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Fanfiction Hates

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#61 desaix


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Posted 22 April 2006 - 03:43 AM

Just a couple comments defending the writers in one entry...

QUOTE (Mira @ Apr 21 2006, 06:36 PM)
Aaah, FanFiction.net Hates. Where to start... where to start...


5. "Hi! I'm your friendly neighborhood, Kyuubi.": You can try to convince me that the Kyuubi isn't a bloodthirty hateful demon who was justified in attempting to destory a village full of innocent people like Iruka's Parents but you'll fail miserably. Sure, it might be original but I don't see the point. The Kyuubi really isn't a source of power for Naruto as shown in the manga. It's poisonous burden to his body and the only reason why he was able to stand it was his chakra. I can't understand how the Kyuubi would be able to talk to Naruto through a seal that the Yondaime, a man who was considered to be a GENIUS, had created. Also, why the hell should Naruto get along with something that would be a hindrance to his dream as Hokage, has tried to kill him, and is the reason why all the villagers hate him?

Hmm... I'll add some more later when I get the time.

Well, Naruto DOES talk to the kyuubi in the canon manga\anime. As far as the kyuubi 'isn't a bloodthirsty hateful demon...' bit, well... no, I think most people aren't trying to do that in their fanfics. When I see it, I think of it more as 'kyuubi is a wild animal that has killed humans... but has, over fifteen years, been tamed.' Wolves, even wolves which have killed animals, can be tamed -- I wouldn't trust even a tame wolf, but it can become 'pet-like.' And I can see this without it being explicitly written. Now, if you can point out to me a fanfic where kyuubi was a nice guy back when he launched an attack on Konoha (and where said attack was unprovoked), I'll accept your point, but a decade trapped inside an idealistic boy can certainly change a fellow.

I would like to point out that the kyuubi is the 'hero' of the mythology from its origins (or perhaps anti-hero is a good word. The closest comparison I can think of from Western literature is the comic book Lobo, where the 'hero' is definitely not a villain, but has been known to slaughter an entire planet or two in a drunken rage just because he was bored), and so I could easily see it being so again. In fact, from the legend, it sounds fairly plausible that Orochimaru provoked the attack from the kyuubi, himself, and so the assault that killed Iruka's parents could have been justified... to the same extent that you can justify innocents killed in any war between two great enemies.

I suppose arguing against 'fanfiction hates' is a pointless gesture, since it is a matter of opinion, but this is certainly a case, IMO, where a certain point of view could change a 'hate' into a 'matter of personal taste.'

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#62 Vespar



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Posted 22 April 2006 - 05:11 AM

I got to agree with you on that desiax, though my reasoning is albeit different. In my opinion, we haven't seen enough of Kyuubi to really justify what sort of character he is. Sure we can draw from the facts, but these facts are really second-hand experiences from the cast and not from Kyuubi's side of things.

Though, I do have a pet peeve that's similar to what Mira has said. When someone writes a Kyuubi's voice without it really being justified -except a quick write-off that it's possible. I usually can see this as an indication that a fic will meet an early demise, because usually the author hasn't really thunk through the reason they are writing it.

Here's a new pet peeve though...
How about a story about a boy and a girl (or boy if you're into that but it's more obvious in this sense), a friendship growing into something else, the trials and tribulations that go through with it and how love conquers all?
Then you realise,
To put it eloquently.
Click For Spoiler

Or rather more politely; '...There's some adult situations here that seem to be out of place in a 12 year old setting.'

#63 Darts



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Posted 22 April 2006 - 05:31 AM

Underage sex and alcohol binge drinking ! Yes indeed, thank god they're 15-16 after the timeskip 'cause that would be the age around which teenagers realise it's time to put all those Barbie and Ken lessons into practice.

As much as some ppl wouldn't want them to engage in intercourse before 18 (or marriage), real life is a bit different, in a good way (mostly). It might as well happen in fanfiction too.

