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The Great NaruSaku Debate Thread!

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#61 Nate River

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Posted 22 May 2006 - 08:59 PM

Ah, there so much to talk about and I need to get in my two cents as well.

First, on the translation, I'm with Smiter. If all the official translations say “people” instead of “girls”, then that poster bears the burden of proof here. Why should we believe his or her friend over all the official translators? If they wish us to believe this they need to tell us why. As it stands, we know nothing about this source, who they are, how good their Japanese is, why it is more accurate than the translators, or even if they exist. I don’t mean to call that person or their source a liar, but I cannot simply accept an anonymous source that contradicts all of the official translations without a good reason.

Even accepting that person's translation, the evidence behind NaruHina is relative weak. First, the statement still only reads “I like girls like you” which is not the same “I like you.” When this statement is made he clearly likes Sakura. So is this person saying Naruto has two crushes? There is no much to back up the Hinata crush other than this statement and a few moments in the Chuunin exam. Assuming for the sake of argument that this is true, the NaruSaku relationship has continually developed with the two becoming closer and closer over time, while the Hinata relationship has stagnated. I would have expected considerably more Hinata involvement in the Manga if the Hinata crush was serious. I also would have expected more to have occurred during the fainting episode as well.

This brings me to my next point. As I have argued before, there has been no significant development of NaruHina since the Chuunin exams. In fact, there are real Hinata (let alone NaruHina ones) moments once you get past the Chuunin exams. All I can remember is her watching Naruto leave and the fainting episode. Both moments have gone virtually nowhere. Naruto still has no idea she watched him leave and, at this point in time, the whole incident appears to have been completely dropped by Kishimoto. If he were exploring NaruHina, the Gaara arc would have been a perfect opportunity to send Team 8. Instead it takes nearly 60 chapters for Hinata to make an appareance. And even there, it was extremely brief. All she really does in Part 2 is faint and the event is dropped and the Manga moves on.

My question then is if NaruHina is such a strong possibility, why has the relationship had virtually no development since the Chuunin exams. And filler (either NaruHina or NaruSaku) doesn't count. Both SasuSaku and NaruSaku, have received far more attention and development that NaruHina.

One could make a similar argument about the NaruSaku date. However, I thinks it real significance is not what happened during the date (I suspect it was mostly catching on the past three years), but that she accepted a date at all. Remember her previous actions to such a request. I haven't read the corresponding manga episode yet, but in the anime when Naruto asks her on a date on the completed Wave Country bridge, her reaction is pretty violent. When Naruto asked in 245, she had no objection to the use of the term date. She wasn’t violent and she did not insist that it was not a date. I think the date's importance is that it represents how far their relationship has come. From violent reactions to acceptance of a date.

I am not saying this indisputably proves she is in love with Naruto, because I don't think it does. I think a more accurate reading is to say that Naruto has gone from no chance in the beginning to a goog chance now. My position is that Sakura loves both on some level, but I suspect on the question of who she is in love with, she is conflicted. There have been moments (see 297) that suggest she holds deep feelings for Naruto. The more recent chapters also indicate that she has yet to let go of Sasuke either. My prediction is that she remain conflicted to some degree for the majority of the manga and that a resolution will come toward the end of the Manga.

This brings me back to NaruHina. They fainting episode doesn't have the same significance. While the date is a good representation of how far NaruSaku has traveled, all the fainting espisode signifies is that Hinata has developed or still has (depending on how you view her feelings in Part 1) a crush on Naruto. There is no evidence that the Naruto end has developed at all. One could say this about Naruto in 245, but he was already in love with her at that point. The problem with NaruSaku was not Naruto, it was Sakura. Again depending on your view of part 1 Hinata, the problem with NaruHina was not Hinata, it was Naruto. There has been no real progression or the Naruto end like there has been with the Sakura end.

The overriding emphasis of the manga in terms of relationships has been the NaruSakuSasu relationships, both in terms of friendship and love. IMO, every relationship is secondary to this particular triangle. True, other relationships between characters have received significant development, but based on where they stand now, that development was only for a limited period of time and eventually tapered off (save maybe Naruto and Gaara), while NaruSakuSasu relationships has been a pretty constant theme (perhaps the Tsunade arc notwithstanding). Hinata's role, as of now, has not really survived the Chuunin exams. Kishimoto might have something in mind for her, I supposed, but that's just speculation based on weak evidence. Given that her relative unimportance has existed for a significant length of time, I would be somewhat surprised if NaruHina become a significant possibility.

And since Sasuke_Uchiha13 vists this site from time to time I feel safe about asking this here, what info? I know there are good arguments for SasuSaku (for example that LJ posts seems pretty well thought out), but simply claiming there is info for SasuSaku and NaruHina doesn't refute Aethos's statement.

I also agree with you surly, that person overstates their case. I wouldn’t expect bitterness in Naruto statements especially after the “promise of a lifetime scene.” Besides, I’d have to go look at whatever scene that is before I’d accept that person’s description of it. But assuming that tenderness is the emotion, I still disagree with them The most important thing to Naruto is Sakura’s happiness. One of the reasons many NaruSaku’s believe Naruto’s feelings of love are the most genuine, is that he sacrifices his happiness for her’s He vows to Sakura that he will bring Sasuke knowing that doing so may kill any chances he has at being with Sakura. Sasuke actually does the reverse, he severs his relationships in order to fulfill a personal desire. This indicates that if SasuSaku were to happened Naurto would accept such a relationship because it makes his two best friends happy. In addition, while he would be happy with his friends happiness, he’d also be resigned to the fact that Sakura cannot be his and, therefore, I’d expect him to be depressed. Thus, the most likely emotion you’d expect from Naruto in such a situation is resignation (that Sakura cannot be his), not bitterness. The fact that he is not bitter in that scene does not prove that Naruto ships SasuSaku. All that their argument shows is that Naruto believes he’s lost.

