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Chapter 693

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#781 TheQueenB



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Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:41 PM


Pretty much agree with this.


Nice post by the way.



good post QueenB I think you may be on to something solid there.

Thank you so much, guys! <3

Edited by TheQueenB, 25 September 2014 - 05:42 PM.



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#782 ns.Believe.It


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Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:43 PM

It used to be "How can I become Hokage if I can't even save one friend." Now it should be "How can I be worthy of Sakura's love if I can't even stand up for her in the presence of Sasuke." He belittled her and spit in her face as she poured her heart out by begging him to stop this. Naruto just stands there as his woman is getting ridiculed for her feelings. 


Even though I ship NS just to spite the opposing fandom, I found this chapter to be incredibly disgusting.

Please stop this utter bs! Naruto is not worthy of Sakura's love?! Are you freaking kidding me?! This is the most ridiculous post I've read today. 


The guy has spent his entire life loving her and doing his best to make her happy. He has cared more about her feelings and kept his own feelings for her bottled up inside him. Till this day, he has not hurt her or caused her any sort of pain. Its not his fault if she can't understand that thinking about/ worrying about Sasuke only ever ends up hurting her. 


Stop blaming Naruto for everything! 





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#783 arian_rad


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Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:43 PM

Could anyone give us a clear translation of the raw so we have it right infront of us?

#784 TheFirstEvil100


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Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:43 PM


hahahahha oh god this is great!


Oh wait you're serious.


Yes I am it would have been far better than the Sh** that she has gotten by Kishi, that past 693 chapters

#785 elmas


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Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:43 PM

Then he must be sick all the time.



#786 BlazingDynamo


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Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:45 PM

I am just sitting here and again saying basically:


Everyone is too caught up in the moment, ever look a few steps back to think that perhaps sakura is still changing in regards to them both?


So this was a victory for the deathblow of SS and people are still going on that Sakura is somehow wasted or pointless?


She is still changing in regards to both Naruto and Sasuke, geez I never thought I would see some NS fans given the idea that Sakura was somehow "love gridlocked" on Sasuke, when you know as well as I do that SS is pointless and has no purpose or acceptability at this point and it otherwise is just a mess to see well, why do naruto and sakura have the best boy-girl relationship yet she only cares for Naruto? So in the end we need to accept that Sakura is always going to love Sasuke?


Ok yeah I doubt that, because if she could go from hating naruto to caring as much as she does now for him, then why are some people thinking it will all just end at friendship? I mean we got a freaking foreshadow that naruto will end up with a girl like kushina and sakura is still the only girl fitting that, did people just flat out forget this stuff?


Lets look at the situation like this:


SS is dead, even Sasuke promoted the answer to why did people even ship it in a nutshell:

"I have no interest in her and frankly I don't know what she sees in me."


Did it ever occur to those panicing that this is perhaps just one step in a bigger moment to come, perhaps a new direction for Sakura? An end to an antagonistic confrontation? Maybe she would be impacted by this and move in some new development progression after this event? Sure the battle will be with naruto and sasuke but as long as hagoromo is around, kakashi and sakura will be there on the side, I mean sakura isn't in the infinite genjutsu, she can be brought out if either kakashi or hagoromo (or herself) has the skill.


But guys, seriously, look again and ask this:


1. Was NS even hurt or given anything this chapter? No, nothing NS happened this chapter.


2. The only death this chapter was SS. We knew it was a mess for years, this was the chapter sasuke himself was able to confirm it with. Seriously, if the notion of him trying to cut through sakura to attack madara or not acting to save them from the lava was like getting kicked in the nuts and beaten by a gang on the ground, if all this stuff before in the year killed SS, this was desecrating the remains of the corpse. It is beyond dead, the very soul of SS is destroyed.


3. The only NS related deal was the promise, we said for years it made no freaking sense for him to have given it up, and honestly, I thought most of you would be happy with this notion. The fact this promise still exists also means the fact that deal of 457 still exists and he has his reasons still for loving sakura and that he cannot confess yet. Seriously, this is the deal saying we are still around. NH is still in limbo unable to act and SS is burning and losing its buoyancy and fast. If you thought 631 was bad for NH, this is the equivalent of a ship getting nailed with toropdeos, missles, water mines, and the grand finale, literally SS was nuked today and nothing will remain in the end. If nothing happens with NS for now, thats not good or bad but the notion naruto still has the promise, this deal just became a twofold problem for NH and SS because it just shattered the deal that he gave up on sakura and likewise still became an even bigger issue for NH!


4. Sakuras development is not done, she continues to change, she has been for the entire series. Remember my question for why I ship NS?


Sakura "loves" Sasuke but "cares" for Naruto, so in the entire series, why is it that Sakura gets such good times and development with naruto but only "cares" for him yet "loves" sasuke despite the antagonism? How much does Sakura "care" for naruto?


And this question still has not been answered, in the event, yes she said what she said to try and stop him from his actions but this time it had a mix of sadness and rage, its not the exact same as before.


