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The HMS NaruSaku

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#81 LoveHinaGuy


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Posted 18 November 2004 - 03:51 PM

LOL!!!!!!!!ROFLMAO!!!!!!!i wonder were i was in all this mess.............oh well tongue.gif i didn't see that one comming :Pgreat chapters hoku biggrin.gif keep it up biggrin.gif


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#82 sharingank


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Posted 18 November 2004 - 04:17 PM

OMG Hoku!! This just keeps getting better and better!! XD XD XD Keep it up!!!

#83 hokuten


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Posted 18 November 2004 - 04:41 PM

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Chapter 16: Ruins Of BK
Subtitle: Heaven & Earth Revealed

We sailed for about three days time, until we reached the Ruins Of BK. The port was still intact so we were able to dock the ship and finally rest. With my official crew and ship we wandered around the ruins and I gave them a grand tour. I explained it's history and where each important monument was supposed to stand. Finally we reached my old NaruSaku Club, to my surprise, was still standing full bodied and unharmed. There was still graffiti on the walls and a broken window, but it was still fairly in good condition. I opened up the doors and we all gathered in the dust filled club.

"So this is where you used to find haven from all the madness?" Smiter asked.

"Aye, I did. But then again there were only two safe places that you could stay during such chaos."

HH seemed confused, since I had never spoke of anohter. "Two?"

Blayze, UN, and Aethos were already making themselves at home, and everyone else helped clean up what we could. I continued to tell my tale.

"Well, one of course was here in BK, and the other was ... Tortuga. So you could imagine on which level of choice I really had."

"The lesser of the two evils?" Blayze answered.

"Yes. It was either a corrupt version of the original city of NF, or the Pirate town of Tortuga. Now don't get me wrong, Tortuga is a fine place to be. But in a village full of traitors, scaliwags, and blowhearts, it would only have been an amount of time before someone backstabs you as well. It's more of a gathering point if you will, a place to rest and gather yourself back to reality. For sailing out too long, you're mind goes mad after a while. Luckily, I have all of you here with me."

Blayze laughed and bellowed out. "Yeah! To drive us all mad as well! AHAHAHAHAAA!!!"

We all laughed and enjoyed a good drink from my emergency storage I left behind. I pointed UN in the direction of the food storage if anything wasn't rotten. Lucky for us, I had kept non-perishable foods in case of such an emergency like this. We would rest here for another good days and tried to salvage what we could from the surrounding area. I was still surprised to see some of the buildings still standing and what not. Old memories of the good times I spent here, and all of my old friends ... gone.

We kept the radio channel open to listen for any news of NT. Nothing new, the city was deemed quarentined until further notice. Apparently TF had been trying to fix the problem, but it a just a little too much for him. So his second in command, Tammy (aka Lit0) stepped in and they planned for a complete city swap. Yes you heard me right, a "complete city swap".

"Is that even possible!?" Alpha asked.

"They must have some kind of trick up their sleeve. We'll just have to wait and find out. Until then everyone rest up, and prepare for the journey back. I'm sure they'll have some kind of new location for us to go to."

For about a week or two, we stayed in BK and nothing more. Morale seemed to be down since we had to abandon our home in NT, but our hopes were still high. I walked around the old ruins and found myself back at the docks watching as Smiter, Aethos, Ash, and Alpha were redecorating OUR ship. They seemed fairly happy to take down all of the N***H*** decor and gladly put up our new NaruSaku sails and an icon of Inner Sakura on the bow. I found one particular moment fairly funny as Ash and Alpha started to hoist up the new sail which ended up be of their favorite person. When Smiter and Aethos saw it, they began to argue and of course there was the small comedic conflict. But in the end they changed the sails to the right ones. I saw Arashi studying the ship's manual, apparently it had more controls then we had expected, but I had full faith in him.

I was glad that my crew was getting along nicely, but I thought to myself perhaps it was time to reveal-

"Dai-syon?" [Captain, or higher rank officer]

I was interuppted in my thoughts by my pupil. So I turned around and faced her as she was wondering why I looked so concerned and serious. I lightened up a bit and looked at her.


"I'm sorry if I'm bothering you ... but you looked very troubled with something."

"It's nothing ..." I paused for a moment. "Yoko, do you remember what I was talking about before The Flood?"

"Yes, about Heaven & Earth sir."

"What did I tell you about formality?" I snapped at her but playingfully.

She jumped up, and quickly responded. "Mm! Yes Dai-syon - I mean Hoku-kun."

