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Masashi Kishimoto Implies Sasuke And Sakura Are Not Happy With Their Marriage NaruSaku Possible Once Again!

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#81 HalfDemonInuyasha



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Posted 02 May 2016 - 10:00 PM

Of course nobody is denying Naruto's scumbag actions ever since the ending but...

If Gaiden was any indication, it was far from the first time Naruto had bashed Boruto for vandalizing the Hokage Monument nor the first time Naruto didn't come home for something, stayed in the office over night, didn't spend actual time with the kids, etc.. It means this has been going on for some time (possibly for a few years) and means that Naruto has had plenty of chances to leave/divorce given he clearly shows the weight he has. However, a divorce will never come from Hinata's side because she is just that obsessed with Naruto (Naruto could physically beat and demean Hinata and she would somehow, in her own mind, turn it into some kind of "honor" or Naruto "showing his love" or something). A divorce could only possibly come around if Naruto is the one who initiates it, but The Last also forced him to take Hinata out of guilt and obligation and from what we were shown, no matter what seems to happen, he is fixated on maintaining that obligation because he would not want to deal with the guilt otherwise. Naruto would probably commit suicide before anything (though do so by basically kamikaze'ing an enemy or something so it looks heroic and not intentional or something).

And the only one of the family who admires Sasuke and seems to see him as more of a father is Boruto himself, no one else. Hinata offered no indication of changing affections to Sasuke (a single smile doesn't "indicate" anything) and Himawari probably doesn't know what's going on at all.

Also, NS/SK implications were very strong throughout most of part two (and part one with NS) but look where that went. For most "Naruto" fans now, "implications" (as extremely weak and non-existent as they have been in this case) mean jack because it's been proven that Shueisha/SP( /Kishi) can never stay on track with such things. Heck, if anything, if you believe you see "(strong) implications" of SH going on right now, then you may as well give up on it happening in the story because it will end up swept under the rug by the end, then called a "red herring" and you will be told you "read the story wrong" if you object to it.


#82 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 03 May 2016 - 03:29 AM

Of course nobody is denying Naruto's scumbag actions ever since the ending but...

If Gaiden was any indication, it was far from the first time Naruto had bashed Boruto for vandalizing the Hokage Monument nor the first time Naruto didn't come home for something, stayed in the office over night, didn't spend actual time with the kids, etc.. It means this has been going on for some time (possibly for a few years) and means that Naruto has had plenty of chances to leave/divorce given he clearly shows the weight he has. However, a divorce will never come from Hinata's side because she is just that obsessed with Naruto (Naruto could physically beat and demean Hinata and she would somehow, in her own mind, turn it into some kind of "honor" or Naruto "showing his love" or something). A divorce could only possibly come around if Naruto is the one who initiates it, but The Last also forced him to take Hinata out of guilt and obligation and from what we were shown, no matter what seems to happen, he is fixated on maintaining that obligation because he would not want to deal with the guilt otherwise. Naruto would probably commit suicide before anything (though do so by basically kamikaze'ing an enemy or something so it looks heroic and not intentional or something).

And the only one of the family who admires Sasuke and seems to see him as more of a father is Boruto himself, no one else. Hinata offered no indication of changing affections to Sasuke (a single smile doesn't "indicate" anything) and Himawari probably doesn't know what's going on at all.

Also, NS/SK implications were very strong throughout most of part two (and part one with NS) but look where that went. For most "Naruto" fans now, "implications" (as extremely weak and non-existent as they have been in this case) mean jack because it's been proven that Shueisha/SP( /Kishi) can never stay on track with such things. Heck, if anything, if you believe you see "(strong) implications" of SH going on right now, then you may as well give up on it happening in the story because it will end up swept under the rug by the end, then called a "red herring" and you will be told you "read the story wrong" if you object to it.

