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#81 Atheck


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Posted 29 August 2013 - 11:56 PM

Okay, joke aside, let's be honest with each other and say that even when Sakura got the Byakugou seal people were complaining that it didn't make sense. Exactly as you are saying now, people were saying about that too.

There wasn't a demonstrable prerequisite which Sakura couldn't prove as having prior to developing her seal like there is for SM. Tsunade's explanation of the requirements for medical ninjutsu included considerable academic knowledge, advanced control your stamina, and the willingness to never give up. It stands to reason that with the Yin Seal being the pinnacle of medical ninjutsu that Sakura could maybe achieve it by persisently refining her chakra control to perfection and learning what is necessary to develop the fuinjutsu.

Sakura gets a boost in skills and even though we are given an explanation, people will still complain that it is rushed or doesn't make sense.

To be fair, there was never anything to prove or indicate that Sakura would develop the Yin Seal besides her status as apprentice. The notion of young surpassing the old could have been fulfilled through her unique methods. In fact, that's what many of us would have preferred but Kishi apparently disagrees.

More often than not people give Sakura a hard time with this, but Sasuke has done it several times and not really explained why or how he got such a power, but people never complained about it that much. We just assumed "plot device" and moved on.

On the contrary, many of his power ups are explainable. The chakra tree walking we were given a narrative portrayal of his progress as he refined his chakra. Later he trains for a month to develop the Chidori and increase his agility which Kakashi analysed using his Sharingan. The latter I'll give you as being somewhat abrupt with how long it took Lee to develop that grade of speed but speed is an indefinite physical stat with the only requirement being conventional training of your body. That's more easily defined than Sakura being the bodily superior of Orochimaru or implementing external chakra from a seal to use SM when the process has been shown to take place whilst chakra is being moulded.

His P2 jutsu as Orosuke doesn't actually need an explanation, does it? He had 2 1/2 years to learn kenjutsu (something which Orochimaru was well versed in since Kusanagi was a major part of his fighting technique), expand his Raiton arsenal (being the ninjutsu enthusiast/scientist that he is with years of research under his belt, it's definitely possible that Orochimaru could have trained Sasuke to develop the Raiton jutsu that he did), perfect the usage of the Curse Seal (Orochimaru is the progenitor of CS), and train his Sharingan to the best of its capacity (this is something which Sasuke should be capable of doing on his own).

If your grievances against Sasuke's method for attaining power have do with MS then you should curse the system of Mangekyou Sharingan in general and not Sasuke. I'll give you that the hawk summoning was convoluted though. Even Kishi seemed to be aware of how random it was when he drew Tobi as curious about how and when he could have made a contract with hawks.

For me, Sakura gaining the byakugou seal is not that surprising considering she is Tsunade's student and knowledge of techniques is a passed down trait from one generation to the next. I would have been more surprised of she didn't get the seal and remained at the power level she was.

It's not too surprising for me either actually. Naruto inherited the Rasengan from Jiraiya and Sasuke learned Orochimaru's kenjutsu and he signed a contract with the snakes. The major grievance against that is the execution or a lack of foreshadowing.

As for the Sage mode, did we ever find out how Kabuto got the Snake sage mode? Not really. All he did was fuse himself with Orochimaru's DNA and boom he got the mode.

I don't see how Orochimaru's DNA would enable Kabuto to gain SM or how the loss of that genetic material would prevent him from continuing to use it. Something that's overlooked by many people is the fact that Kabuto injected himself with the DNA of Taka and the Sound 5. That includes the original source of the Curse Seal which is capable of passively gathering natural energy and Karin's Uzumaki vitality. Yes, losing Orochimaru's abilities would drastically weaken Kabuto but I don't see how he wouldn't be able to continue using SM, albeit a weaker state of it without the abundance of snakes or Orochimaru's jutsu at his disposal (snake summonings should still be available like Manda 2.0 since Kabuto has a contract with them but he'll need to perform summoning jutsu like Naruto). Unless Orochimaru gathering his chakra somehow drained Kabuto of the knowledge to use senjutsu or if the chakra of the other subordinates was taken despite there being no mention of all the DNA he had implanted being removed, just Orochimaru's.