On the second post, I'm not sure why he's suprised that there are fictions pairing Hinata with people other than Naruto. One of the things I like about this fandom is the large amount of crack/non-traditional pairings that exist. Its nice I can find a decent number of Naruto/Hanabi fics or Naruto/Ino fics, despite the obscurity of the pairings. One thing I don't like about the Inuyasha section is, despite a comparable number fictions there are significantly fewer fics dedicate to alternate pairings.

As far as his real pairings go, I dealt with NaruHina already. The LJ post is pretty good and I'll need a little bit more time to formulate an effective response. And NejiIno? Did I miss something? Do these two have a significant interaction in the Manga? I can't think of one, but maybe I missed something. I guess there might be some filler I haven't seen, but then it would be only filler. If all he means is that he a fan, fair enough. I have no problem with liking any particular pairing. The reasons don't even have to be logical. I like some pretty obscure stuff and sometimes my reasons are pretty illogical.

#62 Nick Soapdish

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Posted 22 May 2006 - 09:37 PM

Ino strikes a sexy pose for Neji in the second part of the chuunin exam, but it doesn't work. So Team Ten has to resort to groveling. When that is successful ... sort of ... and Neji says that he wouldn't take their scroll out of the shame, she shakes her fist at his retreating back and he asks if she wants a fight. She immediately backs down. Team Ten is then shown lamenting that they're going to have a hard time finding a team weaker than theirs so they've gotta gun for Team 7 with Naruto and Sakura.

And zat's all, folks!

So it's not exactly supported in the manga. But then, I like the idea of LeeHina which has even less interaction and a chance of happening that's well under 1%. Are they arguing that NejIno is likely or just saying that they like it?

#63 Nate River

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Posted 22 May 2006 - 10:04 PM

That's what I was wondering, they listed it as a real pairing so I couldn't tell. Ah, okay, I remeber that now, I don't know if I'd call it significant, but it is an interaction.

#64 MonkeysTotallyRock


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Posted 23 May 2006 - 10:36 PM

QUOTE (Aethos @ May 13 2006, 06:10 AM)
I don't see Sasuke being romantically interested in ANYONE! EVER! I can't even imagine Sasuke being with a girl much less getting all mushy and lovey-dovey. That just isn't Sasuke. Although I could have seen it that way pre-massacre.

As far as Sakura goes if you look at chapter 3 then at the current chapter you can tell her feelings for Naruto have changed drastically. Yes I believe she loves Naruto and Sasuke as friends and team mates but I don't think it's uncommon for Sakura to fall out of love with Sasuke considering her "feelings" were mostly fake and empty anyways since she only saw him as the other fangirls did as the "cool, brooding, pretty boy." and I can't see how they got deeper considering anytime Sasuke ever opened up to someone or showed a glimmer of vulnerability it sure wasn't towards Sakura. More like it was towards Naruto mainly because of their brotherhood.

But Sasuke never told Sakura about who he wanted to kill or why he wanted power so much. She didn't even understand Sasuke's motivations at all when he left. Naruto understood Sasuke's pain far more than Sakura ever did even if Sasuke did appreciate her concern. But let's face facts most if not all of what Sakura thought about Sasuke in part one either came from her own fantasies or what she heard through the Sasuke Fan Club.

If anything Sakura was no different from Ino even during the goodbye scene.

I feel Sakura's love for Sasuke would have been more genuine if Sasuke had confided in her more instead of Naruto.

Also as far as Naruto goes let's face it. Back in the beginning Sakura was no different from anyone else in the village. Naruto's reputation didn't really help when it came to gaining Sakura's affections either until they graduated the academy and became a 3 man squad where she realized everything she had thought about Naruto at first had been completely wrong. Sakura is the most dynamic character in the Team 7 love triangle as she's grown and realized that first impressions aren't everything. I bet even Sakura would say now that she doesn't think badly of Naruto like she did back in the academy and it's all because of getting closer to him and through personal growth.

This is why I feel it's easy for Sakura to fall out of love with Sasuke and start falling in love with Naruto. She's got the most potential to change her feelings because of the growth she's gone through.

As for Naruto his feelings have and are still there. I know people keep claiming that he gave up at the promise of a lifetime but I see no real proof that he ever did give up his feelings for her but merely stepped aside thinking that she'd be happier with Sasuke. I doubt Naruto would give up on Sakura so easily not only because of his nindo but because it's all part of his personality. Naruto never gives up on anything and I doubt he'd start now by claiming Hinata as a consolation prize.

agreed.. i... um... DISLIKE sasuke... we'll just leave it at dislike partly because he secludes himself -- i do think by now it's impossible to go back to konoha and start a meaningful life; he's been with orochimaru for three years... he's a threat to konoha, and they won't allow him. so he'll be secluded. however, a major turning point does come up now -- if in the next chapter(s) they succeed in bringing back sasuke, there will be hope for him. esle, he is doomed to a romanceless life.
besides, it appears naruto has matured about his feelings towards sakura and doesn't simply declare it. (we all know he still has those feelings... B) ) and besides, if what yamato says is true, narusaku will end up true unless either naruto dies (which can't happen because the series will end...) or sakura dies... which is possible, just... i hope it's not probable. if sakura dies, it may turn into naruhina, but providing naruto and sakura are alive, one of them will confess/kiss/DO SOMETHING eventually.
that's all i have to say.

#65 gamerman_007


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Posted 24 May 2006 - 12:48 AM

I bring you more!

Post 1
Post 2
Post 3


Im curious, alot of naruhina fans say that naruhina has been hinted at too strongly. Where in the manga do you see these "hints"?

