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Kishi's New Sci-fi Series: Samurai 8

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#81 TheFirstEvil100


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Posted 11 May 2019 - 11:19 AM

Yeah, still not going to read this we all know Kishi will kitten up later on.

#82 Phantom_999


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Posted 11 May 2019 - 11:50 AM

Oh it's not that we know for sure he will kitten up,  as we don't know if he truly has learned from his mistakes. But Agreed that I'm not bothering to try, and for two reasons 1) he has shown that he would not stand up for his work when the chips are down, and 2) he is ultimately either an "appeal to popularity of mind set" or a sellout that wanted his hard work to just end and move on with his life. Either way was shown in the ending of Naruto where he didn't care about the conclusion or just thought he was giving the majority of the fans what they wanted, in which he was being an idiot for eve listening to such toxic fans, his editors and SP's PEDO CLOWN faction, and even haphazardly giving the green light of the "next gen" to someone else (especially that pedo clown team)  :superior: In any case I dont care, I'm not reading it unless it gives more of an impact than Naruto which I doubt. 

I can tell Kishimoto was using Boruto as a test be for some of his ideas. Cyborg Samurai, Light Saber like Weapon, and daddy issues. They are better in here then in Boruto. The first two fit the setting, and the third is handled better by giving better justifications, stances as well as concerns of both sides are easy to understand, and resolved quicker. The designs look good especially the armor. 
The pacing is better than in Boruto, but it lacks any impact that Naruto first chapter had. Felt like there was a bit too much going on to really get to know anyone too well...or it could be their not much of a personality yet for some of the characters.
Hachi is... fine. You know he loves his dad, and he more just frustrated that he had to spent his entire life stuck in his room on life support. Not entirely sure why he wants to be a Samurai other then they are everything he is not. He has some personailty just feels a bit bland...maybe just his face. He overall comes off as a boy written by kishimoto.
The Cat Daruma is the secret master you didn't expect from first appearances. He has a mission from his master that he hopes to fulfill with Hachi. He explains more of his personalty then it is shown...actually their was a lot of explaining character traits in this chapter some of it work some of it didn't.
The father looks like a sleazy merchant from some random manga/game. He does everything for his son. Overall, I like him.
The Key/Spine thing is going to be weird now isn't it? They explain the cyborg stuff but I would like a bit more explanation on why they need those robot animals?
Overall, its not as good as Naruto's first chapter....But it far better than Boruto.

Hmm well it's a good sign I suppose if you think it started off decently. But I've said this before, "better than Boruto" is not a very high standard in the first place if you ask me because just until last chapter according to you they were half-@$$ing it, and the pace was not even decent until the aforementioned last chapter, Chapter 34. So I'd say may average or, if you want to be generous, a bit above average?
Anyway I would like to hear your opinion on it all the same. :yes:

Edited by Phantom_999, 14 May 2019 - 04:13 PM.


#83 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 11 May 2019 - 06:32 PM

Its average. Maybe a bit better then average. Too much exposition is the problem. They should have had the cat go into detail about the cyborg Samurai abilities next chapter instead of the Boss doing it to the Father in this chapter. The design are good, feel at bit like kishimoto's style, and the fit the setting. Characters are fine. Story is what it is. Again, the main problem is it felt like their was a bit too much going on or a bit too much explanation of everything....well except why everyone turns into flesh ball when they are defeated.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 11 May 2019 - 09:11 PM.

#84 hisaberpie



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Posted 11 May 2019 - 10:36 PM

You guys might not agree with my opinion but i really liked this first chapter and i think this has the potential to be better then naruto. It had a lot of heartfelt emotions and cool designs and characters. The world is interesting and i quite enjoyed the use of samurai philosphy. I find it amusing how kishi first wrote about ninjas and now about samurais.

Things i liked about it:

1) The little robot dog that meows was absloutely adorable. The design for the cat too was very endearing as well. A daruma doll cat who is actually prefers dogs, i love it.

2) I found hachi to be an endearing character as well. Why does he want to become a samurai? Because they are everything hes not. I really connected with that. Hachi spent his whole life sick and indoors so when he sees samurais being badass and protecting the galaxy, i can see why he would want to be them. I wont deny that his motivations are pretty generic but its a good first chapter.

3) The samurai philosphies is what stood out the most to me in this chapter. The villain and daruma both had different perspective on ritual suicide and honor which was very interesting and i hope to see more of these philosphies integrated into this sci-fi world later in the chapters. This is something we didnt see in kishis ninjas. And the stuff we did see regarding the shinobis belief wasnt explored so i hope kishi really dives into the samurai lore.

The red flgs that could crash and burn this series:

1) The black chick at the beginning. She looked pretty important and i hope kishi doesnt screw her over with a love interest or anything. Im calling it now, her and the daruma cat have history somehow!

