Brand New Day was fresh. More on that later).


It was done because Marvel EIC Joe Quesada prefered a single Spider-Man and hated when Peter got married twenty years ago. And he was so determined to get what he wanted and fix what was not broken, regarless what the FANS wanted, that he completely gutted the continuity and wiped twenty years of story out to fit his personal preference.


Look, if he likes a single Spider-Man it is his bussiness. But his reasons never made sense. He pretended that his personal preference was an objective fact and real Spider-Man fans would udnerstand what HE WAS RIGHT. And he spent the whole time arrogantly lecturing all fans about it and utterly and summarily dismissing any arguments that did not fit with his views. And he pretended that he was doing this for the sake and the future of the franchise when in reality he was doing it only for his own sake, to get what he wanted (sales actually got worse after One More Day and they never recovered, but the decission never was reverted. So no, he was not doing it for the good of Spider-Man).


And on top of it he had the gal of telling Peter/MJ fans "It is done. Get over it". He never got over a story written twenty years ago, and he has the gal of telling us that we should move on? If HE would have done TWENTY YEARS AGO what he tells everyone else doing, then we would not be having this conversation.


And not even get me started on his frequent insults and snobby attitude to fans. He despises and mocks whoever does not think like him, and he has proven it countless times.


So no, it was not made to provide a "fresh start". And it was not "fresh":


Let’s Turn the Wayback Machine to…
Now, I’m sure that most good Spidey fans have been following the debate during the last few months over Spidey’s status, and if you haven’t been – well then you’re probably one of the smart ones who’s paying attention to the more important things in life, that’s for sure. But for those of us who live our lives vicariously through superheroes – let me toss a few quotes at you from the powers that be:

  • ”Meanwhile, Peter’s life will be going through some changes as well. There will be a re-exploration of some of the old Daily Bugle supporting cast and an introduction of some of the new supporting cast members.”


  • ”The Spider-Man books need an influx of new blood in terms of villains that Spidey goes up against, and we’ve got a storyline cooking that will give us just that.”


  • ”I want readers to put down the first couple of issues and say “This is fun again.” That’s pretty much it. I want it to be fun. I want to put back in the sense of wonder.”


  • ”So we’re trying to get back to the essence of who the character is. We’ve had a lot of distractions over the past bunch of years. It’s not really a reboot or a revamp, but a refocus. Refocusing on what made Spider-Man Spider-Man.”


  • ”Re-reading the earliest issues of Spider-Man, the thing that always made Spider-Man unique was that so much of it was about Peter Parker. Three quarters of the book was just Peter Parker soap opera stuff with high school or Aunt May, and then Spider-Man had to get into the costume, pop off and do the superhero thing.”


  • ”I think marriage aged Peter and MJ instantly. They’re suddenly being portrayed as a married couple, as opposed to a young couple. It took away the chances for any sort of romantic tension. That’s part of what defines Peter Parker.”


Who said this?

(a) Joe Quesada in 2007

(b) Steve Wacker in 2007

© Dan Slott in 2008

(d) Tom Breevort in his “manifesto” in the Swing Shift Director’s Cut, or

(e) Howard Mackie in 1998.

The winner is…..

Drum roll please…..


Yes, that’s right boys and girls. The first three quotes were from the November 1998 issue of Marvel Magazine, and the latter three were from the Wizard Spider-Man Special issued around that same time, 10 years ago!.

Oh, and let’s try this on for kittens and giggles:

  • ”The biggest problem with Spider-Man is that he’s been broken for so long there’s a whole generation that doesn’t know he’s been broken. That’s been the real challenge of doing this – fixing a character that current readers don’t realize isn’t what he was intended to be.”

That, my friends was from John Byrne, in the same aforementioned Wizard special.

But I’m not done dredging up the past yet. Lest you think that I’m itching for a Spider-Man version of Bartlett’s Quotations, let’s look at the actual events that occurred in the Reboot of 1999, and contrast those to the Reboot of 2008. I think your sense of déjà vu will be as great as mine.