If Naruto married Hinata for reasons such as obligation or cleansing a guilty conscience then that only further proves Naruto never truly loved Hinata if he felt it was his "JOB" to marry her, And it's beginning to blossom and show as their marriage of false love continues, Why do you think Naruto is unwilling to spend time with Hinata his wife ? because she doesn't share anything in common with him or think alike which doesn't give Naruto a very compelling reason to spend time with her

Naruto and Hinata have absolutely nothing in common so they don't have any chemistry:

Naruto is:

1. Loud
2. Confident
3. Arrogant
4. Enthusiastic
5. Strong Willed

Hinata is:

1. Timid
2. Shy
3. Cowardly
4. Low Self Esteem 
5. Weak Willed/Submissive 

Naruto and Hinata are nothing alike, they are absolute opposites she doesn't even like the same foods as him even ramen! guess even restaurant dates are out of the question also 
So I don't know how a relationship of this type could work out, This could explain why Naruto and Hinata's marriage is dying because Naruto and Hinata doesn't want to do the same things as each other so Naruto doesn't really feel compelled to spend his time with her, right now he's just treating her as a stereotypical house wife to take care of their kids and clean the house while he goes out in the world and do as he pleases, yeah they have such a thrillful marriage!

It's been hinted even at chapter 700 that Naruto and Hinata wasn't having a strong marriage, Not only that we didn't see them together in the epilogue or in the ongoing gaiden so far we have to take into account Himawari's words to her mom in front of Neji's grave in the epilogue (With Naruto and Boruto nowhere to be seen)
"Next time we can come together with big brother and daddy ??"

This implies the Uzumaki family never visits the grave together as such, Maybe because they are a shattered family with disconnected parents, They imply Himawari misses Boruto and maybe that she doesn't see her brother frequently, How is that possible if they're supposedly living together with their parents ? Heavy Heavy implications that their family doesn't connect as one, horrible marriage.

You know why Hinata and Himawari probably don't see Boruto often ? because he is always plotting ways to gain his fathers attention who has been neglecting him and his family so that Naruto will be FORCED to spend time with Boruto and his family, see ? Naruto's family has to make and give Naruto a reason to see his family instead of Naruto having the willingness to spend time with his family out of love he has for his family
Isn't it ironic that Naruto claims to be a father to EVERYONE in the village as a family but isn't being one to his own ? Why even have a family if your unable to sustain it, Naruto knew about the time consuming duties as a Hokage even before he became one, And even someone like him should know having a family requires spending time with it, This only further proves that Naruto marrying Hinata and starting a family with her was a mistake,

All Boruto was doing was just trying to get his fathers attention that his family never seems to get by just sitting around waiting for him to come home, So Boruto resorted to methods that will get Naruto provoked like painting graffiti on the Hokage's mountain, Sure that is a bad deed committed by Boruto but if causing trouble is the only way his family is able to get Naruto's attention then that also means that Naruto has no other reason to see them.

Hinata's love for Naruto isn't as absolute obsessive and unbreakable as many people mainly NaruHina fans think, She is willing to cut any ties with him just to ensure the survival of her and the people close to her, like when she rejected Naruto's love confession in the Last Naruto the movie in order to get closer to Toneri so that she could attempt to save her sister kidnapped BY Toneri
This shows that Hinata is capable of breaking any ties she has to Naruto including love ties if she is given a good reason, But I believe Not spending any time with her and their kids and both Naruto and Hinata not sharing any common qualities and likes and dislikes and thinking his family and kids are nothing like him seems to be a compelling enough reason for Hinata to start looking to break ties with him because their family is dysfunctional with no dynamic what so ever

So if you look at it this way, Not only Naruto but Hinata as well have valid reasons to initiate a Divorce, Based on the current state of the Uzumaki family affairs a divorce wouldn't be such a bad option, the family is disconnected and dysfunctional, No one in the Uzumaki family have any thing in common so they lack any chemistry.

