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The HMS NaruSaku

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#61 hokuten


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Posted 16 November 2004 - 04:27 PM

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Chapter 11: More Members! Familiar Faces!
Subtitle: The NaruSaku Mk.II

Of course I've only been naming my main crew members thus far, but there were more people with us that supported us in our cause! Each of them had thier own tale, and thier reasons for joining. All of them good men and women, all of them well known in thier own ways. Like this one lad!

DeathWorks: He was a fine artist and had a very strong love for threesomes, particularly NaruSakuHina!

Of course we've also had more Authors join in our cause, many good writers that came regularly to the bar! There was ...

MsgBoardHobo, who wrote that semi-crossover book, "Ruouni Naruto". He would come in now and then. Bryon_Konoha_Ninja would also drop by and tell us of his book, "Naruto: The Demon Within". Oh! And Kaori&Kairi, they did come in for a brief moment, but sadly disappeared after a while. They were a very spirited couple, although I wasn't sure if they were actually one person or two.

And Of course, another promising young man came to our bar. I remember his entrance was just as dynamic as it was lengthy! What was that lad's name ... ah yes! Forgotten Past! I remember when he would always come in here and would argue with my brother about who was the greater Ero-Senin ... or was that Bryon? Anyway, all of them were fairly good regulars that would always stop by and show their support for us.

There was one more boy who came to us late in the game. But he was well apart of our faction. I believe his original name was "Shinyu Of the Sand", but we came to know him as Shinyu. A very enthusiastic character, he would always hang around the Arts Sector of NT. He seemed to be a very organized and well trained individual. But something about him just didn't speak of high moral, like he had some kind of a secret to hide. But none the less, he was a good member of our crew.

The time had come that we should find ourselves a stable ship to set sail on. But where would we find a good enough ship to house not only what small time recruits we have, but also my main crew which was already rowdy enough. So that day I decided to take a "friendly" stroll down at the dock, and find some "inspiration" for a new ship.

It was fairly strange today, oddly enough there were many ships docked in the pier particually on this day. Anyway I did spot a VERRRYY nice looking ship while I was there! It was about Mid-Sized, not quite a full-fledged ship with 30 sails, but not too small like a dinghy! It was a good sized battleship with a strong looking body, with at least 20 guns on both sides. Not to mention a front-side cannon! I took one look at it and I knew I was in love! And the sails, they looked so beautiful as it was gently waving ...

But that's when I saw it, the Ship's Sails. It was the N***H***'s flag ship. How did they come into such possession of such a fine ship!? I felt such a rage that they had such a fine class ship, and here mine was still sunken at the docks. I had to do something ... perhaps me and some of the crew may be able to sink it at night? Or perhaps we could vandalize it badly? Or ... Or-

"NO WAIT!" The perfect idea came to my mind! Almost too perfect that it made me nearly squeal like a little school girl! I put a hand to my mouth and rubbed my chin ever so cleverly. And with this idea still fresh in my head, I walked ... oh hell! I practically pranced my way back to the club, talking to myself once again!

"Oh yes! One of the greatest plans, it should have hit me right away! AHAHAHAHAAA!!!"

To Be Continued.


Chapter 11 is finished.

"Shiny. Let's go be bad guys."

#62 LoveHinaGuy


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Posted 16 November 2004 - 07:39 PM

sad.gif hoku thats a evil cliffhanger sad.gif lol but good chap....so far tongue.gif


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#63 Yuriko



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Posted 16 November 2004 - 08:38 PM

Then Hoku-kun, can you tell me how many arcs there will be plus the names and the order of them?

btw, don't leave us with a cliffie like that ever again tongue.gif

#64 hokuten


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Posted 17 November 2004 - 03:59 AM

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Chapter 12: The Crew (Captian's Personal Guard)
Subtitle: Unexpected Apprentice, Yoko

So yesterday I came back to my club rather eccentric about that ship I saw at the docks! I enthusiasticallly told my crew of what we were planning to do and everyone seemed just delightful about it! Well except for poor HH, since it was the N***H*** flagship. But he knew that it was a good ship and we needed one for the upcoming battles. We held a great celebration that evening!