I'm digressing here though. The point is that Kabuto's situation has a logical basis to itself. He has the DNA of two (possibly three or more) people that would enable him to gather natural energy and manage it efficiently.

No training shown, no idea where he got it from, it was just assumed he got it from Orochimaru.

Orochimaru was confirmed to be dead at the time and Kabuto had disappeared from the manga for over one hundred chapters. There was a huge window there for him to do some off-screen training at Ryuchidou. That's not inherently illogical because he had the tools, the knowledge, and the time to train in senjutsu.

As for why Orochimaru didn't use it is a mystery.

This was explained in #579. Orochimaru ventured to Ryuchi Cave in the hopes of developing Sage Mode but he failed because he lacked an efficent enough body. That's after having spent years, possibly decades modifying his body to make it sturdier and more long lasting. You'll forgive me if I find it convoluted that a girl touted as being physically and historically "normal" as more capable than someone with far greater chakra reserves and bodily integrity.

It is quite possible that when he did the body switch technique the body he inhabited didn't have enough chakra reserve and so he couldn't perform it.

I don't believe the personal reserves of the body he's inhabiting is relevant. It's just a shell for him, Orochimaru's actual form is the white snake. He can make use of the body's form and techniques since Orochimaru supposedly inherits their knowledge as well, but the person who is Orochimaru is capable of existing independently of the vessel. Someone with inadequate chakra reserves would definitely not be capable of the liberal usage of taxing jutsu like the snake based replacement technique.

I could even theorized that he may have it on all the time which would explain his deformities and at times why he has to switch bodies all the time to prevent himself from being assimilated. That would explain a lot actually like how he is able to turn himself into a snake.

You do understand that all of this was explained during Orochimaru's so-called "fight" with Sasuke in the Itachi Pursit Arc, right? The snake body and deformities are a result of the modifications he made to himself and transferring his essence to various bodies. The origins of his mutanthood were defined hundreds of chapters ago.

As for how can Sakura achieve such a thing...well if Kishimoto wanted, so it shall be.

So now we're just going in circles with the logic of Kishi pointlessly allowing it to happen just because without given any rational thought for why it was possible in the first place.

We have to keep this reality open and understand that this can happen.

A writer should be allowed to take some creative liberties with their work and suspension of disbelief is a given but in a world as intricately written as Naruto's that has an established system and method of logic for itself, one which Kishi has consistently abided by for the great majority of the manga's life, the creator should follow what they have established with the utmost consistent. Moreover, there have been no inconsistencies in the method of acquirement for SM or the qualities of those who managed to develop senjutsu. Why must that fact be unnecessarily tarnished just to give a power up to someone who doesn't even need it?

Hell, if Kubo can make Ichigo part Quincy just by saying "His mother was a Quincy" then why not? There are worse asspulls in the field of manga out there that make even little sense.

I don't know who those characters are but just because the creator of that universe is willing to discard stipulations or laws that exist in his work doesn't mean that Naruto should emulate it.

About Sakura getting SSM;
It's not a debate if it makes sense or not. It's on whether it's likely or not(logic makes it likely, but think of Kishi's writing style). In Kishi's case, two different things.

It's interesting to see how complacent some people are with discarding already established narrative concepts when it benefits the characters that they personally like. But even in the matter of probability, I would argue that it's not likely given that Sakura just received chakra comparable to Sage Mode along with the rest of the Alliance.

Of course it should've been even more foreshadowed, and I have no idea when she would have time to train for it. Does this decrease the possibility? ..Not enough to make me surprised if she gets it.

Let's not forget that she doesn't even meet the physical requirements for SM. I must admit, Sakura getting SM would be very abrupt.

#82 Inferno180


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 12:07 AM

With Sakura's power I think its best left like this:


Slug Sage mode is out of the question now. We wished it existed, but it doesn't, if it did well the time has passed, it would have been revealed by now. We saw Jiraya with toad sage mode, Naruto got it. Kabuto revealed Snake sage mode, also discovered orochimaru was a snake sage. Hashirama had his own sage mode cause well hes freaking Hashirama. We know toad sage mode was jiraya at his strongest, Tsunade at her most powerful was the strength of 100 being unleashed. Because we never saw this, well Sakura's white strength seal is the biggest power she will gain at base. Even then the seals Sakura and Tsunade have are in a way connected to Katsyau, or the slugs in general.