"Hah, you don't need to salute me either."

I smiled trying not to tease her too much. She put her hands down and sighed in relief.

"But yes, do you believe there is such a place for us of the NaruSaku? A place where we can exist without persecution, a place of our own?"

"I'm sure there are many places that support us. But most of them are foreign to us."

"Aye, that they are." I nodded my head as I was glad she was informed about it. "That's why we are going to Heaven & Earth."

"Going, Hoku-kun?"

"Yes. It exists-"

"It does!?" She excitedly spoke out.

I chuckled lightly as I found her face expression funny and cute. "Yes, it does. Because I've created it for us a long time ago. It's a small town right now, but once we move in I'm sure we'll have some traffic. But of course I couldn't have done it without help from Smiter. You see, I met Smiter a while back and I told him of my plans for a new home. Naturally he was much obliged to help, he even help set up most of the architecture. And from there we've been building it secretly. Until the right time."

"When are we going?" She excitedly asked.

"Not yet. NT is still our main home until then."

She frowned, but I quickly gave reason as to why we still hold onto NT.

"Come now Yoko. You wouldn't like to be traveling back and forth now would you? Tis why we must keep it as our second home until the first is either permanently gone, or we are forced to move. So chin up until then."

She understood my words and accepted that reason. Just then Alpha noticed we were passing by and shouted from above.

"OOOYYYY Captain!!! How does the our new ship look eh!?" She shouted.

I smiled and gave an emphatic thumbs up. She cheered out loud, and I decided to go back to the club, Yoko followed me afterward. Alpha got down from her crow's nest on top of the mast, and began talking with her fellow crew mates.

"You think he's playing favorites or something?" She asked.

Ash looked at her sister and laughed. "My no! He's just looking out for her, she is his apprentice, and you know how rough Yoko-chan's had it since."

"I guess, but it's like he always keeps her around ..."

"It's just so she gets first hand experience and learns from him directly. Why? Do I detect a bit of jealousy?" Aethos teased Alpha.

"Whhaaaaattt!? Me!? Jealous of her!? Hah!" She merrily retorted Aethos' comment. "Captain's cute, but not THAT cute."

"Oho! So you DO find him cute!" Aethos continued to poke at her, while Ash also joined in teasing.

"And besides, we all know Blayze has a crush on Yoko." Smiter said while he was securing the main sails.

Aethos and Ash looked at Smiter, while poor Alpha was just recovering from her small bashing.

"And how do you know about that?" Aethos and Ash questioned Smiter.

"Tis why I am first mate and you all aren't! I am the well informed one! HAHAHA!" He gave a good harty laugh.

"First mate eh?" Aethos looked at Ash and whispered.

Ash looked at Aethos and whispered back. "Perhaps we should give him another hazing?"

They both nodded their heads and began to creep up on the unsuspecting Smiter who as still securing the main sail. Just as Smiter finished tieing up the line, it was too late to evade the attack! Both Aethos and Ash shoved Smiter overboard again! But this time there was no splash! Smiter had secured a safety line to himself this time around!

"HAH! Another reason why I'M First mate! I knew you two were gonna do that!" He teased them at their foiled plan. So he tried to untie himself of the line, but to his luck he had secured himself too tightly. Of course the two of them above him saw this, and had an evil smile upon their faces.

"Oy First Mate! Perhaps we may be of assistance!" Aethos bellowed out, and GLADLY cut the rope for him.


Suddenly there was a sound of a bell ringing in the air. Everyone reported back to the club where we had news of NT.

*static* "Citizens Of NT ..." *static* "... The Flood has been beaten! ..." *static*

"Hear hear!" We all cheered out loud and celebrated.

"... new location at these coordinates ..." *static*

I signaled to someone to get paper and a pen. We awaited for the new coordinates and they gave them too us. It was pretty much the same direction of the old NT, but perhaps under a new domain. The message continued.

*static* "... Leader TF is now fatally ill, under circumstances Tammy will now be in charge along with other minor officials ..." *static* End Transmission.

Home. We would finally return home to NT! We all quickly packed what gear we had and prepared for the return trip. This was overjoyous news! The Flood were beaten, and the city would be reopened! But TF had fallen ill? I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad one. Who was I to complain? But something still didn't feel right ... anyway. We stayed for one more day in BK to rest up for the journey on the next. All of our gear packed, and everyone well accustomed to our new ship, the NaruSaku Mk.II!

I sat in my captain's chair and gave out the order.