2) Like bail says, there way too much exposition and i feel like there was way too much going on in one panel. Some of them were so crowded that i can barely make out the character from the background. With that said, i think this series might not become as mainstream as naruto because its too complicated and i think that the sci-fi and samurai philosphy stuff might bore some people.

3) The supposed princess that all the samurais protect. Now this princess character is the biggest red flag in my opinion. Cuz we know that hachi is gunna come across this princess person and i am convinced that hachi will form some sort of crush on her and hes gunna have to protect her. I swear if this princess turned out anything like hinata or has a dumb love triangle like team 7 did, im dropping this series right then and there. Maybe im reading too much into this too soon, the princess can turn out to be some older woman too. But i cant trust kishi with this.

With all that said, i think it was a solid chapter with great world building and i look forward to seeing it more.

#85 Phantom_999


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Posted 11 May 2019 - 11:56 PM

Potential, sure. Any manga has potential though. 


#86 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 12 May 2019 - 01:35 AM

Their was philosophy debates in Naruto they just weren't handled well after Yahagi left.


Black Chick is his master, he's also that Kongo guy in the beginning.


It needed to cut back on the exposition in the for front and needs to spread it out through the first few chapters.


As for the princess as long as she isn't clearly like Hinata I don't care. Yes, she is probably going to become the love interest.

#87 hisaberpie



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Posted 12 May 2019 - 11:58 AM

Potential, sure. Any manga has potential though.

Not in the case for boruto. That kitten was doomed from the start.

Their was philosophy debates in Naruto they just weren't handled well after Yahagi left.

If kishi focuses more on the philosphy debates this time, this series can easily become better then naruto in my opinion.

#88 Phantom_999


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Posted 12 May 2019 - 12:02 PM

True. Boruto is the sole exception :zaru: That was a dumptser fire from before it even published


#89 hisaberpie



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Posted 17 May 2019 - 05:12 PM



The new chapters here and introduces a new character that im sure is going to become tumblrs new favorite.

#90 Phantom_999


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Posted 17 May 2019 - 06:56 PM

what character?


#91 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 17 May 2019 - 09:03 PM

I keep these summaries shorter than the boruto ones.


Hachi is enjoying his new body such as eating junk food. Since his old body had a lot of allergies, walking outside, and no more cords permanently on his back.


Daruma trains him.


Their is some...character that is playing the same video game as Hachi...with talking hands. Apparently the kid has the body of a boy but the soul of a woman. Also has no name. Do i sense best friend....or love interest? Hachi was attack and fell into this person room. They been stuck in that room for eight years. Hachi makes a bet that if he can beat them in that samurai game, they will have to go outside. He is the best player, they are the second best. So he easily wins...they apparently had over a 100 million matches. Hachi gives a speech.


Generic samurai mook who drives around in a tank shows up at the end getting ready to attack the dojo the kid lives at..

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 03 June 2023 - 02:58 AM.

#92 hisaberpie



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Posted 17 May 2019 - 10:31 PM

what character?

Theres a character who cant decide whether they are a boy or a girl and i just think that something like this will attract the wrong kind of fans.

Like i don't have anything against these type of characters but i feel like the fans are going to assume something and when kishi fails to deliver, they are going to tear him limb from limb. Ive seen this happen way too much. Voltron is the most recent example, gay pairing didn't happen so the fandom rioted. This thing happens with BNHA too except hori hasnt cracked under the fandoms pressure yet.

Kishimoto folds like a house of cards though so not sure how this creative decision will turn out for him. Its not the character that i have a problem with, its the toxic fans on tumblr that im worried about.

#93 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 17 May 2019 - 10:58 PM

Theres a character who cant decide whether they are a boy or a girl and i just think that something like this will attract the wrong kind of fans.

Like i don't have anything against these type of characters but i feel like the fans are going to assume something and when kishi fails to deliver, they are going to tear him limb from limb. I've seen this happen way too much. Voltron is the most recent example, gay pairing didn't happen so the fandom rioted. This thing happens with BNHA too except hori hasn't cracked under the fandoms pressure yet.

Kishimoto folds like a house of cards though so not sure how this creative decision will turn out for him. Its not the character that i have a problem with, its the toxic fans on tumblr that i'm worried about.

From what I can gather I think they have a samurai body, like the guy that turned himself into a cat, but she was so indecisive she couldn't define herself and is instead this androgynous mess. Next few chapter she will either become "the best friend" if she becomes a boy or "a love interest" if she returns to being a girl.


But yes once the hands started to explain; you know if the people on tumbler hear about this. They'll gush about it. Until something happens and they start having a fit for one reason or another. Or claim it something its not.


This is an indecisive girl could choose her form so live a life of a shut in freak for years -sorry if that offends anyone-, and then suddenly she find a friend that helps her choose.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 17 May 2019 - 11:00 PM.