I just hope ppl stop begging to make the girl pregnant everytime there's a lemon.

After all, they could have a "Next morning soldier pill jutsu"

HA !

#64 Mira


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Posted 22 April 2006 - 01:59 PM

QUOTE (desaix @ Apr 21 2006, 08:43 PM)
Just a couple comments defending the writers in one entry...

Well, Naruto DOES talk to the kyuubi in the canon manga\anime.  As far as the kyuubi 'isn't a bloodthirsty hateful demon...' bit, well... no, I think most people aren't trying to do that in their fanfics.  When I see it, I think of it more as 'kyuubi is a wild animal that has killed humans... but has, over fifteen years, been tamed.'  Wolves, even wolves which have killed animals, can be tamed -- I wouldn't trust even a tame wolf, but it can become 'pet-like.'  And I can see this without it being explicitly written.  Now, if you can point out to me a fanfic where kyuubi was a nice guy back when he launched an attack on Konoha (and where said attack was unprovoked), I'll accept your point, but a decade trapped inside an idealistic boy can certainly change a fellow.

I would like to point out that the kyuubi is the 'hero' of the mythology from its origins (or perhaps anti-hero is a good word.  The closest comparison I can think of from Western literature is the comic book Lobo, where the 'hero' is definitely not a villain, but has been known to slaughter an entire planet or two in a drunken rage just because he was bored), and so I could easily see it being so again.  In fact, from the legend, it sounds fairly plausible that Orochimaru provoked the attack from the kyuubi, himself, and so the assault that killed Iruka's parents could have been justified... to the same extent that you can justify innocents killed in any war between two great enemies.

I suppose arguing against 'fanfiction hates' is a pointless gesture, since it is a matter of opinion, but this is certainly a case, IMO, where a certain point of view could change a 'hate' into a 'matter of personal taste.'

I'm merely referring to the fanfics where Naruto can somehow talk to Kyuubi while conscious in the real world whenever he wants. I can see them communicating in situations similar to the scene where he was attempting summoning but that's about it. It was also during that scene where Kyuubi attempted to harm Naruto. He's thirteen during that age so I doubt three extra years is any more help than thirteen.

I should probably be more specific about my pet peeves. Kyuubi speaks to Naruto in bold letters whenever he wants yet the author doesn't give any explanation as to how this is possible. Kyuubi starts training Naruto at a young age and the author tries to get Naruto to look "youkai"-ish as possible. This usually spews several unoriginal techniques created by the author. "It's a form of defense similar to Gaara EXCEPT IT'S LAVA INSTEAD OF SAND!!!11!1!1!!!" This also invokes an UBER-POWERFUL Naruto, who acts all bad-ass.

I'll agree however about how Kyuubi MIGHT have a reasonable explanation for attacking Konoha. (Only due to the fact that we really don't know much about why he attacked.) However, He killed innocents; this doesn't justify innocent people's deaths. Of course, he already served 16 years in jail. I'm willing to let him off the hook if it DOES turn out he had a good reason for his actions.

#65 wingsover


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Posted 22 April 2006 - 07:45 PM

Preach it, sistah. (and/or brotha)

Re: the Mask thing. Agreed that I hate it when Naruto is turned into a Sasuke clone - we already have too many angst-bunnies running around - but I do think that Naruto in canon is hiding much of his real thoughts and feelings. You can't tell me that someone with that kind of background doesn't want sometimes just to be HUGGED. At the very least. And I can so easily imagine a situation where Naruto decides that it's better to pretend to be an idiot.

That said, I HATE Wangst!Secret-Tragedy!Uke!No One Understands Me! Naruto, who is suicidal/emo/cutter and the writers refer to 'his mask' as regularly as clockwork and as if it were a PHYSICAL THING he could put on. I actually read one where Naruto "put on his mask, so no one could see his deep inner pain" and it took me five minutes to figure out the writer hadn't meant he had actually put something on his face.