If anything power wise, we know Sakura is most likely stronger than Tsunade at base due to her having to hold nothing back for it. She became much faster, stronger, and was able to summon katsyau, and use remote healing, on top of that even sense the chakra of those she heals, even signatures like Kurama's chakra in everyone as she said last chapter. Now she is enhanced with the rest of the allaince with Kurama's chakra. Is she stronger due to the boost? I'm betting yes, as everyone else was. Going back to Sakura with her seal herself, just how strong is she? Well we don't know. All we know aside from her not having to hold anything back, she can use her seal better than Tsunade so its safe to assume during base power with it, she is stronger than Tsunade, in addition she can use remote healing like Tsunade as well with Katsyau. As for final judgement of how strong Sakura is? Well this needs to wait, first we need to see if she will use it to nail anything else aside from the ten tails fission clones, though it was a good feat on her own to take out a horde of them in one blow, we may see more. Only if we either see more of her using this in the manga to get additional scenes with this power, even if she can unleash her seal to other forms like Tsunade we can only wait, otherwise we can also make a better judgement once the anime hits this point and if they give more screentime to Sakura to showcase her power or show it along with Naruto and Sasuke, them fighting as a team.


In the end, yeah Sakura has basically kage appropriate powers, or around it kinda like Kakashi and Guy or Gaara. If she can do more, it remains to be seen. Otherwise the whole concept of this as her power is both understandable due to well Tsunade having shown off what would be about the fullest extent of the powers Sakura could achieve. Likewise it was breifly hinted time to time she would surpass Tsunade, the powerup many did call an asspull, well yes it was sudden but not unmerited, the sannin are a trio, team 7 is their successors, all the sannin had pros and cons towards the others that in essence made them equal, so while Sakura isn't going to be blasting any major chakra bombs of wind or fire at others, she has her own intelligence and skills that puts her above Naruto and Sasuke in other cases, basically her power was revealed in 632 to put in place that sannin aspect of the trinity again. But it was also sudden because kishi could have given her time or made some notification of her trying harder to use a bigger power. I mean he gave Naruto screentime for 5 training sessions, 5!. 1st-summoning frogs, its the first and this led to him meeting Kurama. 2nd, Rasengan, this was to give him equal power to the chidori Sasuke learned. 3rd Wind style, we get a lot of screentime with Naruto trying to rip leaves and split waterfalls. 4th Sage mode- As Jirayas student Fukasaku offered Naruto this to get stronger. 5th nine tails chakra mode (intial form) basically after besting Kurama, Naruto had to be trained by Bee for control and trying to make the tailed beast bomb (Naruto didn't successfully preform the tailed beast bomb until he gained tailed beast mode) but yeah 5 segments of screentime for Naruto to learn stuff but never one for Sakura. Sasuke, he got Chidori but we got a notification of it in a flashback during his fight with Gaara, as for his other powers well, Sasuke got them on the fly, stress from Haku, bitten by Orochimaru, driven to the limit from Naruto in the VOTE, Itachi removed Orochimaru and the curse seal, gave him his occular powers, Sasuke activtes his occular powers against Bee, Gains Sussano at the kage summit, gains Itachis eyes after the reunion. Seems dumb for Sasukes powers to just activate or be given and occur in fights while Naruto trains but one notion of Sakura would have been nice. We only see flashbacks of Sakura training over the timeskip and the notion that she continued to train off panel to progress her seal. Other than that, one clear notion of Sakura having training beyond the timeskip would have helped.

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#83 James S Cassidy

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 01:00 AM


I could write this whole thing, but I don't feel like it. I am not going to argue anymore. Double standards FTW.

I am just going to enjoy the manga for what it is and hope Sakura gets Sage mode regardless of people's opinions on whether it is BS or not and also hope that Naruto learns his father's Flying God technique. Other than that, everyone else is on their own. All I know is some here are very pessimistic and no matter what Kishimoto's does, they will never be satisfied. As I said, he could write the best story ever, but to them it will never be good enough.