Bunny: Sasuke, join me.
Sasuke: What will I receive if I join you?
Sasuke: Sweet! what do I do?
Orochimaru: Sssssssssssssaaaaaaasssssssssukkkkkkeeeeeee-kkkuuuuuunnnn!
Sasuke: oh f***

Sono nantomo ienai sekushii na oshiri wo ore no kokan ni okittensukete rizumu ni awasete kosurinasai = Back that ass up. :D

#66 blessed_devil


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Posted 24 May 2006 - 03:29 AM

Ah, yes. I saw that essay a while back. It was a pretty long time ago, and the Long-Ass Postersâ„¢ have already replied to that.

Overall, I think that it's all just a fan's unique interpretations of some scenes. S/he gives us a different perspective of the scenes that we interpret differently. While we see Sakura's feelings for Sasuke as a shallow and one-sided little crush, s/he comes up with a deeper explanation. But I think it's all a little too much compared to what I think Kishimoto wanted us to believe.
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#67 desaix


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Posted 24 May 2006 - 04:50 AM

While I support NaruSaku wholeheartedly and believe it will be canon before the end, I generally find debates of this type pointless. I suppose my question has nothing to do with either side of the debate, and more about these types of debates in general: Has anyone ever changed their opinion about which pairings are canon (Naruto or any other series) based on a debate of this type?

(edited to correct a freudian slip)

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#68 Dash



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Posted 24 May 2006 - 04:56 AM

QUOTE (blessed_devil @ May 23 2006, 11:29 PM)
Ah, yes. I saw that essay a while back. It was a pretty long time ago, and the Long-Ass Postersâ„¢ have already replied to that.

Overall, I think that it's all just a fan's unique interpretations of some scenes. S/he gives us a different perspective of the scenes that we interpret differently. While we see Sakura's feelings for Sasuke as a shallow and one-sided little crush, s/he comes up with a deeper explanation. But I think it's all a little too much compared to what I think Kishimoto wanted us to believe.

I've seen a few of pb's posts and while she (I think pb's a girl) is very thorough in her essays, I would argue that she has a tendency to overanalyze some of the situations she uses to defend or support SasuSaku (and NaruHina for that matter). As much fun as it is debating and arguing about pairings, I think it's easy to forget that its a shounen manga intended for young boys - trying to analyze each and every scene like you would a novel for high school or college english may not be the best way to dig up evidence for a pairing (to borrow a quote from the NaruSaku FC at NF, "i bet you can show [Naruhina fans] a picture of a trash can and they would try to link it to naruto and hinata"). A lot pairing supporters have their minds set on their chosen pair, so they generally won't change their opinions. BTW, is it me, or are most of the rabid...er devoted SasuSaku supporters girls...has a survey been done on this?

From Post 2 - "Now, some think Sasuke was just plain being mean when he told Sakura that she was lower than Naruto. Keep in mind, though, that this takes place right after the Wave Arc where a similar insult worked really well with Naruto. I think part of it might have been trying to motivate her to be stronger."

headscratch.gif ...kind of a stretch to me

Post 3 - "But let’s jump back just a little, to the hospital scene where Tsunade heals Sasuke after his fight with Itachi. During this scene, Sakura shows her usual relief that Sasuke’s all right by her usual hug. This time, however, instead of a neutral reaction (or humorous, in the case of ‘Sakura, you’re heavy’ - at least that made me laugh at an otherwise serious and emotional scene), he looked at her with some of his own emotions playing on his face. I can’t tell you exactly what they were, but probably a mix of a whole lot. Point is, he was finally accepting Sakura’s affections as comfort and even relented to reveal some of his own emotions that he usually hides behind a neutral (or annoyed) face. "

From what I remember from that chapter, Sasuke looked appropriately confused and looked at Sakura, who was hugging him immmediately after waking from his Itachi-induced coma...he didn't say anything, though, so I would question how she can infer Sasuke's feelings and/or state of mind from one panel of him looking dazed and or tired/weak...

Anyway, I'd imagine Mizura or any of the other NF essay posters brought up their own arguments at some point.

#69 No WhereMan

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Posted 24 May 2006 - 08:50 AM

QUOTE (gamerman_007 @ May 24 2006, 12:48 AM)
Im curious, alot of naruhina fans say that naruhina has been hinted at too strongly. Where in the manga do you see these "hints"?

What do you mean Gamerman? When Naruto looked in Hinata's direction for more then 5 seconds, that totally mean he's in love with her. And the last time when Hinata fainted in front of Naruto, she copped a feel on the way down and Naruto didn't mind/say anything, he totally digs her man. >=D


#70 Vespar



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Posted 25 May 2006 - 03:32 AM

QUOTE (No WhereMan @ May 24 2006, 07:50 PM)
What do you mean Gamerman? When Naruto looked in Hinata's direction for more then 5 seconds, that totally mean he's in love with her. And the last time when Hinata fainted in front of Naruto, she copped a feel on the way down and Naruto didn't mind/say anything, he totally digs her man. >=D

LMAO! Nice one No WhereMan! biggrin.gif
Don't forget the times where Hinata stalks Naruto and watches through his clothes with Byakugan! Man, that's love if anyone knows it! XD

#71 Smiter


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Posted 25 May 2006 - 09:18 PM

QUOTE (desaix @ May 24 2006, 05:50 AM)
While I support NaruSaku wholeheartedly and believe it will be canon before the end, I generally find debates of this type pointless.  I suppose my question has nothing to do with either side of the debate, and more about these types of debates in general:  Has anyone ever changed their opinion about which pairings are canon (Naruto or any other series) based on a debate of this type?

(edited to correct a freudian slip)

Well, many people debate to put across their views and sometimes in order to try and gain a deeper understanding of the events in the manga.

While I haven't debated for a long time (well, apart from a few essays here and there on these boards), I have seen some people change their opinion on what pairings were "canon". Almost all of them were "bystanders" in debate threads. While the person you debate against is unlikely to change his/her view (especially if he/she is hardcore) many people do take an interest in those threads and sometimes change their views as they consider the points raised.

