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#61 James S Cassidy

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Posted 11 April 2014 - 01:48 PM

Btw, anyone care to answer my one question? It is as follows:

Kishi said in an interview that he's gonna make one pairing canon. But judging from how the things currently are, it looks like we're gonna get two canon pairings. I mean is it just Kishi's way of keeping things under wraps or he does change somethings he said in an interview?

From the way I read it, he said he would finish the story conclusively and that at least one pairing will be canon. That's the way I interpret it.

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#62 narusaku256


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Posted 11 April 2014 - 04:09 PM

From the way I read it, he said he would finish the story conclusively and that at least one pairing will be canon. That's the way I interpret it.

Oh did he say 'atleast one pairing'? Yeah it makes sense then. Thanks.


#63 xxRomanceGirlxx



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Posted 12 April 2014 - 01:49 AM



Naruto barely knew Sakura in their academy days. Sure, it's made pretty obvious they knew each other and they interacted a few times, but nothing to indicate Naruto loved her as early as then. But, of course, I would accept Naruto loved Sakura then if the writing supported it. It never really supported it until after the Gaara fight.


I could accept your argument if Naruto didn't treat her differently in a profound way, but Naruto did change how he treated her and that's why I favor "It wasn't always love". It's true NaruSaku was always comedic, but his pain towards SS wasn't always there. At very beginning, he seriously wasn't that hurt over it. Not really. Sakura talking about her feelings for Sasuke during the Bench scene and how much she hated Naruto didn't exactly kill him. Even if he was glad he realized his feelings, the Naruto now would be very hurt if Sakura said all that to him. And also, Naruto protecting Sakura went from a comedic light to a dead serious light. It wasn't love then.


And, also, I'd like to comment that I don't think Naruto clutching his chest at hearing Sakura cry over Sasuke in the Wave arc was hurt. It wasn't his feeling for Sakura then that made him sad, it was Sasuke's "death" and hearing Sakura sob just made it worse. Not even that Naruto would be selfish enough to think about his one-sided feelings over a "death" of a friend that just gave his life for him.


And to answer your asspull belief, I don't think it is. Naruto trying to move on from Sakura isn't him because that would be meaning he was "giving up." No matter how much Naruto believes she loves Sasuke, some part of him is still hopeful and that's why I don't think he ever moved on. Naruto knowing things seem impossible didn't stop him from hoping for the best, right? I feel like that's the case with Sakura.


Either way, we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.

Edited by xxRomanceGirlxx, 12 April 2014 - 06:01 AM.

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#64 narusaku256


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Posted 12 April 2014 - 05:37 AM

I guess that's the best option! This debate can go on forever!


#65 Ace of Circle

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Posted 16 April 2014 - 05:01 PM

This debate probably will go on forever.Personally I find SasuSaku way too one sided and the history behind it makes it even more unlikely although I admit that Sakura feels more for Sasuke than just awe at his coolness.But I know I'm stating the what most people see as obvious and sorry.

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#66 Laylo


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Posted 16 April 2014 - 06:11 PM

So many replies haha. Chose a fine week to be dragged down by college. But thanks all.
@ Darkest
Ok? I'm still going to have my opinion and to be honest I uh....kinda don't really want to debate with you...sorry!

Don't hate the pairing nor like it, I see it impossible to happen. Kishi has given it so much "negative" development shoving the message to the reader's face" this pairing is the wrong one and is meant to never happen". Also the way Kishi has shown to me it goes like this. SS is like a corpse that Kishi keeps on stabbing again and again when its been dead for a long. Examples 483 trying to kill Sakura twice withou hesitation (that's Kishi stabbing the corpse twice). Anyway its nice to have someone who likes both NS and SS.

I see what Kishimoto is saying (NaruSaku is portrayed as a growing pairing and SasuSaku is definitely a stalling one.) I wouldn't use corpse to describe it but I get it. Yeah it's weird but those are the only two pairings from the big three I can get behind. I mean I ship Naruto with another people but not Hinata. Never Hinata(or Sasuke lol). 

