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SasuSaku dying?

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#61 IchaIcha



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Posted 02 August 2006 - 01:34 AM

I'm gonna quote somebody from NSvsSS!

QUOTE (PhoenixBlood)
*shrugs* real life and anime are 2 different things. Naruto being a Shonen manga, and trying to introduce some romantic comedy into it, pretty much result in Naruto and Sakuras current relationship playing out like this 'sibling love relationship'. Does that mean that the NaruXSaku relationship is intended to be a sibling one? I don't think so.

Again, this whole situation is a anime cliche. Naruto is the main character of this story. His crush/love interest, hated/ignored him at the begining of the story, has a crush on someone else that never coalesced into anything serious, and she gradually turned to like him as a best friend, possibly more (this much is irrefutable). This whole aspect of the story has been a backdrop throughout the whole series. (Another fact)

Then romance should be easy to add following a very simple formula that's been used countless times (and is the method of a lot of fanfics by amateur authors, from what I hear). But Kishi said it's not easy for him. He also said he hasn't really tackled romance yet, despite "seemingly" using this "obvious" cliche. He may be up to something different, or he may end up never really developing romance.

Now take a step outside the World of Naruto, and remember that this is a MANGA. A manga with a creator that does things in a story for a deliberate purpose, and has little space to fool around, because alloted pages are limited. Said artist also has an editorial staff of the magazines this manga is published in. Editors who have a tried and true method of storylines, plot twists and hooks that REALLY SELL.

Yes, he has spent time developing their relationship, but it's not necessarily a romantic one. He however took an entire chapter for Sakura to catch Sasuke trying to leave Konoha, as well as spout a confession of her love.

The plot devices mentioned in the quote are being used by Kishi, just not for romance so much because this series isn't focused on romance. Considering he says romance is difficult for him to add, I'm not expecting some messy triangle with twists and turns, but just him finding the right times to add bits and pieces along the way like he has been, only more of them, and actually getting somwhere.

Now, put yourself in their position. Knowing that you've spent a lot of time in developing the relationship of Naruto and Sakura, knowing your editors know that a 'get the girl who thought she hated you' plot arc sells well, would you even THINK about making the relationship between your MAIN character, and one of the BIGGEST supporting characters a sibling one? And leave it at that? After all the time and development? I don't think so.

This is why I say that NaruXSaku is all but official. This is a plot device that finds it's parallel in PLENTY of popular anime. If you're looking for one of the most prominent, I'd recommend Ken Akamatsu's Love Hina. Damn good series. And it's something you find in all genres. Hell, even Neon Genesis Evangelion did it with Shinji and Asuka (that's up to interpretation, but what ISN'T in Eva?). If memory serves, Even Dragonball did it slightly. I don't think ChiChi liked Goku at first, and I KNOW Bulma didn't like Yamcha OR Vegeta for a LONG time after they met. I've been predicting it since Vol. 1, but mark my words now. NaruXSaku is GONNA happen. whether it ends happily or tragically, that is the pairing for this series. Naruto may end up having foreshadowed his own death by saying he wanted his name on the memorial tablet, but before Sakura runs to Sasuke, we'll already know that her heart is with Naruto.

I've seen these series (well, not Dragon Ball, but I've seen a number more that use this common device), and except for on the surface similarities with the "violent comedic relationship", they handle relationships between the characters quite differently. It's not as close a parallel as many people think. Spork Ninja did a nice post on this at NF - I should see if I can find it.

And found it I did:
QUOTE (Spork Ninja)
And about the classic shonen romance, the thing NaruSaku lacks from being a classic shonen romance is the buildup and romantic tension. In most shonen anime, you have a guy and a girl...and usually on both sides, the guy and the girl pretend to not like each other when in fact, they both secretly have a crush on each other. So they cover it up by arguing and fighting, and blushing when someone mentions their relationship ( *cough* In reality...). And usually the reason a girl beats up a guy in shonen anime is because another girl was flirting with him or visa versa, or he insulted her. Sakura had no good reason to smack Naruto around, the poor kid . The problem with NaruSaku was that from the very beginning, Naruto had a crush on Sakura and that was all. He always liked her, always acknowledged her, and always fought to protect her. His feelings for her did not evolve in any way, unlike the other shonen characters of other anime. While Sakura's feelings for Naruto evolved, her feelings for both Sasuke and Lee evolved likewise ( she cared more about Sasuke than her actual feelings for him, and she grew to respect Lee). There was only one instance where Naruto tried to cover up his feelings for Sakura, but it wasn't by insulting her. Naruto and Sakura's relationship would be cute if they were the arguing couple, but they're not. No romantic tension here.