It's always nice to read someone post and say things like "I used to think NaruHina/SasuSaku was canon because other people said so, but reading your post got me thinking and I think NaruSaku has a good chance." smile.gif

I think the bad thing about those debates is that they tend to go around in circles all the time, no real progression made. There have been debaters from the NaruHina/SasuSaku camp (not sure if they are still active or not) who have taken manga events on board and adapted to them, rather than stick to outdated arguments. Unfortunately, there are hardcores who will always stick to outdated arguments.

Anyway, I really did enjoy reading Devil's and Shriner's posts. biggrin.gif Essays are good! I agree with Shriner's point that Sakura's acceptance of Naruto's date was more significant than whatever happened on it (or if it even happened since Naruto was broke).

I feel there is still a lot of background being held back in the manga. Sakura still misses Sasuke and wants to bring him back with Naruto so that they can go "back to normal". But her reactions so far in the current manga chapter seem to suggest that she has long abandoned romantic pretenses. So far. I actually expected Sakura to show some feelings towards Sasuke, some conflict, but so far her feelings seem to be on a comrade/family level. I could be wrong.

Sakura knows Sasuke doesn't have any romantic feelings towards her, so it is possible she moved on in the three year timeskip - a theory supported by her interesting reactions to Naruto in 245 and onwards. Even though the warm atmosphere ended with the usual violence, it was intriguing to see Sakura made no attempt to deny/debate her growing feelings towards Naruto. In the past, she would have rejected those feelings outright.

As I've said in the past, Sakura doesn't strike me as the type to openly embrace mushy feelings about someone if she's still attached to another person.

I might be right, might be wrong. But I'm enjoying the progression of the Naruto/Sakura relationship in the manga. biggrin.gif Compared to the other pairings, it has definitely made a lot of progression as other posters have said.

#72 Hopestar


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Posted 26 May 2006 - 06:09 AM

Despite all of these debates and opoion we all share in the it's up to Kishi considering its his story not ours. Reminder Naruto is action & comedy that includes some romance.

Like all of you, I really want NaruSaku to happen because they have the most evidence, common personalities, & always had each others backs (well basely more on Naruto's behalf). But let's be realistic here folks, not all rising potential couples do get together just me it's not common among amine stories. For we know, Naruto & Sakura's relationship could into such matter that they may never get together and might remain as best friends who love or in love with each other.
Believe me it happens even in real life.

However a chance of SasuSaku or NaruHina is out of question at the moment. Currently Sasuke is trying to kill Naruto just to receive the same power of the sharigan as does Itachi and remains driven on his revange. Hinata isn't doing much to improve her "relationship" with Naruto. Yes opporsites do attract therefore corresponding for SS while Naruto does need someone who's caring and loving corresponding for NH.

Now going back in time, whenever Sasuke's around Sakura would always try to gain his attention anyhow in anyway. Comparing her behvior towards him and everyone else (especially Naruto & Ino) she's completely faje and Sasuke continues to ingore, insult and somtimes compares her to Naruto where fighting is concern. If they were to happen then Sakura might not be truly happy because she could never be her true self and would follow and suffer under Sasuke's decisions.

As for Hinata finding it hard to even be around Naruto without having to faint. Hell she even allow him to copy off her pater during the chunnin exam when they could've been caught and cause both of their teams to be kick out off the exam. The lack of friendship and interaction is very difficult to interpret. If they were to happen then obviously Hinata would have to accpet Naruto's determination of happiness for Sakura and may have some hidden despires.

While Naruto & Sakura are two of a kind of a kind with different views & behaviors yet all the same with one soul. According to Iruka, NS are perfect examples of heaven and earth which are proven true at the growth of their relationship and selves. If they ever got together.... well Naruto would be whipped that's for sure. Otherwise the relationship is pure mutual love and the only thing that could endanger their relationship are those who are after Kyuubi. :yinyang:
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#73 Ani


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Posted 26 May 2006 - 08:30 PM

I finally have the time to read all these long posts since its Summer. XD

I liked your post about the pairings Shriner. Same with Smiter-sama and Hope.

I know pairings might not even happen. I just think if Naruto is going to end up with anyone it would be Sakura. If not, he might just not end up with anyone.

#74 Smiter


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Posted 26 May 2006 - 08:48 PM

I firmly agree that it's all down to Kishi to decide what pairings - if any - will happen in the manga story. happy.gif I'm confident in NaruSaku's chances since there has been plenty of development for that relationship, but I am also aware of the small chance that nothing could come of it.

Naruto would be whipped, but I doubt he would complain. XD

About the "opposites attract", again I point out that it's actually "opposites attract, but they don't wear well." happy.gif A relationship definitely needs common ground in order to flourish, and Naruto and Sakura definitely have that.

#75 gamerman_007


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Posted 26 May 2006 - 11:20 PM

Also Sakura and naruto have some differences.

1) Naruto is a dumbass, Sakura is second in brains to shikamaru in the rookie nine
2) Naruto is immature, Sakura is mature (deep inside she a bit immature)

Anything else?

btw, i wonder, should naruhina be considered a crack pairing?

Bunny: Sasuke, join me.
Sasuke: What will I receive if I join you?
Sasuke: Sweet! what do I do?
Orochimaru: Sssssssssssssaaaaaaasssssssssukkkkkkeeeeeee-kkkuuuuuunnnn!
Sasuke: oh f***

Sono nantomo ienai sekushii na oshiri wo ore no kokan ni okittensukete rizumu ni awasete kosurinasai = Back that ass up. :D

#76 Hopestar


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Posted 27 May 2006 - 04:02 AM

QUOTE (gamerman_007 @ May 26 2006, 06:20 PM)
Also Sakura and naruto have some differences.

1) Naruto is a dumbass, Sakura is second in brains to shikamaru in the rookie nine
2) Naruto is immature, Sakura is mature (deep inside she a bit immature)

Anything else?

btw, i wonder, should naruhina be considered a crack pairing?

Yeah as far as inteligence, battle experience, power and common sense goes, Naruto & Sakura are very the same (in personality).