On the next morning, we would go through our plans once again and pick the right time to go execute it. Of course I was the first to wake up, but this time I didn't get completely wasted like last time. Luckily I didn't leave the club THIS time, although it seemed everyone had passed out all over the place. Smiter and Ash were sitting in the corner playing some drinking game, but I believe Ash drank him under the table this time around. Arashi, Aethos, Blayze, and more were all huddled around the center table, I think they were dancing and singing "A Pirate's Life for me" merrily. I believe Alpha went upstairs early because she was tired from all the hunting for Kakashi -

*muffled SQUEALS from a passed out Ash, and Alpha from upstairs*

"What in the!? I didn't even SAY it out loud!?"

- fangear. It was a good time last night. I believe the only other person that was awake this early was UN. He was at the bar, cleaning up what mess we had, and fixing up some breakfast for everyone. I came over to him and notioned to him that I was going out for a walk. He quietly nodded, and continued about his business. As I opened the front door the morning light shined down upon my face giving off a warm touch. I took in a breath of fresh air, and felt refreshed again.

So I decided to take one more stroll past the pier just to "check" on that beautiful ship once more. Just as I took off my glasses to clean then for a bit, I was rudely bumped into by someone.


They must have been walking at a fast pace because I ended up on my arse, but nothing was broken. I didn't see who it was that bumped into me, because my glasses also got knocked away. So I was blindly searching for them on the ground when suddenly a familiar touch came to my aid. The hand helped me back onto my feet and put my glasses back on for me. Low and behold before my eyes ... it was that same girl from the Arts Sector. She appeared to be in a fluster this time and had been wandering around all morning. I wanted to say thank you once again, but the look upon her face told me another story.

"Are you hurt?" I asked her.

"O-oh! I'm okay. I'm sorry, I wasn't looking-"

Then she saw who she had bumped into yet again. Her face slightly turned red, and found herself a little embarrassed that this time, it was me helping her stand up.

"I didn't get a chance to thank you last time for helping me to my feet." I helped her stand back up, and made sure she wasn't hurt. "Thank you."

"It-it was nothing. I like helping people. Thank you kind sir, but I'd be best on my way."

Just before she began to walk away, I stopped her.

"Are you alright? I thought you're home was in the opposite direction? Where are you going?"

I had caught her red handed and thank god that she didn't just run away immediately. She stood there for a moment and I awaited her response.

"No where. I have no where to go, and no one to see. I'm alone now."

I found this quite serious and confusing. Just a few days ago, she was living in that home near the Arts Sector, now she was running away? I don't know what had gotten into me, perhaps it was fate that we were to meet again. And so I asked her.

"Then if you have no place or direction, perhaps you could accompany me on a walk around the pier?"

I extended my hand out to her. She wiped her face with her arm sleeve, and turned around with a simple smile.


She took my hand and I gave a smile. Warm, yet worn from all the work she must have been doing at home. To me she seemed constricted, but had so much potential to work with. So as we walked around the pier and the morning mist was still in the air, I tried to talk with her.

"So tell me? What is such a good person like yourself running away from?"

At first she paused for a moment, and sighed heavily.

"Well ..."

And she poured her heart out, talking about how she was the only one doing all of the work around the house, and taking care of everyone else. How everyone would put her down whenever she tried her best. And now apparently she was kicked out of her own home. I couldn't believe that parent would actually throw their own children out on the streets like that, espeically this girl. So I took it upon my liberty to take her in under my wing.

"Tell me something, if I offered you a place to stay with good people ... well good isn't the correct word, neither is sane ... bah but that isn't the point! How would you like to become my apprentice?"

She became was surprised at my sudden proposition. Here I was a complete drunken stranger from a few days ago now offering her a home and to come under my wing. "M-me!? How can you be so generous when we've only just met?"

"Why? Becuase I like you lass, and I see something that most other's don't have. A truly good heart, true potential to become great, and somehow deep inside I can almost feel a spirit that screams for adventure!"


"I am offering you a chance of a lifetime! Join me and I can teach you to become a great swordsman and show you a world outside of this dull city! All you have to is take my hand!" And in my riled up state, I stood up and held out my hand to her once more.