#62 Silent Shinobi

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Posted 02 August 2006 - 03:52 AM

Well, as the manga-ka says, so shall be. That's generally the bottom line. Kishimoto-san could decide to kill Naruto off next chapter, because it's not published yet, if you want to be frank about it.

All my post is about is connecting the dots and watching to where the laid groundwork is heading. Romance is NOT easy to add in an action-based, shonen manga. Period. Where do you fit a love scene into all the blood fights and comedy that is specifically attracting the target audience? Saying 'it's not easy' could refer to that. You never know. And what I stated isn't a formula. It's a simple comparison of many popular anime and the indication of a recognizable pattern, one which Naruto is currently following. The desicion is ultimately up to Kishimoto, who I'm not, but unless he wants to go in a COMPLETELY new direction, or snuff the romance part out (and by him stating that he wanted to incorporate it, I doubt that) It's looking almost positively like NaruXSaku.

And am I saying that Naruto's gonna turn into a love story? Not at all. And the point of the development of the relationship was to say: "Why would you expect anything less than a romance to it?" If Sakura was meant to be 'just a friend' then why would Kishimoto develop the relationship between then SO much more than any of Naruto's other friends? Why waste time still developing something that's been long since established? I'm not shooting off at the mouth when I predict NaruXSaku. I base it on what makes sense. And he spent an entire chapter on Sakura chasing and confessing to Sasuke. I missed the point. He's also spent time developing the patterrn of relationship I described over the past 317 chapters. What's more striking to you?

And I'm well aware of how differently certain anime handle the common relationship. I never said they didn't. That's what makes it DIFFERENT. A romantic comedy isn't going to do it exactly the same as a shonen. But again, the GENERAL plot of them all is the same. And shonen stories usually feature a macho, immature, male who has yet to come to grips with his feelings as the protagonist (or some combination of that). That's mainly what makes for the tension. The general lack of that (on Naruto's part, not Sakura's) can be attributed to Naruto not quite fitting the bill, or Kishimoto just handling it differently. Also, here's my above post for more on what Spork Ninja said.

NaruSaku is a 'cliche anime romance', not a 'classic shonen' one. As subtle as the difference is, there is a difference. And the feelings of the male character rarely evolve. Usually in the type of romance described the male character almost always feels that way nigh near the beginning. It's all about willingness to express it.

[For example,] Ranma had a problem expressing his real feelings. Naruto does not; he wears his heart on his sleeve. That is why the 'arguing couple' really isn't an option here.

All in all, this counter argument really isn't countering my argument, is it?

BTW, where did someone quote me on NSvsSS? I'm curious

#63 Hopestar


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 06:59 AM

Oh that was me because of the comment was made about Ns being in sibling relationship though that's not all that plauisble due to the all development that's been the two and like you said Silent if Sakura was mean to be "just a friend" than she wouldn't feel so deeply emotional towars him hell it seems that Sai & Yamato were to pointed out.

Actually before hand Konohamaru had interpret them being together (thought he's just teasing Naruto), Kakashi mention them being the same, and both Jiraiya & Tsunade are elder replica versions of Naruto & Sakura (except the 2 sannin drinks, gambles, & perverted).
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#64 smilebomb


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 08:52 AM

I believe that the idea of a sasusaku romance is swiftly dwindling out of peoples' thoughts. I agree in saying that NaruSaku is a classic type of romance. You know, guys likes girl, girl hates guy, then girl falls in love with guy. I like these kinds of things. But it's true that more and more people are switching over to the NaruSaku pairing. And hopefully we will see more interaction between the two of them soon. I'm getting anxious.

~Naruto fanatic~

#65 Silent Shinobi

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Posted 02 August 2006 - 02:21 PM

Hey, Hopestar, would you mind posting a link to the debate that you quoted me on? I'd like to see what ppl said about it XD

#66 Hopestar


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 02:54 PM

Already did if you look back at the first page the same link I gave out is the sameone I posted your opinion its just better update now since there more replies.
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#67 Jameshawking



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Posted 02 August 2006 - 03:10 PM

Lol. rofl I read that link to a NS/SS debate on the first page. I just had to laugh ridiculously. Somebody said that "NaruSaku people say that 'Naruto deserves Sakura more than Sasuke'. That's a really weak argument."