The crack pairing of NaruHina, I honestly don't prove of it. Sure their friendship would be great but because they lack in communciation it's a no! AND PLEASE DO NOT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THE FILLERS BECAUSE THEY ENSURE DO NOT COUNT FOR ANYTHING!!!! It's a wonder why people are confuse because of the way the amine setup compare to the orignaility of the manga.

In the amine NH chances of getting together is assuring and gives NH fans more reasoning of belief of this couple. However in reality (manga speaking) it's close to impossible.

Which is why the show has basely consist the triangle of NaruSakuSasu. However at this rate in the end it's really up to Sakura who she should go to. The man is living in darkness and happens to reveal an person who she thought was nothing but an illusion. Oe the man who has always been by her side regardless how she treats him. :yinyang:
Let light be our guide towards victory
Whenever there's despair there's a darkness, whenever there's hope there's a light and it's up to us to bring in that light.

#77 gamerman_007


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Posted 27 May 2006 - 08:54 PM

In the anime and the manga IMO, naruhina is a low possibility. Since every single time they are together in the anime, they never grow closer. There is only one scene, after that the pairing stagnants and maybe even regresses.

Bunny: Sasuke, join me.
Sasuke: What will I receive if I join you?
Sasuke: Sweet! what do I do?
Orochimaru: Sssssssssssssaaaaaaasssssssssukkkkkkeeeeeee-kkkuuuuuunnnn!
Sasuke: oh f***

Sono nantomo ienai sekushii na oshiri wo ore no kokan ni okittensukete rizumu ni awasete kosurinasai = Back that ass up. :D

#78 DazeDreamer


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Posted 28 May 2006 - 03:02 AM

Wow. Lots of ppl sure like debating. Like meeeeee! Large warning:I'm very talkative and I always manage to put my speech into words. I also rant on and on and on and on. So this will be VERY long. Okay here it goes!

NaruSaku? Why? Sakura hates him right and besides she loves Sasuke right? Naruto's love is just a crush right, and plus doesn't Hinata love him? Well that's what most people say, like my friends. But in reality if you look at the couples more closely, you would see the truth of it all.

(The theme here: Nothing more nothing less)
SakuSasu= Well think about it. You'd have to really alter the feelings of Sasuke for him to spare a spark of interest for Sakura. The only good thing Sakura is good for, in Sasuke's eyes, is to restore his clan. That's it. Nothing more. Plus think about it. Sakura's supposed "love" is more of a school girl crush. Even when she said she really did love him, it really was sort of a lie. I think the true way Sakura sees Sasuke, is more of a you are a very very close friend to me and not only that, you're my teammate. I really like you. Nothing more, nothing less. It's the kind of love that two friends could share. But that's just it. They're only friends. Nothing more nothing less. There's also the whole Sasuke saying "Thank you." to Sakura when he left. But seriously what does that men really? My theory is that it meant: "Thank you for loving me even when I treated you like crap. Thank you for staying by me even when I pushed you aside. Thank you for taking care of me instead of hating me. Thank you for being my teammate. Thank you for being my friend." That's what I think he meant. Nothing more. Nothing less. Plus when Sakura supposedly was in love with him, she was only 12. Now when you're 12 (like me) you often have silly school crushes. At age 12 love is basically a game to most girls. (NOT ALL) Or like shopping. (I hate shopping) When you get a guy, you love him for a little way until you fall in love with another guy. And another. And another. You don't have an actual boyfriend until you're like 16+. Plus if you think about it Sakura was really chasing a dream right? The Sasuke she fell in "love" with was perfect. Well almost perfect. Sakura just smoothed out the flaws in her mind, until he was perfect. Nothing less. The true Sasuke, however, is a tortured soul, who's mind is corrupted. He's an avenger, a loner, and just a boy. No matter how old he is he will always be a boy. Nothing more nothing less. Sasuke doesn't care for anyone except himself. He used to be better as a kid, but after his clan died, everything fell apart. Now he's alone. Just like he always has. Sakura know this. Sakura know this well, but still she ignores it. She's blind yet not truly blind. She's deaf but not truly deaf. She tunes out whatever anyone says and just follows her "love" for Sasuke. But now...now she's stronger and now she knows better. She still loves Sasuke somewhere in her heart, but she's learning. She's learning that it isn't love. She's learning how to slowly let go. And this is a start. This is the first step to truly letting go and move on. Nothing more nothing less.

(The theme here: Just friends)
HinaNaru= Hinata...is very nice. She has a lot of... chances in love. But she never takes them. She's so in love with Naruto, that she doesn't see the others who love her. The same could go with Sakura. Except that Hinata isn't too obsessed. Anyway Hinata doesn't really have a chance with Naruto. Hinata's medical skills aren't needed because he can heal quickly with Kyubbi's chakra. Hinata is going through her more than a crush, less than love stage. The chances of it being mutual is slim. Very slim. Hinata is too shy for Naruto really. Plus Naruto doesn't show any signs of affection for her. He probably thinks of her as a friend. A good friend, but a friend nonetheless. Although some fans say "What about what happened in the chunnin exams huh?". Yeah well my response is: Naruto is just being...well Naruto. He cheered for Hinata because he just hated Neji-kun's arrogance bastardness. Plus he considered Hinata as a friend and to Naruto friends are as important and precious as all the money in the world and his dreams. Because he's never had friends before and before that all he had was his dream of being Hokage. So when Neji started to insult one of his friends, Naruto got pissed. So I could see HinaNaru as a friendship couple nothing romantic. Plus when Sasuke left, he needed someone who could comfort him or at least understand what he's going through. Sakura is able to do this because she was also close to Sasuke. Hinata can't really do anything to help Naruto. Plus she always blushes whenever he's around and if he makes any physical, she basically faints. They could never really have any romantic relationship without something going wrong. Not to mention the Hyugga clan is very strict about marriage and dating and all that stuff. I doubt that the Hyugga clan would let their heir date the so-called "Kyubbi container". Plus when it comes down to nothing, Hinata can't really do anything for Naruto. She could support him and all, but that's basically it. Because when you look at it Hinata and Naruto can only be friends in the end. Just friends.