"Arashi, take us home."

"If you would do the honors, sir." He left the wheel open and bowed to me.

I gladly took the wheel and opened up a channel to the entire crew on the intercom.

"Friends! Let's go home."

Everyone had cheered out loud from their stations. I took us out of the docks and out into the the main bay. I felt so much pride back in me and spoke quietly to myself as I took us out to sea.

"Home, where the heart aches ..."

To Be Continued.


Chapter 16 is finished.

"Shiny. Let's go be bad guys."

#84 LoveHinaGuy


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Posted 18 November 2004 - 09:47 PM

*waits for the rest of the next chapter holding a bag of chips and popcorn*what*says with a full mouth*i'm hungry!!!!! biggrin.gif


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#85 Yuriko



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Posted 18 November 2004 - 10:13 PM

Hoku-kun, it seems that you're the one who misses NT the most
*pats hoku-kun*
can't wait for the complete chapter 16

#86 Yoko


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Posted 18 November 2004 - 11:02 PM

That was good, Hoku-kun! I can't wait for more. I miss NT too....

#87 Smiter


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Posted 18 November 2004 - 11:30 PM

*looks at Ash, lower lip sticking out in a small trembling pout*

Ash-chan... how could you?

*laughs* Loved the updates Hoku. happy.gif

You know, we're going to have to change the decor in the HMS NaruSaku. wink.gif We can't exactly leave all those NaruHina paintings up, got to have some NaruSaku art... The Naruto/Hinata statue on the bow has got to go as well. tongue.gif

#88 hokuten


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Posted 19 November 2004 - 01:38 AM

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Chapter 17: Return to NT
Subtitle: Home, yet not Home ...

Four or five days out to sea we had traveled. Soon we would return to our great home of NT, or so we thought.

"LAND HO!!!" Shouted an excited Alpha from the crow's nest.

I got up from my chair and looked out the window. Yes it was the same open bay we once called home, and the docks appeared to be the same. Everything looked as if we had never left, and The Flood had never came!? It was a confusing site to see at first, but we couldn't care less!

We were home again!

We found an open spot in the pier and docked our ship. As we all gathered to get off the boat and onto the docks, I gave one more speech.

"Don't be fooled by anything yet. We can't be sure if this is a trick or the real deal. Try to stay together, and meet up later at the club ... if it's still there."

They all nodded their heads understanding my orders and we got down from our battleship. The same dock keeper came to me, and asked the usual questions. I was glad to see him still alive, although he looked like hell.

"Ahh! Mr. Smith! Welcome back to Port NT!"

"Ah-um. It's Hokuten, and register this ship as The NaruSaku Mk.II." I filled out our info, and paid him a good twenty silver pieces.

He seemed rather happy that I gave him a generous amount, and let us move on about our business. After that everyone practically split. The Debaters went to their political square, Ash and Alpha went to the marketplace, and UN went to check on his Cafe. Blayze took Yoko to go find our club to see if it was still in one piece. Yoko looked to me as if for approval.

"I'm not in charge of you! Do as you will, just be careful." I told her and smiled.

She happily smiled back and took Blayze's hand.

"Oh this means you too Paul!" I shouted as they ran off.

Where I would go, I wasn't entirely too sure myself. I suppose I wanted to start with any news from the main square in NT. So here I learned that Tammy had a "back up" city made, in case of emergency. I found that quite impossible that she rebuilt the entire city and found the time to update it with every detail. But then again, they say that "It's only impossible, because it hasn't been done yet" and apparently she did it. I commended her for such a task, but what of the original NT? From what I was hearing and seeing, TF must have completely nuked the entire city. Wiping it clean of all infection and Flood, but it still must be inhabitable if we are forced to move into this surrogate home. Tammy did rest assure that everything was as if we had never left, and for one thing I believed her. All she gave was a notice to tell others of our new location so that they may find their way here also.

So after getting the explainations and what not, I returned back to where my club "would" be. Low and behold, it was still there as if we had never left in the first place. I entered in and found everyone already making themselves at home again.

Thus life went on again, everyone who had recieved the message returned as best as they could. Some were still lost out at sea but still found their way after a few days or so. Everyone returned, including the N***H***s and such, so our rivalry continued. You could imagine that they were wondering what had happened to their once Flagship, and our sudden appearance with a similar ship only dressed as NaruSaku. But of course, all they saw was us getting stronger thus fueling their hate even more. It became fairly repetative and everyday seemed like routine arguments. For the time being we were home.