A) It's not a weak argument, seeing as how the entirety of the NaruHina fanbase is created because of that sentiment.
B) It's Shounen manga, and he's the star. Chances are, he'll eventually get what he wants.
C) That's deeply interlaced with the SasuSaku relationship as well. Sakura deserves to get "What she loves" (what about Naruto huh.gif ), and Sasuke deserves the woman who's cared for him. Kinda..similar. Don't you think?
D) as suggested, SasuSaku and NaruHina are almost completely dead, for reasons previously stated by others

#68 Sono


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 10:12 PM

I made a long post on my thoughts on NSvsSS.com, click spoiler for quote. It's really long so if you don't like reading alot, then don't click it. dry.gif

Forgive me, this would be my first post on this site as I'm from H&E and I'd like to post my own opinions on NaruSaku and SasuSaku.

This debate has been argued for a long time now, and I'm sure everything I'm saying now has been said many times before. There are many subjects I'd like to discuss on, my first being the actuall product of Naruto and how it's basicly a big anime cliche.

Very simply put, main character likes female biggest supporting character but the biggest female supporting character hates the main character. In such, over a period time the feelings between the two individuals changes from not being as one sided. May I remind you, this manga is called 'NARUTO', not Sasuke.

Secondly, I'll put out on the sannin issue. In such, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke have now all been placed with a sannin of their respective characteristics. Naruto has been placed with Jiraiya as both of them are comical. Sakura has been placed with Tsunade to reflect off on Sakura and Tsunade's temper and their abilities in medical ninjutsu. Sasuke has been placed with Orochimaru, or the traitor of the three, complimenting on Sasuke's more darker character from the rest of his teammates. Now, why would the villan who's only ambition is to kill have time to care about the well being of his peers? He's already told us that he's trying to cut off the relationship between his teammates. Also, Sasuke's respected teacher is Orochimaru. The two are both simular as they are both missing-nins of Konoha, branded as villans in the Naruto community, and both probably don't have much redmeption and have their evil ambitions. Hell, even Jiraiya went after Orochimaru when he left. The students and the teachers are almost exactly the same.

Now, we have chapter 311. Many people claim that Sasuke did not kill team seven because he cared about them. To this I say, hell no. "He's really serious about this!" quote unquote by Yamato. And my personnal favorite, "Do not kill Naruto... You'll regreat it." by the Kyuubi. Pop quiz time, why would the all powerful, all wise Kyuubi no Kitsune say "Do not kill Naruto" if Sasuke had no intention of doing it? There is a thing called Murderous intent. To me, I think Sasuke was scared kittenless by being threatened by the Kyuubi. The Yodaime could hand Sasuke's rear end on a silver platter, but to even the Yodaime who sacrificed his life just to SEAL and not KILL the Kyuubi, would probably make Sasuke shake in his boots.

So far, Sasuke to this day remains a villan of Naruto and has been branded a missing-nin. I also find it hard to believe because I'm pretty damn sure in order for Sasuke's cursed seal to work, he must have Orochimaru. The cursed seal is that of which rivals Naruto's power and Sasuke's power, and in order for the two to remain rivals, Orochimaru must live. It'd be all too easy to take down Orochimaru, then retrieve Sasuke in the confusion, much too easy for Kishimoto. This series is far from over and I believe that Sasuke will stay a villan for a long time.

Because Sasuke's been knocked out the spotlight, Kishimoto now gives the rest of team seven more depth. Naruto is now a very powerful ninja and his personality has changed with his clothes and his abilities. Sakura is now a well-known medical ninja, has seemingly uncanny strength which is contrary to the Sakura from part one, and has become more mature. Even Kakashi has changed to the point on how he has now a Mangekyou Sharingan. Sasuke now... well... he's got new clothes and weilds something of a sword. Other then that, I don't see much change to Sasuke's character.

Also, now with Sasuke out of the picture, Naruto's and Sakura's relationship has grown beyond of what part one would permit. And as I said, this manga is called 'NARUTO' and because 'NARUTO' is the main character, he's probably going to get the biggest female supporting character, at least I think he is. It's all part of the cliche.

As for NaruHina... well... um, I don't see much devolpment between the two. The only cannon part of their relationship was in the chuunin exams, and that was long ago.