(The theme: Everyone has been fragile in their lives and everyone of them could and can overcome it if they choose.)
SakuNaru: Ah the long awaited support. I can definitely rant about this. Most people are for this after the 2 and 1/2 year trip and I'm one too. But there's hints of NaruSaku even before Sasuke left. Sakura had cheered on Naruto when he fought Kiba-kun. Even when everybody thought he'd fail. Plus he had also cheered on Sakura when she fought Ino-chan. It was because of this that helped Sakura-chan tie with Ino. Now getting back to the couple in general. Sakura...Sakura is very fragile. She's like what her name says. She's like a cherry blossom. Fragile and beautiful. And like all fragile things, they need to be treated gently because if they aren't, they break. Naruto-kun had always treated her gently. Sasuke however, couldn't care less how he treated her. It was because of this that almost drove Sakura off the edge. It was because of this that caused Sakura to..break. Sasuke had pushed away Sakura since day 1. Why? Well most people think that the reason why is that he is a bastard. Actually he is quite the opposite...sorta. Like I said all fragile things needed to be treated gently, and Sasuke was treated anything but gently. You see everyone has been fragile in some part of their life. Even if it was for a little while, they are still fragile...And Sasuke was no exception He was always in the shadow of his ever-so-perfect brother. He idolized and hated him all at once. Then everyone had pressured Sasuke to be something no person is. Perfect. That was the first step in breaking him. Then when his clan was slaughtered it broke him. But that wasn't the end. He had become so obsessed with killing his brother that he left Kohana to get more powerful, while having the ever so controlling cursed seal, and he was trained by the psychotic Orochimaru. All at the young age of 12. This is what completely broke him. Still out of everyone,even Sasuke, Naruto probably had the hardest, harshest, cruelest, saddest, and most difficult life. The others had parents/relatives, and no matter how cruel some of them were, they still had parents. People who loved them, even if it was little love. Naruto didn't have that. He didn't have anything. No parents, no bloodline, no friends, and most importantly no love. Oh sure the hokage helped him, but was that really enough? Since the day he was born, Naruto had been shunned and hated. He was extremely fragile during his childhood. Everyone avoided him and abused him, for a reason that he didn't understand. He couldn't understand. But unlike Gaara, unlike everyone, he hadn't broken. He hadn't had a meltdown and went off the edge. No. He accepted things as they were and made the best of it. He did care about what the people said about him before, but after a while he realized something. As long as he was alive he could over come his fragility and become someone great. Despite what others said, he knew that he could and would be someone great. He had conquered his fragility. Sakura, however, was stilll a different story. Because she hadn't conquered her fragility, she needed someone to support her. She needed someone to hep her along the way and give her the strength she needed. Naruto was and is that person. When Sakura needs a shoulder to cry on, Naruto is always there. It was Naruto who cried out to help her in the chunin exams. He gave her some of that everlasting warmth he had for anyone and everyone to her. He promised to bring Sasuke even though it hurt him. Even though it broke his heart. He would do anything for her. Then after the 2 and 1/2 year training his love had matured even more....and so had Sakura's. Even if Naruto never said it out loud he knew somewhere deep deep down,he would never stop loving her. And just as Sakura knew she that she would never stop loving/liking Sasuke, she also knew that she's slowly moving on. Bit by bit her "love" for Sasuke was being replaced. Replaced by Naruto. The only person who ever truly loved her. That's why she has to find Sasuke. So that she could finally prove that her love was just a crush after all. To prove who she was really in love with. To prove that Sasuke would never love her. To prove that she had once and for all overcome her fragility
Hmm...This is the longest post I've ever done. Hmm..Do you guys think I could make this in to a fanfic? Anyway here's some proof of NaruSaku:

Click For Spoiler
Sakura cried for him when she found out about Kyuubi.

Sai said that Sakura was gentle with Naruto.

And Yamato says "It's not a problem ofsmall or big...What's important is the strength of the feelings you have of Naruto. (Sakura at this point is just shocked and says "...") Heh. Sakura...I can tell by looking at you. In reality you..." This means that he was saying that Sakura is in love with Naruto.

Sakura ran towards to stop Naruto, who was in his 4-tail satge, even though he could hurt her.

Phew. That's a whooole lot! Anyway Oyasumi!
I only ask for you to notice me.

(゚、 。 7  ~Meow :3 (Hey there pretty little kitty.)
 l、 ~ヽ
 じしf_, )ノ

#79 Danni



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Posted 29 May 2006 - 11:59 PM

QUOTE (gamerman_007 @ May 13 2006, 10:02 PM)
True, many say sakura truly loves sasuke, i dont know about that. Sakura only knew sasuke through what the fanclub told her. SO she's in love with that image she has created of sasuke. SO all that needs to happen is for something to shatter that image. Examples could be:
1) Sasuke brutally attacks naruto
2) Sasuke attacks her
3) Sakura sees the real sasuke, and realizes that the sasuke she loved was non-existant.

If sasusaku had a chance, this sceanrio will kill it, then beat it 6 feet under, then whip it senseless.

I pray to the good God, kishimoto will make this happen.

and also cause
1.sakura only fell for sasuke cause he was the cooles person
2.he was a myster( i thank i spelles it right)
3.she even confess to sasuke that she would through her whole life to be w/ him.(and sasuke walks away, and tells her thank you, and knocks her out.)

I be there in 2 months YAAY!

#80 Hopestar


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Posted 30 May 2006 - 12:58 PM

QUOTE (NaruSaku fan @ May 27 2006, 10:02 PM)
Wow. Lots of ppl sure like debating. Like meeeeee! Large warning:I'm very talkative and I always manage to put my speech into words. I also rant on and on and on and on. So this will be VERY long.  Okay here it goes!