Edited by James S Cassidy, 30 August 2013 - 01:57 PM.

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#84 rocci


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 01:22 AM

I still believe that sakura will gain ssg, either in this war arc or in the next arc.
Now here's the question:
Does slug sage mode exist?
Why kishi reveal snake sage mode?
Why kishi need to mention the third place?
What is hashirama sage mode?
Has snake sage mode a snake kata just like frog sm with its frog kata?
What's the function of kabuto umbilical snake in his stomach for?
That's all for now. :)

#85 LuckyChi7


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 03:53 AM

I found a bigger size and higher quality of the volume's cover. 



Edited by LuckyChi7, 30 August 2013 - 03:55 AM.





#86 Jake


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 04:23 AM

I found a bigger size and higher quality of the volume's cover. 




Yeah Paptala beat you to it.


Larger version is out now:

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#87 LuckyChi7


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 04:41 AM


Yeah Paptala beat you to it.



Oh I didn't see that.  

Edited by LuckyChi7, 30 August 2013 - 04:41 AM.





#88 Darkness


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 04:43 AM

I found a bigger size and higher quality of the volume's cover. 




Yep, Sakura definetely has "something" under her bangs.


#89 rocci


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 05:17 AM

Yep, Sakura definetely has "something" under her bangs.

Yes, it's call naruto mark kiss :P

#90 Codus N

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 06:29 AM

That would be wrong.
The conversation isn't even about frog senjutsu, it's about the process of gathering natural energy in general. Without a naturally large reserve, you won't be able to properly harness the natural energy. Something to note is that you need to have the reserves inside of your body. Not concentrated in a seal on your forehead. Besides that, this rule has gone uncontested after its inception so there isn't any reason to believe that the requirements would be different per Sage Mode (Curse Seal being a different method altogether).


Hmm... going back to our previous discussion on whether the Yin/Byakugou Seal is a bootleg version of SSM, as you said in a previous post around here, the Yin seal is more like an extra chakra battery. So theoretically, wouldn't releasing the seal increase her chakra capacity? if that's true, then wouldn't it be possible for her to gain SSM? as I said before, this would make her seal a cheat sheet of sorts to access SSM. 


That said, I agree with everything else you say.

Edited by Codus N, 30 August 2013 - 06:30 AM.


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#91 Chatte


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 06:34 AM


Hmm... going back to our previous discussion on whether the Yin/Byakugou Seal is a bootleg version of SSM, as you said in a previous post around here, the Yin seal is more like an extra chakra battery. So theoretically, wouldn't releasing the seal increase her chakra capacity? if that's true, then wouldn't it be possible for her to gain SSM? as I said before, this would make her seal a cheat sheet of sorts to access SSM. 


That said, I agree with everything else you say.



I fairly believe that it's a bypass to chakra rules and for me it wouldn't be such a surprise.


Fukasaku says that if you don't have enough chakra already in your body when you try to gather it.

But what if  when Sakura releases the seal she can harvest Natural Energy? Then, the chakra in her body will be already large.

And with her control I wouldn't be such a surprise.

For me, as I said, her, gaining SSM it wouldn't be such an ass-pull. There are already explanations on how she could get it. If there's something more, I am sure Kishi would explain it.


Shikkotsurin gets to be mentioned exactly when Sakura gets the seal. I wonder why.. :zaru:


Still rambling about Naruto/NaruSaku stuff on


#92 ramenanmitsu


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 11:27 AM

Yes, it's call naruto mark kiss :P

I bet when she's out of chakra and the seal is gone, Naruto's forehead kiss will immediately refill it and make the seal appear again  :chuckle:


P.S. I can't stop snickering to myself as I type this. Hehehehehe

Edited by ramenanmitsu, 30 August 2013 - 11:29 AM.


#93 T XD


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 12:38 PM

When Kishi writes something in the manga, he doesn't write it then doesn't refer to it again. Everything he writes will be linked to, or mentioned, or explain about it more later.