Oh yes, and I also hate summaries with a "Best _______ you'll ever read. My friends told me so!" as an enticement.

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#66 MonkeysTotallyRock


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Posted 23 April 2006 - 11:47 PM

QUOTE (StarlightAngel @ Mar 25 2006, 10:50 PM)
I hate it how fan boys make more of Hinata then they hsould be, because of the a few people here in narusaku *stare*
are picking on her, when she herself has done nothing wrong!

Hinata has nothign to do with them! so back off guys *glare* anyways that what I hate, I ma fan of Hinata but Even I know shes not some godess or something.....if only everyone else can say the same thing then there should be more fanfictions that are belivable and worth reading *sigh*

EXACTLY! :thumbs: seriously! hinata's my favorite girl! just cuz narusaku's good doesn't mean naruhina isn't good, too... hinata's cool! anyways, i hate hinata bashers, and... i hate random thigns which have nothing but lemon, you know. no story, nothing.

whup, forgot one. i hate yoais and yuuris.

#67 wingsover


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Posted 24 April 2006 - 01:37 AM

Because I hate with the fire of a thousand suns, I return with more ranting.

1) I love Naruto. SO, when I read a fic, I don't want it to have Naruto uber-powered and acting like Sasuke. Naruto is NOT a cold-hearted emotionless super-genius. It's not the overpoweredness I mind, nor the intimation that Naruto may have a mind. I could argue that he's shown time and time again that he is actually intelligent (well-hidden beneath layers of hyperactiveness) and powerful. BUT he is also a happy, cheerful, loud personality. It's more fun to read him acting like himself, and dealing with powers.

2) Naruto's new uber-powers ripped off from other characters/shows. While it's cool to read 'Naruto is really an Uchiha/Hyuuga/related to Haku' if DONE WELL, Naruto just up and developing powers for no reason pisses me off. Give it backstory, AT LEAST.

3) Aside from not liking SasuSaku anyway, I hate the fact that a lot of SasuSaku fics DON'T SEEM TO ACTUALLY INVOLVE SASUKE AND SAKURA. They're replaced with 'people' (if the term applies) who share the same name BUT NONE OF THE DEFINING CHARACTERISTICS. If you're writing a SasuSaku, don't have Sakura and Sasuke squabbling and having a love/hate relationship. SAKURA DOESN'T ACT LIKE THAT AROUND SASUKE. She acts like that around NARUTO, why not just write NaruSaku?

I hate it when everyone turns perfect, especially in coupledom. You know what I mean: Hinata no longer stutters and teases her adoring, yet sensitive husband Naruto. A well-adjusted Sasuke smiles at his confident, self-sufficient wife Sakura. Neji BABYSITS THE KIDS.

No. Just...no.

Also, that goes for the whole get-together scene. With the smallest amount of provocation, and usually massively out-of-character, someone spills the I LUB YOU on their object of affection. They accept. And from that moment on, they are perfect boyfriend and girlfriend, until the wedding. Sensitive, supportive, sweet.


Not that I want the soap operas that American television perpetuates, either. We do NOT NEED an orgy of cheating, broken hearts, crying, vengeance sworn and taken, and bastard children of dead parents. No. That is also a peeve of mine.

But couldn't we just keep their personalities - flaws and all - intact? Neji will, in case it ever dawns on him not to live his life alone and bitter, still be cool and uncommunicative. Naruto will be loud and untactful. Sasuke IS A MENTALLY DISTURBED TRAITOR, and will not come back to roses, white picket fences and a fully-healed psyche.