Remember, I'm just debating and obviously what I say isn't cannon. All will be revield in due time answering all of our questions.

Alright, let's go over the logic of NaruHina. Hinata is a Hyuuga from the main family of the Hyuuga clan and is the heir to the Hyuuga clan. Surely enough even if Naruto and Hinata's relationship evolved into something more, the Hyuuga clan would not allow the two to see eachother for two reasons:

1. The Hyuuga clan tries to keep their Byakugan bloodline inside the Hyuuga clan, ultimatly excluding Naruto and more possibly to forced marriage.

2: Naruto is the container of the Kyuubi, and surely with the pride of the Hyuuga clan, it'd be almost a disgrace to have their name soiled by the heir to their clan being married to the container of the Kyuubi.

More or less also since we've had little to no cannon parts that promote NaruHina, it is very unlikely.

And do not think I'm here to soley bash SasuSaku as it is more then possible. I'm here giving the faults of the couple. Realize, Sasuke is a missing-nin and a traitor to Konoha. By commiting treason, he has even the ROOT of ANBU on his ass as he's now in the Bingo book. He's an accomplice of Orochimaru who's probably number one in the Bingo Book list. Orochimaru has killed many Konoha citizens INCLUDING the Hokage Sandaime, and has almost killed the Godaime.

Sasuke was responsible for fatally wounding four Konoha Genin including Akimichi Chouji, Uzumaki Naruto, Inuzuka Kiba, and Hyuuga Neji, so he'd have to return to Konoha facing that sentence as well. The elder council wants Sasuke dead, and they have the power to overrule the Godaime and even impeach her from her services.

Also, including that in chapter 311, he assualted Yamato, Naruto, Sakura and Sai; placing team seven's life at stake AND to this day he stays with Orochimaru and has yet to repent to his crimes.

Now, I ask you this: IF Sasuke did come back, would he get off skotch free?

Since this is a SasuSaku vs NaruSaku forum, I'll state some instances between the two.

Naruto - Episode Three (Forgive me, I only began reading the chapters after episode 192.) Naruto tries to find out how Sakura feels for Naruto. He decides to surprise Sasuke, which he succeeds in, and used a Henge no Jutsu to disguise himself as Sasuke. He then continues until he finds Sakura who is daydreaming about her raven haired teammate. She is thinking on how it'd be dreamy if he said, 'You have such a big forehead. Makes me want to kiss it.' She was startled when Naruto walked in and said, 'You have such a big forhead. Makes me want to kiss it.' In such, showing how the two think the same.

Skipping on (since everything else is pretty much fluff) we go to Naruto episode 79-80. In this chapter, Naruto fights for SAKURA, and no one else. Why? This is defenitly debatable. He did say, "They rescued me from that hell, and I'll never let you hurt them." But the only two of his friends there were Sasuke and Sakura. Sasuke was okay and could handle himself. SAKURA on the other hand was attached to a tree by Gaara's sand. And when Sasuke came to interrupt them, he didn't say EVERYONE's okay, he said, "Sakura's okay, Naruto." In this Naruto put his head down and passed out. ALSO, going back a little bit, in order to save SAKURA he was about to sacrafice the one chance he had to meet someone almost EXACTLY like Naruto. The only one who truely knew Naruto's pain was Gaara, and Naruto was ready to give that up if it compromised Sakura's safety. This showing that Naruto was ready to give up everything he had for her safety.

Episode 108 (I think it's 108, if anythng) Naruto fought Sasuke, and Kakashi even said that they both had the intent to kill eachother. THIS showing that Naruto did not feel the same way of Sasuke as he did Sakura as friends. Showing that when he fought Gaara, Sakura's safety was his top priority over Sasuke's.

Episode 110-111. Sasuke leaves the village and leaves a heartbroken Sakura behind him. Sakura alerts Konoha of Sasuke's betrayal and they immediately dispatch Shikamaru, Naruto, Chouji, Kiba and Neji. Before they leave, Sakura confronts Naruto and begs of him to bring Sasuke back. On closer inspection, Naruto's eyes widen and almost shake a bit after Sakura asks of him to bring Sasuke back. After a few seconds in this position, Naruto's eyes dim, almost as if he's realizing something. I believe he thought in order to make Sakura happy, she had to be with Sasuke, not him. He came to terms with that and stretched out his hands with a thumbs up giving her a 'Nice Guy Pose'. Once again, on further inspection, he's arm which is giving the thumbs up is shaking, symbolizing he's hurt in a way. He then says, "Sakura-chan likes Sasuke very much. A pain I know well." This meaning he knows what it's like to love and not have his love returned. His relationship has always been one sided with Sakura as Sakura's relationship with Sasuke has always been one sided. She even clarifies this for us saying, "He's always understood me." And maybe this means nothing but she DID say the same thing as Sasuke before he left saying, "Naruto... thank you." I don't know if it means anything, but this is entirely speculation.