For example, Shikkotsu Forest. If he didn't want anything from it later, he wouldn't make his pen to write it. What does he want from it just to mention it all of a sudden ? I can say just an information that it's for the slugs. Okay, but he can not put it either if it was for a little mere information which means after he mentioned it, I think he wants something from it.

I'm not saying that it's a hint for Sakura's SSM, although it could be taken as a big hint if she reveals that she got SSM and explain about it using the Shikkotsu Forest in the talk. Not necessarily her talking cause it could be anyone else informing the readers.


I believe that it's very possible for her to have SSM cause there's things explained in the manga that gives her a way for that, and as a heroine, a main character and a disciple of a Sannin that is one of the well known parallel trio... That gives a big way for Sakura to SSM. I still think also that if she didn't have SSM now, and if she battles in the final fight against Team Taka, she may at that time also could reveal she has SSM. It's not something too late as in why didn't the author show it before. It's about an option that the author kept it for later.


If she never did have SSM, well, that's was the option from Kishi to give her a seal as a substitute of SSM, and not having SSM either.

Edited by T XD, 30 August 2013 - 12:40 PM.

#94 Atheck


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 04:28 PM

Hmm... going back to our previous discussion on whether the Yin/Byakugou Seal is a bootleg version of SSM, as you said in a previous post around here, the Yin seal is more like an extra chakra battery. So theoretically, wouldn't releasing the seal increase her chakra capacity? if that's true, then wouldn't it be possible for her to gain SSM? as I said before, this would make her seal a cheat sheet of sorts to access SSM. 
That said, I agree with everything else you say.

Unless it turns out that the Yin Seal is actually chakra infused with natural energy like the Curse Seal then I don't see how that would be possible. You create sage chakra when you're mixing physical stamina and spiritual energy together. That could only happen if chakra already created was alterable by mixing nature's force with it. A feat that's just speculation right now.

I fairly believe that it's a bypass to chakra rules and for me it wouldn't be such a surprise.

When there's a conflicting feat of existing chakra being combined with natural energy to make sage chakra, then your belief will have veracity.

Fukasaku says that if you don't have enough chakra already in your body when you try to gather it.

A statement which has gone uncontested since it was first made. The seal you're describing is external chakra gathered in a marking on the forehead, not chakra that's existent inside of her. This idea is just a false equivalence.

But what if  when Sakura releases the seal she can harvest Natural Energy? Then, the chakra in her body will be already large.

The aforementioned diagram showing that the process of creating sage chakra occurs inside of the body when you're mixing stamina and energy together. Sakura's chakra has already been made and would be useless in trying to implement for senjutsu. 

And with her control I wouldn't be such a surprise.

Chakra control is a step too late. Natural energy needs to first be injected into the system before you can manipulate it. But due to the nature of the process for gathering said energy, Sakura would be unable to gather any of the energy surrounding her. 

For me, as I said, her, gaining SSM it wouldn't be such an ass-pull. There are already explanations on how she could get it. If there's something more, I am sure Kishi would explain it.

Then please, by all means, explain how and why Sakura would be a more worthy candidate for senjutsu than Orochimaru. If you try to give her senjutsu then that would imply that she has some sort of biological or physical advantage that distinguishes her from the common man. 

Shikkotsurin gets to be mentioned exactly when Sakura gets the seal. I wonder why.. :zaru:

Probably just a coincidence actually. Similar to the handseal Sakura made in #641 resembling the seal Kabuto made even though it was just used for healing as Katsuyu confirmed in this recent chapter. 

When Kishi writes something in the manga, he doesn't write it then doesn't refer to it again. Everything he writes will be linked to, or mentioned, or explain about it more later.

Except for those unused ideas or concepts which he just left unexplained like the sand priest myth, Shukaku's unique mini transformation which none of the other bijuu have, or Kabuto's red eyes.

For example, Shikkotsu Forest. If he didn't want anything from it later, he wouldn't make his pen to write it. What does he want from it just to mention it all of a sudden ?

To establish equilibrium amongst the frog, snake, and slug trio because Kishi loves mythology so much? It's very likely that we may have already seen the Slug Sage Mode with Hashirama. The markings are similar to Katsuyu's. Healing properties were compared to Tsunade's jutsu which seems to be a derivative of the slug division process. 