Interesting thoughts. I don't see too many SS/NS shippers on this forum and as you can tell SS is basically the black sheep of the pairing family on this site. But still, I like how you try explain SS to us. I've never agreed with the Anti-SasuSaku fans who criticize SS shippers by saying "Liking SS = you support abusive relationships." That's far too extreme and as much as most of us hate SS, we have to remember this is fiction.


Thank you! NOTHING about this whole shipping thing drives me up the wall more than people accusing SS fans as being supportive of abuse simply because they like SS. It's even worse when NaruSaku fans do it because I've been accused of supporting abuse simply because I like NaruSaku too(you know...the comedy hits)!

And I hate it because it's just an assumption with no thought behind. If SS fans really supported abuse then why do they always portray and see Sasuke as much more caring and affectionate(in the best stories Sasuke is still Sasuke but I digress) and both are more understanding towards each other?

No one actually sits there and thinks 'teehee! wasn't it cute when Sasuke tried to stab Sakura? I bet it'll be even cuter when they're married'? Like NO ONE! They do not ship SasuSaku in an abusive way but a healthy way where Sasuke gets past his problems and just...yeah becomes a man worthy of Sakura's affections.

Now to be fair the SS fandom is pretty huge. So perhaps there are fans out there who find relationships like that to be their uh...'thing'. But honestly I wish people wouldn't sit down and say 'SasuSaku is so abusive! Wtf would you ship it? You all think murder is romantiku don't you?'

No a**hole. I don't.

However, I disagree that Sasuke has respect for Sakura in Part II. Aside from that smirk at his power, he overall doesn't. He doesn't hate Sakura, but he doesn't like her either. You could say he's basically back to seeing her as he did in the very beginning of Part I minus his view of her being "weak".


Oh I would definitely would not say he likes her. He should because he wants to be Hokage, but he doesn't. But I do think he has a respect for her abilities in combat and professionally.

Still, even when Sasuke gains respect for Sakura, SS won't work. Their personalities don't mesh well at all IMO and it's always been this way from the get-go. Sasuke is not a loving, warm guy. He never will be, even when he's good. And that's exactly what Sakura wanted. She was never in love with the real Sasuke. Not only did she fail to understand him, but she kept searching for a  "loving" Sasuke underneath the stoicism that never really existed. That doesn't mean he can't love, but his personality lacks the affection Sakura always craved. The bench scene was really open with this. Her childhood fantasy was Sasuke not having darkness and being this great, nice guy that only acted closed-off when that was not who he really was.


I see what you mean and to an extent I agree. She's falling for(or has fallen for Naruto) precisely because he's a warm, loving guy.

But at the same time I think Sakura's feelings for Sasuke by the end of part 1 were genuine. I don't think he HAS to be the man Naruto is for Sakura to love him. I mean it kinda goes into whatever your philosophy on love is (for me, you can fall in love with more than one person, but no two people are alike get me?).

I believe Sasuke can still be Sasuke and yet show affection in a way that's slightly different from Naruto. Sure he won't be shouting his love from the roof tops nor reciting poetry every night while strumming a guitar, but he's had two parents to show him what a romantic relationship looks like (lend a listening ear, lend support, etc.) and I think the man know how to buy a dozen roses lol.

Sakura would just not be happy with Sasuke. Even if he came to love her, he would never show it and Sakura would always feel left out. She did love Sasuke, but there is not any scenario I can see her being happy in a relationship with Sasuke unless he became more open and broke down his own walls. He never did in the Part I and there's even less of a chance of that now.

And that's fine I totally respect your opinion to believe that. I just believe that he CAN show it but it'll be in a way that's slightly different than Naruto.

I hate to bring in SK in this, but that's the major difference between SS & SK. Karin is not like Sakura, who would always get so disappointed and hurt whenever Sasuke said the slightest rude gesture to her. Sakura would crawl into a ball and sulk in silence (maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but accurate). Karin knows Sasuke is not a warm individual but she doesn't suffer from it and expect there to be more "underneath". Save for when he nearly killed her, but I'm talking about Sasuke as normal and not psychotic. Karin, to be blunt, doesn't give a crap. They both have darkness and Karin never expects him to be a sweet, kind person. She loves him for him. I don't ship SK either, but the one with unconditional romantic love for Sasuke is clearly not Sakura.