Although episode 139-141 holds much NaruSaku, it's concidered a filler and I will not discuss it.

Naruto Part II Chapter 245: Naruto returns to Konoha, meeting up with Sakura first. On her first examination of the young man, she finds that he's changed and thinks to herself about him in admiration. However, the moment is entirely reuined when Naruto readies to release his ultimate perverted jutsu. This showing that Naruto and Sakura still possess their comical relationship. In later chapters she DOES agree to go on a date with Naruto, showing if anything she does hold feelings for him. This was not in my opinion a friend get together because Naruto was bragging about it to Shikamaru when he passed by.

Naruto Part II Gaara Retrieval Arc: Sakura finds out that Naruto is a Jinchuuriki, and also finds out if the Akatsuki find Naruto and extract the Kyuubi from him, he will die. In such, Sakura instantly worries about her blonde compainion and even almost tells him this. Naruto however walks away before he can say anything. I believe he's been doing this so he thinks he can't get in the way of Sasuke's and Sakura's relationship.

Naruto Chapter 289: This is by far my favorite chapter of NaruSaku evidence. Sakura is on the verge of devistating Sai when she realizes what Naruto said of even to retrieve Sasuke, he'd work with someone like Sai. Sakura repeats what Naruto said to Sai herself and Sai pauses. He then says, "Sakura-San... It's times like this that. Hmm ... How to put it... You're very nice to Naruto-Kun. Where those feelings come from is something that I do not understand. But in a book it said this..."

Personaly, I'd like to see an episode to this and see if he puts emphasis on the word, "Nice". Now, in Sai's tone, he's in a sarcastic mood. Also from future chapters, we see what Sai studies and it's on common emotion. Though this is not fact, and to the way Naruto reacted, I believe simply, Naruto knows what Sai means and does not want to get in the way of Sasuke and Sakura. Or maybe he just was in a pissed off mood at Sai to begin with. This statement could of been taken in many ways, but what -I- belive is that Sai was almost teasing Sakura and Naruto got pissed off, trying not to embarress her.

Naruto Chapter 290-297: So far, this is everyone's favorite NaruSaku piece. Naruto puts his life at stake and harnesses the Kyuubi's power in order to retrieve Sasuke. Kabuto even claims that "This is a fight between to monsters" and how he finds that Naruto would even lose himself to fufill his promise to Sakura. In the end, Naruto loses the fight and even hurts Sakura while transformed. From the resultng damage, Naruto's skin is burnt in what I find, a somewhat gorey way. Sakura tries to heal Naruto but finds that she can't do much and she cries to herself saying that everything she can do for Naruto is so small. Yamato cuts in and claims that no matter how small the things she does, it's the size of her feelings for Naruto that matters. The word 'feelings' can be translated in many ways. However, -I- believe that Yamato meant it in a romantic way by his facial expression and the way he spoke.

And I grow tired of the sibling love theories. I'd really love to see some proof on it. To answer some of the possible theories, I'll say this before someone challenges me to it. Sakura hits Naruto because they are both comical characters., they think like eachother, and since Sasuke being the emotionless person that he is, I don't think that he'll be Sakura's emotional piller that she could cry on.

Another theory to shoot down before someone throws it at me: Sakura mistreated Naruto because everyone else did. Naruto was the 'icky-wicky boy' that no one would want to be caught dead with. Naruto had no friends in the acadamy save Iruka. Not even the boys of his age liked him. Kiba thought he was a dumbass and Shikamaru and Chouji avoided him completely. Sakura being the influentual girl that she was followed the trend. Her motives for this are uknown, but I believe it was a foothold to gain popularity among her peers including Sasuke. A great quote I found of a fanfic describes the theory perfectly, "Naruto told a joke, Sakura dismissed it and claimed that he was an idiot for thinking something like that up. Sasuke said the joke one month later and she laughed like she would never laugh again."