I can say just an information that it's for the slugs. Okay, but he can not put it either if it was for a little mere information which means after he mentioned it, I think he wants something from it.

I'm not saying that it's a hint for Sakura's SSM, although it could be taken as a big hint if she reveals that she got SSM and explain about it using the Shikkotsu Forest in the talk. Not necessarily her talking cause it could be anyone else informing the readers.

It could be foreshadowing, but given that Sakura has just received a power increase with the Alliance, is it really necessary or probable now? Does she need Sage Mode when her efforts have been focused on healing the wounded and maintaining a focus on what's going on in the battle taking place before her? The Alliance doesn't require any further assistance with the cloak now presumably. She can dedicate her time to looking for a window of opportunity with which to strike alongside the other shinobi waiting for their moment. 

I believe that it's very possible for her to have SSM cause there's things explained in the manga that gives her a way for that,

There's also other pressing concerns that exist when debating the issue of whether Sakura has the stature to learn SM. Is she somehow better than the tried and failed practitioners of senjutsu? Can she handle the arduous training? What makes Sakura any more worthy of the task than Orochimaru or Jiraiya who failed to become a perfect sage? 

and as a heroine, a main character

Not really an important detail. Being a heroine doesn't automatically grant the strength to learn an ability as dangerous and taxing as Sage Mode. 

and a disciple of a Sannin that is one of the well known parallel trio... That gives a big way for Sakura to SSM.

Despite it having never been shown that Tsunade has any relation or is even aware of the existence of Slug Sage Mode.

I still think also that if she didn't have SSM now, and if she battles in the final fight against Team Taka, she may at that time also could reveal she has SSM.

That's just insulting to Sakura's name. If she were to somehow develop Sage Mode it shouldn't be wasted on Sasuke's henchmen who are barely Jonin tier. Have her use it against a Kage tier opponent.

It's not something too late as in why didn't the author show it before. It's about an option that the author kept it for later.

Most developments have some form of foreshadowing. Slug Sage Mode for Sakura is quite the stretch which the only correlation existing would be that she's associated with Tsunade and the slugs.

If she never did have SSM, well, that's was the option from Kishi to give her a seal as a substitute of SSM, and not having SSM either.

That's what I think is the situation. Perhaps Byakugou no In is like the Curse Seal. Both absorb natural energy which increases the user's abilities to some degree but it's not quite on the same level as SM.

Edited by Atheck, 30 August 2013 - 05:32 PM.

#95 StriderC



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Posted 30 August 2013 - 04:41 PM

If she has access to the chakra in her seal, then I fail to see what the problem is. Its all her chakra and she can use it as she sees fit. She gains more stamina/chakra with this seal and she likely has the amount of chakra needed to gain Sage Mode. I faik to see how its not in arns reach for her at this point. She has access to more jutsu and techniques that require more chakra. I'm sure if she releases the seal dueing training for lets say Sage Mode, she'd be fine, and given history, some rest would refill it back up as well as her chakra outside of the seal.

#96 StriderC



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Posted 30 August 2013 - 04:46 PM

Shes been shown to have great willpower. This is shown in her fight with the Sound Nin, Ino, and Sasori. Shes gutsy, has shown great determination, and she's a fast learner. There's no telling what her capabilities are when it comes to gaining Sage mode if she hasn't tried learning it yet. The seal gives her more chakra and she needs a lot for Sage Mode. Kishi could be setting up for her to learn it.

#97 Tokura Misaki

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Posted 30 August 2013 - 04:57 PM

What a cover. It makes me hype.  :wibble:  :boogie:

#98 Atheck


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 05:29 PM

If she has access to the chakra in her seal, then I fail to see what the problem is.

The creation process for sage chakra is shown to take place whilst the building blocks of shinobi energy are being put together. A hint, an implication, or even a comical suggestion would be sufficient enough to cast a shadow of doubt over the possibility of other methods for developing senjutsu existing yet that's never happened, has it?

Its all her chakra and she can use it as she sees fit. She gains more stamina/chakra with this seal and she likely has the amount of chakra needed to gain Sage Mode.