True! That's why I believe SK has a better chance of happening even though it might have a chance of not happening at all! Sakura's biggest issue with Sasuke was that she couldn't understand who he is while Karin could. TO be fair, Karin went through things in her life that Sakura didn't so yeah.

But with that said, I think if Sakura did come to finally understand who Sasuke is she wouldn't fall out of love with him.

Buuuuuuut that's assuming Naruto isn't around or really did like her as just a friend. Since Naruto is around, she's going to fall out of love with him(if she hasn't already) haha.

I know you argue SS might work now because Sakura's matured and is not as submissive with Sasuke, but I disagree. There's no solid proof Sakura would call out Sasuke on his crap so long as she has romantic feelings for him. In a lot of ways, Sasuke is still her weakness.  Even in Part II when Sasuke did something terrible or talked down to others, she very much took on her former role as quietly watching with a sad look. That is why Sasuke is bad for her. The only person and I repeat only person she has stood up for against Sasuke when he was at this worst was Naruto. Sasuke said far more gruesome things to Kakashi in the T7 reunion and Sakura didn't look mad or say a word. And, honestly, the fact that Naruto is the only person she was able to stand up to Sasuke could have to do with her own love for Naruto. Since she's never defended anyone else against Sasuke that angrily, I'm betting that's the case.


You raise good points. I mean in their first reunion she tried to fight him on her own, but yeah she doesn't yell at him except for Naruto. Buuuuut there also no solid proof that this can't change in the future? In my opinion, she's still a teen and still doesn't understand Sasuke(hasn't talked to him in a long while).

And, in part 1, she stayed quiet because she was afraid of making him angry and getting on his bad side. But I think confusion and disappointment is what holds her back in part 2 which again relates back to how little she understands him.

NaruSaku is far better than SS in almost every way IMO. Naruto isn't selfish like Sasuke and would always put Sakura's feelings before his own. He's the type of guy that would actually give Sakura open affection and make her feel like she was actually loved. Not only that, but Sakura understands him and similarly puts his needs before her own. She didn't do that with Sasuke. And they both respect each other but stand up to each other too when SS is extremely one-sided in that way. I respect your preferences, but I never shared SS's appeal.


Well not always haha. If Naruto feels what he's doing in necessary or if he has his own personal reasons for doing something, well he's just going to tell Sakura that no matter how worried or angry she gets.

I don't think Naruto's way affection is the only kinda of affection Sakura needs to feel (romantic) love(it actually raises the question what's the difference between how Naruto would show he loves Sakura and how Lee would show it and who's is better?). But I also see SasuSaku and NaruSaku as equal because well, they both have strengths that appeal to me and all members have their character flaws(ex: I do NOT like the humor of Sakura smacking Naruto just because he surprised her or something. I mean in 631 it was funny but in mundane situations? Not so much). But the point of a good, healthy relationship is for two people to grow together and that's why I ship both.

I think at their best, they can be great together(do note that by 'best' I do NOT mean 0 arguments/fights/unforseen situations that test their love and there is a slight threat of failure, etc). To use Sasuke as an example, I think his best is conquering his demons created by his past and (willingly) getting on the road to become a better person. This does not mean there won't be bumps along the way, that he has to change his personality, or that he'll never have a serious mentally and/or emotionally draining situation again.


And well that's what I think...


I have to go in a bit but I'll think about the other replies!

Edited by Laylo, 16 April 2014 - 06:14 PM.

#67 animelady465


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Posted 31 May 2014 - 06:03 PM