Sakura, like many young girls, are influenced by those around them. Alot of girls thought a certain boy was cool, so did she. They were exactly like fangirls, but Sakura did make it a little into something more. In episode three, she wanted to have Sasuke acknowlage her existance. SHE wanted to be known as Haruno Sakura, the signifigant other of Uchiha Sasuke, the sole survivor to the Uchiha Clan, a martial arts genius. If she was recognized by Sasuke, her social standings would skyrocket, and she'd never be like the girl who hid her forehead behind her hair, afraid of what everyone else thought of her. Why? Because she'd be above them. She would be -the- girlfriend of -the- Uchiha Sasuke, everyone would respect her and she'd be reknown. Sure, she had Naruto acknowledging her existance, but why would she want to have NARUTO do it? The 'icky-wicky boy' of her class in which almost everyone in the village hated? Do you realize how a relationship between the two would compromise her social standings?

This is all theory and I welcome debates but please, for the love of god. Do not give me the whole, "Sakura loves Naruto as a brother" deal. It really irritates me.

Everything else I've spoken in previous debates. Remember, most of what I've written is speculation on my part and like I said before, what I say is not cannon. If someone wishes to challenge me to a friendly debate, I'll respect their challenge and we can well, debate. smile.gif I'm sorry if this post was lengthey, but I felt I needed to get my point across. Anyways, continuing the debating, I'm kinda tired~

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#69 Hopestar


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 11:24 PM

I read them on the site and they were real good. You should debate more often because only you, Dash, Distrikt, & myself are the only few decent commentor debators for NS.
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#70 Sono


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Posted 03 August 2006 - 12:32 AM

Meh, I really should find things better to do with my time then debate on the internet. >_>

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#71 Hopestar


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Posted 03 August 2006 - 01:44 AM

Same here but with school staring soon I'll be on the internet less & less so will everyone and the only free time will be on the weekends unless you have something plan or school project to complete.
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#72 Sono


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Posted 03 August 2006 - 01:52 AM

Same. ; ; I start school in two weeks.

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#73 Hopestar


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Posted 03 August 2006 - 03:17 AM

Really I start on 9/5 damn I feel sorry for you and I'm gonna miss you on SS vs. NS seeing how you'll be busy and all! Hell everyone is including me, I cannot believe I waste half of my summer debating can't you believe that?
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#74 smilebomb


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Posted 03 August 2006 - 03:20 AM

Yeah, I should spend less time on the net too. I start school on the 14th. ><

~Naruto fanatic~

#75 Sono


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Posted 03 August 2006 - 03:47 AM

I start school on the 14th too; ;

Which character are you test by Naruto - Kun.com

#76 Hopestar


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Posted 03 August 2006 - 04:11 AM

Poor things you only 2 weeks left of vacation then...
Let light be our guide towards victory
Whenever there's despair there's a darkness, whenever there's hope there's a light and it's up to us to bring in that light.

#77 Sir Whirly

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Posted 03 August 2006 - 05:25 AM

I just realized something. And now I know why I was a NaruHina fan for so long....

Part one Sakura just pissed me the hell off. -just got through watching episode three-


#78 smilebomb


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Posted 03 August 2006 - 05:36 AM

QUOTE (Sir Whirly @ Aug 2 2006, 09:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just realized something. And now I know why I was a NaruHina fan for so long....

Part one Sakura just pissed me the hell off. -just got through watching episode three-


That definately could be a possibility. But you have to admit that NaruSaku is a classic kind of romance.

~Naruto fanatic~

#79 Sono


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Posted 03 August 2006 - 06:34 AM

Personnaly, NaruSaku is great. I love it, just. I really really don't want the emo 'I'm going to kill my brother' kid getting someone as cool as Sakura-chan. sad.gif Naruto treats her right anyways. wub.gif

Which character are you test by Naruto - Kun.com

#80 smilebomb


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Posted 03 August 2006 - 06:43 AM

QUOTE (Sono @ Aug 2 2006, 10:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Personnaly, NaruSaku is great. I love it, just. I really really don't want the emo 'I'm going to kill my brother' kid getting someone as cool as Sakura-chan. sad.gif Naruto treats her right anyways. wub.gif

Ain't that the truth? Emo's scare me. Naruto definately deserves her.

~Naruto fanatic~

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