Mainly the reason why Boruto is gravitated to Sasuke more because they have a similar personality and he is giving what Boruto is longing and desiring for, A father figure, Even Naruto acknowledges Sasuke is similar to Boruto
So Boruto is your son Naruto ? maybe Boruto just dyed his hair blonde and drew whiskers on his face :)

Sarada is nothing like Sasuke personality wise, Sarada is more similar to Naruto and Naruto is more willing to spend time with Sarada than Boruto because of this fact, it's like Both Sasuke and Naruto are the fathers of the wrong family
Sarada maybe your the result of a one night stand when Naruto and Sakura engaged in a unspeakable act ;) then Sakura tells you constantly to shave any whiskers that starts growing on your face and to always dye your hair black :) and go to Kohona graveyard and dig and unearth a deceased Uchiha and take their sharingan eye, and BOOM! you can pass as Sasukes daughter!

Sasuke has also been a Neglectful father because his reasons Parallels with Naruto's reasons, his family is nothing like him which of course means no chemistry, So he rather choose to travel around the world as a way to atone for his sins of countless murders

Either this is a big plot hole or Sasuke doesn't fully understands his powers, Because Sasuke has the rinnegan which one of it's abilities is Outer Path Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique http://naruto.wikia...._Life_Technique
With this rinnegan ability Sasuke has the power to bring the dead back to life regardless of the time they were killed which means he can bring all of his victims back to life instantly and thus easy and quick atonement for all the murders he committed, Here's an example of this rinnegan ability:
So it's very unlikely that Sasuke isn't aware of this rinnegan ability since he has had the rinnegan for years and had years to study and master it to hone himself to use it to it's full potential, So Sasuke you want to be atoned for the murders you committed but you don't want to use the ability that can instantly get you atoned ? your not making any sense ;o

So there has to be a different secret agenda as to why Sasuke is on this "atonement journey" the reason has yet to be revealed in the Naruto story line but regardless it apparently means more to him then spending time with his family which clearly shows his family is of little importance at this time.

However the only other person Sasuke is willing to spend time with in addition to his Journey is Boruto only further making Sasuke's family feel neglected and 2nd choice to another family, The fact that Sasuke prioritizes another family over his own will indicate to that other family that they must be special which will highly likely catch the eye of Hinata because currently her family doesn't have a Father/Husband around while Sasuke decided to bear that role could definitely cause Hinata to admire Sasuke and view him in a new way :)

Sasuke and Hinata wouldn't be a bad couple if worst case senario that Naruto and Hinata decide to divorce because Sasuke and Hinata have always been a better fit for each due to the similarities and combat abilties, them together gives them 4 eyes, eyes in the front and eyes in the back, they will be able to look out for each other from every angle, can it be any more sweeter ? :)


The similarities:

1. They are both part of Noble Clan from Konoha
2. Said clans also posses Dojutsu Kekkai Genkais
3. They both have calm personalities and are very smart
4. Both seeked to be recognized by their Fathers.
5. Both have an older sibling who was considered Superior to them [Neji & Itachi.] I know Neji was Hinata's cousin, but genetically they were half-siblings and they're relationship was more like siblings when Neji got over his resentment
6. Neji and Itachi were both asked to protect Hinata and Sasuke respectively
7. Sasuke/Hinata's rivalry with Itachi/Neji
8. Their rivalry were settled down and later they fought together in the war.
9. Neji died protecting Hinata and Naruto from Obito and Itachi died protecting Sasuke from Orochimaru
10.They both have protected Naruto at least once (Hinata protected him from Pain and Sasuke from Haku)
11. And they both have confessed how they felt about Naruto. Hinata said she loves him and Sasuke told him he was his friend and considered him alike Itachi somehow.
12. Both were inspired by Naruto to become stronger shinobis.
13. Both had affinity with lighting and fire