Hello, I just stumbled upon this website while I was looking for a good sasusaku fanfiction to read. After what I read here I have to say I'm really pissed off at some of things people put her. Now this is nothing against you because I know everyone has a right to like whatever pairing they want. But I feel I need to make my opinion known as well. First of all I'm a huge Sasusaku fan! And I absolutely HATE Karin! No! No! No! Sasukarin!I hope you don't think Sasuke has romantic feelings for Karin because he does not! Now I know Sasuke may not love Sakura but I can tell you this he cares for her as teammate and friend. Now in the end nobody knows who Sasuke will end up with. As much as I want Sasusaku to end up together, I know there is a possibility that Sasuke could end with Karin because after all kishimoto can do what he wants. And if they do end up together I'm finished with Naruto:( I think I hate Karin even more for the fact that she raped Sasuke. People seem to forget that. She is constantly trying to get into Sasuke's pants:( I'm sorry but she is a whore! That's why I hate her even more! She seems to only think about herself and doesn't care about what Sasuke wants or feels. Yes, she may have followed Sasuke everywhere and never left his side but that's because she's a typical fangirl that will do anything for him. Now people say Sakura chose the village instead of Sasuke, well that's not true. The night Sasuke left, Sakura told Sasuke she loved him with all her heart and that she was willing to go anywhere with him and help him with his revenge. He didn't want Sakura to get involved so that she wouldn't get hurt. He does have feelings for her even if there not romantic. So she did not choose the village over Sasuke. Another thing people are saying that Karin can kick ass. In what? The only thing she has done that has been helpful is heal Sasuke and sense the enemies chakra. Big deal! There are plenty of other ninjas who are sensory type as well. So other than that she's useless. Sakura on the other hand has proven she's an excellent medical ninja better than Karin may I add. She also has an incredible monster strength that she has inherited from her teacher, Lady Tsunade(Hokage). Her fight with Sasori was amazing! She is incredibly amazing! In the beginning yes she was a fangirl but not anymore. So I will always remain a loyal Sasusaku fan even after Naruto ends. Sasusaku 4ever! ♥

#68 BakeNeko-Chan



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Posted 31 May 2014 - 06:29 PM

@ animelady465


I understand why some of the things here might bother you, being a SasuSaku fan, but this a site that favors NaruSaku so it's expected that there will be those that dislike or even hate SS. However, this place is also meant to welcome those from other fandoms, so welcome. :smile:


Now, like most people here, I'm a NaruSaku fan. I've never liked SasuSaku for various reasons, but I have no interest in trying to "convert" you so I won't go into that unless you would actually like to discuss it. I also have no love for SasuKarin, though I think it's more likely Sasuke would end up with Karin than Sakura at this point. Personally I'd much rather Sasuke just end up alone, his character is not terribly well suited to romance. As for calling Karin a whore -- this site has strict rules against bashing so you might want to be a bit more careful.

#69 James S Cassidy

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Posted 31 May 2014 - 08:20 PM

Hello, I just stumbled upon this website while I was looking for a good sasusaku fanfiction to read. After what I read here I have to say I'm really pissed off at some of things people put her. Now this is nothing against you because I know everyone has a right to like whatever pairing they want. But I feel I need to make my opinion known as well. First of all I'm a huge Sasusaku fan! And I absolutely HATE Karin! No! No! No! Sasukarin!I hope you don't think Sasuke has romantic feelings for Karin because he does not! Now I know Sasuke may not love Sakura but I can tell you this he cares for her as teammate and friend.


Im sorry. I know you are a SasuSaku fan and all, but there are some things I have a hard time believing. Sasuke caring about Sakura as a friend? I have an extremely hard time in believing in this with the fact at how my times not only hasn't cared whether she was in danger or not, but also the fact that he has tried to kill her and Naruto and get rid of his past several times.

From my understanding, Sasuke doesn't have any feelings for any girl and all his love is only for his brother. Even Karin is a bit of stretch, but he has shown more care for her than he has Sakura. Hell, he even apologized to her and so far has treated Sakura like crap. That's doesn't sound like someone who cares.

Now in the end nobody knows who Sasuke will end up with. As much as I want Sasusaku to end up together, I know there is a possibility that Sasuke could end with Karin because after all kishimoto can do what he wants. And if they do end up together I'm finished with Naruto:( I think I hate Karin even more for the fact that she raped Sasuke. People seem to forget that. She is constantly trying to get into Sasuke's pants:( I'm sorry but she is a whore! That's why I hate her even more! She seems to only think about herself and doesn't care about what Sasuke wants or feels. Yes, she may have followed Sasuke everywhere and never left his side but that's because she's a typical fangirl that will do anything for him.


When did she rape him? I don't remember that at all. Remember, that Sasuke chose her to follow him. She may love him, but Sasuke was the one to let her in on the journey. He broke her out of the Orochimaru's place and asked her to come with him. So, why not just have Sasuke not even bother with her? Why even go after her at all? I am sure Sasuke could have made the journey on his own without anyone from the Team Not 7.