  • Spidey has Been out of Action for Months - Early in issue #546, a news announcer references that with the exception of one brief sighting (which occurred in Swing Shift), Spider-Man hasn’t been seen or heard from in months. When we rewind back to 1999 in volume 2, issue #1 (January 1999), the Human Torch, trying to reach Spider-Man, says “It’s been months and this disappearing act isn’t like you.” In the Reboot of 1999 Spidey had retired because Aunt May was back from the dead (long story) and he wanted to spend time with her and Mary Jane. In the Reboot of 2008, the reasons for his laying low are less explicit, although it’s implied that his failure to comply with the Superhero Registration Act has something to do with it. Unfortunately, in both cases his “return” is unconvincing and the reasons are pedestrian, particularly considering all of the other opportunities he likely had to return to costume in the intervening months and chose not to. You would think that if Peter Parker took the huge step of retiring as Spider-Man, it would take something REALLY BIG to bring him back – but in each case we got “That’s it? That’s all it took?” In 1999 it was because poor little Mattie Franklin, who was going around playing Spider-Man, got clocked, and in 2008 (issue #547) it was – get this – to sell a picture to the Bugle to stave off its collapse. We should want to stand up and cheer when Spider-Man returns after a long absence but in each case the drama was sorely lacking.



  • The Daily Bugle Reborn
    Just before the Reboot of 1999, the Green Goblin and Spider-Man met in a calamitous (off –panel, another of the sorry aspects of the storyline) battle royal in “The Final Chapter,” (Peter Parker #98 (November 1998), and one of the casualties was the Daily Bugle building, which was thoroughly trashed and was rebuilt with an all new look. In “Brand New Day,” after Jonah suffers a massive heart attack, his wife sells the paper to rival Dexter Bennett, who rechristens the paper “The DB,” complete with new signage.



  • An instant helping of brand new supporting characters
    Anyone remember Walter Thorson, Javier Caldrone, Stan Hardy, Terry Kwan, Chantel Stone, and Dr. Ted Twaki? This bunch was Pete’s co-workers from Tri-Corp, the job that he had for all of six seconds in the Reboot of 1999, but they still were introduced with great fanfare in the first issue. Who knows whether Lily Hollister, Vin Gonzales, Carlie Cooper, Dexter Bennett, Alan O’Neil and Bill Hollister will meet the same fate, but their advantage is that at least they are coming from different aspects of the stories, rather than collectively being dumped together in the same place in that mini-United Nations that was Tri-Corp. But, it’s already clear that Vin is a kitten, Carlie is a smart, shy girl clueless to the fact that she’s totally hot, O’Neil is the wise old cop, etc. so we’ll see if they can rise above stereotypes and become characters.



  • A Gwen by any Other Name
    It seems that every restart requires the injection of OBVIOUS ROMANTIC TENSION. The Reboot of 1999 prominently featured Jill Stacy, the cousin of Gwen, who was just so sweet and needy, in contrast to independent and glamorous Mary Jane. And inAmazing Spider-Man #545, when Peter awakes from his Mephisto induced hangover, we meet the stunningly glam and sexy Lilly Hollister, and the sweet, shy little thinker, Carlie Cooper. It’s well known that Joe Quesada originally wanted to bring Gwen back, and even Tom Breevort’s manifesto (which we’ll discuss later) talks about “Harry and possibly Gwen Stacy alive again,” but was talked out of it by other Marvel staffers. Thank goodness. Still, Carlie is clearly the character that a revived Gwen Stacy would have been. She is a police forensic scientist, something which Gwen could easily have been (Gwen as a forensic scientist is something that I postulated in my own ruminations on the character). Carlie’s father is also a former cop, and she bears more than a passing resemblance to the Gwen Stacy in the new animated Spectacular Spider-Man. The latter is likely coincidence, however.