She was quite flustered up from such a "dynamic" offer from me. She sat there for a moment, and thought to herslef. Then looked up at me, smiled, and gladly took my hand! Little did I know what adventures we would set sail on, or where our friendship would take us, but I knew that she would make one hell of a warrior and a whole person when I was done with her! Just as she took my hand and we made our way back to the club ...

"Um ... just WHO are you anyway?"

And as she asked that question I must have tripped over myself and fell face first into the ground. I completely forgot to introduce myself, much less even get her name! And so I told her who I was and what she had gotten herself into. Thankfully she found my tale amusing and was herself a VERY enthusiastic supporter of NaruSaku, that was an added bonus for me. Whether she was NaruSaku or not, I still would have taken her in. And as we finally reached the the club, it appeared everyone was awake since it started to sound rowdy, I asked for her name.

"And what is the name of my new found apprentice, the kind girl who helped me a while ago?"

"Me? My mom named me Michiyo." She gave an angry glare. But then smiled happily next. "But my name is Yoko."

"My mother named me Kenta, but I chose Hokuten." I chuckled lightly. "Well Yoko! Welcome! To the NaruSaku!"

And as we walked in everyone was cheerful and it was like almost perfect timing, they all cheered ...


To Be Continued.


Chapter 12 is finished.

(Yoko!!! I hope you like the little name joke I put in there if you got it. biggrin.gif lol, sorry everyone its kind of an inside joke.)

"Shiny. Let's go be bad guys."

#65 bassclef


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Posted 17 November 2004 - 04:00 AM

Hokuten, what are we going to do with the N***H*** ship, comendere (sp?) it? *sigh* i might aswell go to bed. oh and Hokuten, the thing i mentioned in that chat the other day will be posted this weekend.
"I got bored, so I decided to go and buy a 360. *shrugs* I mainly use it when I'm bored... Which happens to be all the time, lol." -me

#66 Smiter


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Posted 17 November 2004 - 12:02 PM

Great stuff, Hoku. biggrin.gif

I have a feeling I know exactly what you plan to do. wink.gif

#67 hokuten


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Posted 17 November 2004 - 06:40 PM

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Chapter 13: The Flood
Subtitle: Day Of Reckoning

So for the next few weeks we would all become well acquianted with one another, getting to know each other and such. We lived everyday as if it were our last, and of course dealing with the occassional verbal attacks that the N***H***s made upon us. Although we fought back fiercely and all of their attempts to put us down only made us stronger.

Smiter, Aethos, Arashi, and Forgotten Past would spend most of their days in the Political Sector of NT. While Ash would drop by the FF.net Cafe to update her books. DeathWorks campaigned on about his "threesomes" that he dearly loved. And UN continued to work at the Fox & Flower Cafe, simply gathering information from his hungry customers. HH managed to cover up his leaking info to us with the help of LHG, and continued to feed us insider info. Meanwhile Blayze ran the club while I was gone, and he got a steady of new comers to join us.

As more me, I began to teach Yoko combat training and all my years of nautical experience. I also taught her much about my travels around the world and all the people I've met. It gave her more motivation to train harder, which was what I wanted, and she became more movtivated to become her own individual. And I even started to become sort of an artist myself, made a few of my own signatures.

Life went on and things began to slow down, until one fateful evening...

"T'was another good debate eh fellas!?" A grinning Smiter came walking in.

Aethos gave a harty laugh. "Hah! Did you see them kitten in their pants when all of their sources were shot down?! AHAHAHAAA!"

Arashi and FP was just happy for the moment that they finally came home and simply agreed silently with his comrades. Soon after Ash and Alpha came back carrying loads and loads of shopping bags filled with ka - well, you know what's in the bags. Blayze welcomed everyone back home with drinks ready to be served, while UN came home bringing food from the cafe.

"OY! Mail call!"