Now people say Sakura chose the village instead of Sasuke, well that's not true. The night Sasuke left, Sakura told Sasuke she loved him with all her heart and that she was willing to go anywhere with him and help him with his revenge. He didn't want Sakura to get involved so that she wouldn't get hurt. He does have feelings for her even if there not romantic. So she did not choose the village over Sasuke.

Didn't want Sakura to get involved so that she wouldn't get hurt? Is that why he vowed to kill her, Naruto, and the entire Konoha village later on? Is that why he never cared about her dying at the hands of Gaara? Is that why he attempted to kill her twice without flinching or remorse? Is that why he didn't care about her when Obito was about to blow up the entire army and only cared about himself, Juugo, and Naruto? Is that why he continues to call her useless and be a kitten to her every chance he gets?

I can keep going on with the list on why I feel that is not true. If he cared about her as much as you say he does, then why did he do all that crap to her and treat her like crap? This is not a misunderstanding or Sasuke just "going through alot of stress." He treats everybody like crap except for maybe his brother. He doesn't care about anybody else except for maybe Naruto, but I could argue he only wants to protect him because he wants to kill him himself.

Okay, sure, he "backed her up" a few times, but that doesn't mean he cares nor does it forgive all the other times where he put her in harms way or even attempted to kill her himself. I mean, even the Akatsuki members hated each other, but they believed in the same goal so they "worked" together. Doesn't mean they cared. As for Sakura choosing the village over Sasuke....come on, what was really stopping her from going after Sasuke and joining him? Nothing. There was nothing stopping her from doing it. She says she wanted to join him, yet she stays in the village? There was nothing stopping her from running away with him. Even if Sasuke knocked her out, once she regained consciousness, go after him on her own.

Now Sasuke has called Sakura useless and even called her more useless than Naruto. How do you know he didn't knock her out because he felt she would have only got in the way?

Another thing people are saying that Karin can kick ass. In what? The only thing she has done that has been helpful is heal Sasuke and sense the enemies chakra. Big deal! There are plenty of other ninjas who are sensory type as well. So other than that she's useless. Sakura on the other hand has proven she's an excellent medical ninja better than Karin may I add. She also has an incredible monster strength that she has inherited from her teacher, Lady Tsunade(Hokage). Her fight with Sasori was amazing! She is incredibly amazing! In the beginning yes she was a fangirl but not anymore. So I will always remain a loyal Sasusaku fan even after Naruto ends. Sasusaku 4ever! ♥


Here is the real kicker: If Sasuke allowed Sakura to join him, not only would she not have Tsunade's teachings, but Karin wouldn't even be in the picture at all. This again goes into above where you say he didn't want Sakura getting hurt, but apparently he puts everyone else in harm's way for his own goals?

You also say that Karin is not that important or there are many he could have chosen from....so why did he choose her? There has to be a reason. You could argue that because she was the easiest and most useful solution, but....wouldn't that just support the idea that he left Sakura because he thought she was useless and not because he cared about her? These are always the things people miss and forget to ask. If we think Karin is so pointless and useless and that Sasuke could do well to get rid of her, then why did he have her join the team in the first place? There is not reason why he couldn't have just left her there and gone on his own.

Why does Sasuke do anything if the reasons are one way and not the other? If he cares about Sakura, why is he always putting her in harms way and not care about her well being? If he thinks Karin is useless or there are better sensory types out in the world, why did he even recruit Karin at all?

I guarentee you that if Naruto wasn't standing near Sakura and Kakashi to attack the giant rocks, he wouldn't have bothered grabbing them in the first place.

Edited by James S Cassidy, 31 May 2014 - 08:22 PM.

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#70 Tsuki Hoshino

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Posted 01 June 2014 - 05:49 AM

I used to double ship Narusaku and Sasusaku before time skip, but then when we got further in Sasuke turned into a jerk, Naruto stayed by Sakura's side, always supported and loved her where as Sasuke just didn't/doesn't give a fig. So, I don't mind other people shipping it outside of canon, but when they start arguing its GOING to be canon I kinda just roll my eyes...There is nothing positive about their relationship since part 1 and even then ( in retrospect) there wasn't all that much to go on but the occasional kindness on his part and her one sided feelings. 

