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Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi

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#81 Azor Ahai

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Posted 27 December 2017 - 11:29 PM

To be fair...I thought the movie was okay...it felt they were trying to emulate The Empire Strikes Back, but couldn't quite get that right. Uhm it also feels like it was trying to force shove their lefty Hollywoody message down people's throats, which is why there is such a split between critics and viewers.


Rey for me felt like a Mary Sue, Captain Phasma was wasted, Supreme Leader Snoke was incredibly wasted.


It felt like the force romance is only between Finn and Rose, which came out of nowhere, while we might think that they are going to push a romance between Kylo and Rey, the end seems to point out more towards Po and Rey.


What else...Oh right I have my views on the sudden connection between Kylo and Rey. I failed to see it as romance, and what Kylo felt to me like it a form of partnership, I doubt he can rule the First Order alone, and thus he needs an apprentice like Rey. If you remember he proposed the same exact thing to her back in TFA.


If I was Rey I would have taken that offer, ounce done take the reins of the First Order, push for a peace deal with Leia and the resistance. Reunite mother and son. Govern the galaxy and slowly reintroduce the Republic with the help of Leia.


#82 Catra


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Posted 28 December 2017 - 01:18 AM

once i saw the scene where she bested luke i was officially done taking this movie seriously and removed the whole disney universe from canon. the eu will always be canon to me.

#83 Phantom_999


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Posted 28 December 2017 - 02:44 AM

I don't want to debate about that, lol xD I love Star Wars (Especially the first two trilogies) so why would I want to mention something as crappy as Naruto romance in this topic? I know some of you agree with me, some others won't, but I think Reylo/FinnRose are bad and that's it. 
Shippings aren't even my main problem with this movie, is the way they treated Luke.

Okay then as long as you get my point we won’t talk about it further. But yes there are so many more problems with the movie. As you say, it completely butchers Luke’s character and makes him complete ooc. I’ll dileberate later I have work just now


#84 Nostradamus


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Posted 28 December 2017 - 04:11 AM

So Hinata ?

I say yes, but worse. Which I never thought would be possible, but apparently a lot of stories after Naruto's ending, really want to point out that they can defeat Naruto in garbage writing.

Naruto's ending was like the kickstarter to see who is the king of trash in fiction.

Which I've told you - time and time again - is dangerous! There will never be consensus, son, among those you have helped to ascend. They will all differ in their views of what it means to be free. The peace you so desperately seek does not exist.
These men are united now by a common cause. But when this battle is finished they will fall to fighting amongst themselves about how best to ensure control. In time it will lead to war. You will see.

#85 T XD


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Posted 28 December 2017 - 02:17 PM

Is this movie the last Star Wars movie ?

#86 hinataiscreepy


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Posted 28 December 2017 - 02:47 PM

I did not like the way the old cast was treated and everything they have achieved in the previous trilogy amounted to nothing. Han and Leia did not stay together, Solo ended up being a smuggler again swindling everyone in the galaxy, and Luke failed in reviving the jedi to become an old delusional hermit. Much like Naruto, Luke just gave up and as Hamill said Luke would never abandon and give up on his friends and purpose. Its Naruto's ending all over again.


Stories like Batman Beyond, Logan, and MGS4 tell a whole lot better the story of an old man raising back from the ashes or still surviving the wounds of time. Snake seems delusional and tired but he never gives up on his friends, or beliefs. Logan is very similar by wanting to save a new generation, and bonding with his spiritual daughter. 


I hated at how underwhelming the big questions of the force awakens were answered and shoved aside with critics praising this just for the sake of being different. 

#87 Catra


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Posted 28 December 2017 - 04:28 PM

Is this movie the last Star Wars movie ?

it may as well be given how much plot threads this movie drops like a bad habit. the jedi are now extinct like the sith. the "resistance" rebels are only a handful and the "supreme" leader snoke has been killed off. Rey hasn't grown and isn't interesting at all and if you can't do that by the second movie then you've failed at telling a story.

#88 T XD


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Posted 28 December 2017 - 04:36 PM

it may as well be given how much plot threads this movie drops like a bad habit. the jedi are now extinct like the sith. the "resistance" rebels are only a handful and the "supreme" leader snoke has been killed off. Rey hasn't grown and isn't interesting at all and if you can't do that by the second movie then you've failed at telling a story.

If Rey is still a jedi then we'll have other Star Wars movie(s) whatever the plot is.

#89 Konoha'sCrimsonFox


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Posted 28 December 2017 - 05:42 PM

ReyXKylo seems too much like SasuSaku to me.