But guys, honestly, if you are concerned, don't rely on the tense as the main issue, you need to look at the other events and from what we have seen before, to me, NS is fine, its still around, and its still the big end game one with the development and dynamics, the aspect of sakura going to naruto was going to be a long gradual one just as her getting over sasuke would be if it ever came to that (likewise she could still see him as a friend in the end) the point is, you cannot be caught just in this moment and think Sakura cares nothing for naruto, remember all that other stuff about supporting his dream? Her being like Kushina? Naruto still loving her for crying out loud even after the land of iron events? All this development didn't just vanish or go wasted, nothing exactly changed to bring up or down how she feels about naruto. For those of you worried, you are exactly sounding like those that expect NS to just be a joke or red herring and if this was true well, then kishi would be an utter failure at this point in this subplot, because NH is nothing but a convinent fodder event and SS is just antagonism, its not love, its just a joke at this point. You really think he would do that at this point? Seriously? He has written some odd stuff, but I doubt even he would go that far off the deep end.


For Sakura towards Naruto, she is still in that zone of she is best friends with him but also has gone into that something more area at times like the hug or her memories of him in 663 and wanting him to become hokage.


For all we know this could be the start of something new, perhaps did anyone pause to mention how she would be impacted by this?


I don't know about you but I am just drinking some soda, enjoying the sight of the burning ship known as SS and watching it sink into the bottom of the sea to become what it should, a pointless slag heap. Otherwise I am waiting to see what happens with Sakura next but honestly, I don't see her as love gridlocked, nothing changed with her currently with Naruto, but the point of NS has and always has been that she could turn his way and eventually come to terms with loving him, and this is still very much the case.


Did we get our answer to how does sakura truly feel or "care" about naruto? No we have not, until naruto gets to confess, I doubt we will and for the fact he still loves her and she is still changing in regards to him, thats enough in my opinion. It was ever since that yamato event, this question still has been buzzing around and remains unanswered even today, it remains unanswered because her view of him has constantly changed. Its not like sakura is doomed to love sasuke, she can change and she still is, its not the end. Not by a longshot. In fact NH is still out and SS is dead for sure, so NS just needs to wait for the right time if you ask me. Maybe some side stuff with sakura here, but for changing, yes it is entirely possible.


even then, take the past stuff and the hints, development, and try to think what can come next. Sakura can fall for naruto at any point, she already has a great relationship with him, perhaps it will change to something more in the end? I can certainly see it doing that.


The end of one thing, is the start of many others, if I am anticipating anything, I want to see how sakura was impacted by this and when naruto finally fulfills that promise, well at this point if she comes to love naruto for all the right reasons kishi could easily put on screen, it would still make perfect sense.


For anything else, I cannot convince anyone among their views, but this is just me:

-Nothing has happened to NS, rather the notion its around with the promise is our victory today.

-Sasuke killed SS for sure this time, there is no recovery nor reason or acceptability for it this time.

-Sakura's development isn't wasted or done, its still ongoing and I have said every freaking week, she is still changing in regards to them, and yes that is still going on. She very well will be impacted by this and if this is the case, after this time, this 3rd event, I am expecting a shift of some sorts, some changed outlook, some view upon herself. For all we know Sakura could come to love naruto in the next few chapters after some deep inner look event for all we know!


But until then, to me, yeah nothing has changed for NS but its still the most likely to go canon, SS died today for sure and it has no recovery. Now I have to go get ready for a raid in destiny with my friends. NS still has the lead by a longshot and all that development, screentime, dynamics, and hints with Kushina are still around, it will all lead to something, and again, for all we know, this could all lead to something for NS. Its not about the one moment, its about the whole thing that built it up together.


NH and SS are just destinations at this point but NS is a journey and everything that has come is still perfectly in line for it to go canon, so until then, keep calm and enjoy NS.

You are right

Edited by BlazingDynamo, 25 September 2014 - 05:45 PM.

#787 六道仙人


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Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:45 PM

sorry, but right now I don't have much time, I must leave for playing futsal...I will put all my fury on the pitch as surge.


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#788 lupina



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Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:46 PM

Could anyone give us a clear translation of the raw so we have it right infront of us?


There are no raws out yet. 

The only source we have is a japanese blog posted pages ago, and they also use present tense. 

"We live in a world that is so quick to convince us to ignore our feelings. Feeling stressed? Get a massage. Feeling angry? Go to the bar with your friends and blow off steam. Feeling lonely? Meet someone in cyberspace and have a conversation on the computer. Depressed? Take a pill. Anxiety? Take 2 pills. Feeling happy? Well, by George, don’t talk about that because no one likes a bragger. Same with being sad, no one likes a Debbie Downer. But, heaven FORBID, that you actually TALK about your feelings and process them in a healthy way."
- Amy Cassidy

#789 Princess Iris

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Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:47 PM

I was freaking worried about the chap & it was nothing devastating


my question are
1. Can Sasuke ever use a word other than "annoy" prefixes/suffixes :hm:
2. Why didn't Naruto react much??
3. Did this meaN SasuNaru canon?? (lol sasuke cleared his way by attacking on Kakashi & Sakura)

#790 luffyq1


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Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:47 PM

Maybe in Sakura's dream she's dating Sasuke and team 7 is back together.