I get why people like it, its dramatic, but I think that people mistake "dramatic" for passionate. Dramatic, tempestuous love isn't necessarily a good relationship to have. Its volatile, explosive. Things that have a lot of energy when they start out quickly fizzle out,  but things that burn slowly last longer and the heat can climb higher. 

My personal belief is that Sasuke is absolute poison for everyone who cares about him- he shouldn't be with anyone and there certainly shouldn't be any more uchiha babies since they can't handle love without going bonkers. 

                                         Pls shame me for procrastinating.  :argh: 

#71 nikki1314


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Posted 01 June 2014 - 11:40 AM

I used to be A SasuSaku fan in the earlier naruto days, back then I was a naive teenager who wants to be like Sasuke because looks are everything you need in getting the girl! But as I watch naruto, Naruto showed me how to really love the girl of your dreams and how to be faithful to the one you love. Hhaha I know it's cliche, but Yea true story bro ;) that's my conversion story from Ss to Ns ;)

Edited by nikki1314, 01 June 2014 - 11:40 AM.

-Naruto ending gets released- 

Kishi: Honey, I’m home! 

His wife:



#72 Iwantbuns


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Posted 10 June 2014 - 02:32 AM

There was a time Sasuke did care for Sakura... But those days are gone :/ Sometimes I kind of feel bad for Sakura. 


She really can't help who she has feelings for, so I don't blame her. Her crush on him was kind of shallow though. It's only when she starts feeling for him as a person, rather than an object of affection, does she show maturity when it comes to him.


I have yet to see Sasuke showing maturity though. Sasuke needs to seriously stop living in the past, and embrace what he can have so quickly; Naruto and Sakura's friendship. He might not want it, but it's clear as day that he needs it.


The truth is, I've never liked SasuSaku ever. Especially in Part 1... I never saw the sparks between them, that my friends always fangirled about o_O I didn't like NaruSaku either. I actually didn't like Sakura in general lol


But then I noticed NaruSaku in Part 2 and found my OTP :) I still hated SasuSaku, but as I went on, I sort of started growing a tolerance for the pairing, and tried to have a better understanding for it. I guess I get why people ship it a LITTLE better, but frankly I still don't really GET it, cause there's not a lot of sense to it.



Why do people NOT ship these two? I just don't get it.

Probably cause they hate Sakura. When she's probably the most developed female character in the whole show.

I respect Hinata, but Sakura deserves some too.

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Posted 10 June 2014 - 03:17 AM

Bear in mind that is just my opinion and doesn't make me any more correct than anybody else's


I was a SS fan too back in the day. Sasuke was my second fav character after Kakashi of course bc he had my two fav jutsu elements. I'd say that SS had some great pairing moments in part 1 with the calm down hug in the survival exam and Sakura's confession but what bothered me the most in part 1 was when Sakura was slicing the apples for him and Sasuke threw them aside in her face. There were of course other instances of where he was cold to her like in the beginning when she was mean to Naruto and when Sakura tried to get him to quit from the chunin exams bc of the curse mark but those were acceptable bc of the circumstances. But the apple scene pushed me over the edge. For a while I shipped no one from team 7 bc I found part 1 Naruto to be kinda annoying but the development NS got in part 2 won me over.


To be honest, I don't know if they would really work out. Assuming that sakura doesn't hav feelings for anyone else except for Sasuke and that Sasuke has really changed I still don't think he would give a relationship between them a chance. It's been shown constantly throughout both parts that he doesn't care about any relationships except for Naruto and Itachi. In fact, while Sakura's confession to Sasuke is my favorite in the series and a great dramatic scene I think it effectively ended the possibility of SS. Imo, when Sasuke said goodbye to Sakura he was saying goodbye personally. He was severing the bond between them and saying that he would never consider them friends again. The best example of this is the interactions that they hav with each other. In the first team 7 reunion during Sai's introduction arc, Sakura upon seeing Sasuke runs ahead of everyone and desperately shouts his name. In response Sasuke completely ignores her and instead tells Naruto to leave so he won't hav to kill him and prevent him from attaining his dream of Hokage. In the second team 7 reunion he attempts to kill her and the only person he stops to listen to is Naruto, even telling Obito to wait. This is bc while Sakura was unable to prevent Sasuke from severing their bond in part 1, Naruto was able to by fighting Sasuke and scratching his headband.