Blayze called out, and handed everyone their piles of mail. Ash had gotten her normal fan mail & reviews, while Blayze recieved his fic updates, and Smiter got a ton of new reviews for that series he has going. What was it? Oh yes! "Spirit Of Fire", a very well written and fantastic fic it is! I also had gotten my small share of reviews for the new NaruSaku fic I had written, Ends Of the Earth. Although I haven't had much time to continue it, and I feel guilty. After the mail call, Yoko and I had returned home from her extensive training. She was a little worn out, but progressing. Me on the other hand was DREADFULLY thristy and hungry! So we all cleaned up what mess there was for dinner.

As we all set up our places around the table for dinner, I had realized that HH hadn't returned yet, but of course he must've been eating with his club members so that there wouldn't be any suspicion of him. After dinner, it would be a fairly quiet evening and everyone decided to just chat amongst each other. I went upstairs to rest for a bit. I on the balcony of my club, over looking the sea and looking to the sky. The stars were bright out tonight and the moonlight was glowing down upon the peaceful city of NT. A short while after Yoko came up to check on me.

"Dai-sho deska, Sensei?" [Are you okay?]

"Mm. I'm okay. I've just been thinking."

"About what?" She asked and moved towards me.

"The hate here is almost too troublesome. Everyday the persecution becomes harsher and harsher."

She gave a small giggle, and replied. "Yet Smiter, Aethos, Arashi, and FP retain our honor and our reputation skyrockets. Is that not enough, sensei?"

Still gazing out into the moon lit sea. "You don't have to call me sensei when others aren't around."

"O-oops. Sorry sensei - I mean Hoku-kun."

"Heh, it's okay. It's not that I don't doubt their skills, but perhaps we need a place of our own. A place where we aren't persecuted and we can be free. You know that which I speak of."

"Mm. Heaven & Earth? But I thought it was merely an expression?"

"Yes and No. We use the expression as our motto, but there is a place that does exist. I haven't told anyone yet, but a while back when I was away ..."

She began to listen intently when suddenly there was a sound of a siren! It was the full scale city alert siren, the kind that sound we use for Air Raids! The city had began to wake up from the alarm! Just then I saw people running out of their homes dressed and armed for battle. I rushed over to the balcony edge and tried to ask what was going on.

"Hey hey! What's going on!?"

When suddenly a horserider came dashing down screaming -


My God ... The Flood is attacking attacking NT. I had heard tales of them, but never actually encountered them before. I quickly shut the balcony doors and sealed them as best as I could. Next I took Yoko by the hand and rushed downstairs. I was relieved to see everyone sober, but they were all still confused about what was going on. And they all looked at me, who was already in battle gear.

"Lloyd what's going on?" Blayze asked quickly.

"Paul. It's The Flood, we have to move quickly!"

He immediately understood what I said and moved into the back area. Meanwhile everyone was still in a state of confusion, which was good, so I started to explain to them.

"Hoku what's with that Air Raid Siren? Are we being invaded?" Smiter was the first to ask.

I motioned for everyone gathered around me and explained what was going on.

"Listen carefully everyone, this is a VERY Serious matter. We are under siege even as we speak."

Alpha then asked quickly. "Under siege!? By what? Another city?"

"No." I continued. "Something far worse than that. I thought it was only a myth, but now I fear we may not live to tell about it. You all know that which I speak of, the horror that sweeps villages, towns, and cities like it was nothing. The Flood have arrived."

"Flood? What is it?" Ash asked curiously.

"Have you ever played Halo before? If you haven't then you'll be in store for something that not even Hell would want in it's depths! They are like a plague that move fast and quick, killing and infecting those that it touch. They move fast like water and feed on anything it touches. Tis a gruesome death, and even worse when you become ONE of them."

Everyone sensed the fear and terror in my voice. It was the first time I showed real fear in front of them. It wasn't good for morale, seeing your leader actually terrofied of something that doesn't even seam real, but I had to show them strength.

"Come on everyone! Gather you're weapons and prepare for battle! We'll fight to the last man, this city may be divided into groups, but united as one we are stronger than anything! Help board up what we can and seal ourselves in as best as we can. They say that if they can't find food, then they move on with the next morning. Come on!"

And everyone got their game faces on! This would be our first survival fight all together. We boarded up the front and rear entrances, also sealed up what upstair openings we had, although the flood mainly stay close to the ground. We all moved the tables and chairs off so we had room to fight if need be, and believe me we would need the room to fight. Now all we had to do was wait for them to come and get us.