"My name is Sung Ji-woo. Some called me the Assassin of Death. A Necromancer Deity... My journey has been nothing but walking over a mountain of corpses. My legion of the dead reigns supreme. None shall block my way or... face the wrath of my blades!" --Solo Leveling.

#90 Catra


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Posted 29 December 2017 - 12:26 AM

difference is, sasuke couldn't care less what happened to sakura. she almost fell into a pool of lava and he didn't lift a finger to help her. Kylo wants her to join him.

#91 T XD


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Posted 29 December 2017 - 10:04 PM

ReyXKylo seems too much like SasuSaku to me.

This pairing wouldn't happen. Unlikely by how it's presented.

#92 RidiculouslyBored


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Posted 30 December 2017 - 01:47 AM

Finally saw it!

It was a disappointment but not in the ways I expected. I had heard a lot from various people and forums but I tried to come in with an open mind. Overall it was fine, but if I'm being hypercritical, it came across as a Star Wars fan fiction that got the green light for a film adaptation. A bit cringy and heavy handed with its themes and the story in and of itself was kind of headscratching. Not confusing or convoluted, it just had me asking why go that route or what purpose a particular course of action served if it didn't really matter in the grand course of things as it didn't impact the story very much. That's as far as I'll go with it without giving away too many spoilers.


This pairing wouldn't happen. Unlikely by how it's presented.

In this current era, this pairing is seen as "hot" and the norm by the mainstream. If it doesn't happen, I would be shocked. Especially after they go so far to open the door for it. The majority of the female demographic seem to like it and they had a big role in the success of this latest film. It would be a mistake not to let the ship sail...even if I personally don't like it.

#93 Phantom_999


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Posted 30 December 2017 - 01:52 AM

ReyXKylo seems too much like SasuSaku to me.


Mmm, Yeah that is what I'm arguing against. it seems similar but it's not the same. Prominently because It will never happen. (I hope) that is not to say I ship them in any regard, Just saying that they are not to the same standard at all

Edited by Phantom_999, 30 December 2017 - 01:59 AM.


#94 rocci


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Posted 30 December 2017 - 05:01 AM

difference is, sasuke couldn't care less what happened to sakura. she almost fell into a pool of lava and he didn't lift a finger to help her. Kylo wants her to join him.

Sakura is not the protagonist and not the wielder of great power like Rey.

I think kylo ren is not good looking enough for the pairing to happen. Since bad boy pairing need to be hot to be desirable.

#95 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 30 December 2017 - 07:36 AM

Well just saw Last Jedi... I can see why it is getting mixed reactions. There are legitimately good parts in the movie, and their are some truly awful parts in the movie. Overall It has the feeling of a modern day blockbuster. You watch it once in the theater you kind of enjoy it, then you forget about it and never see it again. That is not what a Star Wars Movie should feel like.


To me their are two core story line in the film that the story branches off of: the island with Ray, Luck & Kylo, and the rebel fleet with Poe, Fin, and Rose.


The parts that connected to the island were fine, but they were mainly hold up by the brilliant performance by Mark Hamill.


It's the Rebel fleet's plot that is kitten. The core problem is that Vice Admiral. “If words of command are not clear and distinct, if orders are not thoroughly understood, then the general is to blame. But, if orders are clear and the soldiers nevertheless disobey, then it is the fault of their officers.” Sun Tzu, Art of War. So her Brilliant secret plan can be summed up as; abandon ships that have run out of fuel, use the abandon ships as bait to distract the enemy, then hide out in a fortified position till reinforcements arrive, but despite that being a relatively simple & reasonable plan given the situation. She refused to tell anyone about it! Especially her field commander! All she offered was platitudes, while demanding everyone follow her to hell itself! All the deaths, and almost the problems that happened in the film falls on her hand's because of her actions. Yet, the movie wants us to feel like she is a heroic almost saintly figure who did the right thing, and it is Poe that is at fault for not trusting her.

I can say more But I'll stop here for now.

#96 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 30 December 2017 - 03:52 PM

OK slept on it.


The four actors/characters I really liked were Mark Hamill, Poe, Finn, and my Favorite character and actor is the captain of the dreadnought that died in the opening battle. He was the only villain that was truly competent at his job, well acted, and felt like a threat to the main characters while he was onscreen. I want him to come back as a cyborg, kill all the other villains, and take over the universe. He is that good compared to the other villains.