Of course that's just my opinion. It's ok to ship SS if you want to, no one should ever hav anyone tell them that its wrong to support their pairing.

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#74 Hiddlestoner



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Posted 10 June 2014 - 05:40 AM

I think Sasusaku can happen given if sasuke forgot about his revenge in part 1 but I don't see it as a long term thing. I like to think that sasuke giving a shot in dating sakura is just to prove sakura that him and her are not meant to be together. Sakura in part one loves him for all the shallow reason and probably expected more from the relationship whereas sasuke, I'm not sure what he's looking for in a romantic relationship but I like to think that he is just asexual. I dunno, they just seem incompatible for each other. They barely interacts with each other in T7.


If they dated after the war, sakura may see this to find out where her feelings stand whether her feelings remain unchanged after all the trials she face or it has already change. I just seem to see them together in a one-off date.

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Posted 11 June 2014 - 05:07 AM

Sasuke and Sakura didn't even have a sturdy friendship to begin with. This pairing is basically working on nothing but false hope in my opinion - literally. I need to see Sasuke and Sakura interacting with each other normally first, meaning no onesided-ness, no condescendence, no crying, no killing, no awkward silence... I mean even then. These two have to seriously build up their almost non-existent relationship, if they ever even want to be in a relationship with each other. Which I doubt is even the case on both sides. There is no way Sakura would want to date Sasuke after 3 years of internal torture because of him. Sasuke just left her after everything she said to him that night. It shows how strong their bond just is not.


For Sasuke, romantic love will not solve anything. Sasuke lives on bonds and friendship. He doesn't react to love. That's why Sakura's love confession didn't faze him, her talking about Team 7 as a whole did. That's why in Team 7's other reunion Naruto was the one to affect him, because he called him his friend. That's why when he's fighting with his own team against Killer Bee, he thinks of all of Team 7 (possibly his first two best friends). He can't forget them. I don't see how Sasuke plays a role in SasuSaku, because it seems clear that he sees her as a (used to be) friend and nothing more. I don't even think he liked her all that much either, to begin with. 


SasuSaku just does not have anything working for them. They didn't have any close bond to begin with, and their relationship throughout the whole show continues to move negatively, not positively. People hold on to the fact that Sakura loves him, but her love for him just is not that strong enough to convince me, that it'll convince Sasuke. People can ship whatever the heck they want to, but damn. I don't see this pairing happening in the slightest bit in canon. If it did, I think I'd seriously facepalm...



Why do people NOT ship these two? I just don't get it.

Probably cause they hate Sakura. When she's probably the most developed female character in the whole show.

I respect Hinata, but Sakura deserves some too.

#76 Hiddlestoner



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Posted 11 June 2014 - 07:15 AM

 I don't see this pairing happening in the slightest bit in canon. If it did, I think I'd seriously facepalm...

LOL. True, Sasusaku basically has no foundations at all for relationship-wise. Again, like you said, after three years of torture, I doubt sakura cares any more to pursue a romantic relationship with sasuke. Add in the lack of interaction between her and sasuke. For the date, I merely thinking through a what-ifs situation if he changes his goal of getting revenge for the uchiha.

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#77 Iwantbuns


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 10:40 PM

Sasuke dating? Lol that's a good one. (jk)


And even if he would date anyone, why Sakura? I honestly don't see him even being attracted to her. She might as well be too much for him to handle. Not to mention, she doesn't understand him, at ALL. It would be so out of character...


(I'm sorry I just really can't understand this pairing. Not one bit. I've never shipped these two, and I have NO idea how people even thought of this pairing. It's so onesided and kills both of their characters, in almost every way.  :headscratch:)



Why do people NOT ship these two? I just don't get it.

Probably cause they hate Sakura. When she's probably the most developed female character in the whole show.

I respect Hinata, but Sakura deserves some too.

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