I don't believe you understand what is being explained. The source of the chakra is irrelevant because it's completed, basic chakra. You just can't assert this possibility when it has no firm basis in reality to itself. I could proclaim that I'm capable of flying and attempt to jump off a building, but is that proclamation relevant? No, because I don't have the physical features necessary to keep myself from plummeting to the ground. That analogy is similar to Sakura's situation. Her chakra has already been forged and transferred to her seal. There's nothing more that can be done to it unless Kishi decides to recant what Fukasaku explained.

I faik to see how its not in arns reach for her at this point.

At this point you just seem to be ignoring all of the evidence that correlates with the opposite hypothesis being accurate. Point me in the direction of the chapter and page number where it mentions that natural energy can be added to already developed chakra or that she has a worthy enough physicality to endure the arduous tribulations of senjutsu training. I want you to give me evidence that proves what you're saying. Because otherwise you're just speaking in terms of unsound idealism and fanciful hopes.

She has access to more jutsu and techniques that require more chakra.

What jutsu would that be? Summoning? Kabuto did that same chakra intensive technique to conjure forth Manda in P1 with only a 3 in stamina after using up most of his chakra to withstand Naruto's Rasengan. If you're referring to remote healing then I suppose that's true, yes. I fail to see how that translate into her being able to bypass the fundamental process for creating natural chakra or that it makes her a more worthy practitioner of senjtusu than someone as obsessed with the art like Orochimaru.

I'm sure if she releases the seal dueing training for lets say Sage Mode, she'd be fine,

The aforementioned diagram showing that the process of creating sage chakra occurs inside of the body when you're mixing stamina and energy together. Sakura's chakra has already been made and would be useless in trying to implement for senjutsu. 

and given history, some rest would refill it back up as well as her chakra outside of the seal.

You're speaking of the end result and not the means for which she will come to that conclusion. She can't bypass something that's never been shown to have any loopholes. There seems to be a reliance on nonexistent methods and unsubstantiated claims of physical superiority to justify something that's not only unlikely, but unnecessary.

Shes been shown to have great willpower. This is shown in her fight with the Sound Nin, Ino, and Sasori. Shes gutsy, has shown great determination, and she's a fast learner. There's no telling what her capabilities are when it comes to gaining Sage mode if she hasn't tried learning it yet.

Not important enough to overcome the other essential characteristics for Sage Mode. I would argue that Orochimaru is the embodiment of willpower because he dedicated his life to the pursuit of immortality and ultimate knowledge. He recruited shinobi after shinobi, experimenting on all of them in the hopes of finding a suitable body that could accommodate his spirit and hopefully give him the means to finally learn senjutsu. He even degraded his own form to the point that it became nothing more than a sentient mass of snakes. All just to obtain that perfect power.

In spite of everything he's done, all that's he sacrificed and with what little he's accomplished, he was unable to reach that goal yet Sakura can? No...

The seal gives her more chakra and she needs a lot for Sage Mode.

Again with ignoring the blantant evidence which blockades your notions. I want you to prove it. Give panels or chapters. Anything really that brings suspicion on its coattail.

Kishi could be setting up for her to learn it.

In the final 10% of his manga where she has already chosen her own fate in this battle and already possesses the means to contribute without Sage Mode next to the Alliance.

Edited by Atheck, 30 August 2013 - 05:31 PM.

#99 Inferno180


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 11:59 PM

Anyone find it funny how Sakura's hair in the cover of vol 66 is longer than it is right now?

Otherwise, Ssm had more potential in the past but as for now, I would consider the white strength seal and the strength of 100 as the true power considering katuysu said it was linked to her. Just don't see Ssm as likely now after all that's currently happened, we still need to see if sakura is even at her max or releases her seal for a greater form of power like the strength of 100.

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#100 rocci


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Posted 31 August 2013 - 12:21 AM

If sakura has more arsenal than I think it's okay for her to only gain the white seal.

But I still believe sakura will gain ssm, but I don't know if she will gain in this arc or in the next arc.

Just like the other said, I believe sakura will gain it through the seal. By release it seal sakura will gain temporary big chakra reserve. That's why I said ssm will become her triumph card.

Oh and it will make fusion mode theory(bijuu mode + sage mode) to happen.

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