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The Last: International Release

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#61 Namaenash



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Posted 30 May 2015 - 01:57 PM

Critical approach of the French press about The Last Naruto the movie.

12 of The most important french newspapers/magazines have voted : 2,6/5



Yikes.. I can't imagine the reactions of Kishi and staff to this product.


I assume they are betting The Last would get a good reception from the audience, therefore they announced the upcoming Bolt movie at the end of the credit. Which tell us one thing: that the Bolt movie has already been made and most probably almost completed by the time The Last was aired. Otherwise, what's the point of mentioning it?


The other missing bits was, how did it fared internationally? Does anybody has the information? Why do we got only U.S numbers in box office mojo? (anime news network did provide the numbers from Japan)...



The Last was finally shown here in Singapore, for the same duration (if not more) than Road to Ninja. It was aired few months back (May or April? not sure...)


I saw some promotion banner of The Last in websites and the cinemas itself, etc. Which was totally different than how Road to Ninja was promoted --there was no banner or ads when it came here, and fans only knew from certain channels (in my case, my favorite manga shops told me about Road to Ninja movie).


Here's the thing though... there's only one cinema that aired such cliche franchise here. I think the screens would be limited to 1 or up to 3 screens in weekends during a movie's lifetime, check out the links below. A movie ticket at that time was SGD 10.00, or equivalent to about USD 7.40 (assuming SGD to USD exchange rate was 0.74) 


And for only one cinema for a small country like us, it made fairly well, I'd say... -- they made USD 70,950 (don't forget to factor in exchange rate to correlate with ticket sales, etc). Here's the links:





Now, if you go to the link above for Road to Ninja movie, it appears that it was shown fairly late in Italy (by December 2014) and yet the studio immediately shared the numbers with the rest of the world... (they made $197,516, according to the link above).


Where I'm coming from is, even for a late show (such as Italy), the numbers are immediately shared for Road to Ninja movie.


However, for The Last, which was the latest movie release for this franchise, the numbers for APAC countries are yet to be seen... it was aired in Singapore, and I'm quite sure someone here mentioned it aired in The Philippines. It was also aired in France. But we haven't got the numbers yet...


Either it was not yet submitted and shared with the world, or they were too shy to share with the whole world. If they were doing well, they should boast and be proud of their numbers arent they? A good financial numbers speaks louder than any other type of marketing efforts...


Unless if, you know... :D


EDIT: Oh, btw, I visited France quite often, and I definitely know 'Le Monde'. Seeing them giving a one star has made my day :)

Edited by Namaenash, 30 May 2015 - 02:02 PM.

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"I'm sorry I didn't believe. But I'd given up believing in so much, until I met you. From the first day I saw you, you were everything I ever wanted to believe in. You can do this, Diana. I know you can...But I have to go."

"What? What are you saying?"

"It's okay, this is what I came here to do. I can save today, but you... you can save the world."

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