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#68 Sheryl Nome

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Posted 24 April 2006 - 02:43 AM

I don't like OCs who do everything right, are loved by everbody, are the strongest ninjas in the village.(a.k.a. Mary-sues). Those bloodlines that overpower everything else are annoying too.
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#69 MonkeysTotallyRock


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Posted 24 April 2006 - 11:12 PM

QUOTE (Kana Kaori @ Apr 23 2006, 06:43 PM)
I don't like  OCs who do everything right, are loved by everbody, are the strongest ninjas in the village.(a.k.a. Mary-sues). Those bloodlines that overpower everything else are annoying too.

we'll all just pretend my fanfic isn't a marry sue... sweatdrop.gif
but yeah...

#70 PeacefulPhoenix



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Posted 25 April 2006 - 01:57 AM

QUOTE (Mira @ Apr 21 2006, 09:49 PM)
9. Mary Sue/Gary Stu: There are no words than can express how much I HATE these types of OOC.

10. "Eet r mai fUrSt fanfic plz b3 nice 2 me!!!! NO FLAMEZ! r&r a lot!!!!!!1!!!11!1!! Eef eye dun got 10 rEvIeWs eye weel n0t rite anymore!":  ...th_cussing.gif

okay, one, WTF DOES THAT MEAN?!?!?!

and 2, i can understand the stupid OC thig, but in some cases, the OC will be a semi Mary-sue, but the authors try to change that imeditly, and then make the story worse. If u already wrote the horrible dribble, it's to late, your screwed.

And i've read a caouple fics witch used OC's to help the story along,and still maintained that level of "It's great and it aint screwed up yet" and a cliff hanger type thing, and every time i read a new chap, i try ReALLY hard to to throw my computer across the world, just like the manga.

and then, this author used L33t SPEAK IN A FIC. it was like OMG TEH (insert persons name) IS TEH R O X O R Z ! ! 1 !! MARRY ME! you sohuld have seen the flames she got, and then she used the this is my first fic excuse, but guess what, i searched her acount up, and she ahd 4 completed fics out, all equay crappy. I HATE THOSE PEOPLE WHO USE THAT EXCUSE!

#71 MonkeysTotallyRock


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Posted 25 April 2006 - 02:43 AM

QUOTE (Won-Ton @ Apr 24 2006, 05:57 PM)
QUOTE (Mira @ Apr 21 2006, 09:49 PM)
9. Mary Sue/Gary Stu: There are no words than can express how much I HATE these types of OOC.

10. "Eet r mai fUrSt fanfic plz b3 nice 2 me!!!! NO FLAMEZ! r&r a lot!!!!!!1!!!11!1!! Eef eye dun got 10 rEvIeWs eye weel n0t rite anymore!":  ...th_cussing.gif

okay, one, WTF DOES THAT MEAN?!?!?!

and 2, i can understand the stupid OC thig, but in some cases, the OC will be a semi Mary-sue, but the authors try to change that imeditly, and then make the story worse. If u already wrote the horrible dribble, it's to late, your screwed.

And i've read a caouple fics witch used OC's to help the story along,and still maintained that level of "It's great and it aint screwed up yet" and a cliff hanger type thing, and every time i read a new chap, i try ReALLY hard to to throw my computer across the world, just like the manga.

and then, this author used L33t SPEAK IN A FIC. it was like OMG TEH (insert persons name) IS TEH R O X O R Z ! ! 1 !! MARRY ME! you sohuld have seen the flames she got, and then she used the this is my first fic excuse, but guess what, i searched her acount up, and she ahd 4 completed fics out, all equay crappy. I HATE THOSE PEOPLE WHO USE THAT EXCUSE!

*sigh* well, it really is my first fic... i started another one before i finished this first one, but the excuse is still usable, right? oh, my account on ff.net is the same -- MonkeysTotallyRock. Why? because MonkeysTotallyRock! B)

#72 PeacefulPhoenix



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Posted 26 April 2006 - 11:59 PM


oh, and that quote was very unnessacary there!

#73 Guest_jtl889_*

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Posted 27 April 2006 - 01:16 AM

my biggest pet peeve about fanfiction is just the fact that ppl make stuff up that's always too melodramatic most of the time. a lot of the narusaku fanfics i go thru on fanfiction.net always seem like a soap opera or the OC or something, which i hate.