NaruSaku? Why? Sakura hates him right and besides she loves Sasuke right? Naruto's love is just a crush right, and plus doesn't Hinata love him? Well that's what most people say, like my friends. But in reality if you look at the couples more closely, you would see the truth of it all.

(The theme here: Nothing more nothing less)
SakuSasu= Well think about it. You'd have to really alter the feelings of Sasuke for him to spare a spark of interest for Sakura. The only good thing Sakura is good for, in Sasuke's eyes, is to restore his clan. That's it. Nothing more. Plus think about it. Sakura's supposed "love" is more of a school girl crush. Even when she said she really did love him, it really was sort of a lie. I think the true way Sakura sees Sasuke, is more of a you are a very very close friend to me and not only that, you're my teammate. I really like you. Nothing more, nothing less. It's the kind of love that two friends could share. But that's just it. They're only friends. Nothing more nothing less. There's also the whole Sasuke saying "Thank you." to Sakura when he left. But seriously what does that men really? My theory is that it meant: "Thank you for loving me even when I treated you like crap. Thank you for staying by me even when I pushed you aside. Thank you for taking care of me instead of hating me. Thank you for being my teammate. Thank you for being my friend." That's what I think he meant. Nothing more. Nothing less. Plus when Sakura supposedly was in love with him, she was only 12. Now when you're 12 (like me) you often have silly school crushes. At age 12 love is basically a game to most girls. (NOT ALL) Or like shopping. (I hate shopping) When you get a guy, you  love him for a little way until you fall in love with another guy. And another. And another. You don't have an actual boyfriend until you're like 16+. Plus if you think about it Sakura was really chasing a dream right? The Sasuke she fell in "love" with was perfect. Well almost perfect. Sakura just smoothed out the flaws in her mind, until he was perfect. Nothing less. The true Sasuke, however, is a tortured soul, who's mind is corrupted. He's an avenger, a loner, and just a boy. No matter how old he is he will always be a boy. Nothing more nothing less. Sasuke doesn't care for anyone except himself. He used to be better as a kid, but after his clan died, everything fell apart. Now he's alone. Just like he always has. Sakura know this. Sakura know this well, but still she ignores it. She's blind yet not truly blind. She's deaf but not truly deaf. She tunes out whatever anyone says and just follows her "love" for Sasuke. But now...now she's stronger and now she knows better. She still loves Sasuke somewhere in her heart, but she's learning. She's learning that it isn't love. She's learning how to slowly let go. And this is a start. This is the first step to truly letting go and move on. Nothing more nothing less.

(The theme here: Just friends)
HinaNaru= Hinata...is very nice. She has a lot of... chances in love. But she never takes them. She's so in love with Naruto, that she doesn't see the others who love her. The same could go with Sakura. Except that Hinata isn't too obsessed. Anyway Hinata doesn't really have a chance with Naruto. Hinata's medical skills aren't needed because he can heal quickly with Kyubbi's chakra. Hinata is going through her more than a crush, less than love stage. The chances of it being mutual is slim. Very slim. Hinata is too shy for Naruto really. Plus Naruto doesn't show any signs of affection for her. He probably thinks of her as a friend. A good friend, but a friend nonetheless. Although some fans say "What about what happened in the chunnin exams huh?". Yeah well my response is: Naruto is just being...well Naruto. He cheered for Hinata because he just hated Neji-kun's arrogance bastardness. Plus he considered Hinata as a friend and to Naruto friends are as important and precious as all the money in the world and his dreams. Because he's never had friends before and before that all he had was his dream of being Hokage. So when Neji started to insult one of his friends, Naruto got pissed. So I could see HinaNaru as a friendship couple nothing romantic. Plus when Sasuke left, he needed someone who could comfort him or at least understand what he's going through. Sakura is able to do this because she was also close to Sasuke. Hinata can't really do anything to help Naruto. Plus she always blushes whenever he's around and if he makes any physical, she basically faints. They could never really have any romantic relationship without something going wrong. Not to mention the Hyugga clan is very strict about marriage and dating and all that stuff. I doubt that the Hyugga clan would let their heir date the so-called "Kyubbi container". Plus when it comes down to nothing, Hinata can't really do anything for Naruto. She could support him and all, but that's basically it. Because when you look at it Hinata and Naruto can only be friends in the end. Just friends.