For a good five or ten minutes it was silent outside, only the sound of the siren was still going on, and some footsteps could be heard running for shelter. It was that long wait for the the eye of the storm, only this eye would be 10x worse than any known storm. Everyone had their weapons ready and drawn forth. Smiter and Arashi had their blades ready. Blayze had his explosives ready for support fire, and Aethos had his dual daggers ready. Ash had dual pistols in had, both 9mm caliber with 15 rounds each. Of couse she was our Gunner/Guns expert, sometimes she was even nicked named Lady Luck. Alpha didn't use her hammer, but instead I learned that she was a skilled hand-to-hand fighter. UN had a belt of stilettos (thin throwing daggers), but mainly used his butcher's knife as a weapon also. Meanwhile Yoko stood next to me with her own katana I gotten her, she also had a Wakazashi on side just in case. I had taught her one handed combat as well as dual wielding combat. I stood there infront of everyone with my hand on the hilt of my Dragon Katana.

Suddenly the city siren had gone dead and it fell deathly silent. Then there was a cold chill in the air, as if death itself filled the room. And a sound was in the air, like a vaccum, or the sound of a zombie breathing in just as it's about to attack. I looked at my fellow members, nodded to them as to get ready, and looked back at the front door waiting for The Flood to come.

"Yoko, whatever happens ... stay close to me at all times." I quietly said and nodded at her reassuringly.

She knew I wasn't playing around this time and understood my order. "Hai, Sensei!"

The the vaccum noice then began to become a quiet roar, and it became louder and louder ...


Suddenly the barricaded door banged, as if something monsterous was trying to get in!


Another bang against the door came, and our tensions were rising. We didn't know what to anticipate, for we knew not what our foe even looked like.


Just then it seemed like there was a kind of slime or goo seeping from the bottom of the door. I made one more shout to my crew before the door would give way.

"BACKS TOGETHER! STAY NEAR EACH OTHER! Whatever comes through that door ... STAY - TOGETHER! And we will live through the night!"


The table we used to barricade the front entrance had been pushed off and fell down. Now it was only the front door keeping us from THEM. And just as we awaited for that final blow against the door, it fell silent once again ...



To Be continued.


Chapter 13 is finished.

So how's THAT for a cliffhanger! lol, it's not like i'm trying to set them up, i was just going with my storyline! Oooh Keira has yet a very very interesting role if i might add!

"Shiny. Let's go be bad guys."

#68 Smiter


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Posted 17 November 2004 - 07:00 PM

Loved the complete Chapter 12. biggrin.gif

*laughs* I got drunk under the table by Ash... It was nice to see Yoko being accepted into the tavern as well. happy.gif

*wonders what role he will play in the grand plan*

#69 Yoko


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Posted 17 November 2004 - 07:06 PM

OMG, that was awesome, Hoku-kun! I loved it! *glomps* and the name joke.... LOL!

#70 Soritia


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Posted 17 November 2004 - 11:56 PM

tehe... ^^ It's funny to see everyone together in such a way. PARTY!

#71 sharingank


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Posted 18 November 2004 - 12:10 AM


*takes a swig of her own brew* You ready for another round, Smiter?? XD XD XD

#72 Smiter


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Posted 18 November 2004 - 12:26 AM

QUOTE (sharingank @ Nov 18 2004, 01:10 AM)

*takes a swig of her own brew* You ready for another round, Smiter?? XD XD XD

*brings out a bottle of rum*

Name the game, Ash! wink.gif

#73 Guest_Aethos_*

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Posted 18 November 2004 - 12:44 AM

::sits in the corner::

Geez if I didn't know better I'd swear this was turning out to be a

Smiter x SharinganK



#74 Yuriko



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Posted 18 November 2004 - 12:59 AM

Nice hoku-kun, I loved chapter 12 (finished)
I don't know but I think Hoku is hooking up the tripulants one by one XD
I can't wait for my entrance, *wonders what personality will hoku give me*
please finish soon chapter 13
I can't wait, dattebayo!!