#74 Makie


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Posted 27 April 2006 - 01:20 AM

...um...okay...just so I may add a few words here...uh...may I?

QUOTE(StarlightAngel @ Mar 25 2006, 10:50 PM)
I hate it how fan boys make more of Hinata then they hsould be, because of the a
few people here in narusaku *stare*
are picking on her, when she herself has done nothing wrong!

Hinata has nothign to do with them! so back off guys *glare* anyways that what I hate, I ma fan of Hinata but Even I know shes not some godess or something.....if only everyone else can say the same thing then there should be more fanfictions that are belivable and worth reading *sigh*

There are few things I agree with more.

Far too many fanfiction authors (if they are even worthy of it th_cussing.gif) have twisted the character Hyuga Hinata in such a manner that the very name of her no longer defines who she truly is anymore; her essence has been lost in the great numbers of fanfiction, and there are only a handful of writers (sorry if I offended anyone about this) who have actually written her character even close to how she really is.

Because of this, too many fellow NaruSaku fans out here (I'm not one of them, but I do actually find the NaruSaku pairing acceptable to some level) have a vendetta against the name Hyuga Hinata when it shouldn't be so, and what makes me lose my temper about this is the fact that it is a misunderstanding (I'm not mad at them for hating my favorite character, but this flame war between the NaruHina and NaruSaku FCs still infuriates me to no end) and that who they SHOULD be directing their hatred towards are those DAMN HINATARDS.

*throws a 5000 MegaWatt glare at the Hinatards* *goes back in time to the day when the Naruto manga was first published* *stands over Hinata protectively* I SHALT DEFEND THE PURITY OF THE CHARACTER HYUGA HINATA...ALL HINATARDS WILL DIE...*holds up deadly scythe* FEAR ME

If anyone here agrees, we can form an Anti-Hinatard shrine dedicated to the true nature of Hyuga Hinata. NaruSaku fans and true Hinata fans, UNITE! a_dance.gif (okay...enough with that insanity of mine. )

I hate it when everyone turns perfect, especially in coupledom. You know what I mean: Hinata no longer stutters and teases her adoring, yet sensitive husband Naruto. A well-adjusted Sasuke smiles at his confident, self-sufficient wife Sakura. Neji BABYSITS THE KIDS.

No. Just...no.

Also, that goes for the whole get-together scene. With the smallest amount of provocation, and usually massively out-of-character, someone spills the I LUB YOU on their object of affection. They accept. And from that moment on, they are perfect boyfriend and girlfriend, until the wedding. Sensitive, supportive, sweet.


Just to say this: people like them write to please themselves :rolleyes:.

And to add to all of this...one way to turn me into a living Hydrogen bomb of Wrath is to leave the following summary:

"OMG, _______ is the geek of the school , and _______ is the most popular guy, etc. and did you know? They hate each other!"

Typically, the name in the first blank is Sakura, though it isn't Sakura that I'm peeved at when I see this, and 70 percent of the time the name of Sasuke shows up in the second blank. *trembles in anger*

So...to those who are fond of writing such abominations:

I know that it may seem tempting to post something like that in somebody else's face, but DON'T POST SOMETHING LIKE THAT IN FRONT OF ME...

Aye...just had to say that.



#75 Dash



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Posted 27 April 2006 - 01:59 AM

Guess I share a lot of the same hates...

Maybe it's me, but when I read a fanfic, I expect the story to take place in the actual world the manga/anime takes place in. Naruto fics should involve ninja and Konoha, One Piece fics should involve pirates and the Grand Line, Bleach needs Shinigami and Hollows. I can't imagine why I would want to read about Naruto and company hanging out in high school or some twisted real-life situations; taking the characters out of their element means its not really 'Naruto'.