#94 Phantom_999


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Posted 17 May 2019 - 11:20 PM

Ah so kind of like Kuromaru (whatever the name is) from UQ Holder then I believe. But if I'm wrong correct me, It just that from what is described to me that is the best comparison I can think of. Well not exactly the same but they are having troubles deciding whether to be a boy or girl.  And so we are are getting a Sasuke or a Sakura/Hinata then. Hm, well I personally feel that is a rabbit hole he should only dive into IF AND ONLY IF he is committed to writing that type of character. I suppose he is, I just haven't forgiven him yet for "just walking out on Naruto" nor how he wrote Sasuke and ended the shipping. :dry: but it seems to have a good start so far. It seems some of the slice of life elements were indeed given a test run in Boruto first(i.e. the video games) so that is whatever. Aside from that, what sci-fi elements have been included so far?

Edited by Phantom_999, 17 May 2019 - 11:21 PM.


#95 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 18 May 2019 - 02:44 AM

Ah so kind of like Kuromaru (whatever the name is) from UQ Holder then I believe. But if I'm wrong correct me, It just that from what is described to me that is the best comparison I can think of. Well not exactly the same but they are having troubles deciding whether to be a boy or girl.  And so we are are getting a Sasuke or a Sakura/Hinata then. Hm, well I personally feel that is a rabbit hole he should only dive into IF AND ONLY IF he is committed to writing that type of character. I suppose he is, I just haven't forgiven him yet for "just walking out on Naruto" nor how he wrote Sasuke and ended the shipping. :dry: but it seems to have a good start so far. It seems some of the slice of life elements were indeed given a test run in Boruto first(i.e. the video games) so that is whatever. Aside from that, what sci-fi elements have been included so far?

Looks up who that character is...Sort of except that is a demon that is androgynous that identifies as a male. While...What didn't they give this character a name?...They were originally a girl, but was so indecisive they became a boy with two talking hands. To be honest this is a wait and see. Since he is probably going to offend the people obsessed with trans at the moment if he says the wrong thing. Also depending how the character acts after they stop being a shut in and become a samurai. I don't seeing him as a Sasuke...maybe a train boy...those loyal side kick types. As for it a girl...it in the air.


Yah you can see a lot that was tested.


Samurai...those robot dogs...the game..some vehicles...that turtle ship...and Haich life support system

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 18 May 2019 - 02:48 AM.

#96 Phantom_999


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Posted 18 May 2019 - 05:49 PM

Yeah it's whatever to me as long as he doesn't screw up character development like with Naruto. Anyway, are there any actual sci-fi elements incorporated at the moment?


#97 Namaenash



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Posted 19 May 2019 - 04:30 AM

We'll find out how public perceived Kishimoto. More than anything, this new series by him will proof how much readers are actually loyal to him (i.e. his promoter).


He didn't do well in Boruto and hand over the mantel to his assistant by the end of Naruto manga (yikes, nobody would like to be associated with that failing series).


This round, he's also taking a back seat, though WSJ promoted this as "from the creator of Naruto". In 3 months time, we'll see public perception, and in 1 year time, we will see whether this series sell better than Boruto or not.


In other words, readers will decide if "Kishimoto" as author is brand-worthy.

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"I'm sorry I didn't believe. But I'd given up believing in so much, until I met you. From the first day I saw you, you were everything I ever wanted to believe in. You can do this, Diana. I know you can...But I have to go."

"What? What are you saying?"

"It's okay, this is what I came here to do. I can save today, but you... you can save the world."

#98 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 19 May 2019 - 04:35 AM

We'll find out how public perceived Kishimoto. More than anything, this new series by him will proof how much readers are actually loyal to him (i.e. his promoter).


He didn't do well in Boruto and hand over the mantel to his assistant by the end of Naruto manga (yikes, nobody would like to be associated with that failing series).


This round, he's also taking a back seat, though WSJ promoted this as "from the creator of Naruto". In 3 months time, we'll see public perception, and in 1 year time, we will see whether this series sell better than Boruto or not.


In other words, readers will decide if "Kishimoto" as author is brand-worthy.

There is at least one youtube reviewer that's praising it to high heavens...then again would you want praise from someone called, "animeballsdeep?" Or trust the opinion of some who thought that was a good name? Also haven't really heard anyone else talk about it though.


From what I recall, it was always intended for him to hand over Boruto...because the ending happened because he wanted to leave the series and do something else.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 03 June 2023 - 02:59 AM.

#99 Phantom_999


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Posted 24 May 2019 - 05:52 AM

New chapter out yet?


#100 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 24 May 2019 - 08:36 AM

New chapter out yet?

Yes. Some Samurai bandits are attacking a village. Oh swords have bio-metric lock to them. Yes even the steel ones. They beat the bandits, something about a cake. The no name character -yes they do not have a name- ask if some day they can cut a different kid of cake. Hint, Hint.


The chapter ends with the cat and the dad talk. Turn out the red lazer sword from the first chapter means that Hachi is a key holder. So Daruma ask who the dad actually is.

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