I hated both the Vice Admiral, and Rose. The Vice Admiral because her very existence made the plot the mess that it is. Rose because...dear god where to start. The actress being called wooden is an insult to trees. She comes off as overly serious & grim, also most of the movies attempts at heavy-handed preaching about something came from her (other then the sheer nihilism that emanates for the Island's branches of the story). Every time she was on screen it felt as if the movie wanted the audience to give her a standing ovation. She also feels like her existence was force into the story, that she exist less for the story, and more to pander to the Asian demographic for that sweet sweet Chinese's Renminbi that Hollywood has fallen in love with these past few years. Yes, they did that with those two monks in the Rouge one but they shockingly did not feel as force, out of place, or unnecessary as she does.


The villains were a joke. Other then that one Captain... What a great character. Anyways. After two movies of this. How do they think they can make Kylo Ren the main villain of the final movie, and anyone can take him seriously? All he has done is whine, mope, have huge hissy fits, and fail at every tasks he is given for two movies straight. Has he accomplish anything other then killing of those villagers? But now he has killed his master, so by default he the main villain. All I can hope for is they do kill him. kitten Redemption! General Hux was it? He wasn't that bad in the first film. Now? I all can imagine is him and Kylo getting into sissy slap fights. Captain Plasma she has been defeated by Finn twice already in embarrassing manners. Are they going to bring her back in 9 just to kill her again? Snoke, what an un-intimidating waste of a villain.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 30 December 2017 - 05:59 PM.

#97 Bail o' Lies

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Posted 30 December 2017 - 03:54 PM


Found this.

Edited by Bail o' Lies, 30 December 2017 - 05:58 PM.

#98 Catra


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Posted 30 December 2017 - 07:58 PM

instead of luke having to f uck off and wanting to die how about this


luke runs off to the planet where the first of the jedi were founded. there's an ancient force tree, there he meditates to power himself up full of wisdom and guidance on how to defeat the first order. He learns that life's too short and needs to be cherished with every waking day so he does't worry too much about things. he left the map so that one day a worthy force user would find him and learn. enter Rey who wants no part in the force but Luke insists that its her battle now. so he trains her. she gets knocked down a lot. Luke bests her in a stick match, etc.


I really do think this could have had a "The Last Samurai" feel but alas it is not in no way shape or form.

#99 sushi.


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Posted 31 December 2017 - 01:17 PM

I'm glad I'm not a star wars fan :lmao: I would probably feel like I did when I Naruto ended. I only like Carrie and Mark they are/were great people!!

Edited by sushi., 31 December 2017 - 01:22 PM.


#100 Nate River

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Posted 01 January 2018 - 03:06 AM

OK slept on it.
The four actors/characters I really liked were Mark Hamill, Poe, Finn, and my Favorite character and actor is the captain of the dreadnought that died in the opening battle. He was the only villain that was truly competent at his job, well acted, and felt like a threat to the main characters while he was onscreen. I want him to come back as a cyborg, kill all the other villains, and take over the universe. He is that good compared to the other villains.

At the onest, I'll note that I'm a casual fan. I like the series and I am kind of into sci-fi, but I'm not a die hard fan nor do I have the emotional attachment may other do or that I did with Naruto, so I came in with minimal expectations and only want an enjoyable movie-going experience. It was a gift for my son and brother-in-law so as long as they enjoyed it, and they did, I was satisfied. 
Someone rated it 6.75 out of 10 and I've seen user scored in the 50's or like 3.7 or so out of 5. And that's fair, it's about where I'd put it. A decent enough movie that took some risks, but upon closer inspection has weaknesses in execution that make it weaker than it should have been and I can definitely see why hard core fans would be less forgiving, but some of the things they hated didn't bother me. 
I like Finn. He's one of my favorite characters in the new set and I like the actor who plays him. I like Mark Hamill, I like the guy played Poe, but I am ambivalent about what they did with him. The plus was an arc where he actually grew as a person, which a number of characters in the movie lacked. On the negative side, it contains "Sasuke" type problems: i.e. he does stuff that would have cause he own allies to jail him if not outright execute him in virtually any military, but it ends with Lei and the Vice Admiral saying they like him. They leave the impression that he will be commanding the rebellion in the Third movie as the vice admiral is deal and so is Carrie Fisher. I like him growing into the role rather than just having it handed to him, but um....the execution could have used some work.