(The theme: Everyone has been fragile in their lives and everyone of them could and can overcome it if they choose.)
SakuNaru: Ah the long awaited support. I can definitely rant about this. Most people are for this after the 2 and 1/2 year trip and I'm one too. But there's hints of NaruSaku even before Sasuke left. Sakura had cheered on Naruto when he fought Kiba-kun. Even when everybody thought he'd fail. Plus he had also cheered on Sakura when she fought Ino-chan. It was because of this that helped Sakura-chan tie with Ino. Now getting back to the couple in general. Sakura...Sakura is very fragile. She's like what her name says. She's like a cherry blossom. Fragile and beautiful. And like all fragile things, they need to be treated gently because if they aren't, they break. Naruto-kun had always treated her gently. Sasuke however, couldn't care less how he treated her. It was because of this that almost drove Sakura off the edge. It was because of this that caused Sakura to..break. Sasuke had pushed away Sakura since day 1. Why? Well most people think that the reason why is that he is a bastard. Actually he is quite the opposite...sorta. Like I said all fragile things needed to be treated gently, and Sasuke was treated anything but gently. You see everyone has been fragile in some part of their life. Even if it was for a little while, they are still fragile...And Sasuke was no exception  He was always in the shadow of his ever-so-perfect brother. He idolized and hated him all at once. Then everyone had pressured Sasuke to be something no person is. Perfect. That was the first step in breaking him. Then when his clan was slaughtered it broke him. But that wasn't the end. He had become so obsessed with killing his brother that he left Kohana to get more powerful, while having the ever so controlling cursed seal, and he was trained by the psychotic  Orochimaru. All at the young age of 12. This is what completely broke him. Still out of everyone,even Sasuke, Naruto probably had the hardest, harshest, cruelest, saddest, and most difficult life. The others had parents/relatives, and no matter how cruel some of them were, they still had parents. People who loved them, even if it was little love. Naruto didn't have that. He didn't have anything. No parents, no bloodline, no friends, and most importantly no love. Oh sure the hokage helped him, but was that really enough? Since the day he was born, Naruto had been shunned and hated. He was extremely fragile during his childhood. Everyone avoided him and abused him, for a reason that he didn't understand. He couldn't understand. But unlike Gaara, unlike everyone, he hadn't broken. He hadn't had a meltdown and went off the edge. No. He accepted things as they were and made the best of it. He did care about what the people said about him before, but after a while he realized something. As long as he was alive he could over come his fragility and become someone great. Despite what others said, he knew that he could and would be someone great. He had conquered his fragility. Sakura, however, was stilll a different story. Because she hadn't conquered her fragility, she needed someone to support her. She needed someone to hep her along the way and give her the strength she needed. Naruto was and is that person. When Sakura needs a shoulder to cry on, Naruto is always there. It was Naruto who cried out to help her in the chunin exams. He gave her some of that everlasting warmth he had for anyone and everyone to her. He promised to bring Sasuke even though it hurt him. Even though it broke his heart. He would do anything for her. Then after the 2 and 1/2 year training his love had matured even more....and so had Sakura's. Even if Naruto never said it out loud he knew somewhere deep deep down,he would never stop loving her. And just as Sakura knew she that she would never stop loving/liking Sasuke, she also knew that she's slowly moving on. Bit by bit her "love" for Sasuke was being replaced. Replaced by Naruto. The only person who ever truly loved her. That's why she has to find Sasuke. So that she could finally prove that her love was just a crush after all. To prove who she was really in love with. To prove that Sasuke would never love her. To prove that she had once and for all overcome her fragility
Hmm...This is the longest post I've ever done. Hmm..Do you guys think I could make this in to a fanfic? Anyway here's some proof of NaruSaku:

Click For Spoiler
Sakura cried for him when she found out about Kyuubi.

Sai said that Sakura was gentle with Naruto.

And Yamato says "It's not a problem ofsmall or big...What's important is the strength of the feelings you have of Naruto. (Sakura at this point is just shocked and says "...") Heh. Sakura...I can tell by looking at you. In reality you..." This means that he was saying that Sakura is in love with Naruto.

Sakura ran towards to stop Naruto, who was in his 4-tail satge, even though he could hurt her. 

Phew. That's a whooole lot! Anyway Oyasumi!

Said it like it is girl. I agree with you on that because even both amine & manga holds the basic true upon these three debatable couples. Practially nowdays SasuSaku & NaruHina fans had team up to prove there's any chance of their favorite couple will happen (despite the false hints) and bash NaruSaku because either they're in dential or realize the truth and do not want to accept it.

Click For Spoiler
The only way people are obsess of NaruHina are due to the chunnin exam arc & the fillers (which they don't count for anything). Sure Hinata can that someone who would show love, kindness, & harmony towards Naruto and maybe come out as the perfect wife. However for NaruHina to truly happen Kishi would have to do something out of the ordinary. Meaning she should play higher role in part 2 because she fail that in part 1. For Naruto to quickly rid of his feelings for Sakura & realizes its truly Hinata would be weird once you think about it, since throughout his life he had two major priorities 'To become Hokage & Make Sakura happy no matter what'. I doupt he'll drop it like that, the lack of interaction isn't helping that's why some people like myself can see more towards Sakura since she has the advantage.

For those still into SasuSaku well no need to point out too much since it has been explain by enough people. As long as Sasuke remains driven for vengence over Itachi, this couple has no hope to be. Hell he almost tried to kill Sakura if it hadn't been for Yamato. Even if Sasuke found some way to redeem himself & return to the hidden leaf, won't mean that anyone would immediately trust him again (even Naruto, Sakura, & Kakashi deep down inside). Then Sakura would have to revert to 'the loving Sasuke fan' except she'lll be more mature about it. Still that could put her charater development down the drain. I remember someone had once said that Sasuke may no longer need to be part of Team 7, because after the timeskip Naruto & Sakura had found a way to fill in that void left by Sasuke. Sakura has med-jutsu & super strength, Kakashi has the sharigan & his enhance jutsu, and Naruto has the kyuubi & his own high charka power & many multiple advance jutsu. And where does Sasuke could possibly fit-in. People SasuSaku are nothing but an deserate couple people wants to be that contains nothingness in the end.

Meanwhile NaruSaku have the greatest chance of happen with the amount of hints pointed out in both manga & amine despite the NaruSakuSasu triangle. However I'll admit I didn't see them possiibly happen until I read part 2 then read some of part 1 then caught on because there is several things that Sakura have done towards Naruto that she doesn't for Sasuke. She blushes around Naruto more then one occasion, they both cheer for each other heartly like when naruto was able to help her during her situation with Ino (something that Sasuke wouldn't bother to help out I bet) then Sakura realize how wrong she was towards Naruto during his match with Kiba & Neji. She had even found she can depend on him because he had made lifetime promise he'll retrieve Sasuke and she promise they'll do it together. After the timeskip, the two are more like in personality and become closer to the point where it's pefectly mutual. Naruto's feelings for Sakura had mature but at default remains belief of Sakura's love for Sasuke. While Sakura becomes closer to Naruto has her feelings for Sasuke happens to be slowly replace by Naruto. NaruSaku has potential it's just the point when, where, & time would they be.

Let light be our guide towards victory
Whenever there's despair there's a darkness, whenever there's hope there's a light and it's up to us to bring in that light.

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