#75 hokuten


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Posted 18 November 2004 - 03:34 AM

Click For Spoiler
Chapter 14: The First Fall Of NT
Subtitle: Rank Promotions


And the siege of The Flood had begun! It was exactly as I had described, well not really, but the Flood were exactly like the creatures in Halo. Small and fast round balls of death. Infecting whatever they touch and turning them into monsters, mindless creatures that only kill! They came in from every direction possible, trying to overwhelm us, but we were well prepared!

All of the people with close combat weapons and experience took up the front line (Smiter, Aethos, Arashi, Alpha, Yoko, and myslef), while ranged attackers (Ash, Blayze, and UN) gave support from behind and watched so that they didn't get us behind our backs. It was like fighting a physical cloud of evil, striking at anything that moved! Just as some of the small Floodlings thinned down, that was when the Infected came. Random people, and some we knew had gotten infected and were already under the Flood's control. They just kept on coming, it was like there was no end to them at all! It was then that we saw other people trying to escape from their clubs and homes. So I tried to give the order to retreat...

"We gotta get out of here! Get to the docks and try to escape this chaos!"

And just as I was about to turn around to repeat my words, an Infected nearly struck me down from behind, but then Ash quickly shot it down in the head. I nodded to her quickly in thanks, and she tipped her gun at me.

"Come on! Follow me! Stick together!"

And I made my valiant charge out of my once glorious club. That was the second time my club was vicously attacked, and I had to run away from it. We all traveled as a pack cutting and shooting down the Flood and Infected that were in the way. Sadly it was a massacre out there, many people getting infected quickly and going down left and right. It was a horrifying sight seeing all of these people, our friends and close ones being swallowed up by this PLAGUE.

We made our way over to the docks, and ran into HH who was trying to fend off an Infected by himself. He was about to be smashed to hell, but we came just in time. I had cut the damn thing's head off ... but IT STILL CAME AT ME?! Then the headless monster began to charge at me!? It was as if my body wouldn't move. My mind was frozen seeing this terrifying sight. Just then Smiter, Arashi, and Aethos made a three point strike, coming from all sides just in time! This time it went down permanently. I was fairly shooken up, but Yoko came to my side and got me back to normal.

"Sensei! Wake up!"

I shook it off and was back to normal. I thanked her quickly and got back on my feet.

"Come on! We need to get out of here!"

I quickly ran aboard the first ship I saw and everyone simply followed me aboard. It was as if we already knew this ship and we all got to our positions and manned our stations. I grabbed what was the intercom system and began to give orders.

"Aethos fire up that engine! We need power!"

I looked out the main bridge window and saw that Ash and Blayze were fending off as many Flood as they could have, but we would soon be over taken and it would be too late.

"Hoku, I need 1 more minute and then we'll be out of here!" Aethos responded.

"1 more minute and we'll all be DEAD mate!"

Suddenly everything turned on and we had full power, and I heard of the intercom Aethos cheering madly. "I-I did it! I got it started! GO! GO! GO!"

"Arashi full speed ahead! Get us the HELL OUT OF HERE!!!"

"Aye aye sir!" He set the coordinates to get us out of the docks and out to sea.

And we slowly began to move out of the docks and out of the chaos! Leaving behind our home, some for the first time, for me it was all the same. We got out of the port and out into the sea, away from NT and The Flood. Just as we were out of harms way, I sat down in a chair and felt relief. It was one kittened up night and it could have gotten worse, but we were safely away from danger. I told Arashi to set course for the Ruins Of BK. We could take shelter there for now, until it was safe to go back.

I'm sure our Leaders Of NT were prepared for that attack and already have a counter attack ready. It was only a matter of time before we could go back home. But still they came so rapidly and unannouced, it was as if someone had set them loose upon us on purpose ... but I didn't care anymore. All I knew was that everyone was okay and ... wait a minute ... I had just realized.

"We're on a freaking ship!?" I got up from my seat and excitedly spoke out. "We have a ship! HAHAAA!"

I ran out onto the main deck and started to hug the ship. Then everyone came above deck to celebrate our awesome victory! But just as we looked up to see the sails ... we realized just WHICH ship we had stolen.