I hated both the Vice Admiral, and Rose. The Vice Admiral because her very existence made the plot the mess that it is. Rose because...dear god where to start. The actress being called wooden is an insult to trees. She comes off as overly serious & grim, also most of the movies attempts at heavy-handed preaching about something came from her (other then the sheer nihilism that emanates for the Island's branches of the story). Every time she was on screen it felt as if the movie wanted the audience to give her a standing ovation. She also feels like her existence was force into the story, that she exist less for the story, and more to pander to the Asian demographic for that sweet sweet Chinese's Renminbi that Hollywood has fallen in love with these past few years. Yes, they did that with those two monks in the Rouge one but they shockingly did not feel as force, out of place, or unnecessary as she does.
The villains were a joke. Other then that one Captain... What a great character. Anyways. After two movies of this. How do they think they can make Kylo Ren the main villain of the final movie, and anyone can take him seriously? All he has done is whine, mope, have huge hissy fits, and fail at every tasks he is given for two movies straight. Has he accomplish anything other then killing of those villagers? But now he has killed his master, so by default he the main villain. All I can hope for is they do kill him. kitten Redemption! General Hux was it? He wasn't that bad in the first film. Now? I all can imagine is him and Kylo getting into sissy slap fights. Captain Plasma she has been defeated by Finn twice already in embarrassing manners. Are they going to bring her back in 9 just to kill her again? Snoke, what an un-intimidating waste of a villain.

I really like Kylo Ren and I like Adam Driver as Kylo Ren. He doesn't want to control the world and I'm not sure he cares all that much about the first order other than a means to an end. He wants to burn it all down and is horrible conflicted. He's different from other villiains. I thought Driver and Mark Hamill had the best performances. There are two things I wished they done differently with Kylo...one I wish he'd have something more to offer Rey to turn to the dark side. I wish I felt that there was a genuine risk she'd turn or maybe even did, if momentarily, rather than just her pulling him to the light. I wish the pull was more mutual. Luke mentions her not even trying to resist the pull initially, but it doesn't go anywhere. The other is that the movie never explains the allure to the darkside to him. When he runs off, Luke says he had already been turn by Snoke. Okay....so why? 


Some of the structural problems were things gifted to Johnson by Abrams. When Jedi ended the way it did, it was always going to be hard to do an episode 7 without tearing down the accomplishments of 6. Boruto faces this same problem. But because Abrams decided it would be rebels v. empire substitute with rebels behind the 8 ball and that he was going to set in time that would fit the ages of the actors that played Luke, Leia, and Han. There aren't a lot of places to go with that setup than don't lead to the conclusion that their victory in Jedi is fleeting and, thus, the work they did was ultimately for naught. I'm not surprised this would produce a bitter Luke, but, they did need to do more to sell this, especially since Luke completely rejects everything after that. I like the idea of bitter old Luke, but it needs so much more explanation because its so unexpected. I'm glad he tried something different here, it' execution wasn't good enough. The other issue is why is the first order so much larger, better funded, and better equipped than the Resistance. I think it would have been better as a small, bubbling movement beginning to threaten a fragile recovering republic, but the republic is basically dead when force awakens again. 


I think the movie should have ditched the Finn/Rose sideshow, and most of the stuff during in the case in exchange for spending much more time on Luke, Kylo, and Rey and fleshing all this out. Speaking of Finn...he has a deep personal hatred for Phasma, but I have no idea why. I get that he hates the first order, but he seems to reserve a special hate for her and neither movie explains this. I think deviling into this would have been a better use of character than that the bit with Rose.


Yes, the villains, except for Kylo and that Commander are cartoonish and might as well wear t-shirts that said "We are Nazi's." The only good part of Hux is his belittling of Kylo as it helps sell the idea that he's nothing more an incompetent Vader wannabe, but Luke's description of Kylo undoes that. He's portrayed as incompetent, but then Luke describes his "raw power." Yeah, I know they aren't incompatable ideas, but Luke didn't see him as incompetent.


As to your question, are we supposed to take him seriously, the movie is unclear. His own allies have never respected him. They only comply now because they fear him. I don't mind his incompetence screwing everything up in the long run, but I'm not confident that they will stick with this and fear he will be running a well-oiled machine in movie 3 (that's defeated by the hero's awesomeness) rather than running it into the dirt which is more consistent with who he has been portrayed as for most of the first two movies. I'm not sure he'd care too much if he did this. 


As for Rose, holy crap. She is the only character I unequivocally hated. I can find positive every character but her. She comes off as the political voice of the director, writers, and producers. What Brian and Lisa eventually became for Family Guy and The Simpsons. She has to two stupidest lines in the whole movie.


I'm torn about going into the casting, because I think most of the actors and actresses do solid jobs with their material, but the messaging from the director, writers, and producers is about as subtle as being hit with a sack of hammers.  

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