#791 Advaith


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Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:47 PM

I can't take this anymore.T_T

#792 咲耶姫


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Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:48 PM

Just to clear something up can you post your translation of the raw here before you go for good?

Here is for you and anyone who is interested: 


Sakura: "I know that the truth is that there is nothing in me that I can do, even though I love you...! Even though I care that much about Sasuke-kun...!!"

"But... But Sauske-kun! Even a little, if there's still even a little of me in your heart, please! Please don't go any further! If we stay together forever*... Some day, we could go back in the past (we could look like we were in the past)"

*"Together forever" is not necessarily refering to her and Sasuke only, I think it's more about Team7


Kakashi: "That girl that could have been killed by you... Even now, she's crying tears thinking about you... That's because she suffers loving you/her love for you makes her suffer"


To me, it doesn't sound bad for NS or good for SS. 


#793 Fyuria'sLeo



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Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:48 PM

Please stop this utter bs! Naruto is not worthy of Sakura's love?! Are you freaking kidding me?! This is the most ridiculous post I've read today. 


The guy has spent his entire life loving her and doing his best to make her happy. He has cared more about her feelings and kept his own feelings for her bottled up inside him. Till this day, he has not hurt her or caused her any sort of pain. Its not his fault if she can't understand that thinking about/ worrying about Sasuke only ever ends up hurting her. 


Stop blaming Naruto for everything! 


Listen, just because he does everything for her doesnt mean she needs to pay him back, besides the point Naruto is to blame due to him not saying jack about Sasuke calling Sakura out.


This is not BS this is fact, Naruto is clealy holding his tongue anyway due to Sakura still loving Sauskay


#794 elmas


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Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:48 PM

I found this on tumblr

Wow.It's true.Btw everytime I see NS cpr,I'll have butterflies in my stomach :umm:


#795 Hiraishin



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Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:48 PM

Then he must be sick all the time.

That's cold. And also true.

Here is for you and anyone who is interested: 

Sakura: "I know that the truth is that there is nothing in me that I can do, even though I love you...! Even though I care that much about Sasuke-kun...!!"

"But... But Sauske-kun! Even a little, if there's still even a little of me in your heart, please! Please don't go any further! If we stay together forever*... Some day, we could go back in the past (we could look like we were in the past)"

*"Together forever" is not necessarily refering to her and Sasuke only, I think it's more about Team7


Kakashi: "That girl that could have been killed by you... Even now, she's crying tears thinking about you... That's because she suffers loving you/her love for you makes her suffer"

To me, it doesn't sound bad for NS or good for SS. 

Thanks! Kakashi's last line is interesting to me, because anti-SS is always saying how her love for Sasuke makes her suffer, and he confirms it here. Even if she still loves him it's certainly not healthy or positive.

Do you mind translating Sasuke's response to Kakashi? About the past?

Edited by Hiraishin, 25 September 2014 - 05:54 PM.


#796 MoonStar



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Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:49 PM

This chapter ruined both NS and SS. 

Unless Kishimoto has Sakura resolve her feelings in genjutsu that is, but I wont get my hopes up. 

No it just ruined Sakura.

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#797 only Naruto

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Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:49 PM


@thequeenb  thanks for the post .  :thumb: 



well this is my last post for today . guys trust me tomorrow this light bomb kishi dropped at the fandoms will go away and we will be able to see the whole picture again . . so dont panic . .and ill stay ship NS no matter what . and ill stay in this amazing site till the last moment .  a big hug for all of u guys. 

#798 elmas


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Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:50 PM

Maybe in Sakura's dream she's dating Sasuke and team 7 is back together.

Maybe just like Hinata she will realize the reality 


#799 Nostradamus


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Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:51 PM

Here is for you and anyone who is interested: 


Sakura: "I know that the truth is that there is nothing in me that I can do, even though I love you...! Even though I care that much about Sasuke-kun...!!"

"But... But Sauske-kun! Even a little, if there's still even a little of me in your heart, please! Please don't go any further! If we stay together forever*... Some day, we could go back in the past (we could look like we were in the past)"

*"Together forever" is not necessarily refering to her and Sasuke only, I think it's more about Team7


Kakashi: "That girl that could have been killed by you... Even now, she's crying tears thinking about you... That's because she suffers loving you/her love for you makes her suffer"


To me, it doesn't sound bad for NS or good for SS. 

So in the end it still comes down to something I've been saying for a very long time.

Kill Sasuke and everything is solved. Everything.

Which I've told you - time and time again - is dangerous! There will never be consensus, son, among those you have helped to ascend. They will all differ in their views of what it means to be free. The peace you so desperately seek does not exist.
These men are united now by a common cause. But when this battle is finished they will fall to fighting amongst themselves about how best to ensure control. In time it will lead to war. You will see.

#800 Princess Iris

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Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:51 PM

Maybe in Sakura's dream she's dating Sasuke and team 7 is back together.


eliminate the dating part

Edited by Princess Iris, 25 September 2014 - 05:55 PM.

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