"Well I'll be damned ..." Blayze spoke with disbelief.

It was the N***H*** ship we were originally going to steal in the first place. I began to laugh out loud myself!

"Hah! We stole the right ship by accident! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!"

I began to laugh at our double victory! We had escaped the massacre and gotten the ship that we wanted. I looked all around at my crew who were covered in a gooey mess from that Flood battle and came to one conclusion.

"The ship is ours, we have the sea to explore, and an unstoppable crew survived a horror that not even the Gods can handle!"

They all raised thier fists and cheered loudly! "HAIL! HAIL! HAIL!"

"Lloyd, now that we're officially a Crew with a ship ... don't you suppose we need a captain?" Blayze poked at me.

I knew where he was getting at and tried to decline this position, but before I knew it, my entire crew charged at me and lifted me onto my back?!

"Oy!!! What is this a muitiny!?" I was unsure of what they were going to do to me. Then I saw them take me off to the side of the ship. "No!!! You wouldn't!"

"No dear brother! Tis a hazing for our gladly appointed captain! That and you're the most ooze covered out of us all!" He maliciously spoke.

And as they threw me off the side of the boat I could hear their laughter before I hit the cold ocean water.

"Man overboard!" Aethos jokingly announced. "Oy! Isn't there supposed to be a first mate?"

"Aye! That there is supposed to be one! And we ALL know who it should be!" Blayze gleefully spoke again. He looked over to Ash who was standing next to Smiter, who just happened to be standing closest to the edge of the ship.

Almost immediately Smiter knew what was about to happen.

"Oy wait a minute! You're his brother why don't you take the promotion!?" He tried to argue and secured himself to the railing.

"I'm sorry mate. I'm merely just an artillery/explosives expert, I can't swim." Blayze teased Smiter.

"Well bloody hell doesn't mean you have to throw me overboard!" He still tightly held onto the raililng.

Just then Ash came over to his side and tried to coax him from worrying. "Oy come on love! No ones going to throw you overboard."

Smiter felt relieved as Ash picked him up and held him closely.

"But then again, I didn't say push!"


And Ash pushed poor Smiter over the side of the boat, and he splashed down into the cold ocean water! Everyone merrily laughing at me and Smiter's promotions.

"Oh wait, I CAN swim!" Blayze gave a harty laugh. "Twasn't very lady-like of you eh, Ash?"

Ash gave an infectious laugh and replied with. "Just because they call me Lady Luck, dun mean I'm very lady-like!"

"That's my sister for ya!" Alpha began cheerfully dancing around her older sister.

I finally swam up to Smiter's position in the water and pulled him up from the water.

"Ash?" I asked knowing the answer.

He shook his head in embarassment. "Ash."

"Well atleast I'm honored to have you as my First Mate."

They had a line waiting for us in the water and we both swam back to the N***H*** ... no The NaruSaku Mk.II!

To Be Continued.


Chapter 14 is finished.

"Shiny. Let's go be bad guys."

#76 bassclef


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Posted 18 November 2004 - 03:45 AM

hmm the ol' NT days. i've forgotten how many times exactly it fell. was it 3 times or 4?

well anyways, i gotta get to bed but when i get home from school tomorrow i'm going to work on my semi-secret project.
"I got bored, so I decided to go and buy a 360. *shrugs* I mainly use it when I'm bored... Which happens to be all the time, lol." -me

#77 Soritia


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Posted 18 November 2004 - 08:42 AM

Wow, I feel kinda bad that I didn't join while you guys were on NT... ^^;
(I did stalk the forum as an invisible evil though >8) )

#78 Blayze



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Posted 18 November 2004 - 10:44 AM

Bwahaha... that's the kinda luck you only ever see in anime biggrin.gif

#79 Smiter


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Posted 18 November 2004 - 11:35 AM


Loved the updates. biggrin.gif

I'm really looking forward to more. happy.gif

#80 Yoko


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Posted 18 November 2004 - 11:59 AM

LOL! The Flood! I hated fighting those things.... especially in Halo 2.... Anyway, I loved chapter 13 and 14! And I have a Katana and Wakizashi! Awesome!

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