Sasuke also has the byakugan, thats more then enough to gain Hinata's attention, she will question to herself "How does someone outside my clan have the same Eye power as me ?"
Well it seems Sasuke and Hinata are much more compatible then I anticipated! Sasuke recently obtained the byakugan which means he's a novice and fresh at it, And who is a close nearby Hyuga who is considered the strongest amongst her clan and the wife of his best friend Naruto ? Hinata, so Sasuke will trust her more to train him since more of his close friends trust that paticular Hyuga Hinata :) they can train together and fight together with their eyes that watch each others back from all directions! seems like a good pair to me :)

Sasuke and Hinata are just to perfect for each other, And they will realize that as they converse and spend more time with each other, Boruto will likely be the key factor as to Sasuke and Hinata coming face to face because While Naruto is Neglecting the role of a father Sasuke is acting as a substitute which means Sasuke at the moment is doing what she wishes Naruto could do, spend time with her and her kids as a family


Naruto/Hinata and Sasuke/Sakura families don't have any Solid reasons to remain families, And so many facts shed light on this.

Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 03 May 2016 - 03:00 PM.

#83 HalfDemonInuyasha



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Posted 04 May 2016 - 02:58 AM

Are you ignoring my posts? I'm (and others) agreeing with you that Naruto and Hinata makes absolutely no sense and doesn't work in any realistic sense.

The problem is the fact that it seems the ones in charge still think they're the breadwinning couple and are forcing them to remain together regardless of all the common sense points brought up by the logical fans..

Also, again, Sasuke is not prioritizing "the family", he's prioritizing "Boruto" specifically (and only after Boruto follows him and all as Sasuke simply leaves as soon as he learns Naruto isn't home without so much as a "How have you been?" to anyone).

As for your points.

"1. They are both part of Noble Clan from Konoha
"2. Said clans also posses Dojutsu Kekkai Genkais"

Very basic similarities. It by no means indicates chances of romantic involvement. If anything, the fact that Hinata has the Byakugan and Sasuke has the Sharingan coupled with how at least Sasuke was raised (that the Sharingan is superior and the Byakugan is inferior), is what would keep them apart.

"3. They both have calm personalities and are very smart"

Hinata is "quiet", not "calm". There IS a difference. And when has Hinata been shown to be "very smart"? At least in ways no one else has shown?

"4. Both seeked to be recognized by their Fathers."

You're ignoring the specifics behind the reasons why they wanted to be recognized. Sasuke wanted to be recognized by Fugaku as a way to prove he was better than Itachi, who was the one always getting the attention due to being a genius and such. Hinata only wanted Hiashi's attention as a way to prove she simply wasn't weak/useless, not to prove she was superior to Hanabi or anything.


"5. Both have an older sibling who was considered Superior to them [Neji & Itachi.] I know Neji was Hinata's cousin, but genetically they were half-siblings and they're relationship was more like siblings when Neji got over his resentment"

Actually, Neji was never considered "superior" to Hinata in-universe and that's solely because of the whole animosity and segregation between the Main and Branch families of the Hyuga Clan and how the people viewed them. The very fact that Hinata lucked out by being born into the Main Branch, regardless of her fighting ability, made her "superior" to Neji, who was born into the Branch family, the "inferior" family.

"6. Neji and Itachi were both asked to protect Hinata and Sasuke respectively"

Again, specifics, given they had different reasons. Neji was tasked to protect Hinata because she just has to be made to be that helpless damsel who "needs" to be protected rather than being a kunoichi capable of standing up for herself. Itachi was asked to protect Sasuke because of the Uchiha Clan's bloody history, the coup and its political ramifications, and so on.

"7. Sasuke/Hinata's rivalry with Itachi/Neji"

Only Sasuke had a (one-sided) rivalry with Itachi. Hinata never had any such "rivalry" with Neji as she never sought to prove herself better than him (which would be completely counterproductive) while Neji simply hated Hinata and the Main Family at the time. After that, pretty much nothing.