To Be Continued.


Chapter 17 is finished.

(May add more stuff later, but I'll leave it at that.)

"Shiny. Let's go be bad guys."

#89 Yoko


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Posted 19 November 2004 - 01:39 AM

that was awesome, Hoku-kun! *glomps* I Loved it!

#90 Blayze



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Posted 19 November 2004 - 01:42 AM

The Matrix has us.

#91 Uzumaki Naruto

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Posted 19 November 2004 - 02:33 AM

Hoku, I want to say, that Avatar is one of my favorit scenes in the anime. I thought it be one of the most funniest things ever and i love that scene alot! Hehhe

Good story keep it up. Butcher knife eH? that was a surprise lol. Well at least i have my knifes or kunais or w/e they are happy.gif Means i have good accurcy. Awsome story! Can't wait to see what happens next

#92 sharingank


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Posted 19 November 2004 - 03:09 AM

OMG!! I LAUGHED MY ARSE OFF!!!!! XD XD XD Awww poor Smiter!!! *sprouts devil horns* Have a nice swim, darlin??? XD XD XD

I'm still laughing...oh lordy....A KAKASHI SAIL!!! YES!!!! XD XD XD XD

#93 Guest_Aethos_*

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Posted 19 November 2004 - 03:49 AM

Yeah good chapter. Me and Ash sure showed Smiter heeheehee him and his first mate-ness.

#94 Smiter


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Posted 19 November 2004 - 10:35 AM

Ash, Aethos, you little... tongue.gif How can I get any work done when I'm being dunked all the time? *huffs*

Hehe, loved the chapter. happy.gif

#95 LoveHinaGuy


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Posted 19 November 2004 - 06:28 PM

lol can't wait for the next chap biggrin.gif


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#96 godsprotector



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Posted 19 November 2004 - 11:11 PM

just read the last chap its great so far

#97 hokuten


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Posted 20 November 2004 - 03:32 AM

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Chapter 18: 2nd Fall Of NT
Subtitle: New Home, Heaven & Earth

Life went on for another good few weeks. The NaruSaku and N***H*** war was wittling down and growing old. The battles were slowing down, and debates were becoming repetitious. We were growing tired of the same argument over and over, and I believe even our rivals were getting tired of trying to put us down. So eventually both sides called it even, the way I saw it they either gave up and didn't care anymore, or simply gave out small complaints.

I believe they still couldn't beieve that we had gotten our own ship out of no where and their ship had mysteriously disappeared since that night the Flood attacked. I found it funny that they never once thought that we could have hijacked it. Arashi seemed fairly pleased to pilot such a fine class ship. Aethos seemed to be intrigued by all of the technology installed. Both of them kept examining all over, just so they got a feel of the ship, as well as learn any new secrets or tricks.

One day HH came to me with the usual report...

"Still no suspicion that we converted the N***H*** into the NaruSaku. But its strange though, I don't know why they're all so upset over a simple flagship. I've personally inspected it and found nothing out of the ordinary. Perhaps there is something more to it than we haven't learned yet?"

"I suppose. But it doesn't really matter at the moment. We've other problems." I replied. "Continue."

"Well, the N***H***'s will to fight is slowing down just as you said, and now they've become somewhat ... lazy. Until something turns up, we're not really in any danger."

"Good." I nodded my head. "Well gather everyone else, I have an important announcement today."

"Yes sir."

He left rather quickly and went to tell everyone to return to the club for an important meeting. Blayze and I were the only ones in the bar today, I let Yoko have a day off from training since she was progressing quickly. So I sat down on a stool at the bar, and my brother already had a drink prepared for me.

"Is it time, Lloyd?"

"Yes. It's time."

Meanwhile back at the NaruSaku Mk.II ...

"OH MY GOD!?" Aethos yelled out excitedly from the outside main deck.

Arashi came rushing down from the cabin deck to see what the commotion was about. "What!? What!? Did you find something new!?"

"Aye mate! That I did! You'll NEVER believe this." Aethos had a great smile upon his face. He was so giddy that he nearly forgot to explain why.

"Well!? Don't kept us in suspence!? What is it!?" Arashi eagerly asked.

"Check this out!" Aethos stomped twice directly where he was standing.