  • New Bad Guys
    I’ll be one of the first to admit that Spidey needs some new bad guys, and even more new bad girls. We were going to get new villains with the Reboot of 1999 as well, and we got Sentator Ward, Shadrac, the Ranger, Power Man, and Evil Spider-Woman. So far in the 2008 Reboot we’ve seen Overdrive (wonder if he’s any relation to Override, a character which appeared pre- 1999 Reboot), Mr. Negative, Menace, Freak, and the Bookie, with Screwball and Paper Doll waiting in the wings.



  • The Mystery Hero
    Of course, the “Mystery Superhero” was also a gimmick used during the Reboot of 1999. If you recall, someone else was fighting crime dressed as Spider-Man in the first few issues, and although Howard Mackie boasted that no one were figure out who it was, the message boards had already deduced that it was that obnoxious Mattie Franklin character who thankfully exited the spider titles never to return after Mackie left. This time, it’s Jackpot the “is she or isn’t she Mary Jane” heroine who has flowing red hair, is a model, and calls Spider-Man “Tiger.” My initial thought was that the character, particularly the name and the costume (with the “777” winning slot number belt) was pretty silly. But then I realized that for the last 35 years I’ve been reading about a character who wears the equivalent of red and blue pajamas and crawls walls, so silliness is in the eye of the beholder. I am curious why all of her fingers aren’t gloved so that she doesn’t leave any fingerprints (one of the first rules in Maintaining Your Secret Identity 101) – but I guess I’m not leaving any room for artistic license.


The primary difference between the Reboot of 1999 and the OMD/BND Reboot of 2008 is that for 2008 Mary Jane was dispatched immediately, while it took 13 issues to do so in 1999.

So folks, this is not a bold and exciting “new” direction for Spider-Man, regardless of what Marvel says. This is just a rehash of all of the gimmicks THAT DIDN’T WORK in 1999. That’s why Marvel doesn’t really want long time older readers because we remember things like this. They want the audience to cycle out every so often so that they can recycle stories and concepts with the new group that comes in, and no one is the wiser. “Brand New” day my ass.


Spidey Kicks Butt - Bland New Day


I hope having answered your question.


Edit: I would not that I am upset, thought. I no longer care for Marvel or DC comics.

Not to get too off topic, but I personally think the Superior Spider-Man should have lasted a few more years. At least Otto is interesting enough to make me want to read every issue of the run. Now we're back to Peter Parker and he is as bland, boring and incompetent as ever. This spider-totem crap storyline is a good example and I immediately stopped reading after seeing that nonsense scene with Peter and this new mary-sue female spider-man character attempting to have sex on the ceiling.


Of course he should have stayed with MJ. The problem wasn't MJ herself, but their inability to use the character as anything more than masturbation fantasy for the readers. MJ is actually a pretty interesting once you look back over her character prior to when she got married.

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Behold! Akame ga Kill's True Canon Pairing!

#89 Guest_bontaid_*

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Posted 23 October 2014 - 08:17 PM

This is very true. Whenever I'm leeching around Tumblr/Narutoforums/Other forums I've realized that NH/SS fans tend to be very disgraceful to other fandoms like NS and SN. And then whenever they act like that, the other fandom that's being attacked tends to be the blamed for that behavior, even if they are the victim. But, literally every fandom has it's bad apples, because dear GAWD I've seen horrible NS fans...

Yes, every ship has its idiots but sometimes I'm thinking that the NH fandom only contains idiots. of course there are some cool guys but they ship Hinata with everyone and truth be told, they are bashed too.

It's just they're very arrogant and to proud of their own ship and... They don't consider something different. Of course NStards can be like this also but I haven't seen one yet.