"8. Their rivalry were settled down and later they fought together in the war."

See #7.

"9. Neji died protecting Hinata and Naruto from Obito and Itachi died protecting Sasuke from Orochimaru"

Again, look at the specifics and the context. Neji "protecting" Hinata was literally nothing more than Kishimoto throwing him away in order to play cupid. Itachi was going to die soon either way duet o his illness so he simply used what time he had left then to get rid of Orochimaru and the Curse Seal from Sasuke. He didn't die protecting Sasuke in the same sense.

"10.They both have protected Naruto at least once (Hinata protected him from Pain and Sasuke from Haku)"

Hinata was not "protecting" Naruto. She admits herself that she was there purely for selfish reasons and made no attempt to actually save him (that is purely anime original BS added in by the Hinata-biased SP). She more than likely thought that Naruto had lost as soon as he was pinned by Nagato which lead to her believing that all was lost and so she now had nothing to lose by confessing since everyone is going to die anyway and so would not have to deal with the results (in which she still didn't afterwards).

"11. And they both have confessed how they felt about Naruto. Hinata said she loves him and Sasuke told him he was his friend and considered him alike Itachi somehow."

Again, context. Hinata is saying that she (believes) that she truly romantically loves him (she doesn't, of course) while Sasuke's was just veiled friendship. Not the same level.

"12. Both were inspired by Naruto to become stronger shinobis."

So was who-knows-how-,many-others. Does that mean I can take two of any of those people who may have general similarities, say they "make perfect sense" or "are made for each other" and so on and just throw them together?


"13. Both had affinity with lighting and fire"

And what does that matter? Naruto is Wind while Sakura has no officially known specific affinity(s) and yet they have made perfect sense. That's because affinities have nothing to do with whether or not people may or may not be romantically involved.

Again and again and again, you're taking these very basic and general similarities and then trying to blow them up into somehow indicating that Sasuke and Hinata are "made for each other" (or at least have "a very strong possibility") and, if not so general, ignoring the context and/or specifics behind their individual sides in the case of such similarities which, no offense, is exactly what NH/SS fanatics have always done with their pairings.

I am not disagreeing with the SH pairing because I don't like it in general. I am disagreeing because the pairing just completely falls apart at present when you look at such things beyond just the extremely shallow surface. This is why it takes actual character development from each individual as well as constant and consistent mutual development between each side both normally and romantically; making the other question themselves or other things, changing the other for the better, making sacrifices for the other (Hinata did not sacrifice herself for Naruto, but because of hopelessness), able to accept the other person's charms and flaws thus able to act as themselves with each other without having to act for whatever reason, able to stand beside each other through thick and thin (Hinata has been shown to quickly give up, something Sasuke would loathe), and so on. This is why some characters who may not have given the best first impressions (in general or towards the person they end up with) can end up surprising people and end up together after such development. This is why Naruto and Sakura were so believable in being together (up until chapter 693 anyway), because they were getting that development throughout the course of the story.

It's also why this goes back to me and others saying that the only way SH could possibly work believably would be if you erased the entire story and character backgrounds and redid them from the ground up and then develop them together from the start with different specifics and context..

Also, Sasuke does not possess the Byakugan. Sasuke saw that Kaguya was using the Byakugan and that's how she saw the Hawk Summon's vital points and was able to strike them precisely. He only has a single Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and a single Rinnegan.