About a few hours after I sent HH to rally the troops, everyone slowly began to gather back home. Smiter and Alpha came back from another day at the Politics Square. Ash came back from the Fiction Cafe, along with her fan mail, reviews, etc. UN closed up his cafe and brought back what food he had prepared earlier for us. Yoko and HH had just entered after UN, both of them seemed fairly pleased with their day. And finally Arashi and Aethos came merrily in talking excitedly about their new find. Everyone was home and already winding down from their day.

"Oy! So tell us Hoku, what's the urgent news!" Aethos gladly asked.

Smiter and Blayze knew what I was going to speak so they naturally had grins upon their faces.

"I have good news and I have bad news."

Everyone quiet down to listen as I paused. Then Aethos rolled his hand at me to signal "And?" I looked spaced out for a few moments then shook my head again.

"Oh! Right! The bad news is, I've learned that some people are having problems and disputes with one of the higher ups. People complaining about a man named Kane."

Aethos quickly asked. "So what? Is he N***H***?"


"A fellow NaruSaku?" Arashi followed.


UN also entered the questioning. "Then what are we bothering about him for!?"

"Well, it seems that people are complaining to his superiors and trying to get him fired, or impeached. So I've just learned wind that perhaps he might try something to damage the city from the inside."

I paused to that everyone may take this news in, then I continued.

"We can't just keep going back to BK for refuge. Which brings me back to the good news."

Everyone's faces brightened up, their eyes and ears eagerly awaiting my good news.

"We have a new home ready waiting for us."

There was a murmur in the group and talk of confusion. I expected this reaction at first because it meant moving again, but this time we would have a stable place to stay and not worry of attack.

"Now, I know some of you don't like the idea of moving so much but-"

Then I was interrupted by everyone's initial reactions.

"So when are we moving!?" - "Where is it!?" - "How far away is this place!?" - "How long has it been ready!?" - "Can we go now!?"

Everyone was overjoyed by this news which made me glad and relieved that they took it quite well. So I tried to calm everyone down and explain.

"Settle down now! Settle down! You all know that I had disappeared mysteriously sometime ago. But you what you don't know is why. I, myself, with the recent help of Smiter and Blayze have set up a new home for us all. I call it Heaven & Earth, for all NaruSaku believers and such! It will be a safe haven for those who wish to talk about NaruSaku and support it without prejudice and persecution! A stable home without worry of attack or invasion! A place of our own."

At the end of my speech my crew had gone wild, cheering madly, and everyone was hugging everyone. This was great news to them, soon we would go to a place of our own, OUR OWN, and just live. So I told them the rest of the details over drinks and dinner, and the rest of the night was partying.

On the next morning, we would set sail for Heaven & Earth. As we loaded our gear and such onto the boat, and were about to set sail when suddenly there was a great explosion in the center of the city. I guess Kane must have started his attack already, but it didn't matter we were leaving for our new home. We left port and were already out into the open bay when Aethos and Arashi came to me very excitedly.

"Hey Boss! There's something you just gotta check out!" Aethos was nearly jumping gleefully of their discovery yesterday.

"You wanna know why those N***H***s are so pissed that they lost their beloved ship? Well you're in for one hell of a surprise!" Arashi too was giddy like school girl.

"We knew something was different about this ship, something incredible and unbelievable!!!" Aethos continued.

"You spoke to us that one day, you're dream was to fly? Well this ship not only cuts through water like a sword, but it can do more! Much more!" Arashi followed after Aethos.

They had pulled me and lured me out onto the main deck outside, and were both tugging at my coat.

"Well!? Don't leave me in suspence?! What is it!?"

Both of them stand firmly in front of me, and stomp twice at the same time! Both of them over enthusiastically said...


To Be Continued.


Chapter 18 is finished. (Finally.)

"Shiny. Let's go be bad guys."

#98 Uzumaki Naruto

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Posted 20 November 2004 - 03:35 AM

You posted the fic on ff.net! I just saw it! Hehe, Now we are in FF.net! Yay we will be famouse!

#99 bassclef


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Posted 20 November 2004 - 03:49 AM

i don't think so UN. Several old NF, BK, and NT people will probably start another grudge with us. Some really (for lack of a better phrase) "cheesed off" N***H*** and S***S*** groups may submit a complaint to the ff.net mods to remove the story because it isn't in full context of the Naruto series. i really don't want to complain, I'm glad Hokuten posted it, yet i don't think it'll have a positive reaction with ff.net readers.
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#100 Uzumaki Naruto

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Posted 20 November 2004 - 03:57 AM

Well i mean for NarutoxSakura fans who see it on ff.net and come here. We will be famouse to them happy.gif

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