Once I had a argument on a website with an idiot who shipped NH. Well, he said that Minakushi is just like Naruhina then I said that Kushina said ' find a girl like me' and never 'find a girl like your dad'. Then the brat said that Naruto already gave up on Sakura. NAuto Gave Up.
WTF I thought. End of story, till today I don't visit this site anymore because of our great ship Naruhina. ;_;

#90 Konohakitten


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Posted 23 October 2014 - 11:02 PM

Now that the end is getting close I have really asked myself this question.I'm confidant that NS will be canon, but still I wonder how I'd act. For starters I'd be  flat out pissed, mostly because it would just mean that Kishi was feeding us lies. I'd probably stay away from tumblr for a while, and then slowly but surely I'd get over it. I think the hardest thing would be to continue shipping NS by showing my love for them through fanart and fanfiction. The Naruto fandom is cruel and I could see NH shippers commenting on artwork or fanfiction. I know they would love to comment on NH is canon, then again I can see others doing that to NH shippers once NS is canon. It's just going to be a big mess at the beginning :/ however I'll still ship my OTP.



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Posted 25 October 2014 - 03:37 PM

Yes, every ship has its idiots but sometimes I'm thinking that the NH fandom only contains idiots. of course there are some cool guys but they ship Hinata with everyone and truth be told, they are bashed too.

It's just they're very arrogant and to proud of their own ship and... They don't consider something different. Of course NStards can be like this also but I haven't seen one yet.

Once I had a argument on a website with an idiot who shipped NH. Well, he said that Minakushi is just like Naruhina then I said that Kushina said ' find a girl like me' and never 'find a girl like your dad'. Then the brat said that Naruto already gave up on Sakura. NAuto Gave Up.
WTF I thought. End of story, till today I don't visit this site anymore because of our great ship Naruhina. ;_;

And what's really sad is that they create a bad name for the entire Naruto fandom. Like the constant use of A-SS as an insult is very childish, and needs to die quick. People like that don't deserve a canon pairing, but who are we to stop a paring from happening. :( We'll just have to wait and see what becomes of Naruto's love life (while completely ignoring hateful fans).  


But I don't want to bash an entire fandom because there are good fans out there! Just as there are good fans in NS too! 

Squad Roll call :


#92 danittebane


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 03:53 PM

I'd be depressed. But then I'll be happy because atleast Naruto's happy. 

#93 Dynared



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Posted 03 November 2014 - 04:16 PM

I'd write a review for some sites.  One that points out how people are so blinded by their own wish fulfillment fantasies they don't see it as a worse ending than Mass Effect 3.

#94 Qia


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Posted 03 November 2014 - 04:18 PM

Of course I will still ship my OTP. But I would be disappointed and, maybe, a little angry as well because I would feel led on in a small way. Like...for all of those little moments between NS to mean nothing in the end and to have Naruto suddenly show interest in Hinata in a romantic way would definitely shock me. Perhaps my opinion of the manga as a whole would be negatively affected as well, considering we're supposed to take certain messages from this that have not all been delivered well. Yet, at least it would have sent a good message on this particular type of love if the couple with actual development and who grew close throughout parts 1 and 2 became canon, you know? But yea...I'd move on eventually of course :).

Edited by Qia, 03 November 2014 - 04:20 PM.


#95 BooChans



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Posted 03 November 2014 - 04:19 PM

I would be happy because I always loved Hinata and wished she was with Naruto. ^_^

#96 NaruSaku fan in Kentucky

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Posted 03 November 2014 - 04:20 PM

Disappointed cause all of that development would just go to waste.


#97 natalieuciha


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    i'll just gonna say that im gonna be forever anti SS/NH/SK

Posted 03 November 2014 - 04:49 PM

if naruto ends up with hinata,i would feel the same way like if i found out my partner cheated on me,i would have the exact feelings..extremly shocked ,and dissapointed

#98 NaruSaku fan in Kentucky

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Posted 03 November 2014 - 04:59 PM

I also declare the last chapter and movie Non Canon.


#99 Guest_yellowflash_*

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Posted 04 November 2014 - 01:35 AM

Well, it would feel like an asspull paring but I won't really mind it or be shocked if it happens.

#100 Gravenimage


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Posted 04 November 2014 - 02:51 AM

Please don't call the fandom "idiots" because that's bashing.


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