#84 Val1234


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Posted 03 November 2017 - 04:44 PM

I don't shhip it but i respact your opinion but this is probebly a fake interview or kishimoto was just troling because i couldn't find any refrences to it and a week after the boruto movie was relesed the gaiden manga where sasuke is teasing sakura and is praising her and keeps on calling her his wife any way breaking any couple up at this point would ruin everything. You said kishimoto's wife ships ns it's true but he said in an interview his wife did try to convince him but he shiped ss from the start i honestly think he was troling becuase i think ss relationship became alot better idk about nh because the didnt show it alot

#85 Kagomaru


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    NaruSaku (Naruto x Sakura)
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    Asaden (Denji x Asa)

Posted 03 November 2017 - 06:12 PM

I'm sorry, what?  Kishimoto did not plan SS or NH from the beginning. In fact, he indicated in previous interviews that he didn't even originally plan for shippings to be confirmed. Furthermore, he has reportedly called SS "toxic" and referred to Sakura's love as an "addiction".  He even said that he doesn't understand why Sakura loves Sasuke in the first place.  And when did Sasuke ever praise Sakura?  Was it when he told her that Sarada was the only reason he was sticking around?  Or when he ignored Sakura when she was expecting him to kiss her or at least touch her forehead, but didn't?


And you claim that their relationship became "a lot better" when he's an absentee father/husband who hasn't visited his family since his daughter was a baby and barely shows any affection to his own daughter, while expressing more interest in his rival's son?   I'm sorry, but what manga are you reading? Or are you basing this supposedly improved relationship on SP's filler? Because you know that it isn't canon, right?


And no, the interview isn't fake.  Here's a link to the original article (which is in japanese) when the interview was made:http://www.cinemacaf...8/07/33246.html


And here's the translated quote from that article:


Chie Nakamura (Sakura's VA):"Our Sakura" finally got a happy ending. I am so happy. Thank you sensei.


Kishimoto: Yeah, I don't know for sure if they are really happy. They can separate and go their own way, I still have not decided yet.


Combined with quotes from other interviews where the subject of SS was brought, it is clear that he does not at all approve of Sasuke and Sakura as a couple.  And if you do want to insist that the interviews are "fake", then you have to accept that Kishimoto is a pretty sick individual to pair a girl with a person who has belittled her, attempted to murder her more than once, and even abandoned her to raise a child without any means of support on his end.


Also, that you want to disregard any interviews that has Kishimoto speak negatively about the canon couples tells me all I need to know about your stance, despite what you say about not shipping it. 

Edited by Kagomaru, 03 November 2017 - 06:22 PM.

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#86 ThroughWithLove


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Posted 03 November 2017 - 10:46 PM

I don't shhip it but i respact your opinion but this is probebly a fake interview or kishimoto was just troling because i couldn't find any refrences to it and a week after the boruto movie was relesed the gaiden manga where sasuke is teasing sakura and is praising her and keeps on calling her his wife any way breaking any couple up at this point would ruin everything. You said kishimoto's wife ships ns it's true but he said in an interview his wife did try to convince him but he shiped ss from the start i honestly think he was troling becuase i think ss relationship became alot better idk about nh because the didnt show it alot


The idea that he would seek to troll his own readers in such a fashion only confirms disrespect for the reader's time, his deficiencies as a writer and his general inability to grasp good writing. :thumb:

Edited by ThroughWithLove, 03 November 2017 - 10:47 PM.

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#87 tricksie


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Posted 06 November 2017 - 02:12 PM

To me it sounds like you are frustrated that you didn't understand the work, thus are looking to outwardly blame.

At least, while Kishimoto could have been more clear, your own misinterpretation is also at fault.

Please don't start this again—


For the last time, the fact that the ending was a surprise means that he was building up to NS all along. People hoped for NH, wanted it, saw it, read it, kept fingers crossed for it — but when it happened it was still a surprise.


Naruto's stated goal was to win Sakura's love. This goes through till the end where he tells his ghost-dad that Sakura is his girlfriend. It was a ruse on the part of Kishimoto to trick his readers into believing NS was still what Naruto wanted. 


So anyone who shipped NS is not wrong. Their interpretation was correct. This is what makes NH the surprise ending that it was. And we were all there when it happened. 


Please do not come on to this site and tell people they are wrong or that they don't understand the work.


If you want to post about the topic or the characters, then go ahead. But stop commenting on other users.

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