Along the same lines, I like reading fanfics because it's interesting to read other stories about the characters I like. Authors that completely butcher a character or write them completely OOC or simply use their story as a forum for bashing a character seriously annoy me. Sasuke suddenly becoming all mushy and remorseful is completely out of character, yet it seems like every other SasuSaku fic portrays him as some hopeless romantic at heart. Hinata somehow switching personalities with Sakura and becoming comfortable and loose around Naruto...And Sakura wasn't the nicest person to Naruto at first, but several writers apparently enjoy making her the evil she-witch of their story despite the most recent chapters.

And my biggest problem: plot. Seriously, the story can be an epic, it can be a thousand word one-shot, it can even involve only minor characters or OCs...if the writing and story doesn't flow or make sense or seems broken, then what's the point? I like NaruSaku fics, however I don't mind reading fics with other pairings. But too many of them push together their characters with no reasons for a relationship. I'm not expecting a huge prologue with the characters' lovelife history, but if you have Sai x Sakura or Itachi x Sakura or Naruto x TenTen or even Sasuke x Sakura and Naruto x Sakura, it's always nice to know or see how their relationship developed. I hate reading Sakura say "I love you, Sasuke-kun" and Sasuke replying from out of nowhere "I love you, too" and then suddenly, they're a couple...

#76 MonkeysTotallyRock


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Posted 27 April 2006 - 11:18 PM

okay, i fixed my post. sorry, didn't know about that rule thingy. anyways, yeah, hinata isn't really that bad as the ff authors make her out to be. i agree with... i forgot who said that. anyways, it's just a lack of confidence. you'll find a lot of people who say sakura is completely useless (not me) because she does nothing during the missions. it's not as bad as they say -- they exaggerate a lot, you know, so yeah.

#77 ABrokenRomeo



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Posted 28 April 2006 - 12:36 PM

I hate stories where the relationship just sorta comes out of no where, its like "Hey..." "Hey...." "I like Ramen...." "I like ______...." "Lets Get Married!" "Okay!"

Although, I do have love for stories where Kyuubi takes an actual believable presence in Naruto's life. I prefer him to be a reluctant tutor who still takes Jabs at Naruto when he gets the chance.
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#78 Guest_shirafuji_*

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Posted 28 April 2006 - 01:47 PM

I'm actually quite fine with Original Characters, and slight harmless self inserts.

However, once these original Character and self inserts gain an uber bloodline (eg:which allows them to suck souls), a oddly colored bloodline (eg: OMFG!!! orange Sharingan which makes Itachi's seem like a those of a dead goldfish), a impossible romatic relationship with a main character or a demon sealed within them, it becomes unacceptable.

I also dislike lack of punctuation, L337 speak and script and retards who don't review but flame via msn.

#79 Nick Soapdish

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Posted 28 April 2006 - 04:23 PM

QUOTE (Makie @ Apr 26 2006, 09:20 PM)
Far too many fanfiction authors (if they are even worthy of it  th_cussing.gif) have twisted the character Hyuga Hinata in such a manner that the very name of her no longer defines who she truly is anymore; her essence has been lost in the great numbers of fanfiction, and there are only a handful of writers (sorry if I offended anyone about this) who have actually written her character even close to how she really is.

She gets just as much abuse in the NaruHina fics ... at least the ones that I've read inadvertently before realizing how they'd turn out.

She has all the problems accented by the anime (stuttering, fainting, stalking) and compounded again.

Maybe that's the fics that you were talking about even. Most of the NaruSaku fics (again, just the ones that I've read) don't really play her up that much.

#80 MonkeysTotallyRock


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Posted 28 April 2006 - 11:04 PM

yeah, many stories are too choppy... they skip scenes too much, and are too fast paced. but i think the main problem is unintentionally making the characters OC. that ruins the whole story, unless the author does it on purpose, in which case it helps. that's the hard thing about ff writing, because it's really hard to make the characters IC all the time, and authors go into a personal want of what the characters should